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the operation hemorrhage may be controlled by an assistant, who compresses with his fingers the vessels on each side of the uterus, or by placing a temporary rubber ligature about the cervix uteri.

Hemostasis is effected and the wound in the uterus is closed by layers of continuous or interrupted catgut sutures. Great care should be taken to prevent hemorrhage between the layers of suture, and to insure accurate closure of the incision in the uterus. The temporary ligature about the cervix, or the compression of the vessels of the broad ligaments, should be removed from time to time during the process of suturing and after closure of the uterine wound, in order to determine the position of bleeding points and the efficiency of the hemostasis; and before closing the abdominal incision. the uterine wound should be inspected for several minutes while the woman is in the horizontal position. The abdomen may usually be closed without drain




REMOVAL of the tube and ovary upon one side has no effect upon menstruation or upon any of the other characteristics of the woman.

Removal of the tubes and ovaries upon both sides is followed within forty-eight hours by slight bleeding from the uterus, lasting for one or two days.

If the removal of the tubes and ovaries has been complete, menstruation, in the majority of cases, never re


In a few cases menstruation appears for one, two, or three periods after the operation, usually in diminished amount, and then ceases for ever. In some other cases there is a period of a few months of amenorrhea, followed by two or three scanty menstrual flows, before the bleeding permanently ceases.

These phenomena, it will be observed, are similar to those of the normal menopause.

The woman after double salpingo-oophorectomy experiences the nervous and gastro-intestinal disturbances. that so usually accompany the menopause. She, in fact, passes through a premature menopause, the phenomena of which may persist for one or two years.

The secondary sexual characteristics of the woman-the voice, the figure, and the growth of hair-are not altered if the appendages are removed during adult life. The case may be different if the appendages are removed in the undeveloped girl, in whom the ovarian influence is essential for complete development.

The woman loses none of her feminine attractions.

She may, indeed, become better-looking if the operation has relieved chronic suffering. It is said that Gyges, king of Lydia, caused the removal of ovaries from women with a view to prolonging their charms.

Double oöphorectomy may be followed by obesity if the woman have a tendency to form fat. The relief of suffering and the consequent improved nutrition favor the development of obesity. There seems to be nothing inherent in the operation to cause it. Many women remain thin after the operation.

The emotions of the woman are unaltered by double oöphorectomy, with the exception of some cases in which the sexual desire is destroyed. Sexual desire is dependent upon such a variety of conditions, both within and without the woman, that it is difficult to determine the amount of influence that removal of the ovaries exerts upon this feeling.

It is undoubtedly true that sexual desire is sometimes. destroyed by the operation. On the other hand, the sexual desire is very often restored by the operation, which relieves the former dyspareunia, or painful coitus.


ABDOMEN, binder for, 464

distention of, after celiotomy, 482

drainage of, 465, 468

enlargement of, 21

examination of, 21, 23, 24, 30

exploration of, 473

fluctuation in, 22

protection of contents of, during

operation, 474

retentive power of, 97

sterilization of, for operation, 458
Abdominal incision, closing of, 476
irrigation, temperature of water for,

operations, dressing of, 463
instruments for, 460
section, after-treatment of, 479
surgery, training for, 446
suture, layer method, 477
sutures, removal of, 477
wall, incision of, 472

closing of incision in, 476
Abortion in endometritis, 203
by uterine sound, 37
Abscess, pelvic, 296

of vulvo-vaginal glands, 40, 42
Actinomycosis of tubes, 306
Adenoma of ovary, 345
of tubes, 306

of uterus, malignant, 217
Adhesions of clitoris, 49

pelvic, treatment of, 494, 497
Alexander's operation, 140
Amenorrhea, 391

emansio mensium, 391
pelvic massage in, 399
periodical disturbances in, 392
in superinvolution, 213
suppressio mensium, 391
in tubal pregnancy, 316
Ampullar pregnancy, 308
Anesthesia, 455

Anesthetizer, duties of, 455

Animals, disease of reproductive or-

gans in, 17

Anteflexion of uterus, 117

causes, 117, 120

menstruation in, 120

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Carcinoma, cachexia of, 190

of cervix, 179

broad ligaments in, 183, 191, 192
caustics in, 194

diagnosis from lupus, 186

from syphilitic ulceration, 186
from uterine polyp, 186
duration, 191
hysterectomy for, 191, 192
metastasis in, 183
origin, 179

peritoneal involvement in, 183
septic infection in, 190
symptoms, 187

treatment, 191, 193
ulceration in, 180

ureteral involvement in, 183
urinary fistulæ in, 183
varieties, 179, 181, 182

of Fallopian tubes, 216
of ovaries, 216
of peritoneum, 216
urethral, 421

of uterus, body of, 214
age, 216

[blocks in formation]

Catarrh of cervix, 164

Catgut, sterilization of, 462, 463
Cumol method, 463

Reverdin's method, 463
Catheter, Skene's, 415

Catheterization, after celiotomy, 480
of bladder, 424

as cause of cystitis, 423
before operation, 459

Celibacy a cause of disease, 20
fibroids in, 20

Celiotomy, 298, 305

abdominal distention after, 482
after-treatment, 479

bowels, after-treatment of, 481
catheterization after, 480
celloidin dressing after, 464
death after, 485

food after, 481

hemorrhage after, 485
micturition after, 480
mortality after, 486
opium after, 480,
pain after, 480, 482
peritonitis after, 485
pulse after, 483
shock after, 483
temperature after, 483
thirst after, 479

urinary secretion after, 481
vomiting after, 482
water after, 479
Cellulitis, pelvic, 296
Cervical catarrh, 151, 164
in displacements, 165
erosion in, 165

in laceration of cervix, 150
sclerosis in, 165

Cervix, amputation of, 160, 161
conception after, 163

in subinvolution of uterus, 212
in uterine prolapse, 111
applications to the, 170
artery of, 489

atresia of, 19

of bladder, 421

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