King Artbar and his valiant Knights of the round Table. Str Triftram, Sir Launcelot, Sir Galahad. Sir Perciuall. Sir Gawain. Sir Ector. Sir Bors Sir Lionel. Sir Griflct, Sir Gaheris. Sir Tor. Sir Acolon. Sir Ewaine. Sir Marhaus. Sir Pelleas Sir Sagris. Sir Turquine Sir Kay. Sir Gareth Sir Beaumans. Sir Berfunt. Sir Palomides. Sir Beleobus. Sir Ballomare. Sir Galahalt. Sir Lamoracke. Sir Frol Sir Superabilis. Sir Paginet. Sir Belvoure. fmall paines, recouer à | fufficient habilitie, to | understand, write, | and speake | Latin. |¶ By ROGER ASCHAM. | ¶ An. 1571. | ¶ At LONDON. | Printed by IOHN DAYE, dwelling | ouer Alderfgate. 4to, Black Letter, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back, edges and inside border, by FRANCIS Bedford. Printer's large device on separate leaf at end, together with large ornamental initials. Title printed within ornamental borders. CHOICE COPY of the SECOND EDITION of this FAMOUS WORK, differing slightly from the first (1570) in spelling and punctuation. 2727 ASCHAM (ROGER). THE SCHOOLEMASTER. AT LONDON, Printed by ABELL IEFFES, Anno, 1589. Another Edition. 4to, Black Letter, calf, thick covers, antique style, red edges, two leaves misplaced, but a tall, perfect and unwashed copy. Inner lower margins stained and repaired. 2728 ASCHAM (ROGER). TOXOPHILUS: | The Schoole, or partitions of Shooting contayned in two bookes, | Written by Roger Ascham | 1544, and now newly | perused. | Pleasaunt for all Gentlemen, and Yomen | of England for their pastime to reade, | and profitable for their use to| follow both in VVarre | and peace | At London, | Printed by ABELL IEFFES, by the consent of H. MARSH, | Anno, 1589. 4to, Black Letter, full dark blue morocco, covered with gold ornamental tooling to a neat diamond pattern, gilt back, edges and inside borders. Ornamented border to title, and curious printer's device at end, with motto: "Praise the Lorde with Harpe and Songe." Some leaves misplaced, but perfect. A few leaves closely trimmed at top. 2729 ASHBEE'S REPRINTS. OCCASIONAL FAC-SIMILE REPRINTS of RARE AND CURIOUS TRACTS of the 16th and 17th Centuries. Produced under the superintendence of E. W. ASHBEE. LONDON: n. d. 2 vols. 4to, half brown morocco, gilt tops. Curious illustrations. ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED FOR SUBSCRIBERS. RARE. 2730 ATHERTON (JOHN). THE LIFE AND DEATH | Of John Atherton Lord Bifhop of Wa- | terford and Lysmore. Who for Incest, Buggery, and many other enormous crimes, after having lived a | vicious life, dyed a fhamefull death, and was on the fifth of December last past, hanged on the Gallows Greene at | DUBlin,| and his man Iohn Childe being his Proctor, with | whom he had committed the buggery, was hangd in March | following at Bandon Bridges, condemned there- | unto at the Assises holden at Corke. [Woodcut representing the hangings.] London Printed, 1641. 4to. Bound in full russia, with red edges. Portion of title stiffened at back. GOOD COPY OF THIS RARE POEM. |