AN ENGLISH HARMONY OF THE FOUR EVANGELISTS, GENERALLY 1 DISPOSED AFTER THE MANNER OF THE GREEK OF WILLIAM NEWCOME, ARCHBISHOP OF ARMAGH: WITH A MAP OF PALESTINE, DIVIDED ACCORDING TO THE TWELVE TRIBES, EXPLANATORY NOTES, AND INDEXES.. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY KIMBER AND CONRAD, NO. 93, MARKET-STREET. Brown & Merritt, Printers, No. 24, Church-alley. 5-23-1927 14317 PREFACE. PREFATORY remarks on this publication are per. haps scarcely requisite. It may suffice to point out the utility of Harmonies in general, and to make a few additional observations on this Harmony. Their uses are con siderable in various respects. By placing the narrations of similar circumstances, as related by the several Evangelists, in opposite columns, their deviations or additions are more readily observed, and more easily compared. Thus arranged, obscure passages are frequently illustrated by the sugges tion of a seemingly indifferent circumstance, and the de. ficiencies of one Evangelist are supplied by the more ample detail of another: by which means a full and connected history of our Saviour is framed; and the distinct phrase. ology and idiom of each of these sacred writers is more conspicuously displayed. It may also thus be observed, that John's gospel, as appears from his numerous additions and omissions, was intended as a sequel to the others and written after them; and that Mark, as is proved by his însertion of new matter, did not merely epitomise the gos. pel of Matthew. |