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ville, and says he, "Paine, why don't you read law?" Says I, "Read law!" "Says he, "You just go to reading law." And I thought about it. After I left him, and was riding on alone home to Garrettsville, and when I got there I went down three miles afoot to Judge Tilden, and borrowed the first volume of Blackstone, and I got to reading law. If there is anybody to blame for it, it is Judge Ranney.

AN official decision has been rendered, as to when the War of the Rebellion officially commenced and ended. In connection with the act of Congress authorizing a retired list for privates and non-commisioned officers of the army who have served thirty years and upward, the Secretary of War has issued a general order in which it is held that the war began April 15, 1861; that war service" includes service rendered as a commissioned officer; that the war ended August 20, 1866; but to entitle the applicant to double time for service after April 2, 1866, it must appear affirmatively that such service was rendered in the State of Texas.

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THERE died in Brooklyn, New York, some weeks ago, a man who showed considerable resolution and courage, in defense of his principles, during the War of the Rebellion. Although born in Virginia, George W. Butt was an earnest Union man, and he refused in Jefferson Davis's presence to take up arms against the North. He was outspoken in his loyalty to the Federal cause and finally had to come to this side of Mason and Dixon's line. Previous to that, he, with eight others, had been kidnapped and lodged in Libby Prison. Mrs. Butt went to the Confederate President's office, and after much hard work got an order for her husband's release. Mr. Butt refused to accept his discharge unless his companions were liberated at the same time, and his demand was at last acceded to, but a provision was inserted in the order to the effect that Mr. Butt must not leave the

South. He was gradually reduced to the verge of starvation, and then accepted a position in the Naval Construction Department of the Confederacy. He was put to work superintending the cutting of timber in the woods near Portsmouth, and while there he and a companion seized an engine and ran it through to Norfolk. The road was picketed by rebels and the telegraph informed them of Mr. Butt's escapade. They fired volley after volley at him as he went past, but none of the bullets hit him. From Norfolk he made his way North.

THE literature of prophecy, as to the future of America, is rich and varied, and the late Charles Sumner performed a great service, when he collected the most notable specimens. Here, for instance, was Sir Thomas Browne, an Englishmen of some note, who was born on October 19th, 1605, and died on October 19th, 1682. Two years after his death was published a tract from his pen, in which occurs a prophecy as to the future greatness of America. "As a much admired author," says Sumner, some of whose writings belong to our English classics, his prophetic prolusions are not unworthy of notice. They are founded on verses entitled "The Prophecy, "purporting to have been sent him by a friend, among which are the follow ing:

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"When New England shall trouble New Spain,
When Jamaica shall be lady of the isles and the main.
When Spain shall be in America hid,
And Mexico shall prove a Madrid;

When Africa shall no more sell out their blacks
To make slaves and drudges to the American tracts;
When America shall cease to send out its treasure,
But employ it at home in American pleasure;
When the New World shall the Old invade,
Nor count them their lords but their fellows in trade:
Then think strange things have come to light,
Whereof but few have had a foresight."

THE famous prophecy of Bishop Berkeley, penned about 1726, may be appropriately quoted here. It appeared in a noble poem, entitled: "Verses on the Prospect of Plant

ing Arts and Learing in America," and was as follows:

"The Muse, disgusted at an age and clime

Barren of every glorious theme

In distant lands now waits a better time,
Producing subjects worthy fame.

"Westward the course of empire takes its way;
The first four acts already past,

A fifth shall close the drama with the day;
Time's noblest offspring is the last.”

"IT is difficult," says Sumner, "to exaggerate the value of these verses, which have been so often quoted as to become a commonplace of literature and politics. There is nothing from any oracle, there is very little from any prophecy, which can compare with them." Said Daniel Webster, at the laying of the corner-stone of the national capitol, on July 4th, 1851: "It was an intuitive glance into futurity; it was a grand conception, strong, ardent, glowing, embracing all time since the creation of the world, and all regions of which the world is composed, and judging of the future by just analogy with the past.

And the inimitable imagery and beauty with which the thought is expressed, joined to the conception itself, render it one of the most striking passages in our language."

IN Burnaby's "Travels through the Middle Settlements of North America, in 1759 and 1760," which was published in 1775, is found the following significant passage: "An idea, strange as it is visionary, has entered into the minds of the generality of mankind, that empire is traveling westward; and everyone is looking forward with eager and impatient expectation to that destined moment when America is to give the laws to the rest of the world." The same wise author, in 1796, after America had won her independence, and adopted her form of constitutional governinent, declared that: "The present union of American States will not be permanent or last for any considerable length of time," and that "that extensive

country must necessarily be divided into separate States and Kingdoms."

