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Jan., pp. 1-102. Feb., pp. 103-216. Mar., pp. 217-320. April, pp. 321-424. May, pp. 425-536. June, pp. 536a-648.

Abbatoirs a Necessity, 581

Adam, Madame Juliette, 266

Addams's (Miss Jane), "Twenty Years at Hull House," 179

Advertising: How to abate the Poster, 149

Africa: Journalism in Egypt, 474

Rebellion in Morocco, 433, 539

Land Tenure in West Africa, 474

General Butler on the South African War, 392

President Steyn and the Empire, 17

Mrs. Margaret Woods on South Africa, 54, 57
White Women in South Africa, 249

Plea for South African Sanitoria, 576

Cecil Rhodes and the Tanganyika Railway, 251
An Aerial Railway in German East Africa, 214
Women's Rights in African Communities, 57
Agenda Club, 252

Agriculture, Land (see also Forestry):

International Parliament of Agriculture at Rome, 547

The Epic of Hodge, 56

Small Holdings in 1911, 576

Commission on Small Holdings, 520

Co-operation in Agriculture, 634

Rural Denmark and Its Lessons, 509

M. Krukoff's Views, 432

Beet Industry in Europe, 481

Nitro-Bacterine, 209, 318

Mechanical Appliances for the Farm, 420

Farming revolutionised by Motors, 100

Disappearance of the Horse, 420

Land Banks and Credit Societies, 410, 520, 634

Soldiers as Farmers, 163.

Aird, Sir John, 197

Airedale, Lord, 410

Alexandra, Queen,-Telegram to REVIEW OF REVIEWS, 105

American Catholic Quarterly Review reviewed, 46, 64, 76

American Magazine reviewed, 252, 610

Anderson, Mrs. Garrett, Mayor of Aldeburgh, 33

Angell, Norman, and "The Great Illusion," 361

Antarctic Expedition of Capt. Scott, 119

Anti-Vivisection Review reviewed, 499, 581

Arc, Joan of, in Tableaux, 500

Architectural Review reviewed, 73, 592

Arctic Exploration: Capt. Cook and the Pole, 119

Armies: Soldiers as Farmers, 163

The New Turkish Army, 143, 433

Arnold-Forster, H. O., 87

Art: Music and Pictures, 271

Early Morn and Sunset in Art, 486
Landscape Bookplates, 486

Chinese Art, 479

Art in the Magazines, 65, 164, 271, 371, 486

Art Journal reviewed, 61, 65, 164, 271, 469, 486

Artox, 527

Asquith, H. H., on Anglo-American Union, 335

Astronomy: Measuring Star Movement, 163

Atlantic Monthly reviewed, 67, 150, 155, 166, 172, 252, 257, 272, 273, 307,

312, 481, 605

Audoux, Marguerite, and "Marie-Claire," 160

Australia: The Referendum, 466

To fertilise 364,000,000 Acres, 310

Protection of the Australian Aborigines, 332

Homesickness for England, 481

Balfour, A. J., 10, 41, 141, 254, 374

Ballooning, Aerial Navigation:

C. Grahame-White and H. Harper's "The Aeroplane," 612

Across the Atlantic in Thirty-three Hours, 366

M. Berteaux killed, 539

Aerial Women, 260

Bannard, H. A., on the Imperial Secretariat, 24

Barker, Mr., Bone-setter, te., 996

Barnes, G. N., 228

Beet Industry in Europe, 481

Belgium, Leopold II of, 5

Belloc, Hilaire, 41.

Berteaux, M., 539

Besant, Mrs. Annie, 485

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Bethmann-Hollweg, Herr von, and Naval Information, 325

Bewick, Thomas, 486

Bible and Biblical Criticism:

Tercentenary of the Authorised Version, 321, 475

Revival of Bible-Reading, 321

In Whom did St. Paul believe? 269.

