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to an experimental History of Cold, with several Pieces thereunto annexed, 1665.

9. Hydrostatical Paradoxes, made out by new Experiments, for the most part physical and easy, 1666.

10. The Origin of Forms and Qualities, according to Corpuscular Philosophy, illustrated by Experiments, 1666.

11. Continuation of new Experiments, touching the Spring and Weight of the Air; to which is added, a Discourse of the Atmospheres of consistent Bodies, 1669.

12. Of the Cosmical Qualities of Things, 1670.

13. Considerations on the Usefulness of Experimental and Natural Philosophy, the second part, 1671.

14. A Collection of Tracts upon several useful and important points of Practical Philosophy, 1671.

15. Essay about the Origin and Virtue of Gems, 1672.

16. A Collection of Tracts touching the Relation between Flame and Air, 1672.

17. Essays on the strange Subtlety, great Efficacy, and determinate Nature of Effluvia;

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to which were added, variety of Experiments on other Subjects, 1673.

18. A Collection of Tracts on the Saltness of the Sea, the Moisture of the Air, the natural and præternatural State of Bodies; to which is prefixed, a Dialogue concerning Cold, 1674.

19. A Collection of Tracts, comprehending some Suspicions about hidden Qualities of the Air; Animadversions upon Mr. Hobbes's Problem about a Vacuum; a Discourse of the Cause of Attraction by Suction, 1674.

20. In 1675, he printed, Considerations about the Reconcileableness of Reason and Religion, by T. E. a Layman; to which was annexed, a Discourse about the Possibility of the Resurrection, by Mr. Boyle.-Both these were written by Boyle; the signature of the first being merely the final letters of his name.

21. An Experimental Discourse of Quicksilver growing hot with Gold. Printed in the Philosophical Transactions, 1675.

22. Experiments and Notes about the Mechanical Origin of particular Qualities, 1676.

23. Observations on an artificial Substance that shines without any preceding Illustra tion, 1672,

24. Historical Account of a Degradation of Gold, made by an Anti-elixir, 1678.

25. Tracts; the Aerial Noctiluca; and a Process of a factitious self-shining Substance, 1680.

26. A Discourse of Things above Reason, 1681.

27. New Experiments and Observations upon the icy Noctiluca; to which is added, a Chemical Paradox, making it probable, that their principles are transmutable, so that out of one of them, others may be produced, 1682.

28. The second part of the Continuation of new Experiments touching the Spring and Weight of the Air, and a large Appendix,


29. Letter to Dr. John Beale, relative to making Fresh Water out of Salt, 1683.

30. Memoirs for the Natural History of Human Blood, 1684.

31. Experiments and Considerations about the Porosity of Bodies, in two parts; the first relating to Animals, the second to solid.Bodies, 1684.

32. Short Memoirs for the natural experimental History of Mineral Waters, with directions as to the several Methods of trying

them; including abundance of new and useful Remarks, as well as several curious Experiments, 1685.

33. An Essay of the great Effects of languid and unheeded Motion; with an Appendix, containing an experimental Discourse of some hitherto little regarded Causes of the Insalubrity and Salubrity of the Air, and its Effects, 1685.

34. A Dissertation on the Reconcileableness of Specific Medicines to the Corpuscular Philosophy; to which is added, a Discourse of the Advantages attending the use of simple Medicines. To these philosophical, he added a Theological Discourse of the high Veneration Man's Intellect owes to God, particularly for his Wisdom and Power, 1685.

35. Free Enquiry into the vulgarly received Notion of Nature, 1686.

36. The Martyrdom of Theodora and Dydimia; a work drawn up in his youth, 1687.

37. A Disquisition into the final Causes of natural Things; and whether, if at all, with what caution a Naturalist should admit them; to which is added, an Appendix about vitiated sight, 1688.

I shall present the reader with an extract from this piece. The author proposes at the outset, these four questions: 1. Whether generally or indefinitely speaking, there be any final causes of things corporeal, knowable by naturalists? 2. Whether, if the first question be resolved in the affirmative, we may consider final causes in all sorts of bodies, or only in some peculiarly qualified ones? 3. Whether, or in what sense, the acting for ends, may be ascribed to an intelligent (and even inanimate) body? 4. And, lastly, how far, and with what cautions, arguments may be framed upon the suppositon of final causes?

Sect. 1.

To begin with the first question. Those that would exclude final causes from the consideration of the naturalist, are wont to do it, (for ought I have observed) upon one of these two accounts; either that with Epicurus, they think the world was the production of atoms and chance, without any intervention of a deity; and that, consequently, it is improper and vain to seek for final causes in the effects of chance: or that they judge with Des Cartes, that God being an omniscient agent, it is rash and presumptuous for men to think, that they know, or can

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