ILLUSTRATIONS Women's sport dresses of the nineties. Women's evening dresses of the nineties A recollection of the nineties pictured in Life in 1925 The Administration Building at the World's Fair, Chicago The earliest thousand-mile conversation An early drawing by Charles Dana Gibson One of E. W. Kemble's negro types A. B. Frost was unexcelled in drawing rural types A Frederic Remington drawing of Indian life. xvii PAGE 186 187 188 190 191 194 195 196 197 "The Land of Counterpane," a drawing by Jessie Willcox Smith 198 A Maxfield Parrish drawing for "The Golden Age" An illustration by Howard Pyle for "The Story of the Revolu- Richard Harding Davis, George Ade, Finley Peter Dunne. Richard Mansfield and William Gillette Julia Marlowe, Josef Hofmann, and Minnie Maddern Fiske Richard Mansfield as Dick Dudgeon in "The Devil's Disciple" 229 Madame Sarah Bernhardt John Drew, Ada Rehan, and James A. Herne An "Uncle Tom's Cabin" poster. An early performance of Weber and Fields 230 231 233 237 Weber and Fields chorus of the nineties, with Peter Dailey The bicycle of the eighties Riding a tandem bicycle at Coney Island, 1896 . Chorus from "Daisy Bell". 241 242 244 Chorus from "There'll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town To- PAGE 250 Chorus from "On the Banks of the Wabash, Far Away" Chorus from "Just Tell Them That You Saw Me" 253 274 279 The Lark. Packers on the Chilcoot Pass Trail-the Klondike . “Gentleman Jim" Corbett and John L. Sullivan "Introducing John L. Sullivan," a drawing by George Bellows 281 A cigar-store wooden Indian of the nineties Bryan's oratorical canvass for the presidency, 1896 . A caricature of Mark Hanna, by Davenport. A cartoon of the 1896 campaign for the presidency. The attitude of Spain toward the United States in 1898 282 283 285 294 295 296 297 303 305 Admiral George Dewey. 311 The Manila incident reflected in the faces of Europe 322 A cartoon of Dewey at the time of his candidacy for a presidential nomination. 335 Popular estimate of Dewey as a political figure. A cartoon of Dewey as an aspirant to the presidency Bryan accepts the nomination for President in 1900 ILLUSTRATIONS President McKinley and Vice-President Hobart xix PAGE 347 A famous cartoon by Davenport: "He's Good Enough for Me" 349 Orville, Catherine, and Wilbur Wright 353 A cartoon from Judge showing material advances since 1900 355 A cartoonist pictures the politician giving way to the scientist 356 Alexis Carrel, a leader in medical science . "Segis Pietertje Prospect," champion milk producer "Lady Jewel," champion egg-layer Life in June, 1901, pictured the congested highways of the fu ture 357 358 359 365 An institution that passed-The livery-stable and the horsedrawn hearse The Ridge Route between Los Angeles and Bakersfield, Calif. 378 379 Graph showing the phenomenal growth in the use of telephones 385 "The right and wrong ways of holding skirts" 397 The eclipse of the bicycle and the buggy. 402 A pioneer of bobbed hair, Dr. Mary Walker. 4II An institution that has passed-an ox-team used as motive power 423 The last horse-drawn fire-engine of Washington, D. C. . 425 Governor Wood begins his task of cleaning up Cuba-a cartoon 436 A typical town in the interior of Panama A plaza in Panama before and after being paved Surgeon-General George M. Sternberg Major-General Leonard Wood in 1900 The Army Yellow Fever Commission. Doctor Walter Reed's birthplace, as it was in 1925. 437 439 440 441 443 445 Doctor Carlos Finlay, exponent of the mosquito theory of yel low fever transmission. The Stegomyia mosquito "Monkey Hill" cemetery, which recorded the French failure ILLUSTRATIONS General George W. Goethals and the third Panama Canal Com mission A mosquito-proof building at Panama S. S. Kroonland passing through the completed Panama Canal Dr. Charles H. Boissevain and Dr. Gerald B. Webb in charge of the Research Laboratory at Colorado College A suggestion by Life of an early automobile traffic condition, xxi PAGE 465 467 471 1900 . The Buggyaut of Charles Duryea Elwood Haynes's first car An early type of electric automobile Henry Ford at the wheel of his first car An early Maxwell car Testing an electric automobile in Madison Square Garden. Maude Adams in her curved-dash Oldsmobile A Tennessee village scene in 1909 . The coming of good roads A traffic stream 45,000 miles long. A satirical drawing from Life, "The Passing of the Horse" "Must we take the law in our own hands?"—a sketch from 474 481 485 485 485 488 490 491 492 493 495 496 499 500 503 509 511 A French caricature of the Kaiser in 1900 513 Sketch of the interior of a New York subway, made in 1900 |