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of chopped or scraped onion with salt and pepper to season; mix all together thoroughly, then shape into a loaf. Set in a greased dish, with a slice of bacon or fat salt pork on the top of the loaf. Bake about twenty-five minutes. Serve hot in the baking dish.

Green Corn-and-Cheese Soufflé

Melt three tablespoonfuls of fat; in it cook three tablespoonfuls of flour and one-fourth a teaspoonful, each, of salt and black pepper; add one cup of milk, and stir until boiling; stir in one cup of corn pulp. To get the pulp, with a thin, sharp knife cut down through the kernels in each row, and with the back of the knife press out all the pulp, leaving the

simmer very gently, stirring occasionally until softened and yellowed; add onethird a cup of corn or barley flour, half a teaspoonful of salt and one-fourth a teaspoonful of black pepper, and stir until well blended; add one cup of milk and stir until boiling; add one cup of thick corn pulp (score the kernels lengthwise of the ear, and with the back of a knife press out the pulp, leaving the hulls on the cob), and let boil all over; turn on a greased plate and when cold shape into croquettes; dip in a beaten egg diluted with milk, roll in soft, sifted, Victory bread crumbs, and fry in deep fat.

Egg Plant with Rice

This dish may be made with any form of



hulls on the cob; beat in half a cup of grated cheese and the yolks of three eggs beaten very light, with one-fourth a teaspoonful, each, of salt and black pepper; fold in the whites of three eggs, beaten firm, and turn into a greased baking dish, suitable for the table. Bake in a pan of hot water (boiling when turned into the dish) until firm in the center. Serve as the main dish of the meal. If green peas, string beans or a green salad are not provided at the same meal, serve the soufflé with a pint of cream or tomato sauce.

Green Corn Croquettes

Chop fine, a thin slice of mild onion, and one-fourth a green pepper; add to four tablespoonfuls of hot fat and let

paste (noodles, spaghetti, etc.) that one happens to have, or with rice or bread crumbs. The macaroni or rice should first be cooked in the usual manner until tender. For one egg plant allow one cup of uncooked macaroni, or half a cup of rice. Cut the egg plant in slices; pare and cut in cubes (three-fourths of an inch). Cover with boiling water and let cook about twenty minutes and drain in a colander. Melt two tablespoonfuls of fat in a sauce pan; add one large onion peeled and chopped fine, also half or more of a green pepper, cut in fine shreds, cover and let cook very slowly, stirring often, until yellowed and softened a little; add the egg plant, the rice, half a teaspoonful of salt, a dash of



paprika, a cup of grated cheese and about a cup and a half of fresh or canned tomatoes, cut in pieces; stir until hot throughout; turn into a greased baking dish, cover with three-fourths a cup of wheatless cracker crumbs, mixed with three tablespoonfuls of melted fat and let cook in the oven until the crumbs are browned. Delicata and other varieties of summer squash are good cooked in this way. Squash will not require so long cooking at the start. The cubes should be whole yet tender. Without green pepper use more paprika.

Onion Custard

Peel and cook four to six medium-sized onions in water until tender. Set them in a greased casserole. Make a white sauce of one-fourth a cup, each, of fat and flour, half a teaspoonful of salt, onefourth a teaspoonful of pepper, and two cups of milk. Beat two eggs until well

mixed; dilute with a little of the sauce, and turn into the rest of the sauce; mix and pour over the onions. Let cook in the oven in a dish of hot water until firm. Serve hot as the main dish of luncheon or supper.

Stewed Tomatoes and Corn

Peel six tomatoes, cut them in pieces and set over the fire in a saucepan; cut the tips of the kernels from eight or ten ears of sweet corn, and press out all the pulp possible, leaving the lower part of the hulls on the cob; add the tips and the pulp to the tomatoes with a teaspoonful of salt and half a teaspoonful of black pepper and let simmer twenty minutes; add a tablespoonful of sugar and two tablespoonfuls of fat, and let cook one minute.

Scalloped Tomatoes and Corn

Turn stewed tomatoes and corn (cooked

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as in the preceding recipe) into a greased baking dish; mix half a cup of cracker crumbs with three tablespoonfuls of melted fat and spread over the top of the mixture. Bake until the crumbs are browned. Shredded onion and green pepper, raw, or previously cooked in at little fat until softened and yellowed, may be added to either dish when first set to cook.

Rye Bread

(Made in morning)

Scald two cups of milk (or half milk and half water); add two tablespoonfuls of shortening, two tablespoonfuls of sugar or molasses and one teaspoonful of salt; when lukewarm stir in one cake (or more) of compressed yeast, mixed through half

one-fourth a cup of sugar, and stir into the first mixture; bake in a hot, wellgreased iron muffin pan about twenty-five minutes.

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Spider Corn Cake

Put three-fourths a cup of cornmeal into a cup, then add flour, barley or buckwheat, to fill the cup; to the meal and flour add half a teaspoonful, each, of soda and salt, and four tablespoonfuls of sugar and sift into a bowl; add one egg, beaten light, and half a cup, each, of thick sour milk and sweet milk. Stir thoroughly. Melt two tablespoonfuls of fat in a spider or agate pie plate; turn in the mixture, then pour on half a cup of sweet milk and bake without stirring it in. Serve cut as a pie.