FROM the Marquis D'Argenson, a noble of France, about 1745: "Another great event to arrive upon the round earth is this. The English have in North America domains great, strong, rich, well-regulated. There are in New England a parliament, governors, troops, white inhabitants in abundance, riches, and mariners, which is worse. I say that some bright morning these dominations can separate from England, rise and erect themselves into an independent republic. What will happen from this? Do people think of this? A country well regulated by the arts of Europe, in condition to communicate with it by the present perfection of its marine, and which by this will appropriate our arts in proportion to their improvement; patience. Such a country in several ages will make a great progress in population and in politeness; such a country will render itself in a short time master of America, and especially of its gold mines." He then speaks of the extension of commercial liberty, and improvement in the means of communication, and adds: "And you will then see how the earth will be beautiful. What culture. What new arts and new sciences. What safety for commerce. Navigation will precipitate all the people toward each other. A day will come when one will go in a populous and regulated city of California as one goes in the stage-coach of Meaux." From these words one would almost imagine that the writer had a foreknowledge of the American republic, the wonders of steam, the railroad, and the great mechanical achievements of the Nineteenth century.

ANOTHER great Frenchman, Montesquieu, in 1748 "If this nation (France) sent out colonies, it would do it more to extend its commerce than its empire. As people like to establish elsewhere what is found estab

lished at home, it would give to the people of its colonies its own form of government, and this government carrying with it prosperity, we should see great peoples form themselves in the very forests which it sent them to inhabit."

AT the March meeting of the Oneida Historical Society, Dr. M. M. Bagg reported the receipt of a number of books, among them being several from the late Mrs. Catherine Rockwell, on religious subjects. The same lady gave a sea captain's outfit of 250 years ago and an old mail bag. Mrs. McConnell also gave a finely framed photograph of the first railroad train. Gen. Darling reported under correspondence in relation to the World's Fair as follows: "I have to report that the work of this society in the World's Fair is under the consideration by the committee, and that active steps will be taken to see that the history of this section of the country, as well as its archæology and progress, are properly represented. To this end, and to our regular work, the influence of every member is desired. We ask each to help increase the membership, and thus aid us materially in our plans and progress."

DANIEL BATCHELOR offered the following resolution: That a committee be appointed to take into consideration the propriety and advisability of removing the remains of Gen. Nicholas Herkimer from the farm of Danube, Herkimer county, to the monument grounds at Oriskany. The resolution was adopted and Hon. Samuel Earl, Hon. Titus Sheard, of Herkimer, and Hon. Henry J. Coggeshall, of Oneida, were appointed by the Chair as such committee. Gen. Darling proposed the following names for membership: As a resident member, J. K. Chamberlayne, and as corresponding members B. F. H. Shreve, Secretary of the Burlington

County Lyceum of History and Natural Science, Mt. Holly, N. J., and Prof. Oliver P. Hubbard, of New York. Hon. David F. Day, of Buffalo, was elected a corresponding member.

A dispatch from New Orleans, under date of February 26, declares that the oldest church building in Louisiana and the Mississippi Valley, was in danger of dropping into the water at any time. This is the church of St. Francis, in Ponte Coupee parish. The church was erected in 1737, It stood originally a long distance back from the river, and there seemed no possibility that the Mississippi would ever reach it. At that time it was the only church in that section of the country, and the only one between New Orleans and the Atlantic settlements. Its congregation has grown steadily smaller by death, removals and disasters, until finally it could no longer support a pastor, and it was closed save at rare intervals when a priest visited it to celebrate mass for the few Catholics who still remain the vicinity. Around it is a graveyard, in which for a century and a quarter the dead of Ponte Coupee and the neighborhood, numbering thousands, have been buried, and which once contained some handsome monuments. The river has destroyed this graveyard piecemeal, and there is nothing left but crumbling bricks and rubbish, for the bones of the dead have been carried away by the currents. Last year the Mississippi came within a few feet of the Church, when an effort was made to raise money to remove the building, but this was found impossible. This year another caving in of the bank is imminent. "When it comes, the Church of St. Francis, only eight years younger than the famous Old South Church of Boston, will be carried away by the elements."

To the Editor:



THE Missouri Historical Society, located in St. Louis, has an archæological collection whose worth is to be measured by quality rather than quantity, as the 17,000 specimens displayed in the cases are selections from five times their number. It is largely local, three-fourths of the pieces being the finds of Missouri and Illinois-the remaider represents various localities in the United States.

