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This list is presented with the hope that any future worker who may be about to undertake the labor involved in obtaining a large mass of human brain weight statistics will at least consider the points raised.

It gives me pleasure to acknowledge my indebtedness to the Carnegie Institution for aid in carrying on this and other biometric investigations.


Beeton, M. and Pearson, K. :01.

Inheritance of the Duration of Life and the Intensity of Natural Selection in Man. Biometrika, Vol. 1, pp. 50-89. 1901.

Bischoff, T. L. W. v. '80.

Das Hirngewicht des Menschen. Bonn, 1880, pp. vi and 171, plus Tables. Deniker, :00.

The Races of Man. London and New York, 1900, pp. xxiii and 611. Fawcett, C. D. :02.

A Second Study of the Variation and Correlation of the Human Skull, with Special Reference to the Naqada Crania. Biometrika, Vol. I, pp. 408-467 Pl. IV-X, Tables 1-8, 1902.

Greenwood, M. :04.

A First Study of the Weight, Variability and Correlation of the Human
Viscera, with Special Reference to the Healthy and Diseased Heart.
Biometrika, Vol. III, pp. 63-83, 1904.

Lee, A. and Pearson, K. :01.

Data for the Problem of Evolution in Man. VI. A First Study of the
Correlation of the Human Skull. Phil. Trans. A. Vol. 196, pp. 225-264.


Macdonell, W. R. :04.

A Study of the Variation and Correlation of the Human Skull, with Special
Reference to English Crania. Biometrika, Vol. III, pp. 191-244, Pl. I-L,
Tables 1-8, 1904.

Marchand, :02.

Ueber das Hirngewicht des Menschen.

Abhandl. d. math.-phys. Cl. d.

Königl. Sächs. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. Bd. XXVII, No. IV, pp. 393-482.


Matiegka, H, :03.

Ueber das Hirngewicht, die Schädelkapacitāt und die "Kopfform, sowie deren Beziehungen zur psychischen Thätigkeit des Menschen. Sitz. ber. der kön. böhmischen Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. Mathem.-Naturwiss. Classe. Jahrg. 1902. No. XX, pp. 1-75.

Pearson, K. '97.

The Chances of Death. Vol. I, London and New York, 1897, pp. ix and 388.

Retzius, G. :00.

Ueber das Hirngewicht der Schweden. Biol. Untersuchungen, N. F.
Bd. IX, No. IV, pp. 51-68, 1900.

Ripley, W. Z. '99.

The Races of Europe. New York, 1899, pp. xxxii and 624.



By A. H. ROTH, A. B., M. D.,

Instructor of Anatomy in the University of Michigan.

(With an Addendum by J. PLAYFAIR MCMURRICH)

With One Figure.

In two important papers published in 1886 and 1889 GASKELL pointed out that the spinal accessory nerve in the dog contained in its upper part fine calibered fibers resembling those which formed the visceral efferent fibers of the thoracic nerves, and concluded that these fibers represented the white rami communicantes of the upper cervical nerves. Furthermore he revived, in a new form, the view propounded long before by BELL, in supposing that instead of but two roots, each segmental nerve of the body possessed in addition visceral roots, which, so far as their efferent fibers were concerned, were associated with a lateral column of cells in the central nervous system. Throughout a considerable portion of the spinal region these visceral efferent fibers form the white rami communicantes; in the cranial region they are represented by those fibers which, since the embryological studies of His demonstrated so clearly their distinctness, are generally known as the lateral motor And since the fibers of the lower roots of the spinal accessory belong to the lateral motor series, and according to GASKELL'S view the upper roots represent white rami communicantes, there follows the conclusion that a correlation should obtain between the spinal accessory nerve and the occurrence of white rami passing from the spinal nerves to the sympathetic cord.


In the dog GASKELL found in the anterior roots of the spinal nerves from the 10th to the 25th, large numbers of

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very fine calibered medullated fibers, their diameter varying from. 1.8 to 2.7μ with a few reaching 3.6 ft. He found also that the tenth nerve, i.e., the second thoracic, in which these fibers first appeared, was the uppermost one which had a white ramus communicans connected with it and furthermore he found that this white ramus was composed almost entirely, so far as its medullated fibers were concerned, of fibers of a similar calibre to those first occurring in the anterior root of the tenth nerve. The conclusion naturally followed that the fine calibered fibers of the anterior roots were the white rami fibers and that the first group of such fibers given off from an anterior spinal root was that of the second thoracic.

If these conclusions be correct, then it is clear that in the dog there is a distinct gap between the first nerve which possesses a white ramus and the level at which the lowest root of the spinal accessory nerve arises, this root being given off at about the level of the seventh cervical nerve, three segments above the level of the first white ramus. Such a condition does not accord with GASKELL'S view as to the significance of the spinal accessory and it seemed that it might be of interest to investigate the relations of the two structures, spinal accessory and white rami, in other mammals with a view to ascertaining whether the discord was of general occurrence or whether some correlation really existed.

For this purpose it seemed advisable to select first of all some form in which the origin of the lowest root of the spinal portion of the spinal accessory occurred at a decidedly different level than in the dog. BISCHOFF (1832) in his comparative study of the spinal accessory found that in mammals there was a considerable difference in the distance to which the nerve descended into the cervical region. Thus, he found that it descended in the weasel to about the level of the second cervical nerve; in the mole, rat and marmot to that of the third cervical; in the rabbit to that of the fifth cervical; in the stonemarten, stag, cat, wolf and man to that of the sixth cervical; and in the pig, dog, and calf to that of the seventh cervical. Having regard to these data the rat was chosen as a suitable

form for study, especially as it was one readily obtained; and a study of the distribution of small medullated fibers in the anterior roots of the cervical spinal nerves and in the rami communicantes with reference to the lowest root of the spinal accessory was made in that form. Some observations were also made upon the cat and dog, but rats fully grown, formed the principal object of study.

Before proceeding to consider the conditions in the rat it is necessary to define what is meant by a white ramus fiber. GASKELL limited the term to small fibers which were distinctly grouped in bundles, and on this basis made a special point of the occurrence of the uppermost white ramus communicans in connection with the second thoracic nerve. But is such a limitation justifiable? Must it be supposed that fibers of the same quality are always grouped together in distinct bundles? Such does not seem to be the case throughout the central system and from what is known as to the association in bundles of fibers of very different origin in both the central and peripheral systems -e. g. the so-called mesial fillet fibers with the fillet in the central system, and the chorda tympani with the lingualis fibers in the peripheral system-it would seem that the mode of grouping of fibers so far as their quality or origin is concerned, is, to some extent at least, fortuitous. It seems quite possible that when but a relatively small number of white rami fibers exist, they may not form a distinct bundle, but may be incorporated in a single trunk with grey rami fibers and may, if their number be very small, be scattered among such fibers. In other words, it is possible that the ordinary use of the terms white and grey ramus is merely relative, indicating merely the preponderance in the nerve trunk of one or the other variety of fibers.

The observations of HARMAN (1900) on the occurrence of white rami fibers in man makes this possibility very prominent and my observations upon the rami communicantes of the lower cervical and upper thoracic nerves of a dog are also of interest in this connection.

In sections of the ramus connected with the 6th cervical nerve four distinct bundles were found. Three of these were

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