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forefathers came, and that it is a binding duty on every citizen of this country in every important crisis, to act solidly with all his fellow Americans, having regard only to the honor and interest of America and treating every other nation purely on its conduct in that crisis, without reference to his ancestral predilections or antipathies. If he does not so act, he is false to the teachings and the lives of Washington and Lincoln, he is not entitled to any part or lot in our country, and he should be sent out of it. If he does not act purely as an American, he shows that in his case the crucible has failed to do its work. The crucible must melt all who are cast in it; it must turn them out in one American mould; and this must be the mould shaped a hundred and forty years ago by the men who under Washington founded this as a free nation, separate from all others.

18. Examination questions.1

The questions in the following pages should be studied by all who are preparing for the Government examinations for citizenship. The answers will sometimes be found in this book. If not, the student should refer to books listed in ¶¶ 128 and 131.

Where can "Naturalization Papers" be taken out?
What is a "Declaration of Intention"?

For how many years is a “Declaration of Intention" good? What are some of the things you must state in your "Petition for Naturalization"

How long must a man live in the United States before he may file a petition for his "Certificate of Naturalization"?

What is the need for the two witnesses who appear with you when petition is made for "Certificate of Naturalization"? When is the "Oath of Allegiance" taken?

1 Teachers should drill their classes in answering questions of the same general purport as those given here and on pages 39, 71 and 87, but different in form. Applicants for citizenship are sometimes quite naturally perplexed by new phrasing in examination questions upon perfectly familiar subjects.

What may you do if you should lose your "Declaration of Intention" ("first paper") or "Certificate of Naturalization' ("second paper")?

What is a "Certificate of Arrival," and who must secure these before making petition for "Certificate of Naturalization”?

What are some of the advantages of becoming a citizen of the United States?


19. Watch-words.

Some of the best stuff in America is in the men who are naturalized citizens of the United States. Wilson.

We have in our scheme of government no room for the man who does not wish to pay his way through life by what he does for himself and for the community. - Roosevelt.

Every good man in politics wields a power for good. - Peters.

If you want a clean city, vote to place the Government in clean hands. McGlynn.

The ideal citizen is the man who believes that all men are brothers, and that the Nation is merely an extension of the family. - Habberton.

Americanism is a question of spirit, conviction, and purpose — not of creed or birthplace.


Municipal government should be entirely divorced from party politics. - Parkhurst.

Too many of our citizens fail to realize that local government is a worthy study. Fiske.

Every citizen should be ready to do his full part in the service of the community in which he lives. Mann.

Each separate township needs men who will inspire respect and common confidence. Mowry.

Let the man, who, without good excuse, fails to vote, be deprived of the right to vote. - Miller.

The good citizen will never consent that his voice and vote shall sanction a public wrong.

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- Gow.

20. The citizen's share in government.

What is each citizen's share in government?

By his vote at an election, each citizen helps to decide who shall be the Government officers to represent his interests and the interests of the community in which he lives.

Remember that only those citizens who actually vote have

a part in the Government. If a man fails to vote from carelessness or indifference, he is not a good citizen.

What is an election?

At certain times and places in each community, officers of the Government are chosen by the votes of the qualified citizens. The person who receives the greatest number of votes is declared elected to that office for which he was a candidate. He serves as the people's representative for a certain term or until his successor is chosen. Various questions of public policy also are decided by the voters at the elections.

Does naturalization of itself `give the right to vote? No. The right to vote is given by the State. Most States confer this right upon all citizens of the United States who have lived within the State for one year, and who can meet certain simple requirements.

What are some of the usual requirements of becoming a voter?

(1) You must be a native-born or naturalized citizen of the United States, twenty-one or more years of age.

(2) You must promise to obey the laws of the country and to recognize the officers of the Government as the persons in authority.

(3) You must have lived for a certain time in the State and in the city (or town) in which you desire to vote.

(4) You must pay taxes for the support of the Government. (5) You must be registered as a voter in the city or town in which you live.

What must the naturalized citizen do in order to be registered as a voter?

He must appear before the Registrars of Voters in his city or town for registration. They will ask him to present his certificate of citizenship, and to make oath that he is the person named therein. He must also prove by witnesses

that he lives in the city or town. He must show that he can read English. After this he will be registered, and his name will be placed upon the voting list.

21. The power of the ballot.

Why is each citizen's vote important?

Because by means of his vote each citizen has a share in making the Government good or bad. If good men are elected to office by the people, all the people are benefited; if bad men are elected, all the people suffer.

The vote of each citizen counts as one and only one, regardless of his birthplace, position in life, or wealth. Elections have sometimes been decided by the margin of a single vote. This shows how important it is for every citizen to use his privilege of voting.

Why should every citizen vote?

In order that our Government may continue truly representative, and that the laws may be what the people as a whole want them to be.

It is only the votes that are cast that count for or against a candidate or a law. It is not good citizenship to fail to express an opinion on public affairs.

If competent and honest officers are not elected, whose fault is it?

It is the fault of the individual citizens who fail to vote ~ according to their best judgment. No one should vote without careful attention to the character and ability of the candidate.

What should be the attitude of the citizen toward the ~ officers chosen at an election?

He must respect them as the persons chosen to enforce the laws. They are the choice of the majority of the people. Officers elected by a majority hold public office as a public

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