Natural History in the Psalms, 587

The Bible as a Bond of Anglo-American Union, 321, 335

Origin of the Bible Society, 359

Birds: Our Feathered Colonial Subjects, 54

Destruction of Tropical Birds, 467

Blackwood's Magazine reviewed, 40, 67, 173, 194, 246, 273, 275, 301, 487,

495, 568, 605

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[blocks in formation]


Westbury, 222, 304

Forest of Dean, 222, 304
North-East Lanark, 408
Bootle, 326, 408
Haddingtonshire, 518
Cheltenham, 518
Barnstaple, 632

Election Petitions, 428, 541

Plea for a Wisdom Franchise, 148
Elephants' Dying Grounds, 258

Elixir of Life-El Zair, 238, 438

Elliot's (Hon. A. D.)" Lord Goschen", 505
Emigration, Immigration:

Room for 300 Million People, 634

Duke of Marlborough on Emigration, 66

Emigration on Business Lines; C. R. Enock's Scheme, 412; Comments,

521, 522, 524, 636; and Reply to Critics, 635

Emigration to Scotland, 585

Japanese Immigration in America, 64

Empire Review reviewed, 356, 364

Encyclopædia Britannica, 617

Engineering (see also Iron and Steel, etc.):

F. W. Taylor's System in the Workshop, 362, 528, 530, 604

Why America leads, 525
Engineering Review reviewed, 314
England and the English People:

Our Cold, Stolid Self-Sufficiency, 475
We do not despair of Ourselves, 590
Anti-American England, 380

English Historical Review reviewed, 52
English Illustrated Magazine reviewed, 595

English Review reviewed, 39, 42, 56, 65, 69, 245, 247, 275, 336, 357, 369,
386, 597

Englishwoman reviewed, 57, 170, 249, 488, 492, 534, 590, 595, 599

Enock, C. R., on Emigration on Business Lines, 412; Comments, 521, 522,
524, 636; and Reply to His Critics, 635

Erckmann-Chatrian, 268

Esperanto, 81, 178, 229, 302, 404, 502, 611

Ethics: Ashamed of being good, 155

Eugenics (see also Evolution and Heredity, etc.):

A Law of Consonance for Woman, 147

Eugenics Review reviewed, 147, 163, 496

Europe leading America, 468

Evolution, Heredity, etc.:

Dr. A. R. Wallace's "The World of Life," 83

The Benefit of Disease, 154

Heredity and Insanity, 163

Expositor reviewed, 70

Falkland Islands, 546

Fauna and Flora, Preservation of, 467

Fawcett, Mrs. Henry, on Woman Suffrage in the New Parliament, 36

Finance (see also Protection and Free Trade, Shipping, etc.):

The Revenue and the Surplus, 330

British Commercial Law, 312

Average Profits, 530

Bribery in Business, 307

Mr. Gattie's Clearing House Scheme, 308

Good-Bye to Jeremiah, 306

Where John Bull leads, 420

Imperial Investments, 642

Training of Salesmen, 411

The Royal Mint Centenary, 591

Financial Review of Reviews reviewed, 592, 642

Food: Adulteration, 526, 528

Pure Food and How to Secure It, 638, 640

Ford, Geraid Nonus, 438

Foreign and International Affairs:

The Peace Movement, see Peace

Anglo-Americanism at the Guildhall, 16

Anglo-American Arbitration, etc., see under Peace

England and Germany, see under Germany

The Russo-German Entente, 117

Russia and France, 579

Germany and Turkey, see under Turkey.
Germany and Flushing, see under Holland

The Anglo-Japanese Alliance, 374

Forestry: The Afforestation of Britain, 148

Forests of America, 314

Fortnightly Review reviewed, 3, 20, 26, 40, 41, 45, 57, 70, 93, 114, 138, 143,
145, 146, 151, 165, 169, 191, 245, 247, 258, 276, 354, 355, 357, 377, 381,

455, 464, 465, 491, 566, 567, 572, 574, 593, 599, 601

Fo um: After Twenty-five Years, 387

Forum reviewed, 45, 74, 146, 273, 369, 387, 496, 573, 644



Resignation of M. Briand, 229

M. Briand on a Universal Strike, 55

Henri Brisson, 150

Universal Suffrage, 593

Riots in the Champagne Country, 435

Russia's Attitude to France, 579

France and Turkey, 250

France and Muscat, 16

France and Indo-China, 476

Brest as a Transatlantic Port, 52
Crime and Illiteracy, 60

[blocks in formation]

