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CHARACTERS.-Minute, white, hexagonal scales, or prismatic crystals, odorless and having a slightly acrid, bitter taste; permanent in the air. Solubility.In 325 parts of Alcohol, 450 of Ether, 15.5 of Chloroform, 310 of Benzene, 25°C. (77°F.); insoluble in either cold or hot water.

IMPURITIES.-Alkaloids, readily carbonizable impurities.
Dose, 0.003 gm. = 3 milligm. (20 gr.).


Trituratio Elaterini.-Trituration of Elaterin. Abv.-Trit. Elaterin. Elaterin, 10; Sugar of Milk, 90.

Dose, 0.030 gm. = 30 milligm. (1⁄2 gr.).

For the Therapeutics of Elaterin see p. 665.



Abv.-Cambog. Synonym.-Pipe Gamboge. A gum-resin obtained from Garcinia Hamburii Hooker filius (Fam Gullifera). Habitat.— Anam, Camboja and Siam.

CHARACTERS.—In hard, brittle cylindrical pieces, usually hollow in the centre, from 10 to 20 cm. in length, from 2 to 5 cm. in diameter, externally grayishorange-brown, longitudinally striate; fracture conchoidal, smooth, orange-red; odorless; taste very acrid. Solubility.—Not less than 65 per cent. of Gamboge is soluble in Alcohol.

COMPOSITION.-The chief constituents are—(1) A brilliant yellow Resin, Gambogic Acid, 65 to 80 per cent. (2) Gum, 16 to 26 per cent. This is soluble, so that an emulsion of Gambogic Acid is formed with water.

IMPURITIES.-Starch, woody fibre.

Dose, 0.125 gm. = 125 milligm. (2 gr.).

Gamboge is contained in Pilulæ Catharticæ Compositæ. For the Therapeutics of Gamboge see p. 663.


PODOPHYLLUM. Abv.-Podoph. Synonyms.-May Apple. Mandrake. The dried rhizome of Podophyllum peltatum Linné (Fam. Berberidacea), yielding not less than 3 per cent. of Resin. Habitat.-North America, in rich woods and thickets.

CHARACTERS.-Rhizome horizontal, nearly cylindrical, jointed, compressed on the upper and lower surfaces, sometimes branched, in pieces from 3 to 20 cm. in length, the internodes 2 to 9 mm. in diameter; externally dark brown, longitudinally wrinkled or nearly smooth with irregular, somewhat V-shaped scars of scale leaves, nodes annulate, the upper portion marked with large, circular, depressed stem-scars and sometimes with buds or stem-bases; at or near the nodes on the lower portion occur numerous root-scars or roots from 2

to 7 cm. in length and about 2 mm. in thickness; fracture short; internally, bark light brown, wood with small yellowish vascular bundles, pith large and white; odor slight; taste sweetish and disagreeably bitter and acrid.

COMPOSITION.-The chief constituents are (1) The official Resin (see below). (2) Podophyllic acid, a coloring principle.

1. Fluidextractum


Podophylli.-Fluidextract of


Abv.-Fldext. Podophyll. By maceration and percolation with
Alcohol and Water, distillation of the Alcohol and solution.
Dose, 0.5 mil (8 m).

2. Resina Podophylli.-Resin of Podophyllum. Abv.-Res. Podoph. Synonym.-Podophyllin.

SOURCE. By maceration and percolation with Alcohol, distillation of the Alcohol, precipitation of Resin in Hydrochloric Acid and water; wash and dry.

CHARACTERS. An amorphous powder, varying in color from light brown to greenish-yellow, turning darker when subjected to a heat exceeding 25°C. (77°F.) or when exposed to light. It has a slight, peculiar odor, and a faintly bitter taste. It is very irritating to the eyes, and to mucous membranes. Solubility.—In Alcohol, with only a slight opalescence; not less than 75 per cent. of it should be soluble in Ether, and not less than 65 per cent. in Chloroform.

COMPOSITION.-The Resin consists mainly of Podophyllotoxin, C23H24O9+2H2O, which is said to be a mixture of Picropodophyllin, 75 to 80 per cent., the purgative principle, and Picropodophyllic Acid, both existing free in the rhizome; with these are associated minor resins, and Podophylloquercitin, a coloring principle.

INCOMPATIBLES.-Water precipitates it from Alcohol; acids precipitate it from Ammonia.

Dose 0.01 gm. = 10 milligm. (% gr.).
For the Therapeutics of Podophyllum see p. 667.


COLCHICI CORMUS.-Colchicum Corm. Abv.-Colch. Corm. The dried corm of Colchicum autumnale Linné (Fam. Liliacea), yielding not less than 0.35 per cent. of Colchicine. Synonym.-Meadow Saffron. Habitat.-Southern and Central Europe.

CHARACTERS.-Usually in reniform, transverse or in ovate, longitudinal slices; from 2 to 5 mm. in thickness; flat surfaces, whitish, slightly roughened, and of a crystalline appearance under a hand lens; epidermis thin, light brown and finely wrinkled; fracture short and mealy; odor slight; taste bitter and somewhat acrid.

COMPOSITION. The chief constituents aree—(1) Colchicine, C25H26O6N, the alkaloid (see below). It is changed by most acids into Colchiceine, C22H23NO6. (2) Veratrine (see p. 142), in traces combined with Gallic Acid. (3) Starch. (4) Sugar. (5) Gum.

INCOMPATIBLES.-All astringent preparations, tincture of iodine, tincture of


Dose, 0.250 gm. = 250 milligm. (4 gr.).


Extractum Colchici Cormi.-Extract of Colchicum Corm. Abv.Ext. Colch. Corm. It yields not less than 1.25 per cent. nor more than 1.55 per cent. of Colchicine. By maceration and percolation with Purified Petroleum Benzin, Alcohol and water, decantation and evaporation.

Dose, 0.06 gm. = 60 milligm. (1 gr.).

COLCHICI SEMEN.-Colchicum Seed. