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Alcoholic Beverages, Comparative Toxicity of,
J. Friedenwald-61, Dec. 16.
Diphtheria Carriers, Treatment of by Over-
riding Infected area with a Culture of Sta-
phylococcus Pyogenes Aureus, H. Page-
232, Dec. 23.

German Turners and Gymnastic Systems, du
Bois-Raymond-57, Dec. II.

Health Ordinances, Model, for a city which is
a Resort for Consumptives, Report of Com-
mittee on-147, Dec. 9.

Houses for Working People, Report of Com-
mittee on-147, Dec. 9.

Legal Aspect of Medicine, The, A. L. Mann-
136, Dec.

Mass. Medical Society, The, and The Public
Service, A. T. Cabot-66, Dec. 7.

Measles, Observations Regarding Control of,
P. B. Brooks-202, Dec. 23.

Medical Aspects of Some Social Questions,
G. A. Gibson-184, Nov. 25.

Medical Inspection of School Children in Ire-
land, Need of, O. St.J. Gogarty-107, Dec.
Medical Profession and Purity, J. D. Dodge-
95, Dec.

Personal Hygiene, Points in Neglected by
American People, I. W. Brewer-232, Dec.


Physician, The, as a Witness, C. F. Irwin—136,

Preventive Medicine, D. H. Bergey-232, Dec.


Public, The, and the Medical Profession, J.
Ewing-202, Dec. 16.

Physiological and Medical Chemistry, Progress
in the last year, Brigl-101, Nov. 30.
Poliomyelitis, Nomenclature of, B. M. Ran-
dolph-232, Dec. 9.

Sanitary Laws,

Proper Enforcement of

against Physicians and others, C. M. True-
heart-304, Dec.

School Hygiene, Instruction of Teachers in,
G. M. Whipple-328, Dec.

Sewage, Report of Committee on Purification
of-147, Dec. 9.

Social Pathology, Grotjohn-57, Nov. 27.
Swimming Tank, The Hygiene of the, W. J.
Lyster-147, Dec. 16.

Syphilis, Serological Aspects of, D. O. Robin-
1-328, Dec.


Tobacco Smoke and Nicotine, Toxicology of,
Fröhlich-101, Dec. 7.

Tonsillitis, Epidemic of Due to Infected Milk,
M. W. Richardson-66, Dec. 14.

Tonsillitis or Septic Sore throat, Outbreak of
in Eastern Mass., and Its Relation to Milk
Supply, C. E. A. Winslow-66, Dec. 14.
Tuberculosis in a Health Resort State, Report
of Committee on Laws and Methods of Con-
trol of-147, Dec. 9.

Tuberculosis of Men and Beasts, Report of

English Commission on Relation between,
Möllers 57, Nov. 20.

Venereal Disease, In the Relation we bear to
the Public, what use shall we make of our
Knowledge of? Vanderveer-9, Dec.
Waters of Great Lakes, Advisability of Gov-
ernment Medical Control of Hygienic Fac-
tors of, G. E. Fell-147, Dec. 23.

What Shall we teach the Laity? R. B. Miller
-319, Dec.


Anaphylaxis, Diphtheria Antitoxin and, J. A.
Roddy-232, Dec. 16.

Anaphylaxis in Relation to Clinical Manifes-
tations, H. B. Shaw-261, Dec.

teries, Fatty Streaks in Intima of, Klotz
and Manning-167, xvi, 2.

B. Leprae, Biochemistry of, Gurd and Denis
-151, Dec. I.

Balantidium Coli, Pathogenesis of, F. B. Bow-
man-147, Dec. 2.

Basedow's Disease, Action of the Nucleopro-
teid in, Tschikste-101, Nov. 30.
Beri-beri, Etiology of, Fraser and Stanton-
170, Dec. I.

Blood Cell Counting, A New Pipette for,
Hirschfeld-57, Dec. 4.

Blood, Influence of Under-feeding on the, Boy-
cott and Chisholm-167, xvi, 2.

Blood Pressure and Carbohydrate Metabolism,
Regulation of through the Chromafin Sys-
tem, Falta and Preestley-57, Nov. 20.

Cancer a Parasitic Disease, the Earthworm The Original Host, H. D. Walker-6, Dec. Cancer, The Parasite of, Unicellula Cancri, H. Butlin 66, Nov. 25, Dec. 2.

Cockroach, The Bacteriology of the, C. C. Morrell-66, Dec. 9.

Complement in Human Serum, C. H. Bailey147, Dec. 23.

Diphtheria Toxin, Estimation of in Blood of Diphtheria Patients, Aaser-57, Nov. 27. Diplococcus, a, From Urino-genital Tract, Dudgeon and Panton-184, Dec. 16. Epidemic among Cats supervening on and Simulating Distemper, J. P. M'Gowan—167, xvi, 2.

Fever, Causes of Increased Heart Rate in, V. H. K. Moorhouse-76, Dec.

Fever, Origin and Significance of, Rolly-101, Nov. 23.

Glyco-heptonic acid Lacton, Rosenfeld-101, Nov. 23.

Goitres, Cultures from Thyroid Gland in; A Bacteriologic Study of 14 Cases, J. J. Gilbride-147, Dec. 16.

Heart, Relations of Nervous Mechanism of to Drug Effects as Indicated by Experiments on Terrapin, R. L. Wilbur-147, Dec. 23. Hematin, Relation of to Pathological Pigment Formation, W. H. Brown-151, Dec. 1. Hematoxylin Stain, Rapid Preparation of, J. A. Johnson-147, Dec. 16.

