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Anesthetic, Administration of Nitrous oxide
and oxygen as an, P. J. Flagg-234, Apr.
Anesthesia Nitrous-oxide-oxygen, Death
From, C. E. Boys-300, Apr.
Aneurysm, Sacculated, Treatment of by
Wiring and Electrolysis, H. A. Hare-
147, Apr. 13.

Aneurysmal Varix of Popliteal Vessels,
Operation for, J. C. DaCosta-29, Apr.
Appendiceal Conditions and the Interpre-
tation of the Blood Count, M. A. Wood
-304, Apr.

Appendicitis, Case, Illustrating Value of
Differential Leucocyte Count, J. P. Ken-
nedy-106, Apr.

Appendicitis, Pin Worm, G. C. Ney-70,

Appendicitis, Retrocecal, Gridiron Incision,
Where and How to Make it with Special
Reference to, A. Maclennan-261, Apr.
Appendicitis, Treatment of, H. A. Bruce—
77, Apr.

Appendicitis, Treatment of Other Than
Operative, G. T. McKeough-76, Apr.
Ascites Secondary to Vascular Cirrhosis of
Liver, Surgical Treatment of, E. A. Bab-
ler-147, Apr. 13.

Bones, Joints and Tendons, Contribution
to Surgery of, J. B. Murphy-147, Apr. 6,
Apr. 13, Apr. 20.

Breast Cancer, Extension and Recurrence
of through the Deep fascia, L. F. Wat-
son-202, Apr. 13.

Breast, Female, Diagnosis of Tumors of,
G. Barrie-232, Apr. 13.

Breast, Lucemic Tumors of Mistaken for
Lymphosarcoma, McWilliams and F. M.
Hanes-8 Apr.

Breast, Male, Tumors of, J. Speese-29,

Bullet Wounds of Abdomen, Case of Bul-
let Wound of Sigmoid and Bladder dur-
ing Acute Appendicitis; Laparotomy; Re-
covery, C. G. Hacker-234, Apr.
Cancer, Problems in Chemotherapy of, W.
J. Morton-232, Mar. 30.
Cardiospasm, Its General Consideration, J.
F. Erdmann-300, Mar.

Cecum, Movable and Chronic Appendicitis,
Crämer-227, Mar. 19.

Cervical Rib, E. S. Evans-147, Apr. 13.
Cholecystitis, W. H. Ross-14, Mar.
Cholecystitis, Chronic, J. R. Verbrycke, Jr.
-8, Apr.

Cholelithiasis, Chronic, The Masquerades
of, A. E Austin-61, Mar. 28.

Cleft Palate, Remarks on, T. W. Brophy
-91, Apr. 20.

Cloaca, Persistent, Technic of Cure, C. S.
Hosmer-300, Mar.

Crushing Injuries, When Shall we Operate
in? J. L. Wilson-231, Apr.

Dislocation of Hip, Congenital, F. J. Fas-
sett-238, Apr.

Dislocation of Patellae, Habitual, Treat-
nent for, G. Robertson-300, Apr.
Epilepsy, Surgical Treatment of, W. J.
Taylor-306, Mar.

Epithelioma of Hand and Glands, Removal
of 2 fingers and the glands, R. Parker—
66, Mar. 30.

Foot-strain, Consideration of Prevention
and Cure of, R. B. Osgood-11, Feb.
Fracture and Dislocation of Upper End of
Humerus, J. B. Bissell-202, Apr. 6.
Fracture of Humerus, Orthopedic Treat-
ment of, F. E. Peckham-11, Feb.
Fracture of Pelvis, with Case, C. H. Charles
-270, Mar.

Fractures of Proximal End of Radius, C.
R. L. Putnam-259, Apr.

Fractures at Elbow in Childhood, Treat-
ment of, W. F. Campbell-9. Apr.
Fractures, Features Essential to Success
in Operative Treatment of, W. Fuller—
91, Apr. 13.

Fractures, Operative Treatment of, J. A.
Blake-300, Apr.

Fractures, Simple Treatment of, C. Cath-
cart-110, Apr.

Fractures, Treatment of with Lane's Plates,
W. Bartlett-136, Apr.

Gall-bladder, Congenital Malposition of, A.
J. Walton-184, Apr. 6.

