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Ophthalmic cases, three interesting, Peritonitis, diffuse, treatment of the

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peritoneum in, 362.

pneumococcus, 556.

Pharynx, hypertrophy of the lym-
phoid ring of the, and its sur-
gical treatment, 368.

[blocks in formation]

Rachitis and sterilized milk, 365.
Rays, light and invisible, employed
in medical practice considered
from a physical standpoint, 337-
Roentgen, treatment of lupus vul-
garis and inoperable tumors
with the, 61.

Reaction, iodin, in surgery, 289.
Rectus, superior, paralysis of the,

with paralysis of convergence
and divergence, 327.
Reflex convulsions in growing boys
and girls, 175.

neuroses, recent suggestions re-
garding, 563.

Refraction, changes in, 178, 460.
Relation the physician sustains to
the law, 161.

Resection, partial, of both ovaries,


Reservoirs, ampullæ, dilatations and

spindles, the ureteral, 97.
Respiratory tract, cicatricial deform-
ities in the, 562.

Resuscitation after freezing, 502..

Retina, glioma of the, 31.

glioma of the, pathology of, and
prognosis in, 366.

Retinæ, glioma and pseudoglioma,



A compend of diseases of the skin,


An atlas and epitome of abdom-
inal hernias, 191.

An atlas and epitome of otology,


An atlas and epitome of traumatic

fractures and dislocations, 48.
An atlas of operative surgery, 234.
Anatomy of the peritoneum and
abdomen, 238.

A nurse's guide, 234.

Applied surgical anatomy, 234.

A quiz-compend of anatomy, 528.

A surgical handbook, 479.

A system of physiologic therapeu-

tics, 382.

Cellular toxins, 240.

Diseases of metabolism and nutri-

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Principles and practice of gyne-
cology, 576.

Progressive medicine, 48, 96, 239,
288, 576.

Prompt aid to the injured, 237.

Psychopathia sexualis, 191.

Radium, 384.

Reference handbook of the med-
ical sciences, 48, 383.

Sexual impotence, 233.

Smallpox-illustrated, 431.

Stammering and stuttering, 236.

Surgery of the head, 235.

Syphilis: a symposium, 288.

The four epochs of a woman's life,

The Johns Hopkins hospital re-

ports, 478.

The Mattison method in mor-
phinism, 236.

The medical news visiting list,

The pathology and therapy of dis-

orders of metabolism and nutri-

tion, 336.

The principles and practice of

bandaging, 237.

The work of the digestive glands,


Therapeutics of drv hot air, 144.
Twentieth century practice of
medicine, volume XXI-sup-
plement, 96.

Wolf's physiologic chemistry, 335.
Rheumatic carditis and pericarditis,

treatment of, 510.

Rheumatism, chronic, excision of

the knee for, 8.

in childhood, 515.

Rhinitis, atrophic, 415.

Ring bodies in anemic blood, 23.
Roentgen rays, treatment of lupus.

vulgaris and inoperable tumors

with the, 61.

Rupture of the urethra, 552.


Septicemia, in bilateral abscess of

the septum, 415.

puerperal, formalin injection in,
Septum, bilateral abscess of the,
with septicemia, 415.

Serum, antidiphtheric, treatment of

diphtheria by the intravenous

administration of, 29.

diagnosis of tuberculosis, 409.

scarlet fever, 30.

Sinus, anatomy of the sphenoidal,
and the method of approaching
it from the antrum, 220.

diseases, prophylaxis of, 78.

maxillary, and the nose, super-

numerary teeth in the, 517.

Sinuses, accessory of the nose, em-

pyema of the, 221.

nasal accessory, transillumination
of the, during acute coryza, 221.

Skiascopy as a method of precision,


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Surgery of the upper air passages,
local anesthesia in, 278.
of the urethra and prostate, 55.
ophthalmic, use of x-rays in, 218.
Surgical operations, 130.

treatment of empyema, 30.

treatment of procidentia uteri, 13.

treatment of smallpox, 118.

Suture of injured nerves, 417.

Sympathectomy, 133.

Syphilis and smallpox mistaken for
each other, 80.
and traumatism,

cicatrical de-
formities in the respiratory tract

due to causes other than, 562.

bacillus of Lilse-Jullien in, 279.

endemic and hereditary, 464.

specific organism of, 279.

Syphilitic interstitial keratitis, 21.


Teeth, supernumerary, in the nose

and the maxillary sinus, 517.

Tendoplasty, 550.

Teratoma, malignant ovarian, with

twisted pedicle and ascites, 319.
Tetanus, following injury of the
eye, 367.

Therapeutic status of the coal-tar
productions in general nervous
affections, 81.

Therapeutics of oxygenated water,


Thyroid gland, an accessory, 80.
tumor, accessory, situated at the

base of the tongue, 33.

Tibia, fracture of the, 555-

Tongue, accessory thyroid tumor
situated at the base of the, 33.
Tongue, tumor at the base of the,


Tonsil, hypertrophied and so-called
submerged, 134.

lipoma of the, 414.

pharyngeal, complications of hy-
pertrophy of the, 518.

supernumerary, tonsillitis local-

ized in a, 179.

the degenerate, 180.

Tonsillitis localized in supernumer-

ary tonsil, 179.

Tonsils, indications for removing

the, 217.

Toxicity of appendicitis, 171.

Trachelorrhaphy and curetment,


Tract, gastrointestinal, diseases of
the, 280.

respiratory, cicatricial deformities
in the, 562.

Transillumination of the nasal acces-
sory sinuses during acute cor-
yza, 221.

Traumatism and syphilis, cicatricial
deformities in the respiratory
tract due to causes other than,

Treatment and diagnosis of calcu-

lous anuria, 458.

and diagnosis of tuberculosis of

the upper air tract, 79.

and etiology of headaches, 481.

empyema, 538.

new, of dysmenorrhea, 560.

of acute rheumatic carditis and

pericarditis, 510.

of adenoids, 410.

of angina pectoris, 519.

of appendicitis, 454.

of atrophic rhinitis, 415.

of cancer, choice of methods in,

of cancer of the uterus, electric

cautery clamp in, 26.

of diphtheria by the intravenous
administration of antidiphtheric

serum, 29.

of external

Treatment of scarlet fever, 412.
of the peritoneum in diffuse peri-

tonitis, 362.

of tuberculosis, climatologic, 210.

surgical, of empyema, 30.

surgical, of hypertrophy of the
lymphoid ring of the pharynx,

surgical, of procidentia uteri, 13.
surgical, of smallpox, 118.
Tubercular laryngitis during preg

nancy and labor, 563.
Tubercle bacilli, relation of acid-
resisting saprophytes to, 360.
bacillus, action of human gastric
juice upon, 456.

Tumor, accessory thyroid, situated

at the base of tongue, 33.

at base of the tongue, 414.

of the pharynx, 80.

tuberculous, involving ileum and

cecum, 24.

uterine, removal of eighty-seven
pound, 363.

Tumors, enzymes in, 137.

inoperable, and lupus vulgaris,

treatment of, with the Roent-

gen rays, 61.

Tuberculosis, acute miliary, and ty-
phoid fever, ophthalmic exam-
inations in, 515.

climatologic treatment of, 210.

joint, the malignancy of, 72.

of the upper air tract, diagnosis
and treatment of, 79.
primary gastrointestinal, 456.

serum diagnosis of, 409.

Tuberculous cervical adenitis, 76.

tumor, involving ileum and cecum,


Turbinate, middle, asthma treated
by removal of the, 368.

Typhoid, fetal, congenital and in-

fantile, 324.

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