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Receiver shall apply the sums so Receptor General aplicará las

collected, as follows:

First, to paying the expenses of the receivership; second, to the payment of interest upon said bonds; third, to the payment of the annual sums provided for amortization of said bonds including interest upon all bonds held in sinking fund; fourth, to the purchase and cancellation or the retirement and cancellation pursuant to the terms thereof of any of said bonds as may be directed by the Dominican Government; fifth, the remainder to be paid to the Dominican Government.

. The method of distributing the current collections of revenue in order to accomplish the application thereof as hereinbefore provided shall be as follows:

The expenses of the receivership shall be paid by the Receiver as they arise. The allowances to the General Receiver and his assistants for the expenses of collecting the revenues shall not exceed five per cent. unless by agreement between the two Governments.

On the first day of each calendar month the sum of $100,000 shall be paid over by the Receiver to the Fiscal Agent of the loan, and the remaining collection of the last preceding month shall be paid over to the Dominican Government, or applied to the sinking fund for the purchase or redemption of bonds, as the Dominican Government shall direct.

sumas así recaudadas como sigue:

Primero, al pago de los gastos de recptoría; segundo, al pago de los intereses de dichos bonos: tercero, al pago de las cantidades anuales señaladas para la amortizacion de dichos bonos incluyendo el interes de todos los bonos que se retengan como fondo de amortizacion; cuarto, á la compra y cancelacion ó retiro y cancelacion de cualesquiera de dichos bonos, conforme con sus propios términos, segun disponga el Gobierno Dominicano; quinto, el remanente será entregado al Gobierno Dominicano.

La manera de distribuir las recaudaciones ordinarias de las rentas, á fin de darles la aplicacion que anteriormente se dispone, será la siguiente:

Los gastos de la Receptoría serán pagados por el Receptor segun se vayan causando. La cantidad que se señale al Receptor General y á sus ayudantes para gastos de la recaudacion de las rentas no excederá del cinco por ciento de éstas, á menos que se convenga otra cosa entre ambos Gobiernos.

El día primero de cada mes natural, el Receptor hará entrega de la suma de $100,000 al Agente fiscal del empréstito, y el rema nente de la recaudacion del mes próximo precedente será entregado al Gobierno Dominicano, ó destinado al fondo de amortizacion para la compra ó redención de bonos segun disponga el Gobierno Dominicano.

Provided, that in case the customs revenues collected by the General Receiver shall in any year exceed the sum of $3,000,000, one half of the surplus above such sum of $3,000,000 shall be applied to the sinking fund for the redemption of bonds.

II. The Dominican Government will provide by law for the payment of all customs duties to the General Receiver and his assistants, and will give to them all needful aid and assistance and full protection to the extent of its powers. The Government of the United States will give to the General Receiver and his assistants such protection as it may find to be requisite for the performance of their duties.

III. Until the Dominican Republic has paid the whole amount of the bonds of the debt its public debt shall not be increased except by previous agreement between the Dominican Government and the United States. A like agreement shall be necessary to modify the import duties, it being an indispensable condition for the for the modification of such duties that the Dominican Executive demonstrate and that the President of the United States recognize that, on the basis of exportations and importations to the like amount and the like character during the two years preceding that in which it is desired to make such modification, the total net customs re

Es entendido que en el caso dẹ que las rentas de aduanas recaudadas por el Receptor General excedan en cualquier año de la cantidad de $3,000,000, la mitad del excedente sobre dicha suma de $3,000,000 se destinará al fondo de amortizacion para la redencion de bonos.

2o El Gobierno Dominicano dispondrá por medio de una ley que el pago de todos los derechos de Aduanas se haga al Receptor General y á sus auxiliares, á quienes prestará todo el apoyo y auxilio que sea necesario y la mas amplia protección que pueda den tro de sus facultades. El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos dará al Receptor General y á sus auxiliares la proteccion que estimare necesaria para el cumplimiento de los deberes de estos.


