Tarkington, Booth, 3, 580. Twain, Mark, 204.
Ward, Mrs. Humphry, 530, 601. Washington, Booker, 566. Wharton, Edith, 580. White, Stewart Edward, 580. Wilkins, Mary E., 203, 566. Wilson, Woodrow, 580. Wister, Owen, 203, 580. Automobile, the, American contributions to, 482-483; crosses continent, 593; early accidents, 499; distrust of, 494; early financial troubles, 497; early im- perfections of, 492-494; development, 478-480; quantity production, 502-504; racing, 501-502; regulation of, 500-501. Average man, his place in this history,
"Lady Rose's Daughter," 601.
"Letters of a Self-Made Merchant to His Son," 580.
"Life of the Bee," 566.
"Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, The," 601.
"Log of a Cowboy, The," 601. "Making of an American, The," 566. "Monsieur Beaucaire," 530. Octopus, The," 566. Richard Carvel," 530. Right of Way, The," 566. "Sacred Fount, The," 566. "Son of the Middle Border," 144. "Story of Mary MacLane, The," 580. "To Have and to Hold," 530. "Two Vanrevels, The," 580. "Up from Slavery," 566. "Valley of Decision, The," 580. "Vandemark's Folly," 143. 'Virginian, The," 580.
"When Knighthood Was in Flower,"
Books sold by mail-order houses, 406. "Boss," passing of the, 67.
Boxer uprising, 53, 510-514; indemnity to Allies, 512-513.
Brown, Justice H. B., decision in “Insular Cases," 548-549.
Bryan, William Jennings, an orator from birth, 115-116; anti-imperialist, 344- 346; attitude toward Philippines, 536; becomes a lecturer, 304-305; becomes newspaper editor, 120-121; campaign of 1896, 293; causes of his defeat, 295- 301; controversy on evolution, 109; Cross of Gold speech, 123–131, 296; elected Congressman, 118; enters poli- tics, 118; environment in youth, 115- 116; glory of his youth, 110-112; his leap to fame, 112-114; in 1896, 291; joins the army, 306; lays plans for nom- ination, 120-121; moves to Nebraska, 117; nominated in 1900, 524; political desuetude, 107-109; popular vote, 102; receives nomination in 1900, 344; runs for Senate, 119; seeks nomination in 1900, 306.
Budweiser, 14-15. "Buffalo Bill," 278.
Dan Patch, race-horse, 596.
Danish West Indies, 529.
Davis, General George W., governor of Canal Zone, 460. Death rates, 376-381.
DeKoven, Reginald, "Robin Hood," 235. De Lesseps' French Panama Canal Co., 454.
Dewey, Admiral George, 304; announces
presidential candidacy, 309-311, 324- 337; arch, 338-340; attacks Manila, 532-533; biography, 312; ceases being an idol, 331-333; death, 338; foreign estimate of, 325; friction with the Ger- mans, 326-329; his house, 331, 333; marries, 332; returns to America, 330; songs of, 322; victin. of fickle public opinion, 341-343. Dime novels, 214-219.
Direct election of senators, 66, 521. Direct primary, 24, 65, 528.
Dirigible airships, 562.
Dixon, Rev. Thomas, criticises Bryan,
Dogs, changing styles in, 411-415. "Dooley, Mr." See "Mr. Dooley." Drama. See Actors and Plays.
Dreiser, Theodore, co-author of "On the Banks of the Wabash," 250-253. Dresser, Paul, song-writer, 250-253. Dunne, Finley Peter, "Mr. Dooley," 204- 208.
Duryea, Charles E., 484-486.
Eames, Emma, singer, 263. Eaton, Walter Prichard, 220. Edison, Thomas A., 368. Eight-hour day, 523.
Elections of 1900, popular vote, 348. Electric automobile, 476, 489, 491. Electricity, 427-430.
Elkins anti-rebate bill, 586. Enrichments of America, 61-64. "Expansion," 52-56.
Farm, implements, 417; life on the, 62, 418, 421.
Federal control, extension of, 66. Filipinos, affection for Taft, 583; amnesty for, 575; uprising of, 532, 536, 537. "Fin de Siècle," 289.
Finlay, Dr. Carlos J., mosquito theory, 442; loans mosquitoes to Lazear, 447. "First Battle, The," 304.
Fiske, Admiral Bradley A., 323.
Fitch, Clyde, estimate of by Clayton Hamilton, 223.
Ford, Henry, first car, 487-489; drives racer, 579.
Forgotten Man, The," 69-70. 'Four Hundred, The," 283. Fourth of July, taming of, 593. Free land, ending of, 141-149. "Frenzied Finance," 69. Frost, A. B., rural types, 198. Fundamentalism and Modernism, 109. Funston, General F., captures Aguinaldo, 540-542.