George V., King,

Character Sketch, 553

Sketch by Old Courtier, 569

The First Year of King George, 570

Coronation Service and Ceremony, etc., 536c, 553, 565

To Visit India, 113

Rebuilding of Kennington, 409

The Libel of Mr. Mylius, 115

The King's Wardrobe, 469

On the Bible, 321

George, D. Lloyd, 300, 537

His Insurance Schemes, 537, 598

German Reviews reviewed, 42, 49, 58, 144, 149, 266, 272, 580

Germanisation of the Continent, 45

Germany Master of Europe, 355

Sir H. H. Johnston on an Anglo-German Understanding, 43

Prof H. von Delbrück on Germany and Britain, 145, 536d, 601
Interchange of Naval Information, 325

Case of English Spies at Borkum, 14

The Kaiser in England, 536d

Germany and Turkey, see under Turkey

The Russo-German Entente, 117

Germany and Flushing, see under Holland

The German National Idea, 360
Youth-Care, 307

National Insurance, 599

Unemployment Insurance, 51

German Methods of Training Salesmen, 411

The Franco-German War, 158

Germany, Emperor William II. of,

In London, 536d

His Love of England, 579

Germany, Crown Prince of, in India, 122

Ghose, Babu Shishir Kumar, 262

Girl's Own Paper reviewed, 261

Girl's Realm reviewed, 566

Gladstone, W. E., 164, 477

Goethe: Prototype of Margaret in "Faust," 594

Mus cal Settings by Schubert, 486

Gold and Its Manufacture, 265

Goltz, Colmar Freiherr von der, 580

Gomme, Sir G. Laurence, 534

Gorky, Maxim, on London, 465

Goschen, First Lord, and the "Life," by the Hon. A. D. Elliot, 505

Grahame-White (C.) and H. Harper's "The Aeroplane," 612

Greece: M. Venizelos, 228

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Hugo's (Victor)“Gwynplaine," 343
Hull House, Chicago, 179

Humperdinck, E., 271

Hurst, Hal, 368

Hymnology: Latin Hymns and Rival Translators, 68

Illustrations (see also Portraits):

Caricatures, 27-31, 132-136, 230-234. 337-342, 443-448, 548-552
The Sceptre and the Crown, 565, 566, 567

The Royal Family, 48

Unveiling of the Queen Victoria Memorial, 588, 589

The King and the Kaiser at the Queen Victoria Memorial, 556b
Telegram from Queen Alexandra, 105

The Duke and Duchess of Connaught in Rhodesia, 124

The Germ.n Crown Prince at Assouan, 122

The German Crown Prince and Lord and Lady Hardinge, 436

The Crown Princess of Sweden as Gardener, 429

Return of Lord and Lady Minto, 17

Mr. Balfour's Referendum Meeting at the Albert Hall, 23
Mrs. Lees of Oldham as Returning Officer, 32

Clement Shorter, 127, 129

Clement Shorter's House, 130

Bernard Shaw and Dr. Henderson, 345
Mme. Curie in Her Laboratory, 431
F. R. Benson as Mark Antony, 440
Ellaline Terriss as Joan of Arc, 500
The Dickens Stamp, 81

W. L. Wyllie's " London from the Surrey Side," 426
Bookplates, 515

Funeral of Murdered City Policemen, 13

"Battle" at Stepney, 120

Aliens arriving in London, 121

Festival of Empire at the Cryst 1 Palace, 458, 460-463

The Automobile Club in Pall Mall, 552

University College, Bangor, 5or

Workmen's Cottages at Letchworth, 416

Old-Age Pensioners leaving Workhouse, 216

Jewish Minister with the Torah, 376

Tame Llama, 361

Cecil Grace, Balloonist, 98

P. Prier, Aviator, 518

Pierre Marie, Airman, 612

Aviation Demonstration at Hendon, 613

Mr. Balfour and Mr. Grahame-White flying, 616

Mr. Asquith watching the Dropping of Bombs from Aeroplanes, 614
The Mauser Rifle, 122

