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CH. п. less warlike, than the Hurons or Wyandots, by whom they were attacked. The Iroquois were driven by them, from the banks of the St: Lawrence; and dividing The into five tribes, the Senecas, Cayugas, Onondagas, Nations Oneidas and Mohawks, they spread themselves by deern New grees, east of Lake Erie, and south of Ontario, along York. the romantic waters of northern New York, to which


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they have left their bold and harmonious names. The place of their grand general council, or congress of chiefs, was at Onondaga.

14. Here they made a stand, and became the most fearless, subtle, and powerful of savages. They conquered the Hurons, fought the Delawares, and put in Become fear all the surrounding tribes. Finally, in the conpowerful tests between France and England, they were courted



by both parties as allies, and dreaded by both as foes. Of the FIVE NATIONS, the Mohawks were the most warlike. Their chief seat was at Johnstown, on the beautiful river, which still bears their name.

15. Of the Mobilians, the most extensive and powerful confederacies were the CREEKS, situated mostly Bouthern in Georgia; the CHEROKEES in the mountainous region Bonfede- north and west; and the CHOCTAWS and CHICKASAWS, nearer to the Mississippi.


16. The NATCHEZ have excited much interest on account of the difference of their language from that of the surrounding tribes. Natchez, on the Mississippi, marks their location. The SHAWANESE, the native tribe of Tecumseh, once resided on the banks of the Suwaney river in Florida. From thence they migrated northward, first to Pennsylvania, and afterwards to Ohic

13. To what place did they change their location? What were the names of each of the Five Nations? Where was their general council held?-14. What character did they now assume? What nations contend with? By what nations was their alliance courted? Which tribe was the most warlike ?Where was its principal seat? Learn from the map the location of the Mobilian tribes. 15. Which were the most extensive and powerful? Which are the most northerly? Which are partly in Georgia ? 16. Which near the Mississippi? Where ire the Shawalese? Which tribe has a language by itself?

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PT. 1

P'D. I.

CH. I.

1. THOUSANDS of years had elapsed since the creation of the world, and the inhabitants of the eastern hemisphere were yet ignorant, that, on the face of the planet, which they inhabited, was another continent of Former nearly equal extent. Nor did they become acquainted ages ig with this fact by any fortunate accident; but they owed its proof, to the penetration and persevering efforts of a man, as extraordinary, as the discovery which he made.

1. What did the people of the eastern hemisphere know about this continent three hundred and fifty years ago? Did they learn Its existence by accident?

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PT.I. \ 2. This was CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, a native of PD. I. Genoa, born in 1447. He possessed all those ener CH. I. getic impulses of the soul which lead to high achievement; and, with these he combined judgment the most 1447 Birth grave and solid, prudence and patience the most steady. and rare and unoffending, piety the most devout, and, what talents of ensured his success, the most untiring perseverance bus. ever manifested by man.



> his ge

3. Columbus had married the daughter of one of the Portuguese discoverers, then deceased; whose widow, finding how eagerly her son-in-law sought such sources of information, gave to him all the maps and charts which had belonged to her husband. Marco Polo, &, Venetian, had travelled to the east, and returned with wonderful accounts of the riches of Cathay and the island of Cipango, called, generally, the East Indies, and now known to be China and Japan.

4. The idea that the earth was round, was ridiculed ces fa- by most persons at that time; but it was fully believed vorable by Columbus, on the evidence of its figure, exhibited nius. in eclipses of the moon. Hence, he believed, that those rich countries described by Marco Polo might be found by sailing west; and he formed the design to lead the way, through unknown oceans.

Offers his ser

5. Columbus believed that great advantages would vices to accrue to the nation who should patronize his underreigning taking; and, with filial respect, he first offered his serreigns. vices to his native state, but had the mortification to

find them rejected. He then applied to John II. of Portugal; to Henry VII. of England; and to Ferdinand and Isabella, king and queen of Spain. But these monarchs could not comprehend his schemes, and would not encourage them.


2. Who was the discoverer? What was his character? What woman gave him sources of information? What traveller had excited his mind about distant countries? What countries! 4. In what opinion was Columbus in advance of his contempora ries? Why did he believe in the true figure of the earth? How did he suppose he could reach those rich countries called the East Indies? 5. To whom did Columbus first offer his services ! With what success? Whose patronage did he next solicit What sovereign of England? What sovereigns of Spain ?

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6. At the court of Spain, he had spent two years in PT.L a succession of mortifying repulses; and at length, PD. L. quite discouraged, he was preparing to go to England, CH. I. when he was recalled by a mandate from Isabella. They are Not knowing how to raise the sum of money requisite accepted for defraying the expenses of the voyage, the excellent by queen determined to sacrifice her jewels; but this was prevented by the extraordinary exertions of her minis



bus discovers

7. Columbus made his first voyage, the most inte- 1492 resting of any in the annals of navigation, in 1492. He Columdiscovered the first found land of the New World, on the eleventh of October. It was an Island called by the natives Guanahani, but to which he piously gave the name of San Salvador, the Holy Saviour.

the New




8. In his third voyage he discovered the continent on the coast of South America, fourteen months after home in the Cabots had reached its shores in the north-east. chains. By the ingratitude of Ferdinand, he was, like a condemned criminal, sent home in chains. Americus Ves- of napucius, a native of Florence, having made a voyage to ming the country. the New World, received from the public an honor which belonged to Columbus, that of giving a name to the continent. In 1502, the great discoverer made his fourth and last voyage, when, having returned to Spain, in Vallohis patroness, Isabella, being dead, his just claims disregarded, and himself neglected, he sunk beneath his 1506 sufferings, and died, in the 59th year of his age. When the good meet with calamities in this world, it is pleasant to reflect, that there is a future state, where they will be made happy.

He dies

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9. Many attempts were now made to show that the country had been previously discovered. The Welsh Welch story brought forward the story of Madoc, son of Owen Madoc.

6. Who was the only one to understand his views or favor them? What sacrifice was she prepared to make?-7. When did Columbus make his first voyage? What land did he first discover? When? What name give?-8. What did he discover in his third voyage? Did any persons discover the continent before him? How was he treated? After whom was the continent named? In what year did he make his last voyage? What occurred soon after? - -9. From what story did the Welch claim to be the discoverers of the western continent?





P'D. I.

PT. 1. Gwyneth, who, in the twelfth century, had sailed west, discovered a country, and afterwards conducted a coloCH. II. ny thither, which was heard of no more. If this story be true, there yet exists no proof, that the region found was America.


10. The Norwegians discovered Iceland and Greenland, during the ninth century, and there established Nor colonies. Biorn, or Biron, an Icelander, in a voyage wegian to Greenland, during the eleventh century, was driven south-west in a storm, and found a region which, from Vine- its great number of vines, he called Vineland; but land. here, also, proof fails, that the place found, had its locality on the American coast.



English Discoveries-French.

1. THE principal European nations who first disco

is con- vered and colonized our county, are


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I. The English,



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II. The French,

III. The Spanish,

IV. The Dutch.

2. John Cabot, a native of Venice, had, with his Jan and family, settled in England. He and his renowned son, Sebas- Sebastian, were men of great learning, enterprise, and bot. ability. By a commission of Henry VII., dated March 5th, 1496, (the oldest American state paper of England) they had authority to discover and colonize any hea 149% then countries not before known to Christians.


3. They sailed from England in May, 1497, and ir tinent. June, discovered the Island of Newfoundland, which

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10. From what the Norwegians?

CHAPTER II.1. What European nations discovered and settled our continent?-2. Who was John Cabot? Who Se bastian? Who gave them a commission, and at what time? What important discovery did they make ?


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