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treaty port, without further payment; it may then be shipped to Ichang, a treaty port, without further payment; it may then be shipped to Chung-king, having the privileges of a treaty port, without further payment; but if it then goes on fifty miles farther, or if, instead of taking the journey of 1,400 miles in three stages to Chung-king, it goes "inland" to a place which is not a treaty port, thirty miles from Shanghai, the bale is liable to the taxation which is levied in China on all movement of commodities not exempted by special privilege. A treaty port may be miles away from the nearest navigable water, it may be the most inland of inland marts, but in matters of taxation and of privilege a broad distinction is drawn between these forty ports and all the rest of China, which, even on the coast, is "inland." This is the one reason underlying the constant demand for the opening of new treaty ports, with all the expense for administrative and preventive work imposed on China, and for the enforcement of extraterritorial rights imposed on the foreign powers." (H. B. Morse, The Trade and Administration of China, p. 208, New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1913.)


(e) The revenues assigned as security for the bonds are the following:

1. The balance of the revenues of the imperial maritime customs after payment of the interest and amortization of preceding loans secured on these revenues, plus the proceeds of the raising to five per cent effective of the present tariff on maritime imports, including articles until now on the free list, but exempting foreign rice, cereals, and flour, gold and silver bullion and coin.

2. The revenues of the native customs, àdministered in the open ports by the imperial maritime customs.

3. The total revenues of the salt gabelle, exclusive of the fraction previously set aside for other foreign loans.

The raising of the present tariff on imports to five per cent effective is agreed to on the conditions mentioned below.

It shall be put in force two months after the signing of the present protocol, and no exceptions shall be made except for merchandise shipped not more than ten days after the said signing.

1o. All duties levied on imports "ad valorem" shall be converted as far as possible and as soon as may be into specific duties. This conversion shall be made in the following manner: The average value of merchandise at the time of their landing during the three years 1897, 1898, and 1899-that is to say, the market price less the amount of import duties and incidental expenses-shall be taken as the basis

for the valuation of merchandise. Pending the result of the work of conversion, duties shall be levied " ad valorem."

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The Chinese Government has agreed that the quarter occupied by the legations shall be considered as one specially reserved for their use and placed under their exclusive control, in which Chinese shall not have the right to reside and which may be made defensible.

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In the protocol annexed to the letter of the 16th of January, 1901, China recognized the right of each power to maintain a permanent guard in the said quarter for the defense of its legation.

Art. VIII. The Chinese Government has consented to raze the forts of Taku and those which might impede free communication between Peking and the sea; steps have been taken for carrying this out.

Art. IX. The Chinese Government has conceded the right to the powers in the protocol annexed to the letter of the 16th of January, 1901, to occupy certain points, to be determined by an agreement between them, for the maintenance of open communication between he capital and the sea.

(For complete text, see Malloy, Vol. II, p. 2009.)



[Signed at Santo Domingo, Feb. 8, 1907.-Ratification advised by the Senate, with amendments, Feb. 25, 1907.-Ratified by the President, June 22, 1907.-Ratified by the Dominican Republic, June 18, 1907.-Ratifications exchanged at Washington, July 8, 1907.-Proclaimed, July 25, 1907.]



Whereas a convention between the United States of America and the Dominican Republic providing for the assistance of the United States in the collection and application of the customs revenues of the Dominican Republic, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at the City of Santo Domingo, on the eighth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and seven, the original of

which convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows:

Whereas during disturbed political conditions in the Dominican Republic debts and claims have been created, some by regular and some by revolutionary governments, many of doubtful validity in whole or in part, and amounting in all to over $30,000,000 nominal or face value;

And Whereas the same condi

s have prevented the peaceable and continuous collection and application of National revenues for payment of interest or principal of such debts or for liquidation and settlement of such claims; and the said debts and claims continually increase by accretion of interest and are a grievous burden upon the people of the Dominican Republic and a barrier to their improvement and prosperity;

And Whereas the Dominican Government has now effected a conditional adjustment and settlement of said debts and claims under which all its foreign creditors have agreed to accept about $12,407,000 for debts and claims amounting to about $21,184,000 of nominal or face value, and the holders of internal debts or claims of about $2,028,258 nominal or face value have agreed to accept about $645,827 therefor, and the remaining holders of internal debts or claims on the same basis as the assents already given will receive about $2,400,000 therefor, which sum the Dominican Gov


Por cuanto,. durante las condiciones de disturbios políticos en la República Dominicana se han originado deudas y reclamaciones, creadas unas por Gobiernos legales y otras, por Gobiernos revolucionarios, muchas de dudosa validez en todo ó en parte y montantes en total á mas de $30,000,000 oro de valor nominal;

Y por cuanto, ese estado de cosas ha impedido el cobro pacífico y continuado y la aplicacion de las rentas de la nacion para el pago de intereses ó capital de dichas deudas ó para la liquidación y ajuste de dichas reclamaciones; y dichas deudas y reclamaciones van en contínuo aumento por acumulacion de intereses y son una carga onerosa para el pueblo Dominicano y un obstáculo á su mejoramiento y prosperidad;

Y por cuanto, el Gobierno Dominicano acaba de llevar á efecto un ajuste y arreglo condicional de dichas deudas y reclamaciones de acuerdo con cuyos términos todos sus acreedores extrangeros han convenido en aceptar unos $12.407,000 por deudas y reclamaciones ascendentes á unos $21,184,000, valor nominal, y los tenedores de reclamaciones y deudas interiores por valor nominal de $2,028,258 aproximadamente, han convenido en aceptar unos $645,827 por las mismas, y los demás tenedores de deudas ó reclamaciones interiores, según los mismos términos que han servido

ernment has fixed and determined as the amount which it will pay to such remaining internal debt holders; making the total payments under such adjustment and settlement, including interest as adjusted and claims not yet liquidated, amount to not more than about $17,000,000.

