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my friend, the Chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, (Mr. Blair of Missouri), who has also been out to my country who told me himself, individually, that he found Christians out there.

The Speaker-The gentlman will suspend his remarks to permit the committee to wait on the president to report.

Mr. Aldrich-I will yield to my friend from Illinois (Mr. Kellogg), not for any other man. Mr. Kellogg reported that the president had further communication to make.


of the

The Speaker-G ntlemen House of Representatives, the clock is evidently out of order, some one had turned back the hands, (laughter) the hour having arrived fixed by the two Houses of Congress for their adjournment, I declare this House adjourned sine-die.

Mr. Aldrich-Mr. Speaker, I wish to know if I am cut off?

The Speaker-The gentleman will be entitled to the floor at the commencement of the next session of Congress as unfinished business. (Laughter.)


In the life of every self made man there is a lesson for the youth of the country, who have their lives before them, and whose success or failure or failure depends upon their own efforts. The men who achieve real success, who not only build up fortunes and provide for those dependent upon them, but who leave behind them a record of well spent lives and good done for humanity, are not so numerous that we can afford to pass them by without giving due prominence to the sum of their accomplishments and noting the successive steps by which they climbed to positions of affluence and influence.

As "Lives of great men all remind us

We can make our lives sublime." So do the lives of good men who have wrought worthily and successfully in the ordinary walks of life, continually remind us that by emulating their example we may reap the substantial rewards of honest effort, win the commendation of our fellow men, and receive the approbation of the beneficent Ruler of the Universe.

While a young man who is struggling to obtain a foothold in the world may find much to interest and entertain him in what may be written of those who become distinguished beyond the lot of ordinary mortals, he

finds more of real value to him in the record of a life, in some part of which he may find a parallel to his own, and in which early struggles have been crowned ultimately by success.

Such a life was that of the late Oliver B. Mullin, for many years one of the well-known vessel owners of Chicago, who began at the foot of fortune's ladder, and while climbing steadily upward, continually enlarged his sphere of usefulness.

Mr. Mullin was born at Bergen, a seacoast town of Norway, February 11th, 1835, and belonged to a family, several generations of which had been seafaring men. In 1849, when he was fourteen years of age, he came with his father and mother to America and fortune brought them to Chicago. Soon after their arrival in the city, the mother sickened and died of cholera, and the half orphaned boy found a home with G. T. Gunderson, a fellow countryman who had preceded his father's family to the United States. After remaining in the family of Mr. Gunderson a year he went sailing on the brig Wabash with Captain Armstrong, as a cabin boy. He made several lake voyages aboard the brig, and then left the lake to become an apprentice in the establishment of Geo. Foster, the pioneer sail maker of Chicago. Here he remained until he had mastered his trade, making his home in his employer's family, where he was brought under the best social and Christian influences. Having obtained the rudiments of an education, he

studied assiduously while serving his apprenticeship, to fit himself for a business career, and his subsequent success demonstrated that he studied to good purpose.

It was not long after he finished serving his apprenticeship, before he succeeded in establishing himself in business as a sail maker, in partnership with another enterprising young tradesman. Their partnership prospered, and after their business was dissolved at the end of a few years, Mr. Mullin continued to do a profitable business in this line. His first investment in lake craft was made when he purchased an interest in the schooner Telegraph, which he sold later for three thousand dollars. By that time he had accumulated sufficient means to become the sole owner of a vessel and the schooner Bluebell became his property. This vessel he kept in the carrying trade for some years, and he also owned the San Jacinto, a schooner which he was unfortunate enough to lose in Georgian Bay.

The Jennie Mullin, named after his wife, the George L. Wrenn, named after an early friend and pastor, and the Maxwell, named after a married daughter, were vessels which he built and set afloat at later dates, and all three of these vessels were Mr. Mullin's property at the time of his death.

In the beginning of his career he gave evidence of the fact that he had first-class executive ability and a capacity for conducting important. enterprises, and soon after he became

a vessel owner he became conspicuous for devising ways and means to protect and promote the interest with which he was identified. The vessel owners Association, an organization designed to secure harmonious action, to promote friendly relations and mutual good feeling among the owners of the vessels, owes its existence largely to Mr. Mullin. When the organization was effected in 1889, Mr. Mullin became the first president, and he was vice-president of the association at the time of his death.

His vessel and realty interest represented a handsome and profitable estate during the later years of his life, and he always felt a pardonable satisfaction in contemplating the fact that every dollar of his accumulations had come to him as the result of his own labors.