Gastric and Duodenal Ulcer, Acute Per-
forating. Clinical Features and Treatment
of, E. Eliot, Jr.-29, Apr.

Gastric Ulcer from the Surgical Standpoint,
Lindner-227, Mar. 12.

Gastroenterostomy, J. C. Renton-66, Apr.


Gastroptosis, Surgical Relief of a Case, M.
H. McGuire-231, Apr.

Glandular Enlargements at Root of Neck,
Methods of Diagnosis of Nature of, O. C.
Gruner-106, Apr.

Hallux Valgus and Bunions, Surgical Treat-
ment of, W. L. Keller-232, Apr. 6.
Heart Wounds, Treatment of, E. H. Pool
-29, Apr.

Hernia, Strangulated Femoral, Containing
an Undeveloped Kidney, J. W. Seawell
-74, Apr.

Hernia, Traumatic, P. C. Pilon-270, Mar.
Herniae, Pericecal, A Review of, with Case
of Unique Epicecal Hernial Sac, A.
Schwyzer-293, Apr.

Herniae, Repair of from Peritoneal Side of
Abdominal Wall, E. H. Beckman-29,

Hernias, Large, Radical Operations in,
König-227, Mar. 12.

Hernias of Nurslings, Torsion of Uterine Adnexa in, A. V. Moschcowitz-232, Apr. 6.

Hip Disease, Treatment of, E. H. Bradford
-II, Feb.

Hip Joint Disease, Conservative Treatment
of; with a New Splint, J. K. Young-11,


Diverticula of, F. E. Walker-147, Apr. 20. Intestinal Autotoxicosis, Ileosigmoid Anastomosis as Therapeutic Measure in, E. A. Hall-75, Apr.

Intestinal Obstruction, Acute, Caused by Appendix, The Obstruction Obscuring an Acute Appendicitis, R. Gillespie-184, Mar. 23.

Intestinal Obstruction, Operative Method in a Case of, A. Werelius-300, Apr. Intestine, Foreign Bodies in, A. S. Hasford -66, Apr. 13.

Jaundice in Surgery, C. Johnson-304, Apr.
Jejunostomy, W. J. Mayo-8, Apr.
Knee Derangement, Operative Treatment
of, N. Allison-11, Feb.

Knee Joint, Derangement of, C. F. Eikenbary-238, Apr.

Ligation of Third Portion of Right Subclavian, Case, Lawrason and Lloyd-231, Apr.

Lung and Liver, Abscess of, Cure of
Chronic Case by Upside Down Position,
W. E. McKechnie-184, Mar. 30.
Meckel's Diverticulum, A Rare Complica-
tion Due to, Müller-227, Mar. 19.
Nails, Ingrowing; Etiology and Treatment,
F. S. Lower-136, Apr.
Narcosis, M. Verworn-70, Apr.
Operations, Home, W. F. Burrows-232,
Mar. 16.

Os Calcis, Spur Foundation on, R. O. Meisinbach-11, Feb.

Osteitis Deformans, Paget's Disease, with 2 Cases and one Autopsy, B. F. Stahl8, Apr.

Osteomyelitis, Acute of Upper Jaw in a 3 weeks old Infant, Fliess-33, lvii, 4-6. Pancreas, Diagnosis of Cancer of Body and Tail of, Symptoms; Suggestive Sign; Case, M. Packard-232, Apr. 13. Pancreas, Personal Experience with Disease of, J. B. Deaver-232, Mar. 23. Pancreatic Lymphangitis, Deaver and Pfeiffer-8, Apr.

Peritonitis, General Purulent, and its Treat

ment, with Special Reference to Appendicitis, Tschmarke-227, Mar. 26. Peritonitis, Non Suppurative Subphrenic, Complicating Appendicitis, H. Neuhof300, Mar.

Peritonitis, Tuberculous, Treatment of in Adults, F. M. Caird-110, Apr.

Peroneal Luxation, Treatment of, Eden— 227, Mar. 19.

Pneumectomy-Its Possibilities, S. Robinson-29, Apr.

Pulmonary Gangrene, Case; Operation; Recovery, W. Gordon-261, Apr.

