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The hope is strong that the Bull Creek and Dyerville forests can be purchased for a state or national park. But the purchase will have to be accomplished, largely at least,
by public subscription and donations of money throughout the United States. And it will have to be done soon, for these redwoods, among the best stands left, are owned by
large and active lumber corporations. It is the need for immediate attention that has brought about the organization of the Save the Redwoods League (see pages 603 and 605).
John Muir said more than twenty years ago that large reservations of redwoods should be made in Mendocino and Humboldt counties. The devastation by ax and fire since
when it would be too late. Now there are still remnants of forest worth saving
then has been unbelievably great. Fortunately, however, through the efforts of public-spirited men we have been awakened at the beginning of 1920 instead of a few years hence

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No pictures, or words, can convey the attractiveness of the redwood forests. In combination with the majesty of size of the trees are many other features, there are the
fantastic forms of fallen tree trunk and upheaved root, the blending greens in ferns and mosses and tree foliage,-there are sunshine, the living air, the forest fragrance, the
sound of wind in the branches, -and if the sea fog is shifting low among the trunks a fine mist falls upon the observer and veils everything in gray


made by the junction of the South Fork and the main Eel. Then in order northward along the coast, the Redwood Creek forest, the Klamath River groves, and, just south of the Oregon boundary, the Smith River groves (see map).

The report of the committee makes it evident that all these forests, or a major part of each, should ultimately be made state or national reservations-national parks or forest reserves. The Smith River tracts are picturesque with old, weirdly shaped trees, and have good camping sites and good fishing. The Redwood Creek stand is similarly picturesque and is especially tropical and fantastic in its luxuriant growths of moss and ferns. In both of these areas the trees are larger and older than elsewhere, less adapted for good timber, and more suitable for park purposes.

Choice for Immediate Reservation

The Survey would direct the first purchase for park purposes either to the Redwood Creek Forest, or to the more southerly Bull Creek and Dyerville stands, connecting with the groves along the South Fork of the Eel River, 20,000 to 25,000 acres altogether. Bull Creek is described as a magnificent stand of about 10,000 acres, belonging in largest part to the Pacific Lumber Company, and the Dyerville forest has about an equal acreage. The Dyerville stand is sharply bounded on the lower right bank of the Eel River by land as devastated as the battle fields of France, an urgent demand upon the observer to save what remains from a similar desolation. On the lower left bank of the Eel, however, is one of the best stands examined, about 20,000 acres, belonging also to the Pacific Lumber Company and with the new State Highway traversing it,-although it also is bounded beyond by devastated territory. If the great expense of this 20,000-acre tract precludes its purchase in the reservation of Bull Creek, Dyerville, and the South Fork areas, the Survey recommends its addition to these forests at the earliest date possible.

The Money for Purchase

That all these redwood lands are under the ownership of lumber companies means that saving them from the ax will be done only so fast as money can be found for their purchase. The survey committee gives seven

suggestions as to ways by which the money may be raised-outside of direct federal appropriation.

1. State taxation
2. County taxation
3. Local taxation

4. Public subscription
5. Donations of money

6. Donations of forest lands within the
redwood area

7. Exchange where possible of state or federal forests for private forests within the desired area

Action of the state of California is certain to rescue one or more of the large tracts. That of Dyerville Flat, for instance, is especially threatened at present by the operations of the Pacific Lumber Company.

It cannot be said that the state of California has been wholly indifferent to its redwood forests heretofore. More than twenty years ago $250,000 was appropriated to buy redwood land near Santa Cruz which remains today a state park. On the other hand, the state must be blamed for the unfortunate work of its Highway Commission in failing to get a right of way wide enough to protect the scenic effects along the roadway. In the future the need for the coöperation of a landscape engineer will be understood; also, that the right of way should never average less than three hundred yards. The Commission even went so far in certain areas as to buy only a one-hundred-yard strip of land with the proviso that the owners remove the timber!

