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THE three excellent and well equipped medical colleges in this city are all ready for business, and in most excellent shape. The faculties remain almost the same as last year. Prof. Thos. L. Maddin, M. D., after a half-century in harness, has retired from the Medical Department of the University of Nashville, which is the only change there.

The venerable Thos. Menees, M. D., having "laid down life's burdens and its cares" had withdrawn from active work in the Vanderbilt University, Medical Department, and his death leaves no vacancy there.

In the Medical Department of the University of Tennessee the faculty remains as last year. The ravages by fire in their building just prior to the close of last session have all been thoroughly repaired, and some changes of material benefit have been made and the building is in far better condition than ever.

Students will bear in mind that the doors of Nashville are wide open, and there are no "Quarantine Regulations" whatever. Even though from an actual "Bronze John" focus you will be cordially welcome.


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THE Journal of the American Medical Association, in a review of the Protonuclein Therapy in Typhoid," says, 'Protonuclein is indicated according to Latta in Typhoid, because it increases leucocytosis, and thus adds to the resisting power of the cell structure in overcoming disease. As soon as he suspects typhoid, without waiting to insure the diagnosis, he commences to give Protonuclein, usually giving large doses in the beginning, lessening the quantity until the system has responded to the treatment, two tablets every three hours being the usual dose, the patient taking no other food nor medicine for two hours. At the end of the first half hour of this period, 4 to 6 ounces or more of hot water are given, and thirty minutes later the dose of Protonuclein and then an hour allowed for absorption. In this way every three-hour period is divided into two parts, the first two hours devoted to Protonuclein and hot water, and the last one to feeding and whatever other treatment may be indicated. Frequently during the first twenty-four hours no benefit may be produced. The temperature and disturbing symptoms may increase. After that both will decline. The treatment is not an abortive treatment, still it is not unusual to have a patient better on the eighth or tenth day than would be the case with the old method at the end of the third week.

AMENORRHEA.- Where the suppression is the result of sudden mental of physical shock, exposure to excessive cold or dampness, change of climate, etc., the function can be restored with absolute certainty and celerity by the administration of a few capsules of Ergoapiol (Smith).

DYSMENORRHEA.- Whether neuralgic, membranous, congestive, inflammatory, obstructive, or ovarian in character, responds readily to the painrelieving and flow-augmenting influences of this product. Ergoapiol (Smith) causes the menstrual flow to occur without discomfort, and brings the volume and duration to normal limits.

MODERN THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACY.-In speaking of ethical proprietaries, Dr. Hadra says: "I should be sorry, indeed, if the prejudices of any member of this society should so far overcome his better judgment as to banish all or most of these drugs from his practice without investigating their merits. So, if we desire a local antiphlogistic effect, and have to choose between the ancient, unsightly, unhygienic, and troublesome flax-seed poultice and the newer proprietary article called Antiphlogistine, a physician must needs be prejudiced, indeed, who will prefer the former It may be a matter of theoretical indifference what preparation we prescribe, but it may be quite a different matter with the patient who has to use it for long periods. . . .

"Does it not strike you as somewhat incongruous that we alone of all professions and trades should rise up in arms against a co-ordinate branch which is continually striving to assist us in improving our therapeutic weapons? If we would take advantage of the opportunity offered to make intelligent selection of such preparations of drugs of reliable concerns as appeals to reason and common sense, those of us who do so will certainly have an advantage over those who do not."

As regards the refilling by the druggists of prescriptions of proprietary remedies he says: "If I am called to treat a sprain of the ankle, and find it necessary to order an antiphlogistic application, it would be just as easy for the patient to send to his druggist daily for more flaxseed meal or iodine, as it would be for him to order more cans of the more cleanly proprietary preparation, Antiphlogistine. A tonic or cough medicine, quinine mixture or capsule would share the same fate whether proprietary or extemporaneous.

"If the intelligent use of the drugs mentioned is not injurious per se, why should we protect the laity against their use any more than against the employment of any other drugs? Would the committee advocate the abandonment of calomel, castor oil, mag. sulph., quinine, flax-seed meal, paregoric, laudanum, or carbolic acid because the laity can also go to the drug store and purchase these just as they can Cascara preparations, Phenacetin, Listerine, Antiphlogistine, etc.?"-Extracts from an article in the Texas Medical Journal for March, 1905, by Frederick Hadra M. D., of San Antonio.

WAYNE'S DIURETIC ELIXIR is the best and safest in the treatment of urinary calculus, gout, rheumatism, Bright's disease, diabetes, cystitis, hematuria, albuminuria, and vesical irritations generally. Dr. Chas. Kelly Gardner, of West Virginia, in a recent letter, writes: "I anticipate as positive results when administering it as I do from opium for pain or quinine for intermittents." It has been in constant use by the best physicians for twenty-two years. Try it, doctor. Allow no substitution. Prepared only by

238 East Fifth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.


CHEMICAL FOOD is a mixture of phosphoric acid and phosphates, the value of which physicians seem to have lost sight of to some extent, in the past few years. The Robinson-Pettet Co., to whose advertisement (on advertising page 17) we refer our readers, have placed upon the market a much improved form of this compound, "Robinson's Phosphoric Elixir." Its superiority consists in its uniform composition and high degree of palatability.

