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THE following pages were written chiefly for young persons, and for that large and increasing class of readers, who have neither the means of purchasing, nor the opportunity of perusing costly and elaborate treatises on any subject. It has been my aim to present such persons with a brief and popular view of the subject of Divine Providence, illustrating the agency of God in the affairs of men, and leading them to recognize his hand in all the events of life.

In fulfilling my design, I have endeavoured to avoid treating the subject merely in an abstract manner, and have therefore selected a number of interesting illustrative facts from Nature, History, Biography, and Scripture. Every one can understand facts, though every one may not be capable of following up a chain of reasonings. To some perhaps, another mode

of treating the subject might be more interesting; but to the greater part of readers, especially the young, a detail of particulars is necessary in order to produce a well-grounded conviction.

At the same time, it is important that christians should not only be acquainted with the truth, but be able also to defend it, and give a reason for the hope that is in them. I have therefore noticed the objections which are sometimes made against providence, and have endeavoured to refute them. To add weight to my own remarks, I have given the observations of Christian Authors of celebrity, who, though not writing expressly on the subject of providence, have incidentally referred to it in their works.




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Universal Belief of a Divine Being
Origin of the idea of a God
Impressions from the works of Creation
The lonely Forest-the mighty Ocean
Presence of Deity felt

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