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190; treaty, made, 193; negotia-
tions with Russia over Alaska
boundary, 204; aggressions upon
Hawaii, 229; protest against
cession of Pearl Harbor, 241;
efforts to secure one Hawaiian
island, 256; proposal of triple
guarantee in Cuba, 267.
GREAT MEADOWS, battle of, 25.
GRESHAM, Walter Q., suggests
forcible restoration of Liliuoka-
lani, 253.

GUAM, ceded by Treaty of Paris,

HAMILTON, Alexander, first expan-
sionist under the Constitution,
80; founder of American conti-
nental policy, 82; forecasts Mon-
roe Doctrine, 83; policy as to
Mississippi River, 85; triumph
of his policy, 108.
HAMILTON, Henry, 41; brutal or-
ders, 42; surrenders to Clark, 44.
HARRISON, Benjamin, Hawaiian

annexation policy, 248.
HAWAII, history of, 222; first
American relations with, 223;
advent of Christian missionaries
in, 225; diplomatic relations with
United States, 225; relations
with Great Britain and France,
226; American policy toward,
formulated by Webster, 228;
British aggressions, 229; Ameri-
can protection extended, 230;
French aggressions, 232; Ameri-
can protectorate, 233; Fillmore's
policy, 235; failure of first an-
nexation scheme, 237; reciproc-
ity desired, 238; reciprocity
established, 240; cession of Pearl
Harbor, 241; accession of Liliuo-
kalani, 242; beginning of revolu-
tion, 243; Committee of Public
Safety, 245; deposition of queen,

246; recognition of new govern-
ment, 247; annexation treaty
made, 248; withdrawn from Sen-
ate, 250; Willis's mission, 252;
proposal to restore Liliuokalani,
253; reply of provisional govern-
ment, 253; fears of American
coercion, 254; republican gov-
ernment established, 255; ab-
dication of Liliuokalani, 255;
colonization by Japan, 256; Brit-
ish efforts to secure one island,
256; annexation negotiations re-
sumed, 257; annexation effected,
259; territorial government es-
tablished, 259; no statehood
contemplated, 260.

HAYTI, American interest in, 305.
HENRY, Patrick, commissions
Clark for Kaskaskia campaign,
36; dual orders, 38.

JACKSON, Andrew, relations with
Jefferson and with Burr, 137;
invasion of Florida, 139; practi-
cal conquest of Florida, 143;
Arbuthnot and Ambrister tragedy,
144; a patriotic order-breaker,
146; arbitrary government of
Florida, 155; determination to
annex Texas, 168; maligns John
Quincy Adams, 170.

JAPAN, efforts to gain control of
Hawaii, 256.

JAY, John, violates instructions of
Congress, 52; proposed treaty
with Spain, 70.
JEFFERSON, Thomas, approves
Clark's expedition, 36; orders to
Clark, 45; proposes organization
of Northwest Territory and Ordi-
nance of 1787, 59; demands free
navigation of Mississippi, 81;
policy as to Mississippi, 85;
wrath at France, 86; proposes
British alliance, 87; adopts Ham-

ilton's continental policy, 89;
sends out Lewis and Clark ex-
pedition, 90; authorized by
Congress to settle Mississippi
controversy with $2,000,000, 90;
letter to Dupont de Nemours,
93; approves Louisiana Pur-
chase, 96; views of Constitution,
IOI; imperialist designs, 130;

plans for annexation of Hawaii,

MATTHEWS, Stanley, on govern-
ment of territories, 157.
MCKINLEY, William, submits Ha-
waiian annexation treaty, 257; de-
nounces excesses in Cuban war,
270; message on intervention in
Cuba, 271.

aims to conquer or acquire Flor-MERRITT, Wesley, testimony con-
ida, 130; policy toward Texas,
162; policy toward Cuba, 266.

KALAKAUA, David, king of Ha-
waii, 242.

KASKASKIA, campaign against, 41.
KENDRICK, John, explorations in
Oregon, 181.

KENTUCKY, early settlements, 32;
incorporated into Virginia, 33;
admitted to Union as first new
state west of Alleghanies, 61;
importance of strategic position,
61; secession movement, 66.

