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This warlike tribe now lives in peace, under British rule, and the young warriors have little opportunity to win glory except in spearing the lions which sometimes
kill their cattle. Roosevelt describes the spearing and the victory dance, in one of the most tense bits of description in African Game Trails (pp. 405-410).

Roosevelt accorded proportionately to the Negro tribes of Africa and the native helpers on his expedition the interest and appreciation he gave everyone. At home
in America he was always the most democratic of men, yet moved in an aristocracy of his own choosing, an aristocracy of worth. Nationality did not matter, class,
education, position, money, never counted. For him all depended on the individual strength of character of the man..

In the chapter on "Wild Hunting Companions" of a Book Lover's Holidays, he has written delightfully of the wild black boys of Africa who were his and Kermit's
daily companions for many months under the equator. He expresses the strong attachment he felt for them, and his interest in them as representatives of an age far
remote from that of white men of twentieth century civilization




Courtesy of Brown Bros.

ideals to find success in public life.
Roosevelt has once and for all proved false the belief that an honest man and a gentleman cannot be in politics. He has inspired the young college man of high
"I suppose for one thing ordinary, plain, every-day duty sent me there [into politics] to begin with. When I said I wanted to go to the Republican Asso-
ciation they told me that I would meet the groom and the saloon-keeper there; that politics were low, and that no gentleman bothered with them. "Then,' said I, 'if
that is so, the groom and the saloon-keeper are the governing class and you confess weakness.
rule you. They must be better men;' and I went.'
You have all the chances, the education, the position, and you let them

"A heavy moral obligation rests upon the men of means and upon the men of education to do their full duty by their country. On no class does this obligation
rest more heavily than upon the men with a collegiate education, the men who are graduates of our universities. Their education gives them no right to feel the least
superiority over any of their fellow citizens; but it certainly ought to make them feel that they should stand foremost in the honorable effort to serve the whole public
by doing their duty as Americans in the body politic."--From "Colleges and Public Life'


Courtesy of Underwood and Underwood


A "Teddy Bear" joins
the procession for an
honorary degree at
Cambridge University

Roosevelt saw
ahead the natural
spiritual bond the
English language is
likely to prove in
the immediate fu-
ture. During the
years of the great
war especially, he
emphasized the
need that all for-
eign-born men in
America, now and
hereafter, learn to
speak English in
order to possess the
heritage of Ameri-
can ideals. Mean-
while, the war has
been uniting Eng-
lish speaking peo-
ples and shaping
conditions to make
the English lan-
guage the language
of the world.
Roosevelt designated
himself "like the
Americans of to-
morrow, rather than
like the Americans
of today; for I have
in my veins the
blood of men who
came from many
different European
races." He foresaw

that these "Ameri-
cans of tomorrow"
will have no feeling
of the alien with
any or all English
speaking peoples of
that future day, be-
cause a common

language unites in
things of the spirit,
and "Common heir-
ship in things of
the spirit makes a
closer bond than
common heirship in
the things of the


Courtesy of Brown Bros.


(From left to right in the photograph)

Archibald Roosevelt won
a commission as volunteer in
the first officers' training
camp and was promoted to
a captaincy in the 26th In-
fantry by General Pershing
after reaching France. He
was wounded in March, and
is now in General Hospital
No. 1, New York City.
was decorated with
French War Cross for gal-
lantry in action.

Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.,
Lieutenant Colonel 26th In-
fantry, 1st Division, Army
of Occupation, Germany. He
commanded one of the first
American battalions to go
under fire. He was gassed
in June and wounded in
July. He won the French
War Cross with three palms.

Kermit Roosevelt, Captain,
7th Field Artillery, 1st Divi-
sion, Army of Occupation,
Germany. He was formerly
with the British Expedition-
ary Force in Mesopotamia,
Light Armored Motor Bat-
tery. British D. S. C.

Quentin Roosevelt, Lieu-
tenant 95th Aero Squadron,
killed in action July 14, in
preparation of the Soissons
counter offensive. He had
won the French War Cross.

Quentin Roosevelt, the
youngest son, was but nine-
teen, a sophomore at Har
vard. He volunteered at the
first moment, as did the
older sons, but was rejected
because of defective vision.
He was so eager to go, how-
ever, that he applied for en-
trance in the Canadian Fly-
ing Corps, but was finally taken
instead into the United States
Aviation Section (in April).
He reached France just a
few weeks after the other sons


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Quentin Roosevelt was shot down while fighting at odds with enemy aeroplanes over the German lines in the Château-Thierry region. He was buried with military honors by German airmen near the spot where his machine fell. Much was expected of him, but he gave more. His sacrifice is to America as a symbol of the soul of democracy, of the country's young manhood offered to the cause of liberty.

Quentin visited France in 1909. A letter written to an old teacher at that time shows his boyish interest in flying (he was eleven years old): "We were at Rheims and saw all the aeroplanes flying, and saw Curtiss who won the Gordon Bennett cup for swiftest flight. You don't know how pretty it was to see all the aeroplanes sailing at a time. At one time there were four aeroplanes in the air. It was the prettiest thing I ever saw. The best one was a monoplane called the 'Antoinette,' which looks like a great big bird in the air. It does not wiggle at all, and goes very fast. It is awfully pretty turning." And at the close of the letter, "Tell S- that I am sending him a model of an aeroplane that winds up with a rubber band. They work quite well. I have one which can fly a hundred yards, and goes higher than my head."

When he was in training at Mineola, he often chose the air above his home at Sagamore Hill to practice his most startling maneuvers, his father never being sure until afterward that the army plane which had so thrilled them was Quentin's.

When the news of the boy's probable death came from France, Roosevelt, who had been sorrowing that he could not personally be on the western battlefront, dauntlessly gave answer: "Quentin's mother and I are very glad that he got to the Front and had a chance to render some service to his country, and to show the stuff there was in him before his fate befell him"

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