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v. i. To remove a cause to a higher tribunal; to refer to another for decision. Ap-pēar', v. i. To be or become visible; to seem. Ap-pearance, n. A coming in sight; things seen; semblance; mien; a coming into [pacify. Ap-pease', v. t. To quiet; to Ap-pěl'lant, n. One who appeals. [appeals. Ap-pěl'late, a. Relating to Ap/pel-la'tion, n. A name


by which a thing is called. Ap-pěl'la-tive, a. Relating to a common or general name. -n. A common, as distinguished from a proper, name. Ap/pel-lee', n. The defendant in an appeal. Ap'pel-lôr', n. One who pros

ecutes another for a crime.

Ap-pěnd', v. t. To hang or attach to; to add; to annex. Ap-pěnd'age, n. An addition; adjunct; concomitant. Ap-pěnd'ant, a. Hanging to; annexed; appended by prescription.. -n. Something incidental or subordinate belonging to a thing. Ap-pěn'dix, n. (pl. Ap-pěn'dix-es, or Ap-pen'di-çēṣ.) Something annexed; literary matter added to a book. Ap/per-tain', v. i. To belong; to relate. Ap'pe-tençe, n. Strong Ap'pe-ten-cy, natural de[of food or drink. Ap'pe-tite, n. Desire, esp. Ap'pe-tize, t. t. To whet the appetite. Ap-plaud', v. t. To praise by clapping of hands, &c. Ap-plause', n. Approbation loudly expressed; public praise; acclamation. Ap'ple, n. A tree and its fruit; pupil of the eye. Ap-pli'ançe, n.


Act of applying; thing applied. Appli-ca-bil'i-ty, n. Quality of being applicable. Appli-ca-ble, a. Capable of being applied. [plies. Ap'pli-cant, n. One who ap


Ap'pli-ca'tion, n. Act of

applying; entreaty; persevering industry; assiduity. Ap-ply', v. t. To lay or place; to put or bring; to devote; to address. v. i. To suit; to agree; to make request. Ap-point', v. t. To fix, establish or ordain; to designate; to direct.

Ap/point-ee', n. A person appointed. [appointing. Ap-point'ment, n. Act of Ap-por'tion, v. t. To divide and assign fairly; to allot. Ap-por'tion-ment, n. A dividing into just shares or proportions. Ap'po-site, a. Very applicable; proper; suitable. Ap/po-si'tion (-zish'un), n. State of two nouns put in the same case without a connecting word. Ap-prãiş'al, n. Valuation by authority; appraisement. Ap-prãişe', v. t. To set a price on. [appraising. Ap-prãişe'ment, n. Act of Ap-prais'er, n. A person appointed to appraise. Ap-prē'cia-ble (-prē'shi-), a. Capable of being estimated. Ap-prē'ci-āte (-shĭ-), v. t. To value; to raise the value of. -v. i. To rise in value. Ap-prē ci-a'tion

(-shi-shun), n. Act of appreciating; a just estimate. Apprc-hend', v. t. To seize; to conceive by the mind; to fear.

Ap/pre-hen'si-ble, a. Capable of being apprehended. Ap/pre-hen'sion, n. Act of apprehending; conception of ideas; fear; distrust. Ap/pre-hen'sive, a. Quick to apprehend; fearful. Ap-pren'tiçe, n. One bound by indentures to learn a trade or art. v. t. To bind as an apprentice. Ap-prěn'tiçe-ship, a.


time an apprentice serves. Ap-prise', v. t. To inform. Ap-prize', v. t. See Appraise. Ap-proach', v. t. To draw


near to; to approximate. — v. i. To draw near.n. Act of drawing near; ac cess; advance; admittance. Ap-proach'a-ble, a. Capable of being approached. Ap/pro-ba'tion, n. Act of approving; liking; support. Ap'pro-ba'tive, a. ApAp'pro-ba/to-ry, proving. Ap-pro'pri-āte, v. t. To set apart; to assign. Ap-prō'pri-ate, a. Belong


