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manifestations of God's wisdom and the confirmation SERM. XXXI. of our faith.

III. Now for the ends and effects of our Lord's ascension, and his abode in heaven at God's right hand, (I join them together as coincident, or subordinate,) they are in the scripture declared to be chiefly these.

In general, our Lord by them was invested in the complete exercise of all the offices, and in the full enjoyment of all the privileges, belonging to him as perfect Mediator, Sovereign King, High Priest, and Archprophet of God's church and people: he did initially and in part exercise those functions upon earth; and a ground of enjoying those preeminences he laid here; but the entire execution and possession of all, by his ascension into heaven, and in his session there, he did obtain particularly.

1. Our Lord did ascend unto, and doth reside in heaven, at the right hand of divine majesty and power, that as a king he might govern us, protecting us from all danger, relieving us in all want, delivering us from all evil; that he might subdue and destroy all the enemies of his kingdom and our salvation; the Devil with all his retinue, the world, the flesh, sin, death, and hell; whatever doth oppose his glory, his truth, his service; whatever consequently, by open violence or fraudulent practice, doth hinder our salvation: The Lord said unto my Psal. cx. 1. Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, until I have made thine enemies thy footstool; so God by the Holy Heb. i. 13. Spirit in David did speak unto him whence St. Peter doth thus infer; Therefore let all the house Acts ii. 36. of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made him Lord and Christ; that is, his being seated in that

Matt. xxii.

SERM. place of special eminency is an infallible argument XXXI. of his royal majesty and sovereignty: and, This Heb. x. 12, man, saith the Apostle to the Hebrews, after he



had offered one sacrifice for sins, for ever sat down at the right hand of God, from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool ; 1 Cor. xv. and accordingly, He must, as St. Paul saith, reign, until he hath put all his enemies under his feet. By various combats in his life, our Lord did worst and weaken his and our enemies; and in the last great battle on his cross, he did thoroughly rout and overthrow them; but by his triumphant ascension Eph. iv. 8. into heaven he led captivity captive, enjoying the glory and benefit of his victory; by sitting at God's right hand he keepeth them down in irrecoverable subjection under his feet, so that none of them can make any successful insurrection against him: for no power certainly shall ever be able to withstand his will and command, who sitteth at the helm of sovereignty immense and omnipotent; at that right hand, which can do any thing, which wieldeth and moderateth all things every where; no fraud can elude, no secret conspiracy can escape his knowledge, who, sitting in that heavenly watchtower of infinite wisdom and omniscience, beholdeth whatever is done, said, or thought in all the world.

He so there with royal might protecteth us; and with royal goodness, munificence, and clemency, he doth also thence dispense grace and mercy to his faithful subjects: for all good gifts and graces bestowed on the church in general for common edification, and to each member thereof singly for its Eph. iv. 12. particular benefit, which are useful for perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edi

fication of Christ's body in truth, holiness, order, SERM. and peace, are expressed to proceed from our Lord's XXXI. ascension; To every one of you, saith St. Paul, is Eph. iv. 7. given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ; that is, to every one of you proportionably, according to the quality of your employment, rank, or station in the church, and according to the particular exigency of your needs, as Christ in wisdom seeth fit, grace is afforded; in correspondence, addeth he, to the Psalmist's prophecy concerning our Saviour, Having ascended up on high, he led cap- Eph. iv. 8. tivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.

Particularly in virtue or consequence of his ascension and glorification, to all true penitents and converts unto God, mercy and pardon for their sins are dispensed that repentance should be acceptable to God, and available for attainment of mercy, our Lord did indeed merit for us by his suffering; but he effectually dispenseth it in God's name, being now instated in glory, as a noble boon of his royal clemency; God, saith St. Peter, exalted him as a Prince Acts v. 31. and a Saviour, to give repentance unto Israel, and Luke xxiv. remission of sins.


2. Our Saviour did ascend, and now sitteth at God's right hand, that he may, in regard to us, there exercise his priestly function. Having in this outward tabernacle once offered up himself a pure and perfect sacrifice for the expiation of our sins, he entered within the veil, into the most holy place, there Heb. x. 12. presenting his blood before God himself, to the full effect of obtaining mercy for us, and restoring us to God's favour; He is, saith the apostle, entered into Heb. ix. 24. heaven itself, there to appear in the presence of God for us; so that whenever we by our frailty do

1 John ii. I, 2.

SERM. fall into sin, and do heartily by repentance turn unto XXXI. God, invoking his mercy, our Lord is ready, by applying the virtue of his sacrifice, and pleading our cause with God, upon the terms of that gracious covenant purchased and ratified by his blood, to procure mercy for us: for, If any man sin, we have, saith St. John, an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, who is a propitiation for our Rom. viii. sins, and for the sins of the whole world: and, Who, saith St. Paul, is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us; that is, seeing our Lord hath offered a well easing sacrifice for our sins, and doth at God's rig hand continually renew it, by presenting it unto God, and interceding with him for the effect thereof; what, supposing us qualified for mercy, can hinder us from obtaining it?


Our Lord also doth at God's right hand discharge the princely ministry of praying for us, and so interceding in our behalf, as thereby to acquire from God to be conferred on us whatever is needful or Heb. vii. 25. conducible to our salvation; He, saith the apostle, is able to save to the uttermost those that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for us. More particularly he, by his mediation there, doth procure for us a free access to God in devotion, a favourable reception of our petitions and services, a good success of them in the supply Eph. ii. 8. of all our needs; for, Through him we have access Heb. iv. 14. by the Spirit unto the Father; and, Having a

vii. 25.

great High Priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God-let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy,

and find grace in the time of need, saith the Apo- SERM. stle to the Hebrews: and, He, as he is represented XXXI. in the Apocalypse, is that angel of the covenant, Rev. viii. 3. who at the golden altar before God doth offer up the prayers of the saints, incensed by his mediation and merits.

xiv. 6.

Hence in his name and through him it is, that (John x. 9. we are enjoined to present our prayers, our thanks- Rom. v. 2. givings, and all our services; *doing all, whatever Heb. x. 13. we do, in the name of the Lord Jesus.

3. Again, our Lord telleth us, that it was necessary he should depart hence, and enter into this glorious state, that he might there exercise his prophetical office, by imparting to us his holy rit for


Eph. iii. 12.

Eph. v. 20. John xiv.

13. xv. 16.

xvi. 23, 24.) Col. ii.


our instruction, direction, assistance, and comfort; Behold, said he upon his departure, I send the pro- Luke xxiv mise of my Father upon you; but tarry ye in the 49. city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with the power from on high: this he promised then to his disciples, but did not perform until his exaltation; Being therefore, saith St. Peter, exalted to the Acts ii. 33. right hand of God, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this which ye now see and hear. He did not, and indeed (in consistence with the divine purpose and the designed economy of things) could not perform this until then; It is, said he, expe-John xvi. 7. dient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you: that is, God, for promoting our Saviour's honour, and for the glory of his undertaking, had in his wisdom determined, that so incomparably excellent a gift should be the

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