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Cor. xv.

22, 49.

Cor. vi.

the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead SERM. dwelleth in us, he that raised up Jesus from the_XXX. dead shall also quicken our mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in us; that, If we have been Rom. vi. 5. planted with him in the likeness of his death, we shall also grow up in the likeness of his resurrection; that, As we have borne the image of the earthly man, so we shall also bear the image of the 1 heavenly; so that God, who raised our Lord, shall14 also raise us by his power; for we cannot but allow that consequence to be reasonable, which St. Paul doth imply, when he saith, If we believe that 1 Thess. iv. Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep through Jesus will God bring with him, reducing them into a state conformable to his, by reunion of their body and soul.


8. Fourthly, It was a designed consequence of our Lord's resurrection, that he thereby should acquire a just dominion over us; for to this end, saith St. Rom. xiv. Paul, Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that" he might be the Lord both of the dead and living: by the obedience of his death he did earn that dominion, as a worthy recompense thereof; He did by Acts xx.28. his blood purchase us to be his subjects and servants: but from his resurrection he began to possess that reward, and to enjoy his purchase; it being the first step of his advancement to that royal dignity and preeminence over all flesh; to which, in regard John xvii. to his sufferings, God did exalt him; concerning Phil. ii. which, before his ascension, he said to his disciples, All power is given me in heaven and earth: on so Matt. many great accounts was our Lord's resurrection behooveful; so that it is no wonder, if God took such especial care to assure its truth, and recommend


xxviii. 18.

X. 41. xiii.



SERM. its belief to us; appointing so many choice persons XXX. by their testimony to assert and inculcate it; to do Acts i. 22. so being often expressed a main part and peculiar design of the office apostolical. Nor is it strange, that to the hearty belief and ingenuous profession of this one article, (it enfolding, or inferring the truth of all other Christian doctrines,) salvation is annexRom. x. 6, ed, according to that assertion of St. Paul; The righteousness of faith saith thus, (or this is the purport of the Christian institution,) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thy heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Nor is it much, that a consideration of this point should be so continually present to the minds of the ancient Christians, that whenever they did meet, they should be ready to salute one another with a XpTòs ávéσTY, Christ is risen; it importing so great benefits, and producing so excellent fruits; in regard whereto St. Paul expressed his so ardent desire and high esteem of Phil. iii. 10. knowing Christ, and the power of his resurrection, as the most valuable of all knowledges; which having in some measure declared, I come now briefly to apply.

1. First then; The consideration of our Lord's resurrection should strengthen our faith and quicken our hope in God, causing us firmly to believe his word, and confidently to rely upon his promises, especially those which concern our future state. God having thereby, as by a most sensible proof, against all objections of our feeble reason, demonstrated himself able, as by a most sure pledge declared himself willing, to bestow upon us a happy immortality, in gracious reward of our obedience : for seeing by so illustrious an instance God hath ma


nifested that he is thoroughly reconcileable to sin- SERM. ners, that he bountifully rewardeth obedience, that death and hell are vincible, what reason can we have to distrust his fidelity, to doubt of his power, or to despair of his mercy? Surely, he that was so faithful in raising our Lord from the grave, so notably rewarding his obedience and patience, (in advancing him to supreme dignity and glory at his right hand,) will not fail also to confer on us (walking in the footsteps of his piety) the promised inheritance of everlasting life and bliss, the never-fading crown of righteousness and glory. Surely, by this noble experiment we are clearly informed, and should be fully persuaded, that nothing can destroy us, nothing can harm us, nothing can separate us from our God and our happiness; that no force, no fraud, no spite of men, or rage of hell, can finally prevail against us; what then reasonably can be dreadful or discouraging to us, what should be able to drive us into distrust or despair?

