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turned, and things would have gone well with him again; but he had despaired, and let circumstances crush him instead of rising above them, and now he was wishing to sneak out of the world unseen by any one. What did that song remind him of? He saw, as it were in a picture, the old home where he had spent his boyhood; he saw the orchard where he climbed the trees to throw down apples to his sister Annie-Annie Laurie as they used to call her, on account of her soft white throat. What would she say when she heard he had drowned himself? Would it not be a blot on the whole family, besides being a bitter grief to her? A little more courage, a little more fighting, and the difficulties would be over. He shook himself as if he had already touched the cold water below. With a far firmer footstep than he had come with, he left the bridge and was soon lost in the darkness. That song had saved a man from death.

And so the song went on. Who can measure the power of association, or limit the effect of a cheerful

word ? If it be so with a few notes caught by the wayside, how shall it be with the purer and nobler harn onies which come to us from above? Happy indeed are they who bear about with them what Keble has called "the melody of the everlasting chime." Its message may be passed on from one to another unconsciously by the poorest and simplest of souls, its cadences may be caught by dull ears. The song of this brighter life is for us all, rich and poor, wherever we are; and those who do not know how to set it going had better learn. Send a little cheerfulness into the life of another. Show in your own life that the sunshine is pouring ir, and it will radiate all around, and affect lives that you have never heard of, but in order to do this you must take your place in the world that is for all. There must be no exclusive feelings, no keeping all for self. There must be a sympathy as broad as the sea, and where that is, the song from your heart will float down, touching the shores of Eternity.


Search and See.



1. Show the high opinion entertained of Peter's miraculous power.

2. Find a parallel, in the Second Book of Kings, to the raising of Dorcas to life.

3. How was Peter prepared to receive Cornelius' message?

4. In going to Cornelius, what encouragement might Peter draw from our Lord's acts?

5. Peter would not allow Cornelius to worship him. Find a similar instance in the Revelation.

6. How does the story of Cornelius illustrate the prophecy of John the Baptist in Luke iii. 16?

7. How many Jewish Christians went with Peter? Of what use was their testimony afterwards?

8. Christians should sometimes be glad when their opinions are shown to be wrong. Give an instance.

9. On the occasion of Peter's imprisonment, show that prayer is sometimes offered without full belief that it will be answered.

10. Was there anything similar in Peter's own thoughts? 11. Show that Peter respected James as a leader among the Apostles.


1. Now is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in Him.-John xiii. 31.

2. He hath made us accepted in the beloved.-Eph. i. 6. 3. Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.Eph. v. 16.

4. Behold, now ye have heard His blasphemy. What think ye?-Matt. xxvi. 65, 66.

5. This is the day which the Lord hath made.Psa. cxviii. 24.

6. He is the tower of salvation for his king.-2 Sam. xxii. 51.

From two verses choose three consecutive words; from

tvo more choose two; and from the remaining two choose one each. The twelve words form a text to be found in 2 Corinthians.

L. T.

KEYS TO STORIES OF THE FAITH.-p. 745. (1) Acts vi. 9; (2) the accusation against Naboth, 1 Kings xxi. 13; (3) Joseph, Acts viii. 9, 14; Moses, 25, 35; the prophets, 52; (4) vi. 15; (5) Luke xxiii. 34; Acts viii. 60; (6) Deut. xviii. 15, 18; Amos v. 25, 26 with some variation; Isa. lxvi. 42; (7) Acts viii. 4, 5; xi. 19; (8) viii. 1, 14; (9) 19, 20; (10) Rom. x. 9, 10; (11) Acts viii. 26, 29; (12) John xx. 3; Acts iii. 1; iv. 13; viii. 11.

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The Missionary Societies and


Li Hung Chang.

Monthly Record.


DURING his visit to this country, the leading British Missionary Societies labouring in China took the opportunity of presenting to His Excellency Viceroy Li Hung Chang an illuminated address. The signatories ventured to assume that the distinguished statesman whom they were addressing knew already that their "holy religion teaches men to be law-abiding, virtuous, and benevolent," and that the missionaries are men and women who are devoting themselves faithfully to the task of doing good by the benevolent practice of medicine, by promoting the education of the poor, and by preaching the great truths of Christianity." Further, they assured His Excellency how highly they appreciated "the enlightened policy which has led the Imperial Government of China during recent years to accord to missionaries the right to travel freely, to dwell under the protection of the law, and to pursue their peaceful callings in any part of the great Empire." Lastly, whilst acknowledging the practical difficulties which have frequently arisen to hinder the full enjoyment of the privileges thus accorded, they ventured to "look with confidence to the great statesmen of China, among whom His Excellency has so long held a position of conspicuous influence, to give increasing effect to the gracious Proclamations of the Imperial Ruler of the Middle Kingdom, so that a real safety and freedom may be enjoyed by all who are pursuing the peaceful and beneficent calling of the Christian Missionary."