ing peculiarly. - SYN. Fit; adapted; suitable. Ap-prō'pri-ate-ly, adv. Fitly; properly. [culiar fitness. Ap-pro'pri-ate-ness, n. Ap-pro/pri-a'tion, n. Act of appropriating; any thing set apart. Ap-prov'al, n. Approbation. Ap-prove', v. t. To like or allow of; to commend. Ap-pròx'i-māte, v. To bring or draw near. [nigh. Ap-prox'i-mate, a. Near; Ap-prox'i-ma'tion, n. Approach. [proaching. Ap-prox'i-mā/tive, a. ApAp'pulse, or Ap-pulse', n. Act of striking against. Ap-pûr'te-nançe, n. That which belongs to something else. [ing by right. Ap-pûr'te-nant, a. BelongA'pri-ečt, n. A kind of plum, very delicious. [the year. A'pril, n. A'pron (a/purn or 'prun), r.. A part of dress worn in front. [the way. Ap/ro-pos' (-po'), adv. By Apt, a. Fit; suitable; liable;

Fourth month of

ready; qualified. [wings. Ap'ter-ous, a. Without Apt'i-tude, n. Fitness; ad

aptation; tendency. Aptly, adv. Properly; fitly. Apt'ness, n. Fitness; readiness; tendency. A'qua-fôr'tis, n. Nitric acid. A-quat'ie, a. Living in water. Aq'ue-duet (ǎk/we-dukt), n. An artificial channel for conveying water; conduit. A'que-cus, a. Watery. Aq'ui-line (ǎk/wi-lin or -lin),


a. Like an eagle or its beak ; hooked.

Arab, n. A native of Arabia. Ar'a-besque (-běsk), a. Pertaining to Arabian archi


A-ra'bi-an, a. Pertaining
Ar'a-bie, to Arabia.
Ar'a-bie, n. The language of

Ar'a-ble, a. Fit for plowing.
Är'bi-ter, n. An umpire; a
judge. [determinable.
Är'bi-tra-ble, a. Arbitrary;
Ar-bit'ra-ment, n. Will;
determination; award.
Är'bi-tra-ry, a.' Dictated by
will; bound by no law;
despotic. SYN. Tyranni-
cal; imperious; absolute.
Är'bi-trate, . i. or t. To

hear and judge as an arbi-
trator; to determine.
Är/bi-tra'tion, n. A hearing

and decision by arbitrators. Är'bi-tra/tor, n. An umpire; arbiter.

like a tree.


Ar'bor, n. A shady bower.
Är/bo-res'çent, a. Growing
[a tree.
Ar'bo-rous, a. Pertaining to
Are, n. A seg-
ment or part of
a circle.
Ar-cãde', n. A series of
arches and columns; a long
arched building or gallery.
Ar-ea'num, n. (pl. Ar-cā'-
nå.) A secret.
Ärch, a. Chief; principal;
waggish; sly.-n. A curved
or vaulted structure. - v. t.

To form into an arch.v.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Are'tie, a. Lying far north.
Är'dent, a. Hot; fervid ;
vehement; zealous.
Är'dor, n.



A'ri-an, n. One who denies
the deity of Christ.
A'ri-an-ism, n.

The doc-
trines of Arius, who denied
the deity of Christ.
Ar'id, a. Dry; parched.
A-rid'i-ty, n. Dryness; ab-

sence of moisture. A-right' (-rīt), adv. Rightly. A-rīşe', v. i. [imp. AROSE; p. p. ARISEN.] To rise; to mount; to ascend. Ar/is-toe'ra-çy, n. Government by nobles; nobility. A-ris'to-erǎt, or Ar'is-toerǎt, n. One who favors aristocracy. Ar/is-to-crăt'ie, Ar/is-to-erǎt'ie-al, to aristocracy. numbers. A-rith'me-tie, n. Science of Arith-mět'ie-al, a. Relating to arithmetic. A-rith'me-ti'cian, n. One skilled in arithmetic.

a. Re


Ärk, n. A chest or coffer; a

large vessel or boat. Ärm, n. Limb from the shoulder to the wrist; branch; inlet of water. v. t. Το furnish with arms. v. i. To take arms. Ar-ma'dà (18), n. A large fleet of armed ships. Är'ma-ment, n. A force equipped for war. Ar'ma-ture, n.

