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established church, forms but a small portion of the inhabitants of this country. It can only be looked on as an additional insult, which the Queen has been upwards of 20 years. accustomed to receive, without the knowledge of one moments conjugal affection. If all that malice could urge against her with respect to an amour with any other person was true, it would be justifiable in the sight of every reasonable being. Her husband bas decoyed her into a marriage to answer his own private views, without the slightest affection towards her, he just condescends to consummate the marriage, and then drives her from his house, studies to insult her by every means that can be devised, and utterly forsakes her by a public avowal that he never will meet her in public. What tie can a woman feel towards such a husband as this? The husband violates his marriage-vow almost before he has consummated it, the wife becomes a kind of recluse, or a prisoner on parole, without the most distant view of a release. Who can blame the woman, who placed in such a situation as this, should yield her affections to some other person, when she perceives that the man who has seduced. her into this situation, is daily revelling in adulterous harlotry. According to our ideas in what virtue consists, we must admit, that a woman placed in this situation, and acting thus, would not depart from its path. Her conduct would be strictly justifiable, and if the laws of the society we live in, be outraged thereby, the offence is committed by the busband, who first dupes and deserts her. It is much to be lamented that a mutual separation is not legal, as it would often supersede the painful necessity of discussing family affairs. As the subject of the Queen is likely to undergo a thorough discussion by the press, we shall take the side of the injured, not as we before observed from any affection to royalty, but from a sense of manly duty. It is an act of oppression on the part of the husband, and its victim demands the support of every honest and virtuous man and woman. We will freely give her ours, as far as our humble efforts cau assist, in arousing the feelings of the nation in her behalf. We are aware that every virtuous female in the country already feels indignant at the treatment the Queen has uniformly received, and we trust that they will not fail to lift up their all-powerful tongues in her behalf. We particularly recommend, that on the arrival of the Queen in this country all who are well disposed towards her, should congratulate her by their joint addresses. It becomes our duty to pay her more than common attention, in order to support her mind

against the shafts of wanton malice. She has nothing to look to for protection, but the mass of the people. Every parasite will lift his venomous tongue against her, provided he finds it agreeable to the king. It then behoves every virtuous man and woman in the country to increase their attention to her, in proportion to the indignity she receives from her malignant persecutors. We shall recur to this subject immediately on the arrival of the Queen in this country, unless the threatened treatment towards her be much altered.

The foregoing article has saved me the necessity of repeating many things which, without its insertion, I should have been obliged to notice. It is brief but pithy; and I have had the pleasure of seeing all the assertions verified during the late discussion on the Bill of Pains and Penalties -alas! now no more! You may feel highly thankful for her Majesty's lenity and forbearance, in not making a detailed exposure of your conduct towards her. She alone is capable of doing this, and I am apt to think that if she did herself ample justice, she would cause every bosom in the country, that could be considered human, to ejaculate its execrations upon your head. However, the Printing Press has done you justice, as far as its knowledge of facts has gone; and never before was an individual arraigned before so powerful, and such a scrutinizing tribunal. Your own advocates have not a word to say in your defence; they can do nothing but calumniate your honest and impartial judges -the People. You stand convicted, Sir, of accumulated crimes, and if the Mosaic Law was put in force against you, as a false accuser, what would your fate be? Nothing can equal the malignity with which you have persecuted the woman whom you seduced into marriage, and gave her reason to expect at least, an honourable treatment. I am at a loss to conceive in what language the future historian will paint your character. I think if he be an Englishman, bé will blush for his country, and pass you by unnoticed but in an apology for so doing. You have not only brought distress unparallelled upon the country by your profuse expenditure, but you have caused it to be scandalized in the eyes of every other nation, and to become a laughing stock to those who hitherto felt something like respect for the name of England and Englishman. You issue proclamations against vice and immorality, whilst you exhibit the most vicious example that depravity can display, or wickedness accumulate. You make your practical conduct and

character give the lie to your official conduct and character. In your late answers to the deputations with addresses, which you so far deviated from precedent as to receive in person, you talk about the good sense of the people upholding the Constitution; whilst you and your ministers have made the House of Lords destroy itself, or plant the seeds of its destruction. The energies of a Paine could not have made more Republicans in England than you have made within the last year. By forbidding the Bishops to pray for your wife you have shewn us that they are the apostles of despotism and not of the mild Jesus. You have even harnessed the Bishops to your chariot to drag you through the mire into which your careless driving had plunged you, and have given a blow to the established church, or what is called the religion of the law. That church and religion of which you are a most becoming head: that church and religion which teaches morality by precept, and immorality by example. This church has no longer the power of absolving your sins, or cleansing you from your unrighteousness. You have destroyed the last spark of voluntary homage and veneration that was paid to it, and now it sinks with the weight of its own and your degradations; and you will not be too hasty to order George Canning, or Robert Southey, immediately to write its epitaph, of which an appropriate copy might be made on the back of the rejected Bill of Pains and Penalties. You have defaced the fluting and sapped the pedestal, of Mr. Burke's Corinthian Capital of polished Society. You have drawn back all the veils that have commonly circumscribed the Throne, and have shewn a people who had already begun to be suspicious, that it is but a disgrace and a blur to a nation of freemen. Your character is the very picture of the drunken man, who feels elated even at being the sport of those who behold his nakedness, and pity his folly. Whilst you have been daily clamourous about the danger and fear of anarchy among the industrious classes, you have practically exhibited the folly and danger of anarchy in a monarch and his aristocracy. You have shewn us that the Hereditary Right and Title can only exist and work smoothly under absolute power. Finally, I trust that you have given the people of Great Britain a most important and useful lesson, that if they wish to prosper, and enjoy the fruits of their own industry, they must look after their own affairs, and not leave them to the care of Hereditary Overseers, who, from insolence and ignorance, are so apt to abuse the duties of their office.

