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Absence, leaves of, in competitive
class, 171-73; in non-competitive
class, 190.
Accounts, 748.

Adams, O'Connor v., 654.
Administrative regulations, 735-36.
Agricultural experiment station, Gen-
eva, classification of positions, 65;
amendment to classification, 216;
laboratory assistant exempt from
examination, 269; positions in ex-
empt class, 699; request for changes
denied, 228; roster, 800-1.
Agriculture, commissioner of, classifi-
cation of positions, 65; amendment
to classification, 219; compensation
of appraiser, 263; compensation
of expert, 259; positions in exempt
class, 699; roster, 778-80.
Albany civil service, amendments to
rules approved, 23, 408-9; amend-
ments to rules disapproved, 23,
483; report of commission, 495-98.
Albany normal college, see State nor-
mal college, Albany.

Albion house of refuge for women, see
Western house of refuge for women,

Altamont, town of, claim for expert
services, 284-85.

Amendments, to civil service law
recommended, 16-22; to civil service
rules, 199-208; to classification,
209-25; to regulations, 230-31.
Amsterdam civil service, report of
commission, 498-500.

Appeals in examinations, 744-45.
Applications to enter examinations,
716-17, 740-41.

Appointing officer, term defined, 666,
691; law affecting, 679-80; reports
of, 731-32.

Appointments, to classified service,
694; in competitive class, 100–16,
192-95, 712-16; without examina-
tion, 123-57; in exempt class,
70-99, 707; in labor class, 191; in
non-competitive class, 190; decisions
relating to, 646-52; provisional,
117-22; recommendations for, 683;
total number, 196.
Appropriations for examination di-
vision of civil service commission,

Architect, see State architect.
Association of civil employees, assist-
ance of, 24.
Attorney-general, assistance of, 24;
classification of positions, 65; ruling
on stenographer, 296; opinions of,
653-61; positions in exempt class,
696; roster, 760-61.

Auburn civil service, amendments to
rules approved, 23, 409-10; exami-
nation for engineer of fire engine,
299; report of commission, 501-4.
Auburn prison, classification of po-
sitions, 66; transfer of guard, 258;
roster, 788-90.

Auburn prison for women, classifica-
tion of positions, 66; positions in
non-competitive class, 729; roster,


Bacon, Knox v., 649.
Bailey v. Mayor, 644.
Banking department, classification of
positions, 65; assistants employed,
278-79; positions in exempt class,
696; roster, 772-73.

Barnet v. Johnston, 646.
Barton, Curtis v., 641.

Batavia school for the blind, see School
for the blind, Batavia.

Bath Soldiers and sailors' home, see
Soldiers and sailors' home, Bath.
Beckwith, Nathan, temporary ex-

aminer, 29.

Bedford reformatory for women, see
Reformatory for women, Bedford.
Bellevue and allied hospitals, New
York city, physician transferred to,
246, 247-48, 290-91, 297.
Binghamton civil service, report of
commission, 504-9.

Binghamton state hospital, classifica-
tion of positions, 65; roster, 805.
Blust v. Collier et al., 6, 641.
Board and lodging, commutation for,

Boards, see specific name of.
Boards of examiners, see Examiners.
Brady, Kennedy v., 17.

Brissac v. Lawrence, 644.
Brockport normal school, classifica-
tion of positions, 66; positions classed
as laborers, 751; roster, 764.
Brooklyn, see New York city.

Buffalo civil service, amendments to
rules approved, 23, 410-11; amend-
ments to rules disapproved, 23, 483;
report of commission, 509-17.
Buffalo state hospital, classification
of positions, 65; roster, 805.
Burlingame v. Hayward, 659.
Burns v. Partridge, 652.

Canal affairs, bureau of, see Comp-

Cancer laboratory, see Health, depart-
ment of.

Cantor, Morrison v., 649, 651.
Certificates for promotions, transfers
and reinstatements, 727.
Certification for payment of services,

Chamberlain v. Knox, 253.