Armor; a

piece of iron to connect the poles of a magnet. Armful (26), n. As much as

the arms can hold.

Heat; warmth
affection; zeal.
Ärd'u-oŭs, a. High; lofty;
hard to climb; laborious.
Ã're-à (18), n. Inclosed space;
superficial contents.
A-rē'nà, n. An open space
for combats; any place of
.public exertion.
Ar'gal, n. Crude tartar.
Argent, a. Silvery.
Är'gent-ine, a. Relating to, Ar-min'ian (-yan), n.
or resembling, silver.
Är'gil-la'cecus, a. Of the
nature of clay; clayey.
Är'go-sy, n. A large ship

for merchandise or for war.
Är'gue, v. i. or t. To debate
or discuss; to persuade.
Är'gu-ment, n. Reason al-
leged to induce belief; plea.
Är/gu-men-ta'tion, n. Act
or process of reasoning.
Är/gu-měnt'a-tive, a. Con-
sisting of argument.

Är'mil-la-ry, a. Resembling a bracelet; consisting of rings.


who denies predestination, and holds to universal redemption. Ar-min'ian-işm, n. Tenets of Arminians. [in arms. Ar-mip'o-tent, a. Powerful Ar'mis-tiçe, n. A cessation from arms; truce. Ärm'let, n.' A little arm;

ornament for the arm.

Ärm'or (33), n. Defensive
arms or covering.
Är'mo-rer, n. One who


makes, sells, or has the care of, arms. [armor. Ar-mō'ri-al, a. Belonging to Ar'mo-ry, n. A repository for arms. [shoulder. Ärm'pit, n. Cavity under the Arms, n. pl. Weapons; ensigns armorial. Är'my, n. A large body of armed men; great number. A-rō'mȧ, n. The fragrant principle of plants. Aro-mắt’ie, . Spicy. Ar'o-măt'ies, n. pl. Fragrant spices or perfumes. A-rose', imp. of Arise. A-round', prep. On all sides of; about; from one part to another of.adv. On every side; here and there. A-rouşe', v. t. To excite to action; to awaken suddenly; to animate. [hand-gun. Ar'que-buse, n. A sort of Ar'rack, . A spirit obtained from the cocoanut, rice, or sugar-cane. Ar-rāign' (ar-rān'), v. t. Το call to answer in court; to call in question; to accuse. Ar-raign'ment (ar-rān/-), n. Act of arraigning. Ar-range', v. t. To set in order; to adjust; to prepare. Ar-range'ment, n. Act of arranging; adjustment. Ar'rant, a. Notoriously bad; [hangings.


Ar'ras, n. Tapestry; figured Ar-rāy', n. Order of battle; dress; raiment. — v. t. To put in order; to dress. SYN. To dispose; arrange. Ar-rear'age (8), n. The part of a debt unpaid. Ar-rears', n. pl. That which remains unpaid. Ar-rěst', v. t. To seize by authority of law; to detain; to obstruct.-n. A seizure by legal authority; a staying or stopping after verdict, as of a judgment. Ar-riv'al (11), n. Act of arriving or coming; person or thing arriving. [reach. Ar-rive', v. i. To come; to Ar'ro-gançe, n. Insolence of


bearing; proud contempt of others; haughtiness. Ar'ro-gant, a.


proud; insolent. Ar'ro-gate, v. t. To claim unjustly; to assume. [bow. Ar'rów, n. A weapon for a Ar'row-root, n. A plant and

a nutritive starch from it.

Är'se-nal, n. A magazine of

arms and military stores. Är'se-nie, n. A poisonous

metal and a white oxide of it.

Ar-sĕn'ie-al, a. Pertaining to, or containing, arsenic. Är'son, n. The malicious burning of a house. Ärt, 2d person of To be. - n. Acquired skill; dexterity; system of rules; cunning; artifice.

Ar-tē'ri-al, a. Belonging to an artery.