Pylorus, Congenital Stenosis of; The Surgical Treatment, C. L. Scudder-300, Apr. Rabid Animals, Value of Nitric Acid in Cauterizing Wounds made by, P. Bartholow-8, Apr.

Radiography, Laboratory notes on, A. J.
Quimby-259, Apr.

Ranula, L. G. Hanley-232, Apr. 20.
Rectum, Ionic Surgery in Cancer of, G. B.
Massey-232, Mar. 30.

Roentgenization of Deep Tissues, Technic of, Janus-227, Mar. 12.

Roentgenography, Plastic, W. H. Dieffenbach-232, Mar. 23.

Roentgensterometry, Fürstenau's; an Exact Method of Locating Foreign Bodies, M. Reichmann-300, Mar.

Sacro-iliac Joint,

Unusual Condition of Causing Sciatica, with 2 Cases, S. M. Cone-11, Feb.

Spinal Cord, Gunshot Wounds of, W. B. Burns-91, Apr. 20.

Status Lymphaticus, A. R. Hall-293, Apr. Stereo-arthrolysis, an Experimental Study in Arthroplasty, R. T. Taylor-300, Apr. Subluxation, Habitual of Carpo-metacarpal joint, with consecutive Tenosynovitis, Burk-227, Mar. 26.

Suppuration of Thigh, Deep, Associated with a Peculiar Bacillus, H. H. Scott170, Apr. 1.

Surgery, Decorative, W. H. Battle-184, Mar. 23.

Surgery, Major, The Simplicity of, H. G.
Webb-261, Apr.

Surgery of Children and Adults, Differences
Between, C. N. Dowd-300, Apr.
Surgical Essentials, F. E. Neef-12, Apr.
Talipes Equino-varus Relapsed and Un-
treated, Operative Plan for Correction of,
M. Hoke-11, Feb.

Teeth and Jaws, Imperfections in Diagnosis
and Treatment of Pathological Condi-
tions of, R. H. Ivy-225, Mar.
Tetanus, Cephalic, A. J. Brown-29, Apr.
Thyroid Gland and Its Diseases, Observa-
tions on, C. H. Mayo-300, Apr.
Tibial Tubercle, The Adolescent, J. Dun-
lop-11, Feb.

Toes, Contracted or Clawed, Operation for Severe Grades of, P. Hoffmann-II, Feb.

Transplantation of Fibula, MacAusland and Wood-300, Apr.

Trauma as a Factor in Disease, A. James -110, Apr.

Tuberculous Joint Disease, Treatment of with Spangler's "I. K." Serum; with 7 Cases, Porter and Quinn—11, Feb. Tumors, Malignant, L. M. Stroud-202, Apr. 13.

Ulcer, Chronic, or Chronic Indigestion; Successful Treatment by Surgical Meas

ures, C. L. Scudder-61, Apr. 11. Vascular Anastomoses, Technic and Remote Results of, A. Carrel-300, Mar. Vermiform Appendix, Thread Worms in, C. Wilson-66, Apr. 13.

Vermiform Appendix, Foreign Bodies in, S. Boyd-66, Apr. 13.


Abortion, Septic, Treatment of, E. O.
Houck-92, Mar.

Apoplexia Uteri, Case in Woman of 54
Years, J. McFarland-300, Apr.
Blindness, Midwives and, C. Hedger-136,

Blood Serum, Normal in Obstetrics and
Pediatrics, J. E. Welch-9, Apr.
Cesarean Section, A. H. Barkley-178, Apr.
Chorion Epithelioma, S. Rushmore-61,
Apr. II.

Climacteric Neurosis in Women, J. O.
Jenkins-178, Apr.

Coccygodynia, Suggestion for Treatment of Certain forms of, O. Beddard-66, Apr. 13. Cystocele, Prolapse and Rectocele, Relationship of and the operations for their relief, W. E. Fothergill-66, Apr. 13. Ectopic Gastation, Treatment of, E. B. Cragin 300, Mar.

Endometritis, Recent Views on Inflammation of Endometrium and, R. T. Frank232, Mar. 30.

Esthiomène and Secondary Elephantiasis Vulvae, Stein and Heimann-300, Apr. Fallopian Tube, Lymphangioma of, A. P. Leighton, Jr.—9, Apr.