Electro-Turbo Locomotive, 214

The Turbinia, 646

Coaling Ships by Machinery, 312

Colliery Disaster at Boiton, 97

Steam Plough for Deep Cultivation, 423

Nitro Bacterine, 211

The Sandow Institute, 201

Lieutenant Shirase and the Japanese Expedition to the South Pole, 119
Captain Scott's Departure from New Zealand for the South Pole, 119
Borkum, 14

Trial of Camorrists at Viterbo, 407

The Tsar reviewing Boys' Brigade, 117
Government House, Calcutta, 328
Types of Our Indian cubjects, 545
Plague Doctors in Manchuria, 329
A Cherry Orchard, Japan, 257
Cremation of the King of Siam, 545
Moroccans in Council, 433

Government Building, Capetown, 463
Blaauwkrantz Bridge, South Africa, 429
Olive Schreiner's Farm, 285

Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, 217, 460

Government Bui di g, St. John's, Newfoundland, 461

Emigrants awaiting Inspection at Ellis Island, 121

Concrete Oil-Tank, near San Luis Obispo, Cal., 530

Christian Science Church, Boston, 18

Model of Pyramid Temple in Yucatan, 472

Ancient Monastery in Chichen Itza, 472

Madero and Leaders of the Revolutionary Movement in Mexico, 434

Statue of Christopher Columbus at Buenos Ayres, 547

Natives of the Northern Territory, ustralia, 332

Federal Houses of Parliament, Melbourne, 462

Government Building, Wellington, N.Z., 449


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[blocks in formation]

The Koh-i-nur, 580

Raja Sir Harnam Singh, 61

Nur Jehan, 255

Babu Shishir Kumar Ghose, 262

Indian Magazine reviewed, 597

Indian Review reviewed, 42, 64, 156, 161, 194, 582

Indian World reviewed, 42, 255
Indo-China: French Policy, 476

Insurance, National, and Old Age Pensions :

The National Insurance Scheme, 598

State Insurance v. Friendly Societies, 480
National Insurance in Germany, 599
Paupers and Old Age Pensions, 228
Old Age Pensions in Ireland, 64

International Journal of Ethics reviewed, 161, 162, 167

Enock, C. R., on Emigration on Business Lines, 412
Pankhurst, Mrs., on W.S.P.U. Election Policy, 37
Whelen, F., on a Subscription Theatre, 93


The Question of Home Rule, 114, 249

Mr. Redmond's Views, 142

Will Ulster fight? 11

O'Connell on Federalism, 42

The Irish and American Arbitration, 324

Joseph Devlin, 235

Wages and Housing in Belfast, 367

One Result of Old-Age Pensions, 64

The Pride of Dublin, 368

Irish Stories, 479

Irish Monthly reviewed, 68, 164, 265

Irish Review reviewed, 276

Iron and Steel (see also Engineering, etc.):

Iron Wealth of Brazil, 575

Our Rivals in steel, 216

Manganese Steel, 49

Islander reviewed, 70, 356, 45t

Italian Reviews re iewed, 76, 175, 280, 387, 498, 6c6

Italy: Jubilee Celebrations, 331

Mission of Prince Arthur of Connaught, 430
International Parliament of Agriculture, 547

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Medicine (see also Cancer, Consumption, Insanity, Rheumatism):

Prof. Metchnikoff's Theories, 153

The Benefit of Disease, 154

Cures for Diphtheria, Sleeping Sickness, and Syphilis, 165
Bone-Setting and the Faculty, 596
Nationalisation of Doctors, 539