Ar-tē'ri-al-īze, v. t. To communicate the qualities of arterial blood to. Är'te-ry, n. A vessel con

veying blood from the heart. Art'ful (17), a. Skillful; cunning sly; crafty. Ar-thrit'ie, a. Pertaining to the joints or to the gout. Är'ti-chōke, n. A garden vegetable. Är'ti-ele, n. A particular item, condition, part, or thing; a certain part of speech. v. t. To bind by articles.

Ar-tie'u-late, a. Having joints; distinctly uttered. Ar-tie'u-läte, ". To pronounce distinctly; to unite by means of joints. Ar-tie/u-la'tion, n. Connection by joints; a joint; distinct utterance.

Är'ti-fiçe, n. Artful contrivance; device. SYN. Strat

agem; fraud; deceit; trick. Ar-tif'i-çer, n. A skillful

workman in some art. Är'ti-fi'cial (är/ti-fish'al), a. Made by art; not natural; factitious; fictitious. Ar-til'ler-ist, n. One skilled

in gunnery. Ar-til'ler-y, n. Weapons for


war; ordnance; troops who manage ordnance. Ar'ti-şan, n. A mechanic. Ärt'ist, n. A practicer of one of the fine arts. [art. Ar-tist'ie, a. Pertaining to Art'less, a. Without art; simple; guileless. [art. Art'less-ness, n. Want of Aş (az), adv. In like manner to; while; in the idea, character, or condition of; for example; thus. As/a-fět'i-da, n. A fetid As/a-fœt'i-da, inspissated sap, used in medicine. As-běs'tus, n. A fibrous and incombustible mineral. As-çĕnd', v. To move upward; to mount; to climb. As-çĕnd'ant, a. Above the horizon; superior. -n. Superior influence; height. As-çend'en-çy, n. Controlling influence. SYN. Authority; prevalence; control. [ascending. As-çĕn'sion, n. The act of As-çent', n. Act of rising; an eminence; acclivity. As'çer-tain'. v. t. To make certain; to find out; to make confident.

As'çer-tain'a-ble, a. Capable of being ascertained. As-çět'ie, n.

A devout recluse; a hermit. a. Austere; recluse. [ascetics. As-çět'i-çişm, n. Practice of As-crīb'a-ble (11), a. Capable of being ascribed. As-cribe', v. t. To attribute; to assign; to impute. As-erip'tion, n. Act of ascribing; thing ascribed. Ash, n. A well-known tree and its wood. [shame. A-shamed', a. Covered with Ash'er, a.' Made of ashwood; resembling ashes. Ash'eş, n. pl. Incombustible remains of what is burnt; a dead body that is burnt. A-shōre', adv. On or to [ashes. Ash-colored like A-side', adv. On or to one side.


Ash'y, a.




As'i-nine, a. Pertaining to an | As-săs' sin, n. One who kills | As-sim'i-lāte, v. To make

ass; stupid. Ask, v. t. or i.


To make request; to question; to beg; to invite; to demand. A-skançe', adv. Toward A-skȧnt', one corner of the eye; sidewise; obliquely. A-skew' (a-skū'), adv. Obliquely.

A-sleep', a. In a state of sleep or of death. - adv. In a sleeping state. Asp, n. A small hooded and poisonous serpent of Egypt.

As păr'a-gus, n. A garden plant.

As'peet, n. Look; Asp.

countenance; appearance. Asp'en, n. A kind of poplar. As-pěr'i-ty, n. Roughness; harshness; moroseness. As-perse', v t. To attack with slander. SYN. To calumniate; slander; vilify. As-per'sion, n. A sprinkling; calumny; slander; censure. As-phǎlt', n. A bitumiAs-phǎlt'um, nous sub

[blocks in formation]

by secret assault. As-sas'sin-āte, v. t. To murder by secret assault. As-sǎs/sin-a'tion, n. The act of assassinating. As-sault', n. Violent onset or attack.v. t. To attack with violence; to storm. As-say', v. t. To examine chemically, as metals. v. i. To attempt; to try.ዓ. Attempt; examination, as of metals. As-sěm'blage, n. A collection of persons or things. As-sěm'ble, v. To bring or meet together. As-sěm'bly, n. A company assembled; a legislature. As-sent', v. i. To admit a thing as true. n. The act of agreeing; consent. As-sert', v. t. To affirm posi

tively; to maintain; to aver. As-ser'tion, n. Act of as

serting; declaration. [serts. As-sert'or, n. One who asAs-sěss', v. t. To tax; to value; to determine. As-sěss'ment, n. Act of assessing; the sum assessed. As-sess'or, n. One appointed to apportion taxes. As'sets, n. pl. Effects of a de

ceased or insolvent person. As-sĕv'er-ate, v. t. To affirm solemnly.