Of axes, celts and like objects, there are over 500, and a fine show they make On the whole, the axes fashioned by the ancient people of Missouri, appear to excel all others in workmanship. Tools, implements and other objects made from soft iron ore, number about 100. Discoidal stones, pipes, bird and animal forms, hammers, balls, thumb stones, pitted and grinding stones, needles, awls, sinkers, shell ornaments, pendents, banner stones, implements of wood, bone and copper, in a word, the multitude of objects in use among the primitive populations are here exemplified by several thousand specimens. The show of pottery comprises about 450 examples, procured for the most part in Southeast Missouri and thereabouts. The custodian of this museum estimates that 1,500 well-chosen specimens will be required for a complete representation of the aboriginal clay manufacturers of the country. This fine collection of pottery

is chiefly the gift of Col. Geo. E. Leighton, a

gentleman of culture and wealth, who has taken interest in fostering this Department of American Historical Antiquities.

The exhibit of chipped stone-chiefly flint, so called-estimated at 13,000 examples, is assuredly very fine, and of the highest interest, as will be readily seen from the fact that the present actual number represents the best that could be got out of 60,000 pieces. Rigid care has been exercised to exclude whatever was doubtful as to place of find. The suite of flint knives, perhaps a dozen all told, 18 inches long to 10 inches, is probably unequalled in the world. Case after case displays flint implements of all sizessome of huge dimensions-forms, and supposable use, grouped according to outline, and systematically arranged. More than 60 distinct forms are here shown, in their simplest and rudest examples as well as the most specialized. It is estimated by those in charge that there are over eighty different, well-defined forms or shapes of chipped stone, excluding blanks. The keeper of this museum conjectures that perhaps 30,000 well-chosen examples might possibly suffice to represent adequately the chipped stone of the United States.

Classification by form is followed in this collection, though not exclusively; but in every instance in which it is allowed to govern it is pushed to the extreme limit. Whether what is aimed at can be reached is

not absolutely certain, but if patience and skill suffice to insure success then all will be well.

The money value of the archæological department of the Missouri Historical is not one of the points on which a visitor can obtain information from those in charge; but it is pretty safe to say that the collection as


a whole, represents about $20,000. work was started, it appears, nearly twenty years ago with $27. It is an illustration of what perseverence may, in time, accomplish, though it should be added that in this instance effort has always been guided by thorough knowledge of the subject matter in hand. J. X. F.


"THE VIKINGS IN WESTERN CHRISTENDOM, A. D. 789 TO 888." By C. F. Keary, M. A. F. A S., author of "Outlines of Primitive History," etc., etc. With Maps and Tables. Published by G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York.

It is an interesting period of the world's history, that is covered in this study of the strong and stirring nation of the north; a period when the Scandinavian peoples were in a state of growth, but had not yet reached their full stature. Their national history has not, therefore, begun; but there is enough known of the epoch embraced within these lines, to make a story of deep interest, and far from being fancy or guess-work, as to its most important features. "The Viking Age of the Northern Folk," says the author, "differs from the corresponding epochs in the history of other nations in this-that it is illuminated by a faint ray of real history lent from the pages of contemporary but alien chroniclers, the chroniclers, I mean, of Christian Europe. Were it not for this faint gleam, the earliest age of the Vikings would have remained for us as a mere tradition, something known to have been, but not presentable in any realizable form; much, in fact, what the Dorian Migration is in the history of Greece." Yet he feels the necessity of drawing a distinction between the earliest or

true Viking age, and the actual history of the Scandinavian folk, as recorded by themselves. While Viking expeditions continued to be made during the historical period, they took on a different character from those of the earlier age, and no longer absorbed the larger part of the activity of the people. "Thus," says Mr. Keary, "though the expression Viking Age, is often employed with much wider significance, it would, I think, be an advantage could its use be confined to just this epoch in the life of the Northern people and no other; to their age of Storm and Stress, the age of their formation."

One phase of history is dwelt upon with great stress by the author, in the discussion of his theme, and that is its view as a long struggle between Christianity and the heathenism of the North. The whole story of the advance of the new religion of the East, through Rome, and on up to the North, is traced with great care, and with an unusual insight into the needs, the dangers and the conditions of the time. We see the Northern lands lying in darkness, with Odin, and Balder, and Thor. Then the creed of heathen Germany; the advance of Christendom; and the first contests between the two. It is a story that must be read, before one can understand either the growth of the Christian church, or of the great nations that have been erected with Christian truth as

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