Anyone who has lived even briefly in California can understand the loyalty of Californians to their homeland-apart from the influence of the great friendliness of its people and its prominent commercial position. Surely they may well ask if there is any sunshine like that which falls on California's valley meadows, and over her warm foothill slopes, and through the mist-draped redwoods against the sky. These things have profound influence even if we are not conscious of it. The public sentiment of the whole state has now been aroused to the danger threatening its northern forests, and Governor Stephens, the Legislature, and the people may be trusted for the result. Humboldt County Purchases 800 Acres along the State Highway

As to county action there is already, since the formation of the Redwoods League,


a definite story to be told. It is a story of activity on the part of the citizens of Humboldt County, coupled with personal generosity of two members of the League-as well as a spirit of coöperation which included members of the State Highway Commission and all the operating lumbermen. A matter of paramount importance was accomplished in early September when there was stopped all work of lumbermen directly bordering the highway under construction along the South Fork of the Eel River.1 And now the deeds for the holdings are in the hands of the county. This gives immediate protection, for a part of the distance, to the narrow strip of the forest which contributes so much toward the beauty of the roadwayand also to its popularity through protection from sun and blowing dust.

County action has thus proved itself, and county and local money are certain to accomplish much, but cannot be expected to purchase the great tracts. The area occupied by the redwoods includes relatively small communities of people. It cannot be expected that the local population should carry the heaviest burdens of taxation.

Sonoma County had previously purchased one small grove of redwoods, the Armstrong Grove; and it is hoped that Mendocino County will buy the Montgomery Grove. This is situated just beyond Ukiah, on the west side of the State Highway, and if saved will, together with the town, form the motor tourist entrance to the northern redwood region.

Certain lumbermen among those owning the land have already made gifts to the state and others are certain to do so, but it is scarcely fair that they should be expected to be more generous than the rest of us. It speaks well for these men, who know the forests and their value, that they have already shown themselves willing to coöperate in a manner advantageous to the Government in any transfer of ownership. What the Redwoods League hopes for is not only gifts

There have been many printed reports of the notable meeting held at Eureka, September 6. The small lumbermen who were operating along the Highway, cutting grape stakes and shingles, were brought together, and they agreed to suspend cutting for the sum of $60,000 and to give twoyear options on their property. The county gave $30,000 toward the amount, Mr. Mather, $15,000, and Mr. William Kent, $15,000. Mr. Kent had previously proved himself interested in the relation of these trees to the public welfare by presenting to the nation the Muir Woods on Mount Tamalpais.


of redwoods from the owners in the proposed reservations, but, especially, gifts of redwoods owned, or purchased, in other areas, which can be exchanged for sections in the proposed reservations.

Let All the Nation Contribute

Public subscription and donations of money over the whole United States are among the most hopeful methods for saving the redwoods, and the quickest. But every means must be taken to spread a knowledge of the situation or it will not be possible to catch the thought and heart of the people in the complex condition of national and international affairs today.

All the people of the nation are concerned in the matter. So unique are the redwood forests and so especially fitted for recreational purposes that they should become possessions of all the people, looked upon with a sense of ownership by every American. As brought out in the report on the League's survey, in connection with the large expenditure necessary, "the resultant benefits from the area preserved will be measured in units more valuable than gold or silver-in health, in joy and pleasure from the recreational opportunities afforded, and in pride that we have saved these trees from the ax and the circular saw and that they belong to us and to our children forever."

As to direct federal appropriation, notwithstanding recognition of the need the process will prove a slow one in the present reconstruction period. Uncle Sam has usually designated national parks and forest reserves out of some part of the public domain; redwood conservation, unfortunately, is a case for purchase. Congressman Clarence F. Lea, of California, has presented a resolution to the House of Representatives calling for an investigation of the problem with reference to the establishment of a national redwoods park.

The following relative to federal action is quoted from a recent letter from Colonel Graves, chief of the United States Bureau of Forestry:

"I regard the movement as of very great importance and one which should be backed up by the entire nation. In many ways the redwoods represent the most remarkable forests in the world. They may not be quite as large as the giant trees of the Sierras but, growing as they do in dense continuous

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