FOR MORE CENTURIES than the history of man can trace, coca has been the necessary daily ration of the Andean Indians. It is to them a sustenance against hunger and thirst, a supporter of respiration in the rarefied air of high altitudes, a muscular tonic for heart and limb in the most trying labor, and withal their sole reliance in the maintenance of health, even of life itself, midst these combined trials. During all these years no authentic case of coca addiction has been known. For nearly half a century Vin Mariani a preparation of true coca with nutrient Bordeaux wine-has been employed by the medical profession as a reliable support in convalscence or wasting disease. Like the parent leaf, no harm, and nothing but good, has ever come from its use.Coca Leaf, January, 1904.

DISINFECTION OF GENITO-URINARY TRACT.- In all cases where thorough disinfection of the genito-urinary tract is necessary, prescribe cystogen, in five-grain tablets, three or four times a day. This is especially indicated in gonorrhea in all stages, prostatitis, epidydimitis, cystitis, etc. - American Journal of Dermatology and Genito-Urinary Diseases.

THE preparations made by Robinson-Pettet Co. are endorsed by many prominent physicians. We recommend a careful perusal of the advertisement of this well-known manufacturing house. (See advertising page 17.)

TONIC APHRODISIAC TABLETS (WAYNE).-Formula: Phosphorus, Damiana, Ext. Nux Vomica, Saw Palmetto, and Ext. Coca, is a powerful brain, nerve, and sexual tonic.

Dr. J. R. Smith, Bunceton, Mo., in a recent letter, writes that he has treated a number of cases of sexual debility so successfully with Tonic Aphrodisiac Tablets that it has been the means of helping him greatly in his profession.


The original effervescing saline laxative and uric acid solvent. A combination of the tonic, alterative, and laxative salts similar to the celebrated Bitter Waters of Europe, fortified by addition of lithium and sodium phosphates. It stimulates liver, tones intestinal glands, purifies alimentary tract, improves digestion, assimilation, and metabolism. Especially valuable in rheumatism, gout, bilious attacks, constipation. Most efficient in eliminating toxic products from intestinal tract or blood, and correcting vicious or impaired functions.

Write for free samples to

Brooklyn, New York City.


IN OPERATIONS.-Cystogen is efficient in prophylaxis, preceding and succeeding operative procedures in the genito-urinary tract, preventing the infection of the cut parts. Five-grain doses should be given four times a day, for one or two days preceding an operation, and this treatment continued until the cuts are healed.

MESSRS. BATTLE & Co., Chemists' Corporation, 2001 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo., have just issued the seventh of their series of twelve illustrations of the Intestinal Parasites, and we will send them free to any physician on application.

THE ANASARCIN CHEMICAL CO. Dear Sirs: It is not often that I feel called upon to report the results from such samples as I may use, but in your case the result was so brilliant that I must say that it undoubtedly saved my patient's life.

He was edematous to his chin, his urine loaded with albumin, heart rate 140 to 160-to-day he is about the streets a well man. Very sincerely,

Paw Paw, Mich., Aug. 1, 1905.


THE STAGE OF EXHAUSTION.- In the treatment of alcoholism and dipsomania, the physician is called to the case at the stage of exhaustion or prostration, and a general derangement of nearly every function. Neurosis, cerebral congestion, cardiac acceleration, gastric and mesenteric disturbance, nausea, retching, intolerance of food, intense irritation, insomia, and an endless variety of morbid sequelæ require prompt attention.

It will be found that antikamnia in combination with codeia will give a most prompt and satisfactory response in relieving all the array of symptoms so distressing and usually so obstinate as to defy all ordinary therapeutical interference. The best method is to administer one Antikamnia & Codeine Tablet (antikamnia gr. 44, codeine, gr. 4) every fifteen minutes to a half hour, until three are taken, then widen the interval to one and a half to two hours, according to the urgency of the symptoms. Under this treatment the circulation will modify, the cardiac pains subside, the tremor, anxiety, and morbid vigilance will give way to rest, quiet, calm, and peaceful sleep. The nausea and vomiting, together with the irritable coughs which so frequently characterize these cases, will all disappear.

The superior results obtained with "Antikamnia & Codeine Tablets" are due, in a great measure, to the fact that the manufacturers refine and purify all of the codeia which enters into these tablets, and this prevents the constipation, depression, and habit which frequently follow the administration of preparations containing ordinary commercial codeia.

HOOKWORM DISEASE. The report of Dr. Ch. Wardell Stiles, Government Zoologist at Washington, on the anthelmintic treatment has the following:

"Three days before treatment the patient is placed on a milk and soup diet for three days.

"Thymol: The directions usually given for thymol treatment are: Two grams (31 grains) of thymol at 8 A. M.; 2 grams (31 grains) at IO A. M.; castor oil or magnesia at 12 M.

"One week later the stools should be examined, and if the eggs are still present, treatment should be repeated until the eggs disappear, but it is not best to give the thymol more than one day per week. Some cases of hookworm disease are quite obstinate and require a treatment extending over several weeks. It is, therefore, an unfortunate error to expel a few worms with one or two doses, and then dismiss the patient as cured without having made further microscopic examination for eggs.

"The administration of thymol has for its object the expulsion of the parasite, hence the removal of the cause of the disease. This should be supplemented by efforts to build up the depleted system by means

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