Genital Tuberculosis, The Mode of Spread of, Bauereisen-32, xcvi, 2. Gonorrhea in the Female, Serious Complications of, S. W. Bandler-259, Apr. Gonorrhea in the Female, Vaccine Treatment of, Slingenberg-32, xcvi, 2. Gonorrhea in Women, M. Glasgow-202, Apr. 20.

Gonorrhea in Women, R. Tousey-259,

Gonorrhea, Relation of to Pelvic Disease,
G. W. Kaan-61, Apr. 11.
Gynecology, Classification in, W. E. Foth-
ergill-184, Mar. 30.

Labor, The Position of Woman in, T. R.
Evans-319, Apr.

Lithopedion, An Unusual, H. G. Smith147, Apr. 13.

Intraabdominal Pressure, Kaiser-32, xcvi,


Neurasthenia and Hysteria, Gynecological

Aspects of, E. Novak-12, Apr. Osteomalacia, Case, with Review of Literature, W. H. W. Knipe-9, Apr.

Ovaries, Ultimate Results of Conservative Surgery of, E. Reynolds-300, Mar. Pelvis, Moderately Contracted and the Induction of Labor, E. McDonald-232, Mar. 16.

Perineal Lacerations, Etiology of, J. C. Edgar-232, Apr. 20.

Perineum, Case of Delivery through, A. J. Rongy-9, Apr.

Pregnancy, Cornual, in Normal Uterus, with Case, E. A. Schumann-9, Apr. Premature Children, Care of, W. Z. Jackson-178, Apr.

Pubiotomy, Three Cases of, A. J. Rongy232, Apr. 6.

Pyelonephritis, Acute Complicating Pregnancy, F. D. Crew-66, Apr. 13. Pyosalpinx, Ruptured, Acute Diffuse Peritonitis from, W. B. Carrell-304, Apr. Pyosalpinx, Specific Treatment of, H. J. Farbach-202, Apr. 6.

Quinine in Obstetrics, Müller-227, Mar. 12. Skull anomalies in the New-born, Meyer32, xcvi, 2.

Thrombosis and Embolism in Childbed, Junge-32, xcvi, 2.

Thrombosis, Septic, Research upon, Duffek

-32, xcvi, 2.

Twin Monsters with Acute Hydramnios, A. E. Turnbull-66, Apr. 13.

Twins, Cases of Protracted Intervals Between birth of, W. W. Vinnedge-91, Apr. 6.

Urine, Toxicity of in Pregnancy, Labor and
Post Partum, Franz-32, xcvi, 2.
Uterine Curettage, Indications and Technic
of, J. N. West-259, Apr.

Uterine Myomata, The Blood Supply of,
Based on 100 Uteri containing these
Tumors, J. A. Sampson-300, Mar.
Uterus, an Adenomyomatous Removed dur-
ing Menstruation, Showing Occurrence of
Menstruation in the Adenomatous Islets,
W. B. Bell-300, Apr.

Uterus, Case of Tuberculosis of, M. J.
Stewart-126, Apr.

Uterus, Duplex, C. H. Frazier-147, Apr. 13.

Uterus, Present Status of Cancer of, C. U. Cowden-178, Apr.

Uterus, Retroversion of Treated by Gil

liam's Round Ligament Ventrosuspen

sion, with 100 Cases, F. Ivens-66, Apr. 13.

Uterus, Rupture of with Expulsion of Fetus into Abdominal Cavity, H. R. Andrews -66, Apr. 13.

Uterus, Tubes and Ovaries, Present Status

of Conservative Work on, C. R. Hyde12, Apr.

Vaginal Ptosis, Surgical Treatment, R. Elmergreen-12, Apr.

Vulva, Vagina and Uterus, Diagnosis and Operative Treatment of Carcinoma of, V. Bonney-261, Apr.


Albumin in Milk, Technic and Indications for its Use, F. W. Schultz-162, Apr. 1. Blood, The, in Infancy and Childhood, W. D. Ludlum-9, Apr. Bronchopneumonia in Children, H. A. Hoyt 234. Apr.

Deciduous Teeth, Economic Value of, M. E. Jordon-74, Apr.