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a cup of lukewarm water, one cup and a half of wheat flour, and enough rye flour to make a batter; beat thoroughly, cover and let stand, out of drafts, to become light. Add rye flour for a dough that may be kneaded. Knead thoroughly, cover and set aside to become light. Shape into loaves, and when again light bake nearly one hour.

Oatmeal-and-Cornmeal Muffins (18 muffins)

Melt two tablespoonfuls of shortening in one cup of hot, cooked oatmeal (left) over); add one teaspoonful of salt, an egg, beaten light, and three-fourths a cup of milk. Mix all together thoroughly. Mix and sift together two cups of cornmeal, four teaspoonfuls of baking powder, and

Cottage Cheese Sandwiches

To a cup of cottage cheese add half a teaspoonful of paprika, one teaspoonful of mixed mustard and a tablespoonful of tomato catsup or chili sauce. Have ready oatmeal bread or biscuits, made of one cup and a half of barley flour to half a cup of rice flour. Have the biscuit dough rolled thin. Split the biscuit, spread with the cheese mixture, and press corresponding halves together.

Potato-and-Carrot Salad,
Tomato Garnish

Cut cold, cooked potatoes in small cubes and slices of carrots in quarters. For a quart of vegetables, chop fine half a mild onion, a few leaves of chives, six

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branches of parsley, three olives, a tablespoonful of mustard pickle, and mix through the potato and carrots. Mix six tablespoonsfuls of vegetable oil, three tablespoonfuls of vinegar, one teaspoonful of salt and half a teaspoonful of paprika, and turn over the whole; mix thoroughly with spoon and fork; turn on a chilled dish, garnish with slices of tomato and cooked carrot.

Cabbage-and-Beet Salad

Cut the cabbage in quarters, and use one or two quarters, according to the number to be served; cut out the hard stalk at center, then shave the cabbage as fine as possible. Cut small, cooked beets in thin slices, or larger beets in small cubes. Make French dressing, using the following proportions: three tablespoonfuls oil, two tablespoonfuls of vinegar one-fourth a teaspoonful, each, of mustard (mixed), salt and paprika, one teaspoonful of scraped onion pulp. This quantity of dressing will season one pint of material. Mix the cabbage and beets sep

arately with dressing. Set the beets in the center of a ring of cabbage.

Sunday Night Cheese

Melt two tablespoonfuls of butter substitute; in it cook two tablespoonfuls of flour, and one-fourth a teaspoonful of salt; add one cup of milk or one cup of tomato purée and stir until boiling; beat in one egg, beaten light; when cooked stir in one package of snappy cheese, and when smooth turn into an earthen bowl and set aside until ready to use. Spread the biscuit, hot or reheated, with the cheese mixture, dredge on a little paprika, and set into the oven to become very hot.

Barley Biscuit for Sunday

Night Cheese

Sift together one cup and a half of barley flour, half a cup of rice flour, half a teaspoonful of salt and four teaspoonfuls of baking powder; cut in three or four tablespoonfuls of shortening and mix to a dough with milk. Turn on a floured board to coat lightly with flour,

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knead a little, roll into a thin sheet, cut into rounds and bake in a quick oven. Rye flour may be used in place of the barley.

Hominy or Rice Puffs

To one cup of boiled hominy or rice (preferably hot) add half a teaspoonful of salt, one tablespoonful of fat and two egg-yolks beaten until thick and light colored; then fold in the whites of two eggs, beaten very light. Drop by tablespoonfuls on a greased baking tin and bake in a quick oven.

Japanese Suey Dressing for

(To serve about 100)

Chop separately and very fine half a

(half sugar and half syrup may be used) and egg-yolks; add the milk, alternately, with the flour and baking powder, sifted together, and, lastly, the egg-whites. Bake in a sheet about twenty-five minutes. Serve hot, cut in squares, with raspberry or

Maple Syrup Sauce

Boil half a cup of maple sugar and one tablespoonful of corn syrup to quite a thick syrup, not quite to the soft-ball degree. Pour in a fine stream on the white of an egg, beaten very light, beating constantly meanwhile. Let cool a little, then beat in half a cup of cream, beaten very light, or use the same quantity of top milk without beating.

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Barley Cottage Pudding

3 tablespoonfuls shortening

cup sugar

2 egg-yolks

1 cup barley flour
2-3 cups rice flour

2 teaspoonfuls baking

Raspberry Sauce

Heat two cups of raspberries in a double boiler, and press through a sieve fine enough to keep back the seeds, pressing through all the pulp possible. Add half as much sugar as juice and let simmer five minutes. Blackberries may be used for the sauce.

Sour Cream Maple Cookies

Cream half a cup of shortening; beat in three-fourths a cup of maple syrup, one egg, beaten light, two tablespoonfuls of sour cream or buttermilk. Sift together one cup and one-fourth of barley Cream the shortening, beat in the sugar flour, half a cup of rice flour, one tea

cup milk

2 egg-whites

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