Galveston hurricane, 526. G. A. R., passing of the, 26-27. Gates, "Sweetwater Bill," 276. German episode at Manila, 326-327. German Kaiser, declares for great navy, 56-59; harangues troops, 557; sends troops to China, 512; 590.
Gibson, Charles Dana, the "Gibson Girl," 193-196.
Gillette, William, actor, 219, 221, 602. Goebel, William, assassinated, 517. Goelet wedding, 597.
Gold, production, 151, 155, 297–300. Gold Standard Act, 519.
Gorgas, William Crawford, during Great War, 471; exterminates Havana mos- quitoes, 452; goes to South Africa, 469; helps clean Havana, 435; ovation in London, 470; tours South America, 470-471; death, 472. Guantanamo naval station, 586. Guggenheim, Wm., 295.
Hamilton, Clayton; drama of the '90s, 220; "Cyrano de Bergerac," 224. Hanna, Mark, campaign of 1896, 293. Hapgood, Norman, 222, 224, 235. Harden, Edward W., newspaper man, 318- 320.
Harriman, Edward H., 68.
Harris, Charles K., song-writer, 259. "Harvard indifference," 288-289. Hawaii, territorial government, 522. Hay, John, 505-514. Haynes, Elwood, 486.
Hearst, William Randolph, 277. Herbert, Victor, 234.
Herne, James A., actor, 219, 222. Heroes of the Spanish War, 4. Hillis, Rev. N. D., 363.
Histories, standard, 351-352.
History, changing definition of, 352-357; theories of, 132-136; theory of the pres- ent, 357-361.
Hoar, Senator G. F.,
"Hoch! Der Kaiser 1307, 344-346, 536.
Homicide, increase of, 380. Hookworm, 586.
Hopkins, Archibald, 313.
House furnishings in 1900, 400-401. Household utensils, 408.
Houses, changes in design of, 399–401. Hovey, Richard, poet, 265. "How old is Ann?" 595. Howard, Bronson, 219.
Howells, William Dean, author, 202; help- ful to writers, 210; pioneer in realism,
International Copyright Act of 1891, 201. International Mercantile Marine, 574. Inventor of the automobile, 477-478. "Ironing-day" in the '90s, 426. Iroquois Theatre disaster, 599. Isthmian Canal. See Panama Canal.
Jerome, William Travers, 563. Judicial innovations, 65-67.
Keeley, James, editor, 321. Kemble's "coons," 196. King Edward crowned, 577. Kipling, Rudyard, 264.
Kissinger, John R., inoculated with yel- low fever, 449.
Klondike, discovery of gold, 273–276. Kormoran, German cruiser at Manila, 326.
Ladies' Home Journal, 396.
La Follette, R. M., elected governor, 24, 525. Lambert, Dr. Alexander, urges retention of Gorgas, 463-464.
Langley, Prof. Samuel P., 366–367; at- tempts to fly, 594.
"Lark, The," periodical, 268-269. Lawler, Charles, song-writer, 254.
Lazear, Dr. Jesse W., 442; inoculated by mosquitoes, 447; dies of yellow fever, 448.
Leadership in America, where recruited, 41-46.
Legislative innovations, 65-67.
Life, increase in tenure of, 60. Li Hung-Chang, 278. Limericks of 1903, 588.
Liquor trade, as reflected in newspapers, 1900, 15-16.
Literature. See Books.
"Little Brown Brother," 6.
"Little Lord Fauntleroy," 278.
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 323.
Longevity, 376-381.
Lorenz, Dr. Adolf, 580. Lottery Case of 1903, 65, 586. Lou Dillon, race-horse, 593. Low, Seth, 563.
Luxuries become necessities, 430.
MacDowell, Edward, composer, 263. Mackay, John W., 575.
Mail-order firms, 401-408. Maine, battleship, destroyed, 302. Manila, Battle of, 316–318.
Marconi, Guglielmo, wirelesses across At- lantic, 566.
Material goods, increased access to, 381- 384.
Maud S., race-horse, 519.
McAdoo, William G., in 1900, 45.
Nation, Mrs. Carry A., 598. National characteristics, 39-41. Natural resources, 33.
Negro disfranchisement, 589. Negro question, 591.
Nethersole, Miss Olga, arrested, 518. Newcomb, Simon, 366.
Newspapers of 1900, 4-27; comic supple-
ments, 277-278; comments on Bryan, 292; ridicule Bryan, 271-273.
Niagara Falls, 563; industrialization, 570. 1900-1925, outstanding events, 67-70. Nineties, the, characterizations of, 186;
memories of, 279-284; mood of, 149, 180; pursuit of money in, 286-290. "Ninety-and-Nine," hymn, 266. Nordica, Lillian, singer, 263. Northern Pacific panic, 558.
Panama Canal, a sweltering miasma, 459; first commission, 457, 460; first concep- tion of, 454; French sell rights, 569; ma- laria, 468-469; mortality rate in 1914, 469; physicians stress need of sanita- tion, 458; preliminaries to construction, 456-458; red tape, 462, 466; sanitation expense, 467-468; treaty with Britain, 564; yellow-fever epidemic of 1904, 461. Panics: 1893, 170; Northern Pacific, 558; 1903, 598.
Parker, Alton B., 348.
Parkhurst, Rev. Charles, attacks the sil- ver movement, 292. Parrish, Maxfield, 199.
Patent-medicine testimonials, 19. Pennsylvania Railroad, tunnel franchises, 579.
Philippine tariff bill, 570.
Philippines. See Filipinos. American cus- toms in, 543-544. Ping-pong, 572.
"Pious Fund" decision, 578-579. Platt Amendment, The, 553-555; signed at Havana, 590.
Platt, Thomas Collier, boss of New York, helps Roosevelt to governorship, 76-80; friction with Roosevelt, 80-85; loads" Roosevelt on Hanna, 85-98.
Admirable Crichton, The," 602. Alabama," 229.
"Amateur Cracksman, The," 602.
Arizona," 229, 531.
"Arms and the Man," 228.
Barbara Frietchie," 531.
Beau Brummell," 228, 531.
Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush," 229.
Camille," 531.
"Captain Dieppe," 602.
'Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines,"
Christian, The," 531.
Climbers, The," 567.
Count of Monte Cristo, The," 229.
'Countess Valeska, The," 228.
"Education of Mr. Pipp, The," 196.
"Erminie," 234. "Evangeline," 232. "Everyman," 601.
"Facing the Music,” 601.
"Fiddle-de-dee," 237. "First Violin, The," 531.
Florodora," 280, 531, 568.
'Gay Lord Quex, The," 531, 567. "Gentleman of France, A," 567, 582. 'Governor's Son, The," 567. "Heart of Maryland, The," 229. "Hearts of Oak," 223, 558. "Hedda Gabler," 602.
"Held by the Enemy," 222.
"Her Own Way," 602.
"If I Were King," 602.
"Importance of Being Earnest, The," 582.
"In Mizzoura," 229.
"In the Palace of the King," 678. "Janice Meredith," 531.
"Lady Huntworth's Experiment," 567. "L'Aiglon," 567.
"La Tosca," 531.
"Liars, The," 230.
"Light That Failed, The," 602.
"Little Minister, The," 229, 531. "Little Princess, The," 602.
'Madame Butterfly," 531.
'Man from Blankley's, The," 602.
"Margaret Fleming," 223;
'Message from Mars, A," 567.
'Minstrel of Clare, The," 230. "Miss Hobbs," $31.
'Mistress Nell," 531.
'Monsieur Beaucaire," 567. "Monte Cristo," 531.
"Mrs. Dane's Defense," 567. "Myles Aroon," 230. "Nance Oldfield," 531. "Naughty Anthony," 229. "Old Heidelberg," 602. "Old Homestead, The," 230. "Oliver Goldsmith," 531.
"Parisian Romance, A," 531.
'Pretty Sister of José, The," 602.
Pride of Jennico, The," 531.
"Prince of Pilsen, The," 600.
"Private Secretary, The," 222.
'Professor's Love Story, The," 567.
"Reverend Griffith Davenport, The,”
"Sherlock Holmes," 221, 531.
'Shore Acres," 223.
'Squire of Dames, The," 230.
'Stubbornness of Geraldine, The," 582 "Sultan of Sulu, The,” 600. "Sunken Bell, The," 531.
"Sweet Nell of Old Drury," 567. "Sword of the King, The," 582. "Too Much Johnson," 222. "Trelawney of the Wells," 230. "Trip to Chinatown, A," 235. "Ulysses," 602.
"Uncle Tom's Cabin," 233. "Unwelcome Mrs. Hatch, The," 567. "Waterloo," 531.
Popular music, Plato's dictum on changes in, 243-245; Al Jolson's "Mammy songs, 245-247; Thomas Addison in The Spectator, 248.
Population, centre of, in 1900, 3. Population increases 1866-90, 155. Porto Rico, free trade and civil govern- ment, 520, 559.
Predictions made in 1900, 364–372. "Preserves," home-made, 420. Prince Henry of Prussia, 570.
Progress in science and industry, 61-64. Progress in the nineteenth century, 362- 364.
Prohibition, New Hampshire abandons,
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