Charitable institutions, classification
of positions, 66; amendment to
classification, 215; positions classed
as laborers, 751; positions in exempt
class, 698. See also State institu-

Charitable institutions, bureau of, see
Charities, fiscal supervisor of state.
Charities, fiscal supervisor of state,
classification of positions, 65; amend-
ments to classification, 221, 222;
positions in exempt class, 698;
roster, 797.

Charities, state board of, classification
of positions, 65; positions in exempt
class, 698; roster, 797-98.
Chief examiner, report of, 29-40; law
concerning, 667; duties of, 737–38.
Chief examiners, list of, 64.
Chittenden v. Wurster, 7, 641, 642.
Cities, civil service, amendments to
rules approved, 22-24, 408-82;
amendments to rules disapproved,
23, 483-91; cost of local examina-
tions, 36; inspection of, 753; investi-
gation of, 13-16, 39; law affecting,
671-74; law affecting labor class in,
678; regulations approved, 340-58,
390-407; reports, 495-637; rules
approved, 307-39, 359-89; ruling on
amendments to rules, 257, 264–65;
time of provisional appointments
extended, 5.

Citizenship, 749-50.

City service, term defined, 666, 690.
Civil service, term defined, 666, 690.
Civil service commission, Colne v.,
643-45; Murphy v., 644; Nathan v.,
642-43; Neal v., 641-42.
Civil service commission, appropria-
tions for examination division, 34-
38; classification of positions, 65;
commissioners, 59, 666-67; list of
commissioners, chief examiners and

secretaries, 64; municipal investiga-
tions by, 13-16, 39; officers and
employees, 667; powers and duties,
668-69; regulations, 737-53; reports
of commissioners, 250, 258-59, 269-
73, 281, 284-85, 286-88, 295; rooms
for, 667-68; roster, 798; ruling on
recording votes and resolutions, 255;
special actions and rulings of,

Civil service laws, see Laws, civil ser-

Civil service reform association, assist-
ance of, 24.

Claims, court of, see Court of claims.
Class, term defined, 691.

Classification, collateral attack, 20-22,

646; law affecting, 674; litigation
concerning, 5-13; opinions of jus-
tices of supreme court, Kings county,
641-45; of positions in departments,
65-67; amendments to, 209-25;
requests for changes denied, 226–29.
Classified civil service, law affecting,

669-70; rules for, 693-94; appoint-
ments to, 694.

Clifford v. Scannell, 652.

Clinton prison, classification of po-
sitions, 66; amendments to classifi-
cation, 219; positions in non-com-
petitive class, 729; roster, 790-91.
Cohoes civil service, report of com-
mission, 517-19.

Coler, Stutzbach v., 270.
Collier et al., Blust v., 6, 641.
Collier, William Miller, report


veteran preference, 269-73; report
on employees for relocating St.
Lawrence county boundary line,

Colne v. Civil service commission,

Commission, term defined, 666, 690.
Commissions, see specific name of.
Compensation, law affecting, 688;

term defined, 691; rules on, 733–35.
Competitive class, appointments, 100-
16, 192-95, 712-16; appointments
without examination, 123-57; deaths
in, 189; law affecting, 674-76; leaves
of absence, 171-73; litigation con-
cerning classification of positions,
5-13; promotions, 158-63, 721-25;
proposed amendment to law con-
cerning, 18-20; regulations concern-
ing, 745-48; reinstatements, 168–70;
removals, 185-88; resignations, 174-
84; rules, 707-12; season positions,
721; transfers, 725-26.
Competitive examinations, see Ex-

Competitors, statistics of, 52-54; iden-
tification of, 742-43.

Comptroller, classification of positions,
65; amendments to classification,
210, 215, 222; employment of notice
servers, 260, 268, 283, 302; positions
in exempt class, 695-96; positions
in non-competitive class, 728; re-
quests for changes denied, 229;
roster, 758-60; stenographer exempt
from examination, 253.
Constitutional provision, 689.
Corning civil service, report of com-
mission, 519-21.