LEDYARD, James, suggests Lewis
and Clark expedition, 90.
LEWIS AND CLARK expedition, 90,

cerning Philippines, 283.
MEXICO, becomes independent,
166; dispute over Texas, 173:
war with United States over
Texas, 178; Treaty of Guadalupe
Hidalgo, 179; Gadsden purchase,

MISSISSIPPI RIVER, Americans first
established upon, 45; increasing
frontier upon, 62; importance of,
to United States, 62; Spanish
control of mouth of, 63; con-
troversy over, 63; temporary
settlement by Pinckney-Godoy
treaty, 71; arbitrary action of
Morales, 77; American deter-
mination to get control of whole
river, 77; possession acquired,

LEWIS, Meriwether, expedition to MONROE DOCTRINE, foreshad-

Oregon, 184.

LILIUOKALANI, queen of Hawaii,
241; attempts a coup d'état, 243;
deposed, 246; vindictive policy,
252; plans for restoration to
throne, 253; abdication, 255.

MADISON, James, demands free
navigation of Mississippi River,

"MAINE," destruction of warship,

MANILA, battle of, 277.
MARCY, William L., Hawaiian pol-
icy, 235; ill-advised and futile

owed by Congress in 1811, 131;
foreshadowed by John Quincy
Adams, 153; directed against
Russia, 202; relation to expan-
sion, 297; not applicable to Asia,

MONROE, James, negotiates for
purchase of Louisiana, 93; orders
seizure of Amelia Island, 140;
proposes heroic treatment of
Spain, 150; policy in Texas, 163;
his "Doctrine," 297.
MORGAN, George, founds New
Madrid, 68.

MORRIS, Gouverneur, on govern-
ment of territories, 156.

MORROW, Justice, on government | PIERCE, Franklin, efforts to annex

of territories, 157.

NATIONAL SPIRIT, growth of, 79;
further increase of, 99.
NATCHEZ, American expedition
to, 45.

NEW ORLEANS, freedom of port,
granted to America, 71; impor-
tance of, 86; transfer of sover-
eignty at, 116.
Clark, 43; title to, 56; division
of, 57; ceded to United States,
58; Ordinance of 1787 for gov-
ernment of, 59.

ONIS, Don Luis de, 147.
ORDINANCE OF 1787, 59.
OREGON, origin of dispute over,
160; history of, 180; discoveries
and explorations of Kendrick
and Gray, 181; American title to,
185; missionary settlements in,
187; "54.40 or fight!" 189;
Polk's surrender, 194; treaty
made with Great Britain, 195.

PAGO PAGO, ceded to United
States, 261.

PEARL HARBOR, ceded to United
States, 241.

PENSACOLA, Occupied by British,

PHILIPPINES, American expedi-
tion against, 276; conquest of,
277; controversy over, in Treaty
of Paris, 281; attitude of Peace
Commissioners toward, 282;
Spanish efforts to retain, 285;
terms of cession, 287; territorial
status of, 294.

PICKERING, Timothy, denuncia-

tion of Louisiana Purchase, 114.

Hawaii, 237.

PINCKNEY, Thomas, makes treaty
with Spain, 71.

POLK, James K., elected President
on Oregon-Texas platform, 177;
sacrifices Oregon, 194.
PORTO RICO, American policy con-
cerning, established by Adams,
265; ceded in Treaty of Paris,
281; litigation over tariff, 293;
territorial status of, 294.

QUINCY, Josiah, opposes admis-
sion of Louisiana to Union, 122;
advocates secession, 123.

RANDOLPH, John, of Roanoke,
champion of States' Rights yet
also of admission of Louisiana
to statehood, 124.
RECIPROCITY with Hawaii, 238, 240.
REID, Whitelaw, Peace Commis-

sioner, 279; attitude toward an-
nexation of Philippines, 282;
vindication of his policy, 283.
RUSSIA, warned to quit America,
153; aggressions on Pacific
coast, 182; hostility to America,
199; conquest of Alaska, 200;
forced to recede from arrogant
pretensions, 202; negotiations
with United States and with
Great Britain, 203; desire to
relinquish Alaska, 205; sells
Alaska to United States, 211.

