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Pyramid. 33

Pyramidal bodies, 14
tract, 34, 40


descending degenerations of,
Pl. 71

Pyramids, decussation of, 15

RADIAL nerve, lesions of, symp-
toms, 100

reflex, 121

Reaction of degeneration, 110
Rectum, examination of function
of, 122

Red nucleus, 11

Reflex, Achilles tendon, 121

arc, 64

conjunctival, 65

cutaneous, 64

pupillary, 65

tendon, 64

collateral, 64

conjunctival, 120
cremaster, 120
facial spasm, 190
masseter, 121

palpebral, 120

patellar tendon, 120

paths, 64

periosteum, 120

pharyngeal, 120

pupillary, 121

radial, 121

tendon, 120

triceps tendon, 121
ulnar, 121

Reflexes, cutaneous, 119
examination of, 119

of mucous membranes, 119
Reil, island of, 4

Restiform bodies, 14, 15
Rhinolalia, 124

Rhomboid fossa, 13; Pl. 10
Rinné's test, 118

Rolando, fissure of, 3
Romberg's phenomenon, 184
sign, 108

Roots of spinal nerves, 19

SACRAL region of cord, lesions of,
symptoms, 94

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Spastic gait, 108

spinal paralysis, 176; Pl. 81
torticollis, 188

Special pathology, 136
Speech, examination of, 124
path, 47

Spinal accessory nerve, 18
lesions of, symptoms, 100
motor pathway in, 47
spasm of, 188

cord, anatomy of, 15
arteries of, 20

ascending degeneration of,
Pl. 73

columns of, 15, 16, 38
compression of, 169

course of fibers in, Pl. 57
descending degeneration of,

Pl. 72

diseases of, 167

symptoms, 92

gray matter of, Pl. 52
hemorrhages in central canal
of, 175

sections of, Pl. 14
meninges, diseases of, 167
meningomyelitis, 168
muscular atrophy, 104

progressive, 177

nerves, 18

development of, 26

distribution of, Pl. 27

paralysis, simple spastic, 104
spastic. 176

Spindle cells, 25
Splenium. 5
Stammering, 124

Static coordination, 108
Status epilepticus, 164
Stigmata, hysteric, 158
Stratum zonale, 32
Stria pinealis, 11
Striæ acusticæ, 14
St. Vitus dance, 165
Subarachnoid space, 2

Subjective symptoms, examina-
tion of, 113

Substantia nigra, 12

Subthalamic region, lesion of,

symptoms, 88

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Tendon reflex arc, 64
reflexes, 120

Tentorium, 2

Tetanus, 196

Tetany, 195

Thalamus, optic, 11
Thermo-anesthesia, 116
Third ventricle, 9

Thomsen's disease, 166


Thoracic nerve, lesions of, symp-
toms, 100

region of cord, lesions of, symp-
toms, 94

Thrombosis, brain, 145

of sinuses, 140

Tibial nerve, lesions of, symp-
toms, 103

Tic convulsif, 188
douloureux, 190
Tonic spasm, 107
Tonsilla, 14

Topographic sense, examination
of, 115

Torticollis, spastic, 188

Tract of crusta, 33

of fillet, 33

pyramidal, 34

Traumatic neuroses, 162

Treatment, 129

hygienic, 134

medical, 135

moral, 133
physical, 134

psychic, 133

special, 136

symptomatic, 133

Tremor, examination of, 107
idiopathic, 166

Triceps tendon reflex, 121
Trifacial nerve, 18

lesions of, symptoms, 97
neuralgia, 190

Trigeminus, sensory pathway of,


Trigonum habenulæ, 11

Triradiate fissure, 5

Trismus, 188

Trochlear nerve, 18

lesions of, symptoms, 97

motor pathway in, 44

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