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out that the former entered the meatus auditorius internus. But little further was accomplished until the great anatomist Vesalius appeared, thirteen hundred years later, and described well much of the anatomy of the ear, which was further elucidated during the sixteenth century by the celebrated anatomists, Eutachius, Fallopius, and others. During the seventeenth century much progress was made through the labors of Fabricius, Casserius, Stenon, and especially Du Verney, whose plates are of a high order of excellence. The annals of otology in the following century are adorned by the illustrious names of Valsalva, Morgagni, Rivinus, Zinn, Ruysch, and many others, whose investigations in this and other directions have made them immortal. Much was accomplished in the first half of the present century in placing the anatomy of the ear on a sound basis.

During all these ages but little was learned of the pathology or therapeutics of the ear, and not until Sir William Wilde, who might justly be termed the Father of Modern Otology, published his excellent work in 1843, were these subjects placed upon a rational basis. Thus rendered inviting, an army of investigators soon entered the field, and the years since then have witnessed an expansion of this science hardly excelled in any other department of the healing art.

Many journals are now published in the interest of otology, and every year adds to the number of works demanded for the record of its progress. Among the latter the edition of Prof. Roosa's work before us is the latest in our language.

The world-wide reputation of the author as a clinical observer, a teacher and writer, led us to expect much from the present volume, and we can safely say that our expectations have been more than realized. While it is true that later researches have confirmed much that appeared in the earlier editions, many changes and important additions have been made, notably in depicting the relation of diseases of the nose and throat to the ear, the value of operations on the membrana tympani, and the history and practice of operations on the mastoid. Of much interest and great profit to the general practitioner will be a careful perusal of the chapters devoted to the consideration of acute catarrhal inflammation

of the middle ear (earache), in which the time-honored sweet oil and laudanum, molasses and similar agents are justly condemned, the ever-ready poultice restricted to the few conditions in which it is admissible, and correct and effective lines of treatment clearly laid down. Physicians are cautioned against the too free use of quinine, antipyrin, phenacetin and similar drugs in scarlatina, measles, naso-pharyngeal catarrh and pneumonia, because of the tendency to extension of the inflammation to the ear, manifested in all these diseases. The foregoing remedies not only aggravate the aural disorder if already existing, but are capable of giving rise to it. That the nasal douche may cause acute inflammation of the middle ear was shown by the author many years ago, and the position then taken by him has been confirmed, not only by his own subsequent experience, but also by that of many other observers.

In operations for opening the mastoid cells the author is not wedded to any particular method, but he nevertheless continues to employ a stiff probe, and the drill or a trephine. The indications for a simple incision, "Wilde's incision," of the soft tissues covering the process, as well as those for perforating the mastoid wall, are fully and clearly laid down.

It is worthy of note that the author believes that the diagnostic tube might well be dispensed with in aural practice, an opinion entirely in harmony with that of the writer, in whose armamentarium that device has long since passed into a state of "innocuous desuetude."

The writer regrets that the limits allowed him preclude a more extended notice of the merits of this masterly work.

A. G. S.

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Here it is, "gentle reader," the great work of Pozzi, one of the leading, if not the leading gynecological thinker and operator of the world. The author, as most of this class of operators, attributes much of the continued success now being attained to perfection of methods for maintaining complete

asepsis. He urges that in hospitals it is essential that the floor, walls, and ceilings, of the operating room should be so constructed that they may be washed daily with the hose. But our space is so limited that a general review of the work is impracticable. The work is exhaustive, is written in true cosmopolitan spirit, and with that mature judgment which can alone emanate from the long and laborious cultivation of rich clinical fields-such as the author finds in his daily work. VOLUMES I, II, III, IV, V, ANNUAL OF THE UNIVERSAL MEDICAL SCIENCES. A yearly report of the progress of the general sanitary sciences throughout the world. Edited by Chas. E. Sajous, M.D., and seventy associ ate editors, assisted by over 200 corresponding editors, collaborators, and correspondents. Illustrated with chromo-lithographs, engravings, and maps. F. A. Davis, 1231 Filbert street, Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, and Atlanta. Our readers already know the character and scope of this great work, and it is only necessary that we should announce that the publishers have it ready for distribution. The five volumes of the Annual for 1891 are more than abreast of their predecessors. The profession, at least the student thereof, is coming to appreciate more and more the value of this now indispensable work, and realize the necessity of giving it a place in every library, as it contains a summary of the medical literature for the year of the entire world.

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SLEEP, INSOMNIA, AND HYPNOTICS. By Germain See, translated by E. P. Hurd, M.D.


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