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Quinine pills and capsules are very insoluble, often being discharged undissolved. Febriline, or Tasteless Syrup of Quinine, has been found to be just as reliable in all cases as the bitter sulphate of quinine, and physicians will find it to their advantage to use it for adults, as well as children, in place of pills and capsules. It is as pleasant as lemon syrup and will be retained by the most delicate stomach, having also the advantage of not producing the unpleasant head symptoms of which so many patients complain after taking the quinine sulphate. Possessing these advantages, physicians will find it superior to the quinine sulphate for all cases requiring quinine, particularly typhoid fever patients.



The treatment of diphtheria as employed by Dr. Bleyne consists in the application of ice upon the neck, and the internal use of ice. If ice is not obtainable, water as cold as possible may be used instead. The author claims that cold destroys the bacillus of diphtheria.-Buffalo Med. Jour.


CAMPHO-PHENIQUE IN BURNS AND INCIPIENT PHTHISIS.-Dr. D. W. Spence, Williamsport, Pa., says: I have used camphophenique in my practice for the past two years with the most gratifying results. In gynecology it has with me entirely taken the place of iodoform, and in general surgery I use it for everything. Being surgeon to a large iron works, I have a great many burns to treat, and some of a most serious nature. Since learning the virtues of campho-phenique in this direction I have used nothing else, my formula being:


R Olive oil; campho-phenique; aa partes equales.
M. Sig. Apply to the burned surface.

every instance the results have been most satisfactory. It is, however, in the treatment of incipient phthisis that I have achieved the most remarkable results with the remedy. I can at present quote but one typical case, though I have had several. In April, 1890, I was called to see E. S. R., aged 23, a druggist. I found the right lung showing dullness on percussion at its apex, the usual dyspnea, cough, rales, etc., and the patient had had one hemorrhage, losing about six ounces of blood. This was on the day on which I was called into the


Up to this time the patient had had the usual routine treatment, codliver oil, creasote, etc., without any benefit. I ordered the following:

R Campho-phenique, 3j; liquid alboline, 3j.

M. Sig. Use in Simple's atomizer every four hours, inhaling the pulverization.

In addition, I ordered tonics, fresh air, exercise, etc. In about three months all expectoration and cough ceased, the patient gained in flesh and strength, and for the past six months has been attending to his business as usual, and is in fact a well At the present time I have four similar cases under treatment, and all are improving in a remarkable manner. As a general antiseptic I can speak only in the highest terms of campho-phenique.-Med. Bulletin, Dec., 1891.



The meeting of the Pan-American Medical Congress at Washington in September, 1893, is universally approved by the medical press. In view of the fact that the congress will assemble under Government auspices, Washington is the only place where it ought to be held.


HOW TO ADMINISTER IRON.-It is generally conceded that the officinal tincture of chloride of iron is the most valuable of the iron preparations therapeutically. The practical difficulties attending its adminstration for a length of time have been its disagreeably astringent taste, its corrosive action on the teeth, and its constipating action.

Dr. G. W. Weld's extensive experience in the practice of dentistry led him to recognize the virtues of the tincture of the chloride of iron as a stimulant resource for patients after the strain of the dentist's work. Repeated experiments to obtain a formula free from the objectionable features resulted in the preparation of a highly palatable syrup with all the therapeutic efficacy preserved. This has been extensively tested and placed in the hands of Parke, Davis & Co. for manufacture, who strongly commend it to the medical profession for trial. Being prepared after Dr. Weld's formula, it is entitled Weld's Syrup of Iron Chloride (P., D. & Co.'s). It is believed it will effect a revolution in iron administration.

The Bacteriological World has been removed from the State University at Columbia, Mo., to Battle Creek, Mich., where its editor, Dr. Paquin, has assumed control of the new laboratory of hygiene at the Battle Creek Sanitarium.


BEDFORD, O., June 3, 1891.


Gentlemen-Two years ago I took diarrhea and was treated for it by a number of physicians, with only temporary relief. I received some of your Pancrobilin, and I am happy to inform you that one bottle was sufficient to do the work in my case. It entirely cured me, and I have not had a return of the trouble since. My weight was reduced from 175 to 140,, have now regained my former health and weight. You are at liberty to publish the above over my signature.

Yours truly,



During the stage of shock in injury to the head, examine the eye. If the pupils are dilated unevenly or there is strabismus brought on by the injury, reserve your prognosis.


KUMYSGEN.—The attention paid to dietetics by the physician shows pretty conclusively that we are passing into a state of conservative medication. By this we mean to be understood that during the next ten years food and not medicine will prove the most important factor in curing disease.

Kumyss has always been a favorite dietetic preparation with the medical profession, but it was ordinarily so unstable as to set the patient against it, as no two bottles of the same make tasted alike. Messrs. Reed & Carnrick have solved the question by making tablets of kumyss which they call Kumysgen, which, we believe, will make a revolution in the dietetic treatment of disease and the pleasant administration of fermented milk, always of the same strength and readily prepared by anyone. The Prescription.


Water is a local anesthetic. It is said if water is injected. under the skin, the swollen part is insensitive, and an incision can be made in the part without pain.

A. R. de Escarra, M.D., Paris, France, says: With S. H. Kennedy's Extract of Pinus Canadensis the results have exceeded my expectations. In three cases of metritis, accompanied by abundant and very viscous secretions, I was able to note the improvement almost at a glance, and in one case the complete cure of these affections by using the pure Pinus Canadensis on hydrophile cotton plugs. In two cases of inveterate leucorrhea, which resisted various well-chosen remedies, the improvement was truly marvelous; so much so, that I asked myself whether I had not fallen on a lucky combination. This, time will decide. From that time I have always recommended the Pinus Canadensis in all cases where I thought its action was clearly indicated.


Note the pupil in chloroform anesthesia. When the pupil dilates, the cardiac respiratory centers are beginning to be inhibited.


H. Hug, M.D, of Detroit, Mich., writes: I have used your Febricide Pills with an excellent result in my own family in a case of malaria. The relief was prompt, and I prefer them to anything in such cases and headache.


In low muttering delirium, with moist skin, one-sixtieth of a grain of atropine, administered hypodermically, will be beneficial.


John Croft, M.D., of Detroit, Mich, writes: I have used Peacock's Bromides with marked success in cases of hysteria, cerebral congestion, convulsions, spinal meningitis, and, in fact, all nervous diseases.


LUMBAGO. A valuable internal remedy: R Ext. cimicifugæ fl., 1 oz.; celerina (Rio), 7 ozs. M. Sig. Teaspoonful every four hours.


Samples of Sander & Sons' Eucalypti Extract (Eucalyptol) gratis, through Dr. Sander, Dillon, Iowa. Eucalyptol stands foremost as a disinfectant and antiseptic. Meyer Bros. Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo., sole agents. Look for the genuine product.

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Before the Graduating Class of Memphis Hospital Medical College, At the Annual Commencement Exercises, March 30, 1892.

Gentlemen of the Graduating Class :

It has been made my pleasing duty by the Faculty to address you in their behalf on the eve of our parting. And thinking that perhaps a studied, scientific address on a medical subject might prove difficult of digestion by our popular audience of fair women and brave men, I have deemed it expedient to prescribe lighter diet, and therefore will present "The Medical Profession, Its Claims Upon the Public, and the Relations You now Bear to It," for consideration.

Another revolution of Ixion's wheel of fortune has brought us together this evening, and whatever of fond hopes or sad disappointments may have characterized the past collegiate year, a new era now dawns upon you, and a new leaf in Life's unwritten volume is turned from this day forward.

With many forebodings doubtless, much hard labor, many anxious days and weary nights, you have at last ascended the scientific Pisgah, and with longing eyes and buoyant anticipations are now looking into your future professional promised land.

You hold in your hands your diplomas, which carry with them the right and title to Doctors of Medicine; they have been granted you after having finished the allotted course and stood a satisfactory examination upon the different branches VOL. XII - 10


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