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NAPS | upon | PARNASSUS. | A sleepy
Muse nipt and pincht, | though not awakened | Such Voluntary and
Jovial Copies of Verses, as were lately receiv'd from some of the
WITS of the Universities, in a Frolick, dedicated to Gon- | dibert's
Mistress by Captain Jones | and others. |
Vide Jones his
Legend, Drink Sack and Gun- | powder, and so fall to't. | London,
Printed by express Order from the WITS, | for N. Brook, at the Angel
in Cornhill, 1658.

* * * *

12mo, full polished calf, gilt back and borders, ornamented corners, a few leaves slightly stained. BOOK-PLATE OF SIR FRANCIS FREELING.

A rare collection of satirical verses by various hands ridiculing the poetical attempts of Samuel Austin the Younger.


2732 AUSTIN (WILLIAM). DEVOTIONIS AVGVSTINIA-| NAE FLAMMA, | or, | CERTAINE DEVOVT, GODLY, AND LEARNED MEDITATIONS. | Written, by the excellently-Accomplifht Gentleman, | WILLIAM AUSTIN, of Lincolnes-Inne, Efquire. | etc. LONDON, Printed for Richard Meighen, and Iohn Legatt, and are to be fold at the Middle-Temple-Gate. | 1637.

Small folio, original calf, red edges. Separate title-page to each meditation. FIVE DIFFERENT DEVICES. Name written on general title.

A portion of the work (22 pages) is in verse. At end is "The Author's owne Funerall made upon himselfe,” with attendant poem :

"Let them Praise or Raile; we lye aloofe,

Out of their Reach: Our Sleepe is Cannon-proofe."

2733 AUSTIN (WILLIAM). ATLAS | under | OLYMPUS. | An Heroick Poem. By WILLIAM AUSTIN of Grays-Inn, Esq. | LONDON, Printed

for the Author, 1664.

12mo, original calf, name stamped on verso of title and slightly wormed in one margin. Dedicated to CHARLES II. Contains the leaf of imprimatur at end. CRISP, CLEAN, AND UNWASHED COPY.

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2734 AYLET (ROBERT). DIVINE, | and Moral | SPECULATIONS | in Metrical | NUMBERS, | upon Various | SUBJECTS. | By Doctor R. Aylet, one of the Masters of the High | Court of Chancery. | LONDON, | Printed for Abel Roper, at the Sun against St. | Dunstans Church in Fleet street.


12mo, FIRST EDITION, full brown morocco, gilt back and inside borders, rough gilt edges, by FRANCIS BEDFORD. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION of the PORTRAIT ENGRAVED by T. CROSS. A few headlines cut into. NICE COPY.



ACON (SIR FRANCIS). THE | TVVOO BOOKES Of | FRANCIS BACON. | Of the proficience and aduance- ment of Learning, diuine and | humane. To the King. AT LONDON, ¶ Printed for Henrie Tomes, and | are to be fould at his shop at Graies Inne | Gate in Holborne. 1605.

4to, FIRST EDITION, bound in full sprinkled calf, gilt ornamented back, gilt inside border, by FRANCIS BEDFORD. Title ruled in red, and skillfully repaired. Contains a few contemporaneous Ms. notes on the wide margins. FINE, SOUND, and TALL COPY.

2736 BACON (SIR FRANCIS). THE ESSAIES | of S FRANCIS | BACON Knight, the | Kings Atturney Generall. | His Religious Medi- tations. Places of Perfwafion and Diffwafion. | Seene and allowed. | Printed at London for Iohn Iag-gard, dwelling at the Hand and Starre | between the two Temple | Gates. 1613.

16mo, original vellum. Name lightly written on top margin of title. Small portion of last leaf adheres to the binding.

Early editions (before 1632) of BACON'S "Essays" are RARE.

2737 BACON (SIR FRANCIS). The NATURALL| and | Experimentall | HISTORY | of | VVINDS, &c. | Written in Latine by the Right Honorable Francis Lo: Ve- | rulam, Viscount St Alban. | Tranflated into English by | R. G. Gent. | LONDON, | Printed for Humphrey Moseley, at the Princes Armes in St Pauls | Church-yard, &c. 1653.

16m0, FIRST EDITION, original old calf, cracked at edges. FINE IMPRESSION of the ENGRAVED PORTRAIT by T. CROSS.

2738 BAKER (SIR RICHARD). CATO | VARIEGATVS | or | Catoes Morall Diftichs: | Tranflated and Paraphras'd, with | variations of Expreffing, in English verfe. | By Sr. Richard Baker Knight. | LONDON | Printed by Anne Griffin, and are to be fold by Anne Bowler dwel- | ling at the figne of the Marigold in Paules | church-yard, 1636.

4to, half russia (cracked). The conjunction of TWO WOMEN, one as PRINTER and the other as PUBLISHER, is worthy of note.

2739 BALE (JOHN). The first two | partes of the Actes or un-chafte examples of the Englyshe | Votarpes, gathered out of theyr | owne legendes and Chronycles | by Ihon Bale, and dedicated to | onre moste redoubted lo- | ueraigne kyng Ed- | warde the | fyxte. [Colophon] Imprinted at London | by Ihon Tildale, dwelling | in knight riders streate. | 1560.

Two parts in one vol. 12mo, antique calf, blind tooling on sides and inside borders, red edges. No date on imprint of part II. FINE AND PERFECT COPY.





Dedicated to two top-branches

Sir Charles Shirley, Baronet,

William Davenport, Efquire.




Printed by I. Okes, for Matthew Walbancke,
And are to be fold at his shop in Grayes-

Inne-gate 1639.

