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No. 80.


I..Paragraph II, General Orders, No. 14, War Department, January 17, 1908, is amended to read as follows, to take effect July 1, 1911:

1. Distribution to posts and organizations of the Army of blank forms and books furnished by the Adjutant General's Department will be made, under the immediate direction of The Adjutant General of the Army, by the adjutants general of the several territorial divisions. The adjutants general of the territorial divisions within the geograpical limits of which the United States Military Academy, the service schools enumerated in paragraph 458, Army Regulations, the United States Military Prison or any branch thereof, general recruit depots, general recruiting stations, general hospitals, arsenals, and general depots of supply are situated will make distribution to those places. Distribution to mine planters and cable ships and to army transports for the needs of the permanent detachments serving on board transports will be made by the adjutants general of the territorial divisions within the geographical limits of which the vessels are serving or have home ports.

2. Blank forms and books that are used at civil educational institutions will be furnished directly to such institutions by The Adjutant General of the Army.

[1325808, A. G. O.]

II. Paragraph II, General Orders, No. 41, War Department, March 27, 1908, is rescinded, to take effect July 1, 1911. [1325808, A. G. O.]

III..General Orders, No. 40, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, June 20, 1866, is rescinded.

[1781346 B-A. G. O.]

IV. Paragraph 2, section II, page 35, Manual for CourtsMartial, is amended to read as follows:

2. If the desired witness is a civilian near the post where the court is sitting, duplicate subpoenas will be prepared, one of which will be served upon the witness by the judge advocate or by any person instructed by him; if the desired wit

ness is not near the post, but still within the State, Territory, or District in which the court-martial is sitting, the judge advocate will send the duplicate subpoenas directly to the convening authority, requesting service of the same; provided, that such a request for service will ordinarily not be made until after the judge advocate shall have endeavored and failed to obtain the voluntary attendance of the witness by correspondence with him or by mailing to him a subpoena properly filled out and accompanied by a request to accept service thereon by signing a statement on the subpœna in substantially the following form, "I hereby accept service of the within subpoena;" and the request upon the convening authority for service will state that such endeavor has been made or state why it has not been made.*

[1788734, A. G. O.]

V..The following foot note is added to page 35, Manual for Courts-Martial:

Ordinarily, there will be no difficulty in securing the voluntary attendance of a witness if he is informed that his fees and mileage will not be reduced by reason of his voluntary appearance, and that a voucher for his fees and mileage, going to and returning from the place of sitting of the court-martial, will be delivered to him promptly on being discharged from attendance on the court.

[1788734, A. G. O.]

VI..The following Executive Order is published to the Army for the information and guidance of all concerned:


It is hereby ordered that all of the military reservation of Fort Wingate, New Mexico, as established by Executive Order of February 18, 1870, and enlarged by Executive Order of March 26, 1881, hereinafter described by metes and bounds, in accordance with the original survey as announced by the War Department (G. O. No. 7, Department of the Missouri, April 4, 1870), and extended in accordance with a survey announced by the War Department (G. O. No. 7, Department of the Missouri, April 9, 1881), shall become a part of the Zuni National Forest, to be protected and administered as National Forest Lands, but that the same shall remain subject to the unhampered use of the War Department for military purposes, and to insure such use the land shall not be subject to any form of appropriation or disposal under the Land Laws of the United States.

The original metes-and-bounds description of the two surveys previously mentioned follows chronologically:

The initial point of the survey is at the northwest corner of a building covering the Bear Spring (Ojo del Oso). This


point is marked by a wooden post 14" square on top, and lettered "Init. Point, Mil. Reserv., Estab. Nov. 10th, 1869. Mag. var. 13 deg. 30 min. E.; Long. W. 108 deg.; Lat. N. 35 deg. 18 min.” From this point due north five miles to a point on the north boundary line of the Reservation, said point being marked by a post lettered "U. S. M. R." From this point following the boundary line due east five miles to the northeast corner; thence due south ten miles to the southeast corner; thence due west ten miles to the southwest corner; thence due north ten miles to the northwest corner; thence due east five miles to the above-described point on the northern boundary line, to close the boundary; and

Beginning at a post four by six inches on top and six feet long, branded on all sides with the letters U. S. M. R., being the southwest corner of the original reservation at Fort Wingate, New Mexico. From this point due south three miles, to the southwest corner of the extension; thence due east ten miles to the southeast corner of the extension; thence due north three miles to a post four by six inches on top and six feet long, branded on all sides with the letters U. S. M. R., being the southeast corner of the original reservation; thence due west along the southern boundary of the original reservation ten miles, to the beginning.

The points of the compass mentioned are true, not magnetic. The variation of the magnetic needle in November, 1869, when the survey of the original reservation was made, was 13° 30' East.

[blocks in formation]


No. 81.


WASHINGTON, June 16, 1911.

Upon the report of the Chief of Staff, based upon the report of the board of officers appointed for the purpose of making the annual inspection of the military departments of educational institutions at which officers of the Army are detailed as professors of military science and tactics, the following-named institutions, arranged alphabetically, are announced as the ten whose students have exhibited the greatest application and proficiency in military training and knowledge, as contemplated by paragraphs 6, 32, and 33, General Orders, No. 231, 1909, and paragraphs 10, General Orders, Nos. 53 and 65, 1911, War Department:

Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, College Station, Texas.

Culver Military Academy, Culver, Indiana.

Maryland Agricultural College, College Park, Maryland.
New Mexico Military Institute, Roswell, New Mexico.
Norwich University, Northfield, Vermont.

Pennsylvania Military College, Chester, Pennsylvania.
St. John's Military Academy, Delafield, Wisconsin.
St. John's School, Manlius, New York.

The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina.

Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia. [1792159, A. G.O.]



Adjutant General.


Major General, Chief of Staff.

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