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proved victorious in the war, the innate conservatism of the Chinese received a severe shock, and, anxious as every Chinaman is to "save his face," he is beginning to see that he must either advance with the times or go to the wall. In the ports, especially in the southern provinces, there is a great desire to learn English, simply because it is perceived that a knowledge of English is necessary to secure position and power. Missionaries note these changes, and are taking steps to adapt their methods to the altered circumstances. Still, we can never forget that the mandarins and official classes wield an immense power throughout the Empire, and that upon their behaviour the safety and liberty of Christian missionaries chiefly depends. It was well to give the Viceroy a gentle reminder of this, and to bespeak his influence on the side of a wise toleration and freedom. Viceroy Li has always shown himself to be an enlightened statesman, and we trust that his European and American tour will yet further develop his sympathies with all that contributes to the true and lasting progress of the Empire.


"Wild West" of China.

MRS. BIRD-BISHOP has just arrived in Shanghai from an adventurous pioneer journey in the "wild west" of China, and gives us an attractive picture of the Mantze people, dwelling beyond the farthest Chinese frontier post, on the border of Thibet. Chinese officials strove to dissuade the intrepid tourist from penetrating this untravelled region; but, as it proved, she found herself much safer there than under the shadow of the Szechuen mandarinate. These Mantze tribes are quite Caucasian in appearance, and very handsome. They live in stone houses of two, three, sometimes five storeys high. In nearly every village are one or more square stone towers rising from fifty to ninety feet, of whose purpose the present generation have no record. There is magnificent scenery in this country; grand forests, flowers and ferns tropical in profusion were seen. The Mantze are ruled by a chief called the Tsusu, appointed for life by the Emperor of China. The castle of the chief of the Soma tribe is singularly grand, standing on a spur of rock extending nearly across a deep valley. The people's social customs differ widely from the Chinese. They marry for love; their dead are burned or cast into the river, or exposed on the mountain side, as the lama may direct. Rigid Buddhism is universally en évidence, and one son in each family is a lama. They do not wear the Chinese queue. In no respect, however, was the contrast so remarkable as in the friendliness and hospitality shown by this very poor people. The Szechueneze had been bitterly hostile to the foreign lady. "Children wore a red cross on a green ground as a charm against our infanticidal and eye-gouging propensities, in which they sincerely believe." "Foreign devil," "foreign dog," "child-eater," were greetings constantly bestowed. At one point of her journey Mrs. Bishop was beset by a howling mob, and her head severely hurt by stonethrowing, which for a time quite stunned her. She speaks emphatically of the care with which the missionaries in Szechuen guard against wounding the prejudices and violating the customs of the natives. The officials really desire, in her opinion, to protect foreign life and property.

Christian Literature in Japan.

THE American and English Tract Societies are working happily together in Japan, for the creation and spread of Christian literature. We take this opportunity of correcting an error in our paper on "Sunrise in Japan" (p. 653), where this work is inadvertently ascribed to the Bible societies, which Lave their own special sphere but inevitable limitations.

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out the Protectorate. Prior to this a veritable plague of locusts had destroyed the crops in the native gardens or plantations. Now a South African tribe has only two ordinary sources of food supply-its gardens and its cattle. If the first one, through drought or locusts, fails, even for two or three years in succession, the people still have their oxen, sheep, and goats, to fall back upon. With these they can purchase grain from more favoured districts. In addition they can obtain large quantities of milk during the entire rainy season-usually from about October or November to the end of May-and rarely even in the driest seasons does this source of supply fail. But this year both crops and cattle have been swept away. In some districts not a single garden yielded anything, and, as regards the cattle, it is estimated by missionaries and others on the spot that ninety per cent. of them died or were killed. Fearing famine the chiefs had the beasts slaughtered, and the meat cut up and dried. "Biltong," or dried meat, much of it diseased, is now the chief food of the Bechuanas. Steps have been taken to prevent an absolute dearth of food, and it is hoped that few, if any, will know the pangs of actual starvation; still the next few months will be a time of anxiety and trouble. In some respects, however, the losses sustained may prove a blessing to the indolent Bechuana tribes. If they are roused from their terrible apathy and laziness to exertion and activity, both they and their well-wishers will learn to regard the pestilence as a blessing in disguise. One unexpected result of the distress is an influx of boys to the Mission schools. Dozens of these boys were stationed as herds at the cattle-posts, but, being now without employment, are finding their way to school.