ST. MARK'S, Jackson's seizure of,

ST. PIERRE, Gardeur de, 21.
SAMOA, first relations with, 261;
cession of Pago Pago, 261; trip-
artite control, 261; partition of
islands, 262; acquisition and
government of Tutuila, 262.
SECESSION, proposed by Kentuck-

ians, 66; contemplated by Jef- | TEXAS, origin of dispute over, 160;

ferson, 113; advocated by Josiah
Quincy, 123.

SEWARD, William H., attracted to
Alaska, 209; purchases Alaska,
211; policy vindicated, 219; Ha-
waiian annexation policy, 238.
SLAVERY, involved in Texas con-
troversy, 165; abolished in
Texas, 166; restored, 170; de-
feat of plans in Texas, 197.
by colonists, 32; secured to
United States, 56.
SPAIN, able to conquer but not to
colonize America, 2; early hold-
ings in America, 3; hostile to
United States, 48; control of
lower Mississippi, 63; friction
over Yazoo Territory, 64; seiz-
ure of American vessels, 65; re-
fusal to fulfil treaty, 72; sells
Louisiana to France, 75; rapid
decline of, 128; dispute over
Florida, 130; refusal to ratify
Florida treaty, 150; ratification
of second Florida treaty, 151;
war with United States over
Cuba, 275; sues for peace, 278;
efforts to retain Philippines, 285;
cedes Philippines, 287.
SPOTTSWOOD, Alexander, first ex-
pansionist, 10; expedition into
Shenandoah Valley, 12; his
schemes of expansion, 14; letter
to the Lords of Trade, 15.
STATES' RIGHTS, discredited in ad-
mission of Louisiana to Union,

STEVENS, John L., report on Ha-
waiian troubles, 243; intervenes
in revolution, 246; criticised by
President Cleveland, 251.

Jefferson's policy, 162; Monroe's
negotiations, 163; John Quincy
Adams's policy, 164; affected by
slavery question, 165; American
colonization, 167; American at-
tempts to purchase, 168; inde-
pendence declared, 170; enlarge-
ment of boundaries suggested,
171; annexation treaty, 174; an-
nexation by joint resolution,

TREATY OF PARIS (1783), 46;
English attitude in making, 47;
French and Spanish attitude, 48;
instructions of Congress to
American Commissioners, 48;
instructions broken, 53; treaty
made, 54; results, 55; secret
clause about Yazoo lands, 64.
TREATY OF PARIS (1898), Ameri-
can Commissioners for, 279;
disposal of Cuba, 280; disposal
of Porto Rico, 281; disposal of
Philippines, 287; treaty made,

TREATY Of San IldefoNSO, 75;

resented in America, 86.
TYLER, John, Texas policy, 173;
appeals to House against Sen-
ate, 176: secures annexation of
Texas by joint resolution, 178.

UNITED STATES, boundaries fi-
nally fixed, 198; opposition to
admission of non-contiguous
territory, 239.

VAN BUREN, Martin, Texas policy,
VERGENNES, Count de, hostility to
America, 53.

VINCENNES, capture of, 53.

TENNESSEE, early settlements, 32; VIRGINIA, "Mother of Expan-

[blocks in formation]

WASHINGTON, George, sent to aid | WHITMAN, Marcus, great work for

Ohio Company, 20; mission to
Fort Le Bœuf, 21; expedition to
Pittsburg, 23; battle of Great
Meadows, 25; Fort Necessity,
26; sends Pinckney to Spain,
71; interpretations of his Fare-
well Address, 301.

Oregon, 187.

WILKINSON, James, traitorous
plottings, 67.

WILLIS, A. L., mission to Hawaii,

"WORLD POLITICS," America in,

WAYNE, Anthony, foils Clark's "WORLD POWER," 300.
treason, 70.

WEBSTER, Daniel, exposition of
Constitution, 156, 158; policy
toward Hawaii, 228.

WEST INDIES, American interest
in, 306.

WHITE, Samuel, denunciation of
Louisiana Purchase, 114.

YAZOO LANDS, dispute over, 64;
speculation in, 70; dispute set-
tled by treaty, 71; boundaries
marked by Ellicott, 72; Spanish
evacuation, 73.

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