Defective Child, Recent Work in the Interests of the, M. A. Goldstein-185, Mar. Diphtheria, Pulmonary Embolism as a Sequel of, D. Stewart-184, Mar. 30. Dyschezia, Congenital, A. F. Hertz-64, Apr.

Erb's Palsy, H. W. Frauenthal-9, Apr. Freud's Psychology as Applied to Children, W. E. Paul-61, Apr. 4.

Glandular Fever, Acute in Children, S. V. Haas-6a, Apr.

Hemorrhagic Disease of New Born, Etiology and Treatment of; Cases, Schloss and Commiskey-6a, Apr.

Infant Fed with Barley Water and Cow's Milk, Observations on, R. C. Verley66, Apr. 13.

Infant Feeding with

Undiluted Cow's Milk, W. B. Hanbidge-234, Apr. Infantile Paralysis, Symptomatology of, J. Van V. Manning-9, Apr.

Intestinal Stasis in Children, Aspects of and Its Surgical Treatment, L. E. B. Ward-261, Apr.

Melena Neonatorum, Transfusion in a 36 hour old baby with, B. M. Bernheim147, Apr. 6..

Mental Hygiene of the Special Child, B. C.
Downing-61, Apr. 18.
Metabolism Bed, an Adjustable for In-

fants and Young Children, R. Hoobler6a, Apr.

Milk, Recent developments in Pasteurization of for a general Market, E. H. Schorer-6a, Apr.

Mumps, Epidemic, with Special Reference to Secondary Meningitis, Zade-33, Ivii, 4-6. Myxedema, Congenital,-Cystic Goitre with feeble mentality, H. B. Sheffield-202, Apr. 13.

Peritonitis, Pneumococcal in Children, S. Barling-261, Apr.

Purpura Fulminans as a Sequel to Scarlet Fever, T. McCririck-64, Apr.

Rickets, is White cod liver oil better in than Yellow? Schabad and Sorochowitsch-33, lvii, 4-6.

Scarlet Fever, Eucalyptus Treatment of, Koerber-227, Mar. 12.

School, The, and the Doctor, G. Straubenmuller-232, Apr. 20.

Sexual Education of the Child, The, R. Reed-202, Apr. 6.

Subnormal Child in School, The, M. P. Doyle-317, Mar. 22.

Syphilis, Hereditary, and its Treatment by "606," J. L. Bunch-64, Apr.

Tabes, Juvenile, Price and Shannon-6a, Apr.

Tuberculosis in Infancy and Childhood, H. Koplik-70, Apr.

Tuberculous Infection in Infancy and Childhood as revealed by the Cutaneous Tuberculin Test; 541 Cases, C. M'Neil110, Apr.

Vomiting, Recurrent or Periodical, Studies of, J. P. Sedgwick-6a, Apr.


Acute Anterior Poliomyelitis in South-west
Norfolk, G. F. Cross-66, Mar. 30.
Acute Myelitis with Optic Neuritis, Case,
E. F. Clowes-184, Mar. 23.
Acute Poliomyelitis and Allied Conditions,
E. F. Buzzard—184, Apr. 6.

Brain Tumor, Diognosis of, W. House238, Apr.

Brain, Traumatic Abscess of, S. A. Spilman-270, Mar.

Bulbar Paralysis, Acute Apoplectiform, Clinical and Pathological Report on,

Baschieri-Salvadori-37, xl, 2.

Carcinomatosis, Diffuse of the Pia mater, Pachautoni-37, xl, 2.

Cerebellar Tumor, Case, M. Dempsey-107, Apr.

Cerebral Diplegia, Results of Dorsal Root Section in Treatment of Spastic State of, Clark and Taylor-232, Apr. 13, Apr. 20. Cerebrospinal Fluid, The Circulation of and Its Bearing on Poliomyelitic Disease, S. P. Kramer-232, Mar. 16.

[blocks in formation]

Pathogenesis and Surgical Treatment of,
Based on 63 Cases, C. H. Frazier-306,

Feeble-mindedness and Measurement of
the Intelligence by the Method of Binet
and Simon, W. C. Sullivan-184, Mar. 23.
Genius, Is it a Sport, a Neurosis or a
Child Potentiality Developed, J. G. Kier-
nan-3, Feb.