As-sěv'er-a'tion, n. Solemn affirmation.

As'si-du'i-ty, n. Closeness of application; diligence. As-sid'u-oùs, a. Constant in application; diligent; busy. As-sign' (-sin'), v. t. To mark out; to appropriate; to make over. n. An assignee. As-sign'a-ble (-sin'-), a. Capable of being assigned. As'sig-na'tion, n. Appointment for a meeting. As/sign-ee' (-sin-), n. One to whom something is assigned. As-sign'er (-sin/-), n. One As/sign-ôr' (-sin-), who as


As-sign'ment (as-sin'-), n. Act of assigning.

or become similar. As-sim'i-la'tion, n.

Act of assimilating. [lieve; to aid. As-sist', v. t. To help; to reAs-sist'ançe, n. Help; aid; relief; succor; support. As-sist'ant, n. One who assists. a. Helping. As-size', n. A court, or session of a court; (pl.) time or place of holding a court. -v. i. To fix the measure, rate, price, or weight of, by authority.

As-so'çi-ate (-shi-at). v. To join in company; to unite with. a. Joined in interest; united. n. A companion; partaker. As-so'ci-a'tion (-shi-), n.

Union; connection; society. As'so-nant, a. Having a resemblance of sounds without rhyme.

As-sôrt', v. t. To arrange in classes; to class. As-sôrt'ment, n. Quantity selected or arranged; collection assorted. As-suage', v. t.

To soften or reduce, as pain or grief. -SYN. To pacify; mitigate; alleviate; allay. As-sume', v. t. To take; to take for granted; to pretend to possess. [haughty. As-sum'ing, p. a. Arrogant; As-sump'tion, n. Act of assuming; supposition; thing supposed. As-sur'ançe (-shyr'-), n. Cer

tain expectation; confidence; boldness; insurance. As-sure' (a-shyr'), v. t. To make secure; to assert positively; to insure. As'ter, n. A plant. As'ter-isk, n. The mark (*). A-stern', adv. In the hinder part of a ship; behind a ship; in the rear. As'ter-oid, n.

One of the small planets between Mars and Jupiter. Asth'ma (ast/-, ǎz-, or ǎs/-),

n. Shortness of breath. Asth-măt'ie (ast-, az-, or as-),

[blocks in formation]

a. Pertaining to asthma; | Ath-lět'ie, a. Belonging to

troubled with asthma.
As-ton'ish, v. t. To amaze;
to surprise.
As-ton'ish-ing, a. Very won-
As-ton'ish-ment, n. Emo-
tion created by a sudden or
extraordinary event.- SYN.
Amazement; wonder.
As-tound', v. t. To astonish.
As'tral, a. Belonging to the
stars; starry. [right way.
A-stray', adv. Out of the
A-stride', adv. Across; with
the legs apart.
As-trin'gen-cy, n. The power
of binding or contracting.
As-trin'gent, a. Binding.
-n. A medicine which

As-trŏl'o-ger, n. One who
foretells events by the stars.
As/tro-log'ie, a. Relat-
Astro-log'ie-al, ing to as-
As-trol'o-gy, n. The art of
predicting events by the as-
pects of the stars.
As-trŎn'o-mer, n. One skilled
in astronomy.
As/tro-nom'ie-al, a. Be-
longing to astronomy.
As-trŎn'o-my, n. The science
of the heavenly bodies.
As-tute', a.

Shrewd; saga-
cious; discerning; acute.
A-sŭn'der, adv. Apart; into
A-sy'lum, n. A refuge; sanc-
tuary; a charitable institu-
At, prep.

