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Cephalotripsy and craniotomy, compara- | Curetting the uterine cavity, 651

tive merits of, 530
Cervix, cavity of, 59

changes in, during pregnancy, 142
mucous membrane of, 64
rigidity of, 366
softening of, 157

Chapman's spinal ice-bag, 206

Child, clothing of, 589

examination of, 323
expulsion of, 267, 301

management of suckling of, 591
over-frequent suckling of, 589
position of, at brim, 315
risk to, 405

washing and dressing of, 588

Childbirth, management of women after,


mortality of, 575

Chloral in pregnancy, 206

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Delivery, alterations in blood after, 575
[instance of rapid natural, 365]
instrumental, 361

probable date of, 168

signs of recent, 171

Diabetes in pregnancy, 216

[Chloroform inhalation, objected to in the Diarrhoea in pregnancy, 208

U. S., 311]

Chorea in first pregnancy, 218

prognosis of, 219

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Cow's milk and its preparation, 600

Diet and regimen, 583

Digestive system, derangements of, 204

disorders of, in pregnancy, 208

Dilatation, 273

artificial, 368

Discus proligerus, 80

Dizziness as a cause of albumin in urine

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Epilepsy, 229

Eruptive fevers, 227

Erysipelas, infection from, 631
Evisceration, 522, 535, 536
Evolution, spontaneous, 342
Exochorion, 114

Expressio foetus, 359

Extra-uterine pregnancy, 179

condition of uterus in, 184
etiology of, 181

[Coxalgia, causing pelvic deformity, 402] Eye, diseases of, 230

Cranioclast, 524

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delivery of, 317

position of, mode of recognizing, 279
presentations, delivery in, 406

four positions described, 279, 289
mechanism of delivery in, 278
shape of, from moulding, 290
Hearson's thermostatic nurse, 478
Heart disease, 228
Hemorrhage, 430

[after delivery, treated by position of
woman, 445]

after rupture of vein, 222
before delivery, 418

causes of, 430

constitutional causes, 448

curative treatment of, 439

definition of, 430, 433

diagnosis of, 431

differential diagnosis of, 432

from laceration of maternal structures,
importance of, 433
local causes, 448
pathology of, 430

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puncture of, 425

rupture of, 488

separation of, 475

Menstruation, 86
cessation of, 94
period of, 94

cyclical theory of, 93
duration of period of, 89
influence of climate on, 87
of cold on, 87

law in reference to, 93
theory of, 82, 91

Menthol in pregnancy, 206

Milk, artificial human, 600

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[as a diet for nursing mothers, 594] PAINS during labor, 271

cow's, 600

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effect of, on mother and fœtus, 272
irregular and spasmodic, 356

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