Hemidysergia and Tremor, Crossed, Case
with Asynergia of Binocular Movements,
T. A. Williams-91, Apr. 13.
Insane, The Comitment of, W. Steinach-
14, Mar.

Insane, Voluntary Submission to Treat-
ment and Custody in Hospitals for, F. A.
Fenning-147, Apr. 13.

Insanity, Causes and Control of, A. G.
Hyde-92, Mar.

Insanity in Mass., Geographical Distribu-

tion of in 1901-1910, E. E. Southard-
61, Mar. 28.

Insanity in Relation to other Circumstances
of Life in Ireland, W. R. Dawson-107,

Korsakoff's Symptom-Complex of Alcoholic

Origin, Pathology of, Meyer—37, xl, 2.
Meningitis and Encephalitis, Traumatic, F.
M. Tombaugh—270, Mar.
Meningitis, Cerebro-spinal, W. L. Mosby-
178, Apr.

Meningitis, Cerebrospinal, Etiological and
Epidemiological Irregularities of, with
remarks on Carriers, H. D. King-231,

Nerves and Their Sensations-Especially
Pain, C. W. Allen-231, Apr.

Nervous Diseases, Physical and Mental
Training in Treatment of, B. E. M'Ken-
zie-76, Apr.

Nervous System, Important Points in
Early Recognition and Differentiation of
Diseases of. H. C. McClenahan-74, Apr.
Nervous System, Systematization of Cer-
tain Morbid Processes as Regards Rela-
tion to; on Anatomical Basis of Its Func-
tional Activity, D. H. Dolley-92, Mar.
Myasthenia, Markeloff-37, xl, 2.
Pellagra; a Pathological Study, Kozowsky
-37, xl, 2.

Poliomyelitis, Acute, R. M. Hewitt-66,
Mar. 30.

Polymyositis, Acute, Matabolism Studies in
a Case of, Skutetzky-227, Mar. 12.
Poliomyelitis Epidemic, a Clinical Study of
the Acute Stage, R. Stein-8, Apr.
Poliomyelitis with Cortical Involvement, a
Contribution to our Knowledge of, L. P.
Clark-8, Apr.

Psychopathic Maladies, Causation of, B.
Sidis-225. Mar.

Psychopathic Nursing, B. T. Ring-61,
Mar. 28.

Salvarsan in Tabes and late Lues of Nerv-
ous System, T. A. Williams-6, Apr.
Syphilis, Nerve, from the View-point of the
Practitioner, W. S. Gottheil-259, Apr.
Spinal Cord Tuberculosis, Doerr-37, xl, 2.
Syphilides, Chronic, Especially of Central

Nervous System, Spinal Fluid in Treat-
ment of, Brown and Lintz-232, Apr. 20.
Telegraphist's Cramp, Thompson and Sin-
clair-184, Mar. 30, Apr. 6, Apr. 13.


Acanthosis Nigricans, Case, C. J. White-
150, Apr.

Acne and Thyroid Enlargement, Case In-
dicating Connection Between, Montgom-
ery and Culver-150, Apr.

Arsenical Cancer, with Case, U. J. Wile-
150, Apr.

Bladder, Destruction of Tumors of by High
frequency Current Effect Known as Des-
sication, B. A. Thomas-300, Apr.
Bladder Tumor, My Method for Intra-vesi-
cal Operation for, V. Blum-6, Apr.
Bladder Tumors Treated by Fulguration,
D. A. Sinclair-13, Mar.

Calculi, Urinary, Observations on Surgery
of, G. S. Whiteside—238, Apr.

Calculi, Urinary, X-ray Diagnosis of, R. C.
Walker-238, Apr.

Condylomata Acuminata, Treatment of, D.
Watson-184, Apr. 13.

Cryptorchism, Two Cases Operated on by
Bevan Method, H. B. Gessner-231, Apr.
Cystoscopy, A Neglected Principle in, W.
F. Braasch-13. Mar.

Cystotomy, Suprapubic, Early History of,
C. G. Cumston-61, Apr. 4.

Dermatitis, Occupation, D. K. Smith—76,

Dermatitis Symmetrica Dysmenorrhoica,
Matzenauer-31, cxi, 2.

Eczema, Infantile, C. A. Simpson-147, Apr.

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