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Reports from many Conservative Physicians give assurance that


can be successfully treated with

Sol. Anti-Phthisis (Lloyd)

Physicians who began prescribing it two years ago are continuing its use in the treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis.

Sol. Anti-Phthisis (Lloyd)

Has passed the experimental stage and is now being prescribed by several hundred physicians.

Literature, formula and a three-ounce sample bottle will be sent you free, prepaid, for each patient you have suffering from tuberculosis.

Mention the Texas Medical News.

J. Q. Lloyd Chemical Company,

St. Louis, Mo.

out harm, and when administered externally it is positively without danger. In destroying the bacteria of pus Chinosol has been shown to be five times as efficient as corrosive sublimate, 100 times as effective as lysol and 100 times as active as carbolic acid. In the germs of typhoid and diphtheria Chinosol produced results not obtainable with carbolic acid or lysol or corrosive sublimate.

It surely is of interest to every medical practitioner to have at hand a substance which will kill the germ without killing the patient or without even the danger of poisoning. Its action as a deodorizer is immediate and leaves absolutely no odor in place of the one it has destroyed.

MOROCCO POCKET CASE.-Complete with Hypo. Syringe and Thermometer, $4; without Hypo. Syringe and Thermometer, $1.75. The Chicago Leather Goods Co., Chicago, will send the above case, postpaid, to any doctor in Texas upon receipt of price. See their advertisement elsewhere in this journal, and kindly mention the TEXAS MEDICAL NEWS when writing them.

A Palatable Cod Liver Oil Preparation.

The day for nauseating combinations of drugs has passed, this state being brought about by the ability of chemists to present an efficient yet palatable product. All things being equal, that combination which is pleasing to the taste will meet with much more favor at the hands of physicians than another of equal potency but less palatable.

This rule is especially applicable in the case of preparations containing cod liver oil, a remedial agent that will long continue to be a favorite with physicians. The many pathologic conditions that will respond only to cod liver oil, showing its great worth, have put chemists on their mettle to prepare combinations in which are incorporated all of the virtues of the oil with the disagreeable fcatures eliminated.

Hagee's cordial of the extract of cod liver oil compound long ago won the favor of the medical profession and deservedly so, too. This cordial possesses marked advantages as a cod liver oil product and its superiority over ordinary cod liver oil is due to its palatability. Its administration may be continued over indefinite periods of time. A stomach that would quickly revolt against the pure oil or imperfectly prepared combinations containing it will accept Hagee's cordial without any evidence of distress.-The Medical Era.

GENERAL ANESTHESIA BY THE HYPODERMIC METHOD.-The rapidity with which the Abbott-Lanphear method of anesthesia has advanced in the confidence of the profession is unparalleled. The


method is simple, easily used, requires less assistants in surgical operations, is acceptable to the patient, is remarkably free from danger; is devoid of after effects to a greater extent than inhalation anesthesia, is recovered from promptly and can be adjusted to nearly all patients. Its most marked influence is in the slowing of the respiration, which is apt to alarm those who have not proven that no harm results, the respiration being that of deep sleep. The use of hyoscine instead of scopolamine is a great improvement on the original method, and the introduction of this substance, by Dr. Abbott, and of cactus in the form of cactin in the compound, hyoscine, morphine and cactin comp. (H. M. C. Abbott) has added a safeguard which is invaluable, and which in time will be fully appreciated. Abbott has the confidence of the profession because he makes good. On his presentation it was promptly tried and another success is scored.

Additional Laboratories of the H. K. Mulford Company.

The H. K. Mulford Company have recently added to their laboratory facilities by purchasing the above property at Eleventh and Catharine Streets, Philadelphia.

Here will be stored the crude drugs, the grinding and milling departments, and the manufacturing of fluid, solid and powdered extracts, tinctures, synthetic products, etc.

These additional buildings will enable the firm to greatly increase their manufacturing facilities in the Thirteenth Street laboratories, provide additional shipping facilities and increase the scope of their research and standardization laboratories.

The biological laboratories at Glenolden are used for the preparation of antitoxins, curative sera and vaccines. The physiological laboratory for testing drugs on animals is also located at Glenolden.

The recent National and State legislation requires the observance of the standards of the U. S. Pharmacopeia and National Formulary. As the expense of standardization work on a small scale is almost prohibitive, druggists generally are dependent upon. the large manufacturing houses provided with scientific departments and facilities for assaying and testing drugs.

Realizing the importance of adopting standards for the character, quality and strength of medicinal drugs, chemicals and preparations of the same, the H. K. Mulford Company provided facilities for standardization work early in its history. Their foresight is now being amply rewarded by the increased demand for their products.

As the demand for the Mulford products is entirely due to the requirements of the medical and pharmaceutical professions, the fact that they are obliged to greatly increase their facilities at this time is the best evidence of the confidence reposed in the house.



Devoted to the interests of the Medical Profession of Texas and the Southwest.

Published monthly at Austin, by THE TEXAS MEDICAL NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Subscription, $1.00 a year, in advance.

MATTHEW M. SMITH, M. D., Managing Editor.
JAMES M. LOVING, M. D., Assistant Editor.

S. C. RED, M. D.. Houston,


J. W. MCLAUGHLIN, M. D., Galveston,

A. M. ELMORE, M. D., Dallas,

R. W. KNOX, M. D., Houston,

H. A. BARR, M. D., Beaumont,

T. J. BENNETT, M. D., Austin,
E. D. CAPPS, M. D., Fort Worth,

G. B. FOSCUE, M. D., Waco,

WM. E. LUTER, M. D., San Antonio,
A. C. SCOTT, M. D., Temple.


Original Articles.


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Tuberculosis is an infectious disease, caused by the invasion of the tubercle bacillus. The organ most frequently attacked is the lungs, but the pleura, peritoneum, the meninges, the intestinal tract and the bones are all common seats of the disease. Pulmonary tuberculosis has been known from the earliest time. Some authorities claim one-seventh of mankind die from tuberculosis.


No age is exempt from the ravages of this disease. In young children the bones, glands and the alimentary canal are chiefly attacked, while in the adult pulmonary tuberculosis is much more frequent. Tuberculosis flourishes in every country and in every clime. It is, however, less frequent where the population is scat

*Read before the Titus County Medical Society.

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