Highly esteemed as he was by his associates in the busy world of trade, he was still more kindly regarded by those who were brought into intimate relations with him in other walks of life. Although his geniality, his kindliness and his generosity were noted and appreciated by all, only those who knew him best understood the full extent of his beneficence and knew of the good which continually resulted therefrom.

The christianizing influence exerted over him by a pious mother in childhood, and also the influences by which he was surrounded when living in the family of Mr. Foster as sail maker's apprentice, had much to do

with shaping his character, and while still a boy he became actively interested in religious work. Not only was this interest manifested in a regular attendance at church services, but in the contribution of his means and his efforts to the advancement of any enterprise which promised good results.

The first church organization with which he was identified was a little Baptist church in the north division of the city, which unfortunately did not prosper on account of dissensions between some of its members. Mr. Mullin endeavored unavailingly to bring the factions into harmonious relations, and was deeply grieved over his failure to prevent the disruption of the little church. Going home one night from a meeting of this church he was much troubled over the outlook, and his deep piety led him to kneel and pray over the matter in an open field which he had to cross on his way. is worthy of note in this connection, as a somewhat remarkable coincidence, that upon the same spot from which the pious sail maker sent up his petition for aid in establishing a Christian church upon a permanent basis, the famous North Star Mission was afterward built, and out of this mission grew the La Salle avenue Baptist church, now one of the most prosperous churches in Chicago.


Mr. Mullin was one of the chief promoters of the movement to establish this mission, which at first occupied a building situated upon leased

ground. The deep interest which he took in building up this infant church organization was strongly manifested. when a movement was set on foot to purchase the ground upon which the mission was located. The pastor of the mission looked over the names of those who belonged to his own congregation, and set opposite to the name of each the amount of money he thought such individual likely to contribute toward the carrying out of his project. Opposite the name of Mr. Mullin he set down a certain amount of money, which it Was thought would be a liberal donation on his part. When, however, the paper was presented to him, he informed the minister that he had for some time had this matter in his mind, and had been saving money for the very purpose for which he was asked to contribute. He said further that all the money that could be raised would be needed, and headed the subscription paper with a contribution five times as large as his pastor had expected to receive.

It was this subscription, says the pastor who had charge of the movement, which aroused the enthusiasm of other members of the church, and secured the necessary funds for the purchase of property which afterward appreciated in value to such an extent, that one of the handsomest churches in the city has been built out of the proceeds of its sale.

This single instance of Mr. Mullin's generosity serves to show the char

acter of the man. It is by no means an isolated instance. During his long connection with La Salle Avenue Baptist church, which he aided largely in building, and of which he was for many years an official, he was always prominent in every department of the

church work.

An enthusiast himself in behalf of every good work, he was one of those happily constituted men who are able to arouse, in a great measure, the same enthusiasm in others, and in whatever he undertook, he was almost uniformly successful. He had a happy way of expressing himself, and his entertaining talks in church and Sunday-school, will long be remem bered by his friends of the La Salle Avenue church. In disposition he was one of the most kindly and genial of men who endeared himself to his friends generally, and particularly to the members of his own family. his death, which occurred on the 21st of February, 1890, there passed away a man who had made the best possible use of his opportunities, and who is held in kindly remembrance by all those who came in contact with him during his life.


He was married in 1856 to Miss Jennie Petersen, of Chicago, a worthy helpmeet, to whom he gave much of the credit for his success in life. Their family consists of six daughters and one adopted son, all of whom reside in Chicago.




THE visit of President Harrison to Denver upon Tuesday, May 17, 1891, was the most remarkable event in the history of that city. The newspapers have given detailed accounts of the reception to this distinguished party, the speeches and the out-pouring of 200,000 people. The one particular incident we wish to eliminate from

the mass of matter descriptive of the occasion was the luncheon given at the Hotel Metropole, under the auspices of Messrs. Bush and Adsit, Col. W. H. Bush, the senior partner, giving personal attention to the detai's.

The President's speech contained such a just and truthful tribute to Den

ver as a city of homes-"the Washington City of the west "-that it is here given in full, that it may find a lodgment in "the opaque sediment of history." We present also an illustration, giving a correct representation of the Hotel Metropole, thus opened for the first time to the public. Under the noble archway, entrance is made to Broadway Theatre, which constitutes the eastern portion of the building, with frontage upon Lincoln avenue.

The account of the luncheon and speech as clipped from the Denver Republican, is as follows:




The luncheon to the gentlemen of the presidential party was given at the Motel Metropole, the new hostelry being thus dedicated. The banquet room was finished in gold and silver-a fitting illustration for the great precious metal State of the Union. This elegant apartiment, which has been especially decorated for this occasion by Mr. W. H. Bush, who gave the luncheon to the party, is on the first floor to the left

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