Page images

Additional information supplied by-Continued

Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen-Continued

Exhibit No. 4: Revenue traffic units per man-hour, specified dates,

1921 to September 1950_-

Exhibit No. 5: Typical wage increases since the Korean crisis__

Exhibit No. 6: Rates of pay--.

Exhibit No. 7: Financial position of the railways---

Exhibit No. 8: Comparison of railroad revenue yield per traffic

unit with indexes of price changes, selected years 1921-49 and

monthly, 1950.

Exhibit No. 9: The 40-hour week on American railroads-excerpt

from the Emergency Board report on wages and hours for non-

operating railway employees December 17, 1948__

Exhibit No. 10: Excerpts from the McDonough Board report_---

Exhibit No. 11: Achievement of the 40-hour week in American

Industry-Excerpts from National Industrial Recovery Act____

Exhibit No. 12: Establishment of the 5-day workweek by the

Ford Motor Co___.

Exhibit No. 13: Traffic units per employee, yard service em-

ployees, selected years, 1922–49_.

Exhibit No. 14: Yard-service casualties, class I railways, 1930-49;

casualties of yard firemen and helpers, class I railways, 1941-45;

casualties of yard brakemen and yard helpers, class I railways,

1941-45; Army and Air Force casualties World War II___.

Exhibit No. 15: Members of Emergency Board in Conductors

and Trainmen case, 1950‒‒‒‒

Exhibit No. 16: Members of the Emergency Board in the non-

operating 40-hour week and wage increase case, 1948_.

Exhibit No. 17: Railway occupational groups operating predomi-

nantly on a 7-day week in May, 1948_-

Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen:

Correspondence between W. P. Kennedy and—

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed]

51, 54, 55, 62, 74

Circular to chief operating officers, Western Railways, represented
by Western Carriers' Conference Committee_--
Exhibit No. 1: Various correspondence_.




Additional information supplied by-Continued

Carriers Continued

Exhibit No. 9: Additional memorandum of agreement, December
21, 1950___



Exhibit No. 10: Financial condition of the railroads, prepared by

the Bureau of Railway Economics of the Association of Amer-
ican Railroads.


Exhibit No. 11: Carrier proposals for complete agreement; filed
with committee.


Exhibit No. 12: Brief; filed with committee_


Exhibit No. 13: Railroad transportation, a statistical record,


Additional information supplied by-Continued

Committee on Labor and Public Welfare Continued


Exhibit No. 23: Yearbook of Railroad Information, 1950 edition;
filed with committee_-_-


Exhibit No. 24: Book entitled "Railroad Men and Wages," by
J. Elmer Monroe; filed with committee_.




Exhibit No. 25: Book entitled "Wages, Hours, and Employment
in the United States, 1914 to 1936"; filed with committee__.
Exhibit No. 26: Summary of increases in rates granted to carriers_
Exhibit No. 27: Editorial in Washington Post, April 3, 1951,
Rail Arbitrator__

Exhibit No. 28: Class I railroads and 32 selected manufacturing
industries ranked according to average earnings, January 1939,
1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949_.

Exhibit No. 29: Release of the Association of American Railroads,

dated April 4, 1951, with respect to net operating income of class

I railroads_-

Exhibit No. 30: Booklet entitled "General Rebuttal of Employees

to Carriers' Proposals for Managerial Prerogative to Strip Op-

erating Employees of Valuable Earned Rights"; filed with


Various correspondence_.

Department of the Army: Correspondence between Karl R. Bendet-
sen, Assistant Secretary of the Army, and chairman____.

National Mediation Board:



Exhibit No. 1: Pamphlet entitled "Fifteen Years Under the Rail-
way Labor Act, Amended, and the National Mediation Board";
filed with committee___





Exhibit No. 5: Cases handled and disposition thereof by the
National Mediation Board for the period 1935 to 1950, inclusive_
Exhibit No. 6: Annual report of the National Mediation Board
for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1950; filed with committee____

Teletype of August 26, 1950_.

Exhibit No. 1: Report to the President by the Emergency Board,

dated June 15, 1950; filed with the committee__.

Exhibit No. 2: Background information re McDonough-Watkins-
O'Malley Board, appointed by the President__

Exhibit No. 3: Carriers' proposal known as attachment A...
Exhibits Nos. 4, 5, and 6: Schedules governing working conditions
on various railroads; filed with committee__.
Exhibit No. 7: Constitution, Statute, and rules of order; filed
the committee_.