Near to; in; by ;

on; with; toward. Ate, imp. of Eat. A'the-igm, n. Disbelief in

the existence of a God. A'the-ist, n. One who denies the existence of a God.

A'the-Ist'ie, a. Pertain

A/the-işt'ie-al, ing to
atheism; denying a God.
Ath'e-ne'um (25), n. A
Ath'e-næ'um literary or
scientific association; a pub-
lic reading-room.
A-thirst', a. Thirsty.
Athlete, n. A contender for
a prize in public games.

wrestling; strong; vigorous. A-thwart', adv. Sidewise; obliquely.. -prep. Across ;

from side to side of.

At/lan-te'an, a. Resembling
Atlas, a fabulous giant.
At-lăn'tie, a. Pertaining to
the ocean, between Europe
and America.

Atlas (18), n. A collection of
At'mos-phēre, n. The air

that surrounds the earth.


Atmosphè,} long-


stain; spot; taint; a kind
of writ.

At-těm'per, c. t. To qualify
by mixture; to temper.
At-těmpt', n. A trial; effort;
essay.v. t. To try; to en-
deavor; to essay; to attack.
At-těnd', v. t. To wait on;
to accompany. —v. i. To
give heed; to be in waiting.
At-tend'ançe, n. Act of

waiting; service; retinue;
train; attention.
Be-At-těnd'ant, a. Accompany-
ing; connected. — n. One
who attends or accompanies.
At-těn'tion, n. Act of attend-
ing or heeding; civility.
At-těnt'ive, a. Paying at-

ing to the atmosphere.
At'om, n. A minute particle.
A-tom'ie, a. Of, or relat-
A-tom'ie-al, ing to atoms.
A-tōne', v. i. To expiate; to
make satisfaction for; to
A-tōne'ment (10), n. Satis-

tention; heedful; regardful. At-těn'u-āte, v. t. To thin; to subtilize; to make slender; to draw out.

faction; expiation; reconcili-At-ten/u-ā'tion, n. A making

A-trō'cious, a. Wicked in a
high degree; enormous;
flagitious. [wickedness.
4-troç'i-ty, n. Horrible
At'ro-phy, n. A wasting

away; emaciation.
At-tǎch', v. t. To take by
legal process; to win over.
Attaché (ata-shā'), n. One
attached to the suite of an
At-tǎch'ment, n. Act of
attaching; state of being
attached; thing attached;
seizure by legal process in a
civil suit; affection.
At-tǎck', v. t. To assault; to
assail.n. An assault;
onset ; invasion.
At-tāin', v. i. To reach by
efforts; to arrive at. SYN.
To obtain; to acquire.
At-tain'a-ble, a. Capable of
being attained.
At-täin'der, n. Act of at-
tainting in law.
At-tain'ment, n. Act of at-
taining; thing attained
At-taint', v. t. To corrupt;
to disgrace; to taint, as
blood, when one is found
guilty of treason. -n.

[ocr errors]


thin or slender. [to. At-test', v. t. To bear witness At/tes-tā'tion, n. Official tes

timony; witness. [tests. At-těst'or, n. One who atAt'tie, a. Pertaining to Atti

ca; pure; classical.-n. An upper story. At'ti-çigm, n. Elegant Greek. At-tire, v. t. To dress; to array.-n. Clothes; apparel; dress; habit. [tion. At'ti-tude, n. Posture; posiAt'ti-tūd'i-nīze, v. t. To assume affected attitudes. At-tor'ney (-tûr'-, 19), n. One

legally appointed by another to act for him. [allure. At-trǎet', v. t. To draw; to At-trǎe'tion, n. Act or power of attracting; ailurement. At-trăet'ĭve, a. Drawing; alluring. ―n. That which draws. [which draws. At-trǎet'ĭve-ness, n. Quality At-trib'u-ta-ble, a. Capable of being attributed. At-trib'ute, v. t. To ascribe; to impute. [quality. At'tri-būte, n. An inherent At/tri-bu'tion, n. The act of attributing. At-trib'u-tive, a.


to, or expressing, an attri

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