Cortland civil service, report of com-
mission, 521-22.

Counties, civil service, civil service
rules extended to, 9, 735; classifica-
tion of positions, 66-67; transfer
tax clerk, 261-62; positions in
exempt class, 701-7; roster of em-
ployees, 834-59.

County officer distinguished from
state officer, 658.

Court of appeals, classification of posi-

tions, 65; decisions, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 22,
270, 272, 641, 644, 647, 650,
652; positions in exempt class, 697;
roster, 825-26.

Court attendants, transfer of, 248, 249,
250-51, 257, 265, 302-3.

Court of claims, classification of posi-
tions, 65; roster, 797.

Courts, decisions of, 646-52; positions
in exempt class, 701; examination
for stenographers, 281.
Coyne v. Shea, 647.

Craig colony, Sonyea, classification of
positions, 66; transfer of physician
to, 243; pathologist employed, 284;
positions in non-competitive class,
730; roster, 819-20.
Cram, Percival v., 17.
Crummey v. Palmer, 7, 642.
Curtis v. Barton, 641.

Custodial asylum, Newark, classifica-
tion of positions, 66; positions in
non-competitive class, 729; roster,

Custodial asylum, Rome, classification
of positions, 66; transfer of superin-
tendent, 298-99; positions in non-
competitive class, 730; roster, 822.

Dannemora state hospital, classifica-
tion of positions, 65; roster, 806.
Deaths, in competitive and exempt
classes, 189; in non-competitive
class, 190; in labor class, 191.
Decisions of supreme court and court
of appeals, 646-52.
Definitions of terms, 666, 690-91.
Dempsey v. Wells, 648.

Digest of court decisions,' 646-52

Disbursing officers, law affecting, 680-

Driscoll v. City of New York, 651.
Dunkirk civil service, report of com-
mission, 523-24.
Durston, Travis v., 270.

Eastern New York reformatory, Nap-
anoch, classification of positions, 66;
transfer of guard, 258, 280-81; posi;
tions in non-competitive class, 729-
roster, 793-94.

Elections, superintendent of, classifica-
tion of positions, 65; positions in
exempt class, 700; roster, 803.
Elective officer, proposed amendment
to definition of, 22.

Eligible list, ruling on transfer from
special to general, 244; court decision
on subdivision of, 647; rules on, 712-
16; 719-20; regulations on, 745-48.
Elmira civil service, report of commis-
sion, 524-28.

Elmira reformatory, classification of
positions, 66; amendment to classi-
fication, 216; opinion of attorney-
general concerning removal of vet-
erans, 653-55; positions, classed as
laborers, 751; positions in exempt
class, 699; positions in non-competi-
tive class, 729; roster, 813-15:
stenographer exempt from examina-
tion, 267-68.

Employee, see Public employee.
Engineer and surveyor,



engineer and surveyor.
Engineers and levelers, assistant, time
of experience, 249-50.

Erie county civil service, certification
of payroll for employees, 285, 300-1;
civil service rules extended to, 9,
735; classification of positions, 66-
67; amendments to classification,
211, 213, 214, 223-24; medical
examiner in unclassified service, 299–
300; positions classed as laborers,
752; positions in exempt class, 702-
3; roster, 843-49.