Exhibit No. 8: Formal call of chairman, general committees of
adjustment, railroads in the United States, participating in the
joint concerted rules movement of 1949, to convene in St. Louis,
Mo., on Jan. 7, 1951, for the purpose of giving further considera-
tion of the 1949 rules dispute and wage increases_

Exhibit No. 9: Telegram of R. O. Hughes, to John R. Steelman,

January 7, 1951-

[merged small][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][merged small][merged small]




Washington, D. C.

The committee met at 10 a. m., pursuant to call, in the Old Supreme Court room, the Capitol, Senator James E. Murray (chairman) presiding.

Present: Senators Murray (chairman), Hill, Humphrey, Lehman, Pastore, Taft, Aiken, and Morse.

Also present: William H. Coburn, chief clerk of the committee; Herman Lazarus and Tom Shroyer, of the professional staff of the committee; and Ray R. Murdock, counsel to the Subcommittee on Labor-Management Relations.

The CHAIRMAN. The hearing will come to order, please.

Several of the Senators that intend to be here are being delayed. Senator Neely is occupied with a hearing in the District Committee and has a number of witnesses there, and he just came and told me that he would be available if necessary. But we will proceed with the hearing, and the Senators will arrive in due course.

The purpose of this hearing is to inquire into the causes of, the issues involved in and the repeated failure to settle the current labor dispute between the railroad carriers and the four operating railroad brotherhoods. The dispute commenced formally in March 1949 and, judging by newspaper reports, is no nearer settlement now.

Since it affects the stability of the operations of our railroads, this dispute constitutes a threat to our economy and our defense effort. Since it affects interstate commerce, it is a problem of immediate and direct concern to the Federal Government and the Congress.

It is difficult to believe that men of good faith cannot settle almost any dispute in a period of 2 years. And if a dispute cannot be settled in 2 years, there is no good reason to believe that it can be settled in 4 years or in 10 years.

It is, therefore, pertinent and appropriate that Congress should investigate this dispute, and the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare has so ordered.

Congress has passed much legislation to sponsor and promote collective bargaining and the peaceful settlement of labor disputes. Many years ago Congress recognized the necessity of providing by legislation appropriate mechanisms for the adjustment of labor disputes in the railroad industry, and therefore passed the Railway Labor Act. It sets up elaborate procedures. Those procedures have been utilized to the fullest extent in this dispute, and yet it is not settled.


The committee hopes that by this hearing, by airing the issues, by examining the procedures established by the Railway Labor Act, and by publicly bringing together the parties, it may achieve two objectives: (1) To afford an impartial forum in which conflicting views can be tested and publicized; and (2) to find some legislative remedy which will prevent the recurrence of disputes of this type which are so dangerous to the public welfare.

Accordingly all known parties have been invited to appear and participate in this hearing. Within the limits of our time, other persons who desire to testify will be heard.

The committee hopes to hear three witnesses today, namely, Mr. Roy O. Hughes, president of the Order of Railway Conductors; Mr. W. E. B. Chase, vice president of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; and Mr. W. B. Kennedy, president of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen.

Will the persons named step forward and be sworn, please? Mr. Hughes, Mr. Chase, and Mr. Kennedy, will you please raise your right hand and be sworn?

You do solemnly swear that the testimony which you are about to give in this proceeding will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Mr. HUGHES. I do.
Mr. CHASE. I do.

Mr. KENNEDY. I do.

The CHAIRMAN. The first witness, then, is Mr. Hughes.
Mr. Hughes will take the chair there.

Mr. Hughes, I understand you have a prepared statement. Do you wish to follow the statement or will you summarize it?


Mr. HUGHES. I will offer the statement that I prepared for the record and will read from certain portions of it as my testimony here. The CHAIRMAN. And the entire statement will be carried in the record as if delivered.

Mr. HUGHES. I would like to have that done. Thank you.
The CHAIRMAN. All right. You may proceed.

Mr. HUGHES. I first express the sincere appreciation of the Order of Railway Conductors, of which I have the honor to be president, to the committee for this opportunity to present our views on the subject matter of your investigation. Our organization will cooperate fully in your inquiry and will be pleased to answer any questions within the limits of my information and to furnish any information available to us touching upon the dispute which brought forth this. investigation.

Before discussing the dispute itself, it seems fitting that I give you a brief statement of my background, my railroad experience, and my work as a representative of railroad conductors.

I began work for the Great Northern Railway as a machinist's helper and entered train service as a Northern Pacific Railway brakeman at Duluth, Minn., in the year 1907; worked as a Northern Pacific conduc

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