The Doctors and the National Insurance Scheme, 538
Medical Men and Politics, 539

Metchnikoff, Prof. E., and His Theories, 153

Mexico Insurrection and Its Causes, 434, 471

Millet, J. F., and The Angelus," 265

Milgate Monthly reviewed, 50, 360

Mines and Mining: The New Mines Bill, 330
The South Wales Miners, 472

Explosion at Bolton, 13

Pit Ponies, 330

Mint and Its Centenary, 591

Minto, Lord. in India, 17, 156, 582

Mitra, S. M., and the Date of the Durbar, 328

Modern Astrology reviewed, 270, 378, 488, 497

Modern Review reviewed, 61, 68, 366, 375, 488, 582

Monism and Positivism, 584

Monsell, Lieut., on the Declaration of London, 138

Montessori, Maria, and Her System of Teaching, 478

Morgan, Miss Philip, Mayor of Brecon, 33

Morley, Viscount, 581

Lord Morley and Christianity, 466

Leader of the House of Lords, 326

His Indian Policy, 42, 156

Mormonism: Discussion, 297

The Anti-Mormon Crusade, 438-440

Other Reference, 165

Morris, William, and His Ideas, 267

Moslem World reviewed, 74, 474

Motors: Farming revolutionised by Motors, 100

The Automobile Club in Pall Mall, 592

Muscat, France and, 16

Museums: Kensington Palace Museum, 331

Museum of Technical Appliances for securing Safety to Workers, 331

An Ideal National Museum in Sweden, 264


The New Movement in Music, 65, 377

The New British Composers, 271
Competitive Festivals, 377

Coronation Music, 567

Tunder's Abend-Musik, 164

"Macbeth" in Opera, 164

E. Humperdinck's "Königskinder," 271
R. Strauss's "Rosenkavalier," 371


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in the New Cut, 296

Schubert's Songs, 486

Maryland, My Maryland! 371

Carillon Mnsic, 164

Too Many Singers, 253

Tolstoy's Attitude towards Music, 483

Music and Pictures, 271

Sir H. J. Wood, 371

Mrs. Rosa Newmarch, 486

Music in the Magazines, 65, 164, 271, 371, 377, 486

Musical Times reviewed, 65, 164. 265, 271, 371, 486

Muslim Review reviewed, 477, 488

Myers, Frederick, 359

Mylius, Mr., and His Libel on the King, 115

Napoleon I, 66

Nash's Magazine reviewed, 214, 567, 568, 603

National Review reviewed, 10, 41, 44, 54, 69, 89, 118, 141, 142, 171, 245, 247,

275, 356, 385, 465, 478, 492, 574. 581

Natural History (see also Birds, Elephants, Lions):

Preservation of Fauna and Flora, 467

Mr. Wingfield's Zoo, 361

Mr. Hagenbeck's Zoo, 467

Taming Animals, 477.

Navies: The New Estimates, 146, 228

Sir Edward Grey on Naval Expenditure, 322

Interchange of Naval Information between England and Germany, 325

Naval Expansion in the United States, 468

Is the American Navy of No Use? 150

Officers of the American Fleet in London, 16

Canada and a Navy, 18

The Declaration of London, see under Peace Movement

Newfoundland Quarterly reviewed, 73, 74

Newmarch, Mrs. Rosa, 486

Nicoll, Sir W. Robertson, 59

Nineteenth Century and After reviewed, 39, 43, 72, 164, 228, 245, 248, 274,

356, 383, 464, 493, 599, 602

Nitro-Bacterine. 209, 318

Noah's Flood explained, 355

Nobel, Alfred, 183

North American Review reviewed, 71, 151, 173, 259, 264, 265, 272, 273, 278,

386, 411, 468, 471, 496, 578, 606

Noyes, Alfred, 487, 567, 568

Obituary, 98, 194, 304, 408, 441, 518, 632

Occult Review reviewed, 238, 270, 364, 378, 380, 497, 604, 618

O'Connell, Dan, on Federalism, 42

Oil: New Oilfields, 530

The Supreme Court and Standard Oil, 543

Old Age Pensions, see Insurance (National)

[blocks in formation]

The Veto Bill: The Preamble, 115

The Coronation and the Bill, 428
The Lords and the Bill, 430
Other References, 220, 428, 536d
Lord Lansdowne's Bill, 537
Creation of Puppet Peers, 9-10, 39
The Duty of the Peers, 141

Policy of the Peers, 115, 151, 221

Lord Haldane's Task, 325

Future of the House of Lords, 301, 466

The Unionists and the Referendum, 9, 23, 24, 142

The Referendum: in the United States, 46, 466; in Switzerland, 466:

and in Australia, 466

Paton, Dr., 123, 253

Paupers and Old Age Pensions, 228

Peabody, Josephine Preston (Mrs. Marks), and "The Pied Piper," 66

Peace Movement:


