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propositions with remarkable clearness and accuracy. He is fertile in resources, and tireless in energy. Selfpoised and self-possessed, wary and skillful, he often snatches victory from the very jaws of defeat. To a remarkable memory both for principles and authorities, he adds a fine command of language, a terseness of expression,

and a vigorous logic, which render him an impressive and powerful advocate. Frank, fearless and honorable, genial and warm-hearted, he commands the esteem and wins the friendship of all who know him.

Mr. Kretzinger was married in 1878 to Miss Clara J. Wilson of Rock Island, and has two children.



STATEN ISLAND, at a not remote period almost a barren strip of country, sparsely inhabited, and not of savory renown, has been transformed as if by magic, through the enterprise and efforts of some of its residents, into one of the most charming suburbs of the metropolis. Fast and handsome

steamers make the trip to the city one of ease and pleasure, and rapid trains on the Island connect with the numerous pretty towns and the handsome villas with which it is dotted.

One of those who did much for this development, and at the same time built up a great business, was the late George Bechtel, of Stapleton, who died at his residence in that place on the 16th of July, 1889, after an illness of several months. He was born in Germany in 1840, and when an infant of but six months was brought by his

parents to this country. His father embarked in the brewing business at Stapleton about twelve years later, and when George was eighteen years of age he entered his employ as an apprentice, where by hard work and constant application he learned every detail of the business, and fitted himself by practical experience for the calling he was afterwards to follow, and in which he achieved a marked degree of success. In 1871 he became the sole proprietor of the business, and at once demolished the old buildings and erected large and handsome ones in their stead, still further enlarging and developing the business until it became one of the largest establishments of its kind in the country, the yearly output being nearly 125,000


Mr. Bechtel was always a staunch

and earnest Democrat, and aided in various and many ways to the interest of the party. He was one of the first trustees of the village of Edgewater, and in 1879 was elected supervisor of Middletown without opposition, and held the office with honor and satisfaction to his fellow citizens for ten years. He was several times a delegate to the Democratic state conventions, and was one of the Presidential electors in the fall of 1888. He was one of the first members of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and always took great interest in the association, aiding it in many and material ways. He was also a member of the Deutscher Liederkrantz, Deutscher Verein, Klopstock Lodge No. 760, F. & A. M., Staten Island Quartet Club, Staten Island Schuetzen Corps, Ges Erheiterung, Staten Island Turn Verein, K. & L. of Honor, Excelsior Lodge, and Enterprise Hook & Ladder Co., No. 1.

We cannot do better than quote the words of one who was well acquainted with Mr. Bechtel in describing his funeral. "Some one has truly said that 'faults and failures mingle with the lives of all.' George Bechtel's life was no exception to this rule, but his faults were so small and his failures so few, that they were entirely overshadowed by his virtues and his successes. Like most men, he was ambitious for wealth. He labored hard and honestly for it, but he did not hold it with a miser's grasp. He was kind, generous and liberal, and his charities were many,

but he was entirely devoid of ostentation in his giving. One of his latest charities was the founding of an hospital to be known as the Bechtel Free Hospital, and the Sisters of St. Francis were to have charge of it. The funeral took place from his late residence, where service was conducted by the Rev. Albert Kuchne, pastor of the German Lutheran Church of Stapleton. The sermon was in German, and eulogized the deceased highly. There were about seventeen hundred people present. The streets for several blocks around were crowded, including the side streets. The general procession included one hundred and forty-one carriages. At the tomb the multitude was addressed by Lawyer Sixt. C. Kaft, who spoke in English, and Supervisor Credo who recited Mr. Bechtel's acts in both English and German. As the body was carried out, the German band played the dead march, and the Richmond County Schutzen Corps saluted as it was carried between the ranks. The pall-bearers were twelve in number, two of whom were the men who had been longest in Mr. Bechtel's employ, A Giegerich and Carl Mayer. The others were the members of the Klopstock Lodge of Free Masons. The floral display was unusually fine, and five carriages in the procession were filled with flowers. A large number of business men from New York City and Brooklyn were present, as well as representatives from all the societies and organizations to which the deceased belonged."

Mr. Bechtel left a large estate valued at upwards of $2,000,000, consisting of the brewery and much real estate. He requested in his will, dated April 28, 1886, that the business should be, continued under the same name as before, and appointed his wife, Eval

Bechtel, the sole legatee and executrix. It is no exaggeration to say that George Bechtel was Stapleton's first citizen, and his death was a great loss to Staten Island.



[THE Toast-master was the Hon. Don M. Dickinson, who was Postmaster General in President Cleveland's cabinet. Hence, the allusions of the opening sentences. ]

Mr. Toastmaster : It is with the utmost difficulty, sir, that I escaped saying Mr. Postmaster, not only on account of the historic propriety of that title, but because in virtue of the authority with which you are now invested you have appointed me a supervisor of the fe-males. Truly an act benign, and a task most gracious, despite its grave responsibilities. I would hasten to tender my heartiest thanks-if I were familiar with the rubric which governs the interchange of courtesies between one who is simply an ordinary minister, and one who has been a Cabinet minister, and who soon may be, none can say how much greater still. Speaking

*The above is the full text of an address delivered by Rev. Howard Duffield, D. D., of Detroit, at a recent banquet of the Sons of the Revolution of that city.

of ministers, you have all doubtless noticed the pains which have been expended by the gentlemen who prepared this programme in keeping the Episcopal and Presbyterian dominies from coming into a too close proximity. There was evidently a lurking dread in their minds, lest if I should speak too promptly after an Anglican brother, who has so eloquently discoursed on the military prowess of our sires, Canterbury and Geneva might fall foul of one another. With laudable discretion, therefore, they interposed between us, as non-conductors of ecclesiastical machinery, eminent representatives of law and literature, and when the seductive accents of an Angell's voice should have charmed your hearts with the soothing assurance that in America there was no "sect-ionalism," it was considered safe to let me loose to discourse concerning "The Revolutionary Mothers."

President Angell, of the University of

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