And Whereas a part of such plan of settlement is the issue and sale of bonds of the Dominican Republic to the amount of $20,000,000 bearing five per cent interest payable in fifty years and redeemable after ten years at 1023 and requiring payment of at least one per cent per annum for amortization, the proceeds of said bonds, together with such funds as are now deposited for the benefit of creditors from customs revenues of the Dominican Republic heretofore received, after payment of the expenses of such adjustment, to be applied first to the payment of said debts and claims as adjusted and second out of the balance remaining to the retirement and extinction of certain concessions and harbor monopolies which are a burden and hindrance to the commerce of the country and third the entire balance still remaining to the construction of certain railroads and bridges and other public improvements necessary to the industrial development of the country;

de base en las aceptaciones ya recibidas, percibirán unos $2,400,000 por aquellas, la cual suma el Gobierno Dominicano ha fijado y señalado como la que pagará á dichos tenedores restantes de la deuda interior; lo que hace ascender los pagos totales que hayan de efectuarse de acuerdo con dicho ajuste y arreglo, incluyendo el interés ajustado y las reclamaciones por liquidar, á no mas de unos $17,000,000.

Y por cuanto, en dicho plan de arreglo entra la emision y venta de bonos de la República Dominicana por la cantidad de $20,000,000 devengando interés al tipo de cinco por ciento, que serán amortizados dentro de cincuenta años y redimibles transcurridos diez años al ciento dos y medio por ciento, y requiriendo el pago del uno por ciento por lo menos al año para amortizacion, debiendo ser apli cado el producto de dichos bonos junto con la cantidad que se halla depositada en favor de los acreedores, procedente de los ingresos de aduanas de la República Dominicana hasta la fecha recibidos, una vez pagados los gastos de dicho ajuste, primeramente al pago de dichas deudas y reclamaciones en los términos ajustados, y en segundo lugar, con el remanente, á cancelar y extinguir ciertas concesiones y monopolios en los puertos, que son una gravosa carga y un obstáculo al comercio del país, y en tercer término, el sobrante total que aun quede, á la construcción de ciertos ferrocarriles y puentes y otras obras públicas necesarias al desarrollo industrial del país.

And Whereas the whole of said plan is conditioned and dependent upon the assistance of the United States in the collection of customs revenues of the Dominican Republic and the application thereof so far as necessary to the interest upon and the amortization and redemption of said bonds, and the Dominican Republic has requested the United States to give and the United States is will ing to give such assistance:

The Dominican Government, represented by its Minister of State for Foreign Relations, Emiliano Tejera, and its Minister of State for Finance and Commerce, Federico Velasquez H., and the United States Government, represented by Thomas C. Dawson, Minister Resident and Consul General of the United States to the Dominican Republic, have agreed:

1. That the President of the United States shall appoint a General Receiver of Dominican Customs, who, with such Assistant Receivers and other employees of the Receivership as shall be appointed by the President of the United States in his discretion, shall collect all the customs duties accruing at the several customs houses of the Dominican Republic until the payment or retirement of any and all bonds issued by the Dominican Government in accordance with the plan and under the limitations as to terms and amounts hereinbefore recited; and said General

Y por cuanto, dicho plan en su totalidad tiene por condicion y depende de la ayuda de los Estados Unidos en la recaudacion de las rentas aduaneras de la República Dominicana y en la aplicación de ellas hasta donde fuere necesario al pago de los intereses, amortizacion y redencion de los referidos bonos, y que la República Dominicana ha solicitado de los Estados Unidos dicha ayuda y que los Estados Unidos convienen en prestarla:

El Gobierno Dominicano representado por el Secretario de Estado de Relaciones Exteriores, Ciudadano Emiliano Tejera y el Secretario de Estado de Hacienda y Comercio, Ciudadano Federico Velazquez H, y el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, representado por Thomas C. Dawson, Ministro Residente y Cónsul General de los Estados Unidos en la República Dominicana, han convenido en lo siguiente:

1° El Presidente de los Estados Unidos nombrará un Receptor General de las Aduanas dominicanas, quien en union de los Receptores Auxiliares y otros empleados de la Receptoría que libremente nombre el Presidente de los Estados Unidos percibrá todos los derechos de aduanas que se recauden en las distintas aduanas de la República Dominicana hasta tanto queden pagados ó retirados todos y cada uno de los bonos emitidos por el Gobierno Dominicano de acuerdo con el plan y dentro de las limitaciones en cuanto a plazos y cantidades mas arriba señalados; y dicho

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