3° Hasta que la República Dor minicana no haya pagado la totalidad de los bonos del empréstito, su deuda pública no podrá ser au mentada, sino mediante un acu. erdo previo entre el Gobierno Do minicano y los Estados Unidos, Igual acuerdo será preciso para modificar los derechos de importación de la República por ser condicion indispensable para que esos derechos puedan ser modificados que el Ejecutivo Dominicano compruebe y el Presidente de los Estados Unidos reconozca que to+ mando por base las importaciones y exportaciones de los dos años precedentes al en que se quiere hacer la alteración en los referidos・・ derechos, y calculados el monto y

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ceipts would at such altered rates of duties have been for each of such two years in excess of the sum of $2,000,000 United States gold.

IV. The accounts of the General Receiver shall be rendered monthly to the Contaduria General of the Dominican Republic and to the State Department of the United States and shall be subject to examination and verification by the appropriate officers of the Dominican and the United States Governments.

V. This agreement shall take effect after its approval by the Senate of the United States and the Congress of the Dominican Republic.

Done in four originals, two being in the English language, and two in the Spanish, and the representatives of the high contracting parties signing them in the City of Santo Domingo this 8th day of February, in the Year of our Lord 1907.



la clase de los efectos importados ó exportados, en cada uno de esos dos años al tipo de los derechos de importación que se pretendan establecer, el neto total de esos derechos de aduana en cada uno de los dos años, excede de la cantidad de dos milliones de pesos oro americano.

4° El Receptor General rendirá cuentas mensualmente á la Contaduría General de la República Dominicana y al Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, y dichas cuentas quedarán sujetas al examen y comprobación por los funcionarios competentes de los Gobiernos de la República Dominicana y de los Estados Unidos.

5° Este Convenio comenzará á regir una vez aprobado por el Congreso de la República Dominicana y el Senado de los Estados Unidos.

Hecho en cuatro originales, dos en idioma ingles y dos en castellano, firmados por los Representantes de las Altas Partes contratantes en la Ciudad de Santo Domingo á los ocho dias del mes de Febrero del año del Señor de 1907.


And whereas the said convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two governments were exchanged in the City of Washington, on the eighth day of July, one thousand nine hundred seven;

Now, therefore, be it known that I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, have caused the said convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed.

Done at the City of Washington, this 25th day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seven, and of [SEAL.] the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty-second.

By the President:


Acting secretary of State.





[Signed at Port-au-Prince, Sept. 16, 1915.-Ratifications advised by the Senate, Feb. 28, 1916.-Ratified by the President, Mar. 20, 1916.-Ratified by Haiti, Sept. 17, 1915.Ratifications exchanged at Washington, May 3, 1916.-Proclaimed, May 3, 1916.]. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION.

Whereas a Treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of Haiti having for its objects the strengthening of the amity existing between the two countries, the remedying of the present condition of the revenues and finances of Haiti, the maintenance of the tranquility of that Republic, and the carrying out of plans for its economic development and prosperity, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Port-au-Prince, on the sixteenth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, the original of which Treaty, being in the English and French languages, is word for word as follows:

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And the Republic of Haiti desiring to remedy the present condition of its revenues and finances, to maintain the tranquillity of the Republic to carry out plans for the economic development and prosperity of the Republic and its people;

And the United States being in full sympathy with all of these aims and objects and desiring to contribute in all proper ways to their accomplishment;

The United States and the Republic of Haiti have resolved to conclude a Convention with these objects in view, and have appointed for that purpose Plenipotentiaries,

The President of the United States, Robert Beale Davis, Junior, Chargé d'Affaires of the United States;

And the President of the Republic of Haiti, Louis Borno, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Public Instruction, who, having exhibited to each other their respective powers, which are seen to be full in good and true form, have agreed as follows:

Article I

The Government of the United States will, by its good offices, aid the Haitian Government in the proper and efficient development of its agricultural, mineral and commercial resources and in the establishment of the finances of Haiti on a firm and solid basis.

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