Prone to every thing that disgraces the monarch, the husband, the father, or the man, you have assiduously studied to inflict misery and pain on every moral and virtuous human being that came under your influence. The miseries of your countrymen upbraid you.-the miseries of your wife upbraid you.-the shade of your.disconsolate and departed daughter upbraids you-and the curses of all mankind upbraids you. I told you fourteen months since, that if you did not then immediately reform your conduct, you would be lost for ever in the good wishes even of your most sanguine friends. Did I speak the truth, or did I not? Let the world answer-let those who once called themselves your friends answer.

Can I venture with my humble pen to depict the miseries which in your several characters of the monarch, the husband, the father, and the man, you have indiscriminately inflicted? I will try. I will do my best. I will take first your character of man, as unconnected with titles either hereditary or relative. Here I must describe you as the indiscriminate plunderer of the honest and industrious tradesman; contracting debts in a manner which evinces a dishonest mind, and which, in my opinion, is a crime greater thau theft or housebreaking. There are many facts and anecdotes of which I have a distant recollection, but to which I have not at present any reference for particulars, that are calculated to display an appalling picture and to make an Englishman blush at its sight. I might trace you from the gaming-table to the race-course, from a scene of detected and chastised adultery, where you felt the necessity of receiving a few lessons from a prize fighting pugilist, to the more degrading domestic scenes of Carlton House. I might trace you from brothel to brothel, from seduction to adultery, and from harlotry to drunkenness, whilst you had a virtuous and an amiable wife wandering in foreign climes, a recluse from your dwelling, and the victim of a host of slanderers, hired and paid at your instigation.

As a father, I might paint you using every effort to instil the mind of your daughter with a hatred of her mother. I might display your baffled efforts on this head, and your daughter, arrived at the years of discretion and maturity, flying to the arms of her mother to evade your threatened confinement and violent restraint. I might depict you as tearing asunder a marriage contract, rather than allow a daughter and a son-in-law to visit and receive the visits of her mother! I might shew that the future happiness of her daughter was the sole cause of the mother quitting the shores

of this country; which circumstance, I am half inclined to think, brought the one to a premature death, and the other to a narrow escape from it. All this might be shewn without exaggeration, and the picture become a display of historical fact.

As a husband-but oh! had I not better drop the pen than begin? No, I will not.

"I dare do all that may become a man;
Who dares do more is none."

As a husband, you have violated most abruptly and barefacedly the sacred ties of honour, of female innocence, of a blooming woman, who, at your request and the request of your family, threw herself into your bosom with an affectionate submission, and with unrequitable love. Let me first open the door of Carlton House, and see her surrounded with courtezans and pimps, then shew her pining under your insults and contumely, although pregnant from your short embrace. Let me then display her with an infant in her arms, expelled in a foreign country from the house of her husband, and as wretched as a wanderer without house or home. Let me show you your pimps and your harlots heaping every species of slander upon this forsaken wife and fatherless infant-this unprotected female foreigner, the innocent victim of seduction to a man, who took her to pay his debts-gratify a moment's lust, and then abandon her-a treatment which none but a brute would shew a hired and common prostitute, if he had made a further engagement with her. But how shall I depict your attempt to destroy her? How shall I shew such a husband attempting to pursue this innocent and abused wife to a scaffold, by the subornation of perjured evidence, merely that he might have the opportunity of seducing to his lust another royal victim? How shall I paint such a woman exposed to an accusation and a trial, without the liberty of being present to hear and face her accusers, and to make her defence? And what must we think of the woman that has been twice acquitted under those circumstances? The virtue and the innocence which the poet and fabulist have ascribed to Eve, before the serpent betrayed her, cannot display such charms as the thricetried Queen of England displays, as being virtue proof. Proof against the weight of the gold, the machinations, the desires, and the power of the Sultan of the West. Proof even against the perjury and treachery of suborned domestics, and the espionage of all the Powers in Europe.

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