The Savarkar Arbitration, 17, 220

The Declaration of London:

The Plain Truth, 137

Right of Neutrals, 117

Various Views, 15, 222, 245, 331, 336

A New Code of International Law, 287

Increasing War Expenditure, 124

The Peace of the Sheathed Sword, 578

Norman Angell and "The Great Illusion," 361

In Praise of War, 356

Always Arbitrate before You fight, 542
International Penalties on War-Makers, 543

Baroness von Suttner, 182

The New Anglo-German Friendship Society, 427

The Corda Fratres Association, 583

England's Lost Leadership of Peace, 152, 224

American Initiative, 152

The Carnegie Peace Fund, 15, 259

Peace Commission proposed by President Taft :

Sir Edward Grey's Written Reply, 223

Sir Edward Grey's Speeches on Arbitration with America, 322-325, 333

Sir Vezey Strong and Anglo-American Arbitration, 324, 427

Mr. Perris's Proposals, 427

Arbitration, not an Alliance, with the United States, 323, 356

Other References, 152, 542

The General Arbitration Treaty, 542

The Bible as a Bond of Anglo-American Union, 321, 333

Pearson's Magazine reviewed, 63, 247, 355

Perris, H. S., on an Anglo-American Arbitration Treaty, 427
Persia: American Financial Officials, 435

Persian Gulf: France and Muscat, 16

Peru To-day reviewed, 411

Philosophy: William James, 58, 161

Dr. A. R. Wallace's "The World of Life," 83
Positivism and Monism, 584

Tolstoyism, 57, 269, 272, 483, 484

Philosophy: Work of Ernest Brooks, 48

Photographs of the American Civil War, 250
Could Christ have been photographed? 380
Pioneer reviewed, 276

Playgrounds in Cities, 547

Poems on King George and the Coronation, 567
Poetry in the Magazines, 164, 375, 487, 567, 621
Poland: The Zemstvo Bill, 328

Police: The Houndsditch Tragedy, etc., 13, 120

The W.S.P.U.'s Charges of Brutality against the Police, 227
Population: Census Returns, 543

The Foreign Element in Scotland, 585
We Can't Afford Children, 273
Race Suicide or Higher Ethics, 331

Aberdeen, Lord, 106
Addams, Miss Jane, 179
Aird, Sir John, 196
Airedale, Lord, 410
Alexandra, Queen, 104
Anderson, Mrs. Garrett, 33
Barratt, T. J., Mar., xvi.
Bell, Moberly, 441
Benson, F. R., 440
Berteaux, M., 540

Besant, Mrs., Mar., xvi.

Booth, General, 109

Botha, General, 442

Bottomley, Prof. W. B., 209
Brandon, Lieut., 14

Brett, Hon. Maurice and Mrs., 193
Brittain, Harry and Mrs., 455
Brocklehurst, General, 107
Brooke, C. Vyner and Mrs., 193
Burge, Bishop (Southwark), 478
Burns, John, 108
Burt, Thomas, 108
Cadbury, George, Mar., xvi.
Carlisle, Earl of, 441
Cawdor, Lord, 223

Clifford, Dr., 109

Crane, Walter, 100

Crozier, Archbishop, 223
Curie, Mme., 43

Denman, Lord, 406
Despard, Mrs., 38
Devlin, Joe, 235
Donald, R. K., 110
Eddy, Mrs., 18

Edwards, Passmore, 441
Enock, C. R., 412
Esher, Viscount, 107
Fawcett, Mrs., Mar., xvi.
Ferchmin, Dr., 213
Finot, Jean, Mar., xv.
Fisher, Adm., Lord, 107
Fisher, Andrew, 541
Fogazzaro, A., 399
Fuller, Sir John, 225
Galton, Sir F., 194
Garvin, J. L., 19
George V., King, 554
George, D. Lloyd, 107

Germany, Crown Prince of, 436
Germany, Princess Victoria Louise
of, 536D.

Gilbert, Sir W. S., 632
Goschen, Lord, 505, 507

Grey, Sir Edward, 322
Haldane, Viscount, 325

Hardinge, Lord and Lady, 436

Harmsworth, Cecil, 439

Harmsworth, Sir Harold, 439

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