2. This point affordeth matter of great joy, and an obligation thereto. If the news of our Saviour's

first birth were (as an angel called them) good tid- Luke ii. 10. ings of great joy to all people, how much more may the news concerning this second nativity of him be hugely gladsome! for in that birth he did but assume our flesh; in this he did advance it then he began to sustain our infirmities; now he surmounted them: by his incarnation he became subject to Phil. ii. 8. death; by his resurrection death was subdued to 57. him at that he entered into the field, and set upon the bloody conflict with our foes; in this he returned a triumphant conqueror, having utterly vanquished and quelled them: the fury of the world, the malice

1 Cor. xv.

SERM. of hell, the tyranny of sin, the empire of death, all XXX. of them combined to render us miserable, he did in

his resurrection perfectly triumph over and doth it not then become us to attend his glorious victories with our joyful gratulations? Is it not extremely comfortable to behold our gallant champion, (the only champion of our life and welfare,) after all the cruel blows which the infernal powers laid on him, after all the ghastly wounds which human madness did inflict, after he had passed through the scorching flames of divine wrath and justice, after he had felt the sorest pangs of death, perfectly recovered from all those distresses; standing upright, and trampling on the necks of his proud enemies? Are not most sprightful expressions of gratitude, are not most cheerful acclamations of praise due from us to the invincible Captain of our salvation? Shall we not with great alacrity of mind contemplate the happy success of that mighty enterprise, wherein no less our welfare than his glory was concerned? Is it not a pleasure to consider ourselves so exempted from that fatal doom, to which all human race was sentenced; to see life and immortality so springing forth upon us; to view ourselves, the children of dust and corruption, from hence in age and dignity so nigh equalled to the firstborn sons of the creation?

It is said of the first disciples, that although they saw and felt our Lord risen, yet for joy they could

Σήμερον ἡμῶν τὰ λαμπρὰ νικητήρια γέγονε. σήμερον ἡμῶν ὁ δεσπότης τὰ κατὰ θανάτου τρόπαιον στήσας, καὶ τοῦ διαβόλου τὴν τυραννίδα καταλύσας τὴν διὰ τῆς ἀναστάσεως ὁδὸν ἡμῖν εἰς σωτηρίαν ἐχαρίσατο.

Ἡ ποθεινὴ καὶ σωτήριος ἑορτὴ ἡ τῆς εἰρήνης ὑπόθεσις, ἡ τῆς κατάλλαγῆς ἀφορμὴ, ἡ τῶν πολέμων ἀναίρεσις, ἡ τοῦ θανάτου κατάλυσις, ἡ τοῦ διαβόλου ἧττα- -Chrys. tom. v. Or. 85.


not believe it; so incredibly good was the news SERM. to them; excess of love and delight choked, or rather suspended their faith: we cannot be such Luke xxiv. infidels from surprise; but let us be as faithful in Quod creour joy.


dunt tardius, non est


sed amoris.

Serm. 81.

3. Great consolation surely it ought to breed in us, to consider, that by this event our redemption is Chrysost. completed, and we become entirely capable of salvation; that in it a full discharge is exhibited from the guilt and from the punishment of all our sins, whereof we do truly repent; that God's justice appeareth satisfied, and his anger pacified; that his countenance shineth out clearly with favour and mercy toward us; that our condemnation is reversed, our ransom is accepted, our shackles are loosed, and our prison set open; so that with full liberty, security, and hope, we may walk forward in the paths of righteousness toward our better country, the region of eternal felicity. Further,


4. This consideration should be a forcible engagement upon us to obedience and holy life. Our Lord Rom. xiv. did by his resurrection gain a dominion over us, unto which if we do not submit, we shall be very injurious and wicked; unto which if we do not correspond by all humble observance, we shall be very ingrateful and undutiful; He was raised to bless us, in turn- Acts iii. 26. ing every one of us from our iniquities; and no less unhappy than unworthy we shall be, if we defeat that gracious purpose; it is the condition of our obtaining the happy fruits and benefits of his resurrection, that we should ourselves rise with him unto Rom. vi. 4. righteousness and newness of life; by not complying therewith, we shall render his resurrection unprofitable to us, becoming unworthy and uncapable

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