4to, bound in full dark brown crushed levant morocco, gilt panels on sides with corner ornaments, rough gilt edges, by RIVIÈRE. Slight stains on a few inside margins. BOTH PARTS COMPLETE, containing 481 epigrams. Two (Nos. 118 and 119) are on SHAKESPEARE. FINE COPY.

2741 [BARBOUR (JOHN).] The ACTS | and | LIFE | of the | Moft victorious Con- | querour ROBERT BRUCE | King of SCOTLAND. Wherein | Alfo are contained the | Martiall Deeds of the valiant | Princes, Edward Bruce, Sir James Dowglas, Earle Tho- | mas Randel, Walter Stewart, and fundry others. | EDINBURGH. | Printed by Andrew Anderfon, and are to be fold at his House on the north fide of the Crols, Anno Dom. 1670. 12mo, Black Letter, bound in full brown calf, gilt back and inside borders, gilt arms stamped on sides, gilt edges. Fore-edge of title and some headlines cut into. ONE OF THE EARLIEST PRODUCTIONS of the SCOTTISH MUSE. Seldom found in presentable condition.


4to, FIRST EDITION, bound in full polished brown sprinkled calf, gilt ornamented back and borders, red edges, by W. NUTT. Top margin of title repaired, and contemporary writing on a few margins. PICTORIAL DEVICES. At pp. 24-25 is given the story of the Induction to SHAKESPEARE'S "TAMING OF THE SHREW."

2743 BARCLAY (ALEXANDER). Stultifera Nauis, qua omnium mortalium narratur ftultitia, | admo- | dum vtilis & neceffaria ab omnibus ad fuam falutem perlegenda, | è Latino fermone in noftrum vulgarem verfa, & iam diligenter | impressa. An. Do. 1570.

The Ship of Fooles, wherein is fhewed the folly
of all States, with diuers other works adioyned onto the fame,
very profitable and fruitfull for all men.

Tranflated out of Latin into Englishe by Alexander
Barclay Prieft.

[Colophon] Imprinted at London in Paules Church

Sm. folio.

yarde by Iohn Cawood Printer to the

Queenes Maiestie.

Cum Priuilegio ad imprimendum folum.

Black Letter. Second edition. Bound in full brown polished calf, richly gilt back, sprinkled edges. Name of former owner on title. The MARGINS are, with hardly an exception, of AMPLE PROPORTIONS, and the LEAVES are CLEAN and CRISP. THE WORK CONTAINS NUMEROUS MOST CURIOUS WOODCUT ENGRAVINGS. EXCEPTIONALLY FINE COPY.

The design of this remarkable work (originally written by Sebastian Brandt of Basle, about 1494) was to ridicule the prevailing follies and vices of every rank and profession, under the allegory of a ship freighted with fools." Barclay's version is not merely a translation, but more of a paraphrase, with considerable additions, gleaned from the follies of his own countrymen."-Corser.

Bearing in mind that the work was written about 1494, the reference to the DISCOVERY OF AMERICA, as given on page 131, POSSESSES EXTRAORDINARY


"For nowe of late hath large land and grounde

Bene founde by maryners and crafty gonernours,
The which landes were uener knowen nor founde
Before our time by our predeceffours,

[blocks in formation]

Ferdinandus, that late was king of Spayne,

Of lande and people hath founde plentie and store,"


This edition contains “THE Mirrour of good MANERS," translated by BARCLAY from the Latin of DOMINIKE MANCIN, and the five EGLOGUES translated from the Latin of ENEAS SILVIUS. THESE DO NOT APPEAR IN THE EARLIER PRINTED EDITION OF 1509.

2744 BARON (ROBERT). ἘΡΟΤΟΠΑΙΓΝΙΟΝ or The CYPRIAN ACADEMY. By ROBERT BARON of Grays Inne, Gent. Velle propoffe. LONDON, Printed by W. W. and are to be fold by J. Hardesty, T. Huntington, and T. Jackson at their Shops in Duck-lane. 1647.

12mo, FIRST EDITION, full polished light calf, gilt back, tooled inside borders, citron edges, by JENKINS AND CECIL. Lacks frontispiece and portrait, and is some

what wormed.


[The Authors Motto.
Fortunes Tennis-Ball.


Epigrams, &c

By R. B. Gen.

LONDON, Printed by W. H. for Thomas Dring, and are to be fold at his shop at the figne of the George, near Cliffords-Inne in Fleet-street. 1650.

12mo, FIRST EDITION, full straight-grained dark blue morocco, gilt edges. ENGRAVED PORTRAIT by W. MARSHALL inlaid (usually found in the "Cyprian Academy," by the same Author). FROM THE GAISFORD COLLECTION, WITH BOOKPLATE. FINE COPY.


(FRANCIS) and FLETCHER (JOHN). LOVE | and | VALOVR: | Celebrated in the perfon of the Author, by the name of ADRASTE. | or, | The divers affections. of MINERVA. | One part of the unfained story of the true | Lifander and Califte. Tranflated out of the French by W. B. | LONDON, | Printed by Thomas Harper, for Thomas Slater, and | are to be fold at his shop at the Swan in | Duck Lane, 1638.

4to, bound in full sprinkled calf, gilt ornamented back and tooled inside borders, edges gilded on the rough, by WORSFOLD. FINELY ENGRAVED TITLE by WILLIAM MARSHALL. Hole in one leaf, and a few others slightly damaged at top. Small wormholes on last few leaves. On this story (from the French of VITAL D'AUDIGuier) FLETCHER founded his Comedy of "The Lover's Progress."

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