Examinations, appeals in, 744-45;
applications to enter, 716-17, 740-
41; for court stenographers, 281;
exceptions from competitive, 676–
77; fraud in, 682-83; general sum-
mary, 51, 56; list, 43-51; marking
and grading of papers, 743-45; for
positions newly established or classi-
fied, 31-33; for promotion, 39, 46;
public notice of, 742; regulations
concerning, 742-43; repeated, 33;
rules on, 717-19; statistics of, 29-31,
facing 56; statistics of competitors,
52-54. See also Medical examina-

tions, Non-competitive examina-
tions, Provisional examinations.
Examiners, boards of, 59-63; local,
60-61; local medical, 59-60; regula-
tions concerning, 738-40; special and
expert, 29, 61-62; in state institu-
tions, 62-63. See also Chief exam-

Excise, department of, classification of
positions, 65; amendments to classi-
fication, 213-14, 219, 220, 221;
positions in exempt class, 697-98;
promotion examinations for account-
ant and statistician, 264; roster,
776-78; temporary stenographer,
260; transfer of clerk, 268.
Executive chamber, classification of
positions, 65; positions in exempt
class, 695; roster, 757.

Exempt class, appointments in, 70–99,
707; deaths in, 189; law affecting,
674; litigation concerning classifica-
tion of positions, 5-13; positions,
694-707; removals, 185-88; resigna-
tions, 174-84; transfers, 725.

Factory inspector, see Labor, depart-

ment of.

Firemen, alleged violation of civil
service law in promotion of, in
Rochester, 232-35; court decision
concerning construction of local
statutes, 652; court decision con-
cerning preference accorded veter-
ans, 650-51; court decisions con-
cerning removal of, in Brooklyn, 7;
law concerning removal of volunteer,
5; opinion of attorney-general con-
cerning exempt volunteer, 656-57;
preference accorded exempt volun-
teer, 726-27.

Fiscal supervisor of state charities, see
Charities, fiscal supervisor of state.
Fisheries, see Forest, fish and game

Flood v. Gardiner, 7–8.
Forest, fish and game commission,
classification of positions, 65; inspec-
tor exempt from examination, 303-
4; positions in exempt class, 699;
positions in non-competitive class,
729; roster, 794-95; stenographer
exempt from examination, 294.
Forest preserve board, see Forest, fish
and game commission.
Fornes, Shaughnessy v., 22, 647, 650.
Fowler, Charles S., chief examiner,
report of, 29-40.

Friendship, town of, health officer
appointed, 282.
Fulton civil service, rules approved,

23, 307-39; application of civil
service law to, 276-77; regulations

approved, 340-58; report of com-
mission, 528-30.

Gardiner, Flood v., 7-8.
Gas meters, inspector of, classification
of positions, 65; stenographer ex-
empt from examination, 303;
positions in exempt class, 700; roster,


Geneva civil service, report of commis-
sion, 530-34.

Geneva agricultural experiment sta-
tion, see Agricultural experiment
station, Geneva.

Gleason v. Scannell, 652.

Gloversville civil service, report of
commission, 534-36.
Goldenkranz, Whitman v., 649.
Governor, see Executive chamber.
Gowanda state homeopathic hospital,
classification of positions, 66; roster,

Grade, term defined, 691.
Group, term defined, 691.

Hart v. York, 652.
Hathaway, Wiggins v., 644.
Hayward, Burlingame v., 659.
Health, department of, assistant bac-
teriologist, 273; classification of
positions, 65; amendment to classi-
fication, 215; employment of small-
pox experts, 245-46, 262, 264, 274-
75, 279; experimental pathologist,
cancer laboratory, 265; positions
classed as laborers, 751; positions in
exempt class, 698; roster, 796.
Health officer, port of New York,
classification of positions, 65; posi-
tions in exempt class, 700; roster,

Health officers, local, positions in ex-
empt class, 701.

Healy v. Partridge, 652.
Heustis, Seide v., 652.

Holmes, Franklin B., temporary ex-
aminer, 29.

Hornellsville civil service, report of
commission, 536-38.

Hospital for the care of crippled and
deformed children, see New York
state hospital for the care of crippled
and deformed children, Tarrytown.
Hospitals, see State hospitals.
House of refuge for women, Albion, see
Western house of refuge for women,

House of refuge for women, Hudson
classification of positions, 66; posi-
tions in exempt class, 699; positions
in non-competitive class, 729; roster


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