Hemoglobin, Rate of Regeneration of after Hemorrhage, A. E. Boycott-167, xvi, 2. Immunity reactions with Lipoid-free sera, Friedemann and Herzfeld-57, Nov. 20. Infection and Immunity, H. E. French-162, Dec. 15.

Intra-abdomino-Pelvic Pressure in Man, R. H. Paramore-184, Dec. 16.

Leucocytes, Differential at Various Altitudes, O. M. Gilbert-93, Dec.

Leucocytes, Remarkable Daily Variation of in Malaria, Hodgkin's Disease, Cancer, D. Thomson-66, Dec. 16.

Loco-disease, Résumé of, M. K. Wallin-328, Dec.

Malaria, Relapsing, Role of Gametes in, W. Krauss-231, Dec.

Malignant Growths, Further Observations on the Resemblance between Cells of Malignant Growths and those of Normal Gametogenic Tissue, Walker and Whittingham-167, xvi,


Measles, Experimental in the Monkey, with
Special Reference to the Leucocytes, Hek-
toen and Eggers-147, Dec. 2.
Meiostagmine Reaction, Review of Literature

and Personal Experience, Bernstein and Simons-8, Dec.

Mesothorium, Biological Action of, Bickel57, Nov. 20.

Ibid., Emsmann-57, Nov. 20.

Milk, Comparative Viscosity Estimations in, Kreidl and Lenk-322, Nov. 30.

Milk, Cow's, Development of Acidity in and its Relation to time and Temperature, R. Vincent-126, Dec.

Morphology, Dependency of Certain Morbidities on, F. H. Hancock-317, Dec. 8. Phosphorus in food, Research into, Heubner -227, Nov. 28.

Radium as an Aid in Physiologic Experiments, Hertwig-101, Nov. 30.

Sarcoma, Transplanted, Influence on Blood of Rat of Presence of, R. A. Chisholm-167, xvi, 2.

Scarlet Fever, Streptococcus Antibodies in
with Special Reference to Complement Fixa-
tion of Reactions, Kolmer-9, Dec.
Sphygmo-oscillometer of Pachon, Use of, H.
L. Watson-Wemyss-66, Dec. 2.
Spirochetae and Trypanosomes, Method of
Demonstrating by Means of Nigrosin, C.
Goosmann-150, Dec.

Stomach and Large Intestine, Developmental
Relation between form and Position of,
Groedel and Schenck-227, Nov. 28.
Sugar Tests and Pathogenicity in Differentia-
tion of Streptococci, Beattie and Yates-167,
xvi, 2.

Syphilitic Antigen, Action of Cholesterin and its Derivatives on Lecithin as, and as Hemolysin with Cobra Venom, Browning and Cruickshank—167, xvi, 2.

Tetany, Parathyroid Glands with Reference to, R. W. Bliss-42, Nov.

Thymus, Significance of Eosinophiles in the, Schridde-227, Dec. 5.

Tuberculosis, Biological Aspect of, Caulfield and Beatty-76, Dec.

Tuberculosis, Solitary of Intestine in Experimental Tuberculosis in Guinea-pigs, Kiralyfi -57, Dec. II.

Tuberculous Sputum, the Albumin Reaction in, N. Raw-66, Dec. 2.

Urinary Proteids, Special Reagents as tests for, S. K. Klein-233, Dec.

Urine, Atophan, Characteristic reactions in,
Skorczewski and Sohn-322, Dec. 7.
Urine Reaction, Engel-Turnaus, Langfeldt-
57, Nov. 20.

Venous Pulse, Studies on the, II, the time Relations of Venous Pulse and Heart Sounds, J. A. E. Eyster-151, Dec. 1.

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Review of REVIEWS

VOL. 18

MARCH, 1912

Social Responsibilities.

A social awakening has aroused the multitude from lethargy. In the clearness of the dawn the medical profession sees new responsibilities. Looking backward it is very apparent that the essential relation of the physician has been individualized in the direction of the cure of his patient. The conception of his public duty as extending to the community has been somewhat retarded.

Recently the dual nature of the physician's life has received recognition. The Doctor is not a creature apart from the rest of the community but a real part of it as well as a tremendous agency for its development. To safeguard the public health is the especial privilege of the medical profession. The cure of diseases as they may arise in various parts of the city forms the traditional sphere of his usefulness. There is a larger sphere of influence that has opened itself to the profession. The physician in the old sense continues to cure his patients. In the more modern conception of his duties to the public the physician aims to lessen the sufferings of the community thru the prevention of diseases that are essentially preventable.

No. 3

Opportunity is knocking at the door of the profession and seeks the cooperation of the doctor-citizen. No longer regarded merely as the good old family doctor to be called upon in times of illness, he finds himself suddenly with increased powers for advancing the public health. Without becoming a therapeutic nihilist the physician seeks to understand the etiology of the ills that flesh is heir to.

Teacher, hygienist, sanitarian, medical inspector, health counsellor now represent the more civic phases of the physician's usefulness. The reliance of the city and the state upon the knowledge of the profession crystallizes itself in the new duties that are forced upon physicians. The recording of births, deaths, contagious diseases, industrial accidents and diseases are civic duties far removed from the original function of curing the sick.

To extend the information regarding the measures necessary to protect human life from exploitation and consequent morbidity is a wide application of the rôle of medical teacher. True, the Hippocratic oath obligated teaching the facts of medicine only to those

Copyright, 1912, By Frederic H. Robinson, Publisher.

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