THE worst is now over in Matabeleland, After the War and the fires of rebellion, though still Matabeleland. smouldering here and there, are practically stamped out. Few sadder or more humiliating chapters of colonial history have been written than those recording this struggle. On the one hand we had gruesome illustrations of the treachery and fiendish cruelty of the fierce Matabele, who went about murdering, looting, devastating and destroying right and left; on the other we had revelations of the fury and savage vindictiveness of white men, and an outburst of race hatred which to a large extent marred the heroism of the beleaguered settlers. Still, happily the war is now nearly if not quite ended, and what is to follow? Will the natives remain, or will they disperse among other tribes? That is a question which time alone can answer. Unfortunately the friendly Matabele, who lived on or near the few mission-stations are scattered, and no one knows where to find them. They were driven away by the rebels or were forced to join them. Slowly perhaps they will return to their old homes. Mission work will have to be begun de novo: everything has gone. The houses, chapels and other buildings are all in ruins, burnt to the ground, and many of the finest trees in the orchards are scorched and injured. All the doors, beams, windows and combustible material in the buildings are charred to ashes. But a new start must be made. Writing in sorrow, the missionaries write also in hope. They entertain no thought of withdrawal. On the contrary, they plead for renewed support and are longing once more to get to work. As soon therefore as


the country has quieted down, they will commence rebuilding the mission premises and hope to attract natives to their stations. Their efforts, we are sure, will be watched with sympathy and interest by many of our readers.


THE news from Madagascar is very grave, Fresh Trouble and the French have been compelled to Madagascar. change their policy. Misled perhaps by the ease with which they overthrew the Hova power, and by the apparent submission of the natives to the new order of things, military rule was succeeded by civil; General Duchesne was recalled; M. Laroche was sent out as Resident-General, and with him a large staff of civil servants. Events have shown this step to have been premature. Raiding-at a distance from the capital--has long been a favourite pursuit of the Malagasy. This year the raiders have been joined by hundreds of runaway soldiers and slaves. Their ranks have been swollen also by additions from the heathen element of native society. The result is that bands of ruffianly scoundrels have ravaged the country side, and many districts, some quite near to Antananarivo, are completely at their mercy. Quiet, respectable people, and especially prominent Christians are the chief sufferers. Not a few have been put to death, many have lost their all, while schoolhouses, chapels, evangelists' residences, and the out-stations of the missions, have been ruthlessly destroyed. A capable French general has been dispatched hot haste to Madagascar, entrusted with plenary authority as dictator, and strong measures will of course be taken to suppress the anarchy. In the meantime, however, mission work in the country stations is much interrupted; in certain districts it is entirely stopped, and the labour of years seems to be overthrown. Great demands will be made upon the patience and endurance of the missionaries and their native colleagues, and it will take a long time to repair the breaches made in the work. Antananarivo itself, and a few large places have fortunately escaped, thanks to the presence of French garrisons, and in them mission operations are still carried on as heretofore.


Missionary Conference.

THE officers and representatives of the Ecumenical Foreign Missionary Societies of the United States and Canada, have decided to hold a conference similar to that held in London in 1888. The place selected is New York City, and the date 1900, probably in the month of April. A committee of five gentlemen has been appointed to draw up a plan and to communicate with others both in America and in Europe.


A BOOK of great value to those interested A Missionary in missionary work has lately been issued by the Church Missionary Society. It is "A Church Missionary Atlas, containing an Account of the various Countries in which the Church Missionary Society labours, and of its Missionary Operations." This, the eighth edition, has been in preparation since 1887. Though, as its title states, a Church Missionary atlas, it is yet of general interest. It begins with "Notes on Protestant Missions," and the different countries have articles, giving a general survey of the field. It has thirty-four beautifully-coloured maps. Probably no such complete and valuable an atlas for missionary purposes has as yet been published. LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS.

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