2771 [BROME (ALEXANDER).] The | POEMS | of | HORACE,| consisting of Odes, Satyres, and Epiftles, | Rendred in | English and Paraphrased by | Several Persons. | The Second Edition with Alterations. &c. LONDON: | Printed by A. C. for H. Brome at the Gun at the West-end of St Pauls, M. DC. LXXI. (1671). 12mo, original calf. ENGRAVED PORTRAIT of ALEX. BROME by D. LOGGAN, and BUST of HORACE, engraved by W. DOLLE. CONTAINS THE rare leaf of IMPRIMATUR. Name on title. FINE COPY. 2772 BROOKE (FULKE GREVILLE, LORD). CERTAINE LEARNED | AND | ELEGANT | WORKES OF LONDON, Printed by E. P. for Henry Seyle, and are to be fold at his fhop at the figne of the Tygers head in St Paules Church-yard. 1633. Small folio, FIRST EDITION, bound in vellum, gilt back and inside borders, marbled edges, small piece cut from top margin of title, slightly touching the word "Certaine." J. PAYNE COLLIER'S COPY, with his AUTOGRAPH on title, and A NOTE IN HIS HANDWRITING, RELATING TO THE WORK pasted on a fly-leaf. One leaf soiled. As in all known copies, the pagination begins with p. 23. It is supposed that the book originally began with a religious piece, and was SUPPRESSED by ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 2773 BROWNE (SIR THOMAS). HYDRIOTAPHIA, | UrneBuriall, or, | A Discourse of the Sepulchrall | Urnes lately found in | NORFOLK, | Together with | The Garden of Cyrus, | or The | Quincunicall, Lozenge, or | Net-work Plantations of the An- | cients, &c. By Thomas Browne D. of Physick. | LONDON, | Printed for Hen. Brome at the Signe of the | Gun in Ivy-lane. 1658. 12mo, FIRST EDITION, original calf, re-backed, inside margin of title repaired. Contains PLATE of the FOUR URNS, and FRONTISPIECE to the GARDEN OF CYRUS, together with the LEAF of ADVERTISEMENT, and RARE EXTRA TITLE, Browne's Garden of Cyrus." Dr. 2774 BROWNE (SIR THOMAS). CERTAIN MISCELLANY | TRACTS. | Written by | THOMAS BROWN, K., | and Doctour of Phyfick; | late of Norwich. | LONDON, | Printed for Charles Mearne, and are to be fold | by Henry Bonwick, at the Red Lyon, | in St Paul's Church-Yard, | MDCLXXXIV. (1684). 8vo, full straight-grained crimson levant morocco, gilt back, edges, and inside borders, gilt panels on sides, with corner ornaments, by STIKEMAN. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION of the ENGRAVED PORTRAIT by VANDREBANC. BEAUTIFUL COPY. "WHEN CONTAINS the REMARKABLE series of proPHECIES REGARDING AMERICA; 2775 [BROWN (THOMAS).] THE | WEESILS. | A | Satyrical Fable: GIVING | an account of fome Argumental Paffages hap- | pening in the Lion's Court about Weefilion's | taking the Oaths. | London, Printed in the Year 1691. 4to, paper wrappers (writing on title and last leaf, ink-stain on verso of title). 2776 [BROWNE (WILLIAM).] BRITANNIA'S | Pastorals | Lond: print: for Geo: Norton, dwell: at Temple barr. (1613). BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. | The fecond Booke. | Horat. | Carmine Dij superi placantur, carmine Manes | London: | Printed by THOMAS SNODHAM for GEORGE | NORTON, and are to be fold at the figne of the Red Bull without Temple-barre. | 1616. Small folio, old sprinkled calf (rubbed). FIRST EDITION OF BOTH PARTS. LARGE Contains a beautiful tribute to EDMUND SPENSER, and laudatory notices of SIR 2777 BUCK (GEORGE). THE | GREAT. | PLANTAGENET. | or | A CONTINVED SVCCES-Sion of that Royall Name, from | HENRY the SECOND, to our | Sacred Soveraigne King | CHARLES. | By GEO. BVCK, Gent. | LONDON: | Printed by Nicholas and Iohn Okes. | Anno Domini 1635 4to, full polished brown calf, gilt edges and borders, by FRANCIS BEDFORD. THE BINDLEY COPY, with THAT GREAT COLLECTOR'S AUTOGRAPH on title. Varies greatly from the first edition. UNUSUALLY FINE COPY. 2778 BUCK (GEORGE). The | HISTORY | of the Life and Reigne of | RICHARD | THE THIRD. | Compofed in five Bookes | By Geo: Buck Efquire | LONDON, | Printed by W. Wilfon, and are to be fold by | W. L. H. M. and D. P. 1646. Small folio, half morocco, yellow edges. FINE IMPRESSION of the RARE PORTRAIT engraved by T. CROSS. Name written on top margin of title-page. 2779 BULLEN (A. H.) SPECULUM AMANTIS: LOVE-POEMS from RARE 1889. 2780 [BURTON (ROBERT).] The | ANATOMY OF | MELANCHOLY, VVhat it is. | VVITH ALL THE KINDES, | Cavses, Symptomes, Prognostickes, and seve- | rall cvres of it. | IN THREE MAINE PARTITIONS with their feuerall Sections, Mem- | bers, and Svbsections. | PHILOsophically, MEDICI- | nally, Historically, Ope- | ned and Cvt vp. | By| DEMOCRITVS IUNIOR. | With a Satyricall PREFACE, conducing to the following Difcourfe. | Macrob. | Omne meum, Nihil meum. | At OXFORD, Printed by IOHN LICHFIELD and IAMES | SHORT, for HENRY CRIPPS. | Anno Dom. 1621. Thick small 4to, full dark brown crushed levant morocco, paneled back and sides, with corner ornaments, gilt top and inside borders, by BRADSTREET. Measures 71% x 5 in. CONTAINS THE RARE LEAF OF ERRATA AT END. FINE COPY OF THE RARE FIRST EDITION. 2781 [BURTON (ROBERT).] THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY: WHAT IT IS. WITH ALL THE KINDES, CAV- | SES, SYMPTOMES, PROGNOSTICKS, | AND SEVERALL CURES OF IT; etc. By | DEMOCRITVS Iunior | The fecond Edition, corrected and aug-|mented by the Author.| AT OXFORD, | Printed by JOHN LICHFIELD and JAMES SHORT, | for HENRY CRIPPS. A° Dom. 1624. 4to, half calf, sprinkled edges. Numerous marginal markings and underscored lines, in a contemporaneous hand. Writing on title. In all other respects, A FINE TALL COPY. Bookplate of C. W. FREDERICKSON. 2782 [BUTLER (SAMUEL).] 15457.6 I.-HUDIBRAS. | THE FIRST PART. | Written in the time of the late Wars. | LONDON, | Printed by J. G. for Richard Marriot, under Saint | Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet. 1663. also, II.-HUDIBRAS. | The Second Part. | By the Authour of the First. | LONDON, | Printed by T. R. for John Martyn, and James Alleftry | at the Bell in St Pauls Church-Yard, 1664. also, III. HUDIBRAS. | The | Third and last | PART. | 3 vols. 8vo, FIRST EDITIONS, bound in full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt panels on sides, ornamented corners, gilt edges, by RIVIÈRE. Lower portion of the figure "3" in the date of Part I slightly cut into by the binder, otherwise each volume is IN IMMACULATE CONDITION. Part III is the issue WITHOUT LICENSE, and has the LEAF OF ERRATA at end. A FINE and COMPLETE SET of the GENUINE FIRST EDITIONS of this CELEBRATED 15 457 4 2783 [BUTLER (SAMUEL).] HUDIBRAS. THE FIRST PART. | Written in the time of the late Wars. | LONDON: | Printed by J. G. for Richard Marriot, under | St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, 1663. 12mo, original calf, binding cracked at edges. FIRST GENUINE EDITION IN 12mo, set forth to compete with a pirated and spurious issue. Leaf of imprimatur dated Nov. 11. 1662. Measures 3 x 5 in. FINE COPY. HUDIBRAS. | 2784 [BUTLER (SAMUEL).] HUDI BRAS. | The Sec ond Part. By the Author of the First. | LONDON. | Printed by T. R. for John Martyn, and James | Alleftry, at the Bell in St Pauls Church Yard. 1664. 12mo, original calf, broken. FIRST GENUINE EDITION IN 12mo, issued, as was Part I, to compete with the unauthorized publication. Measures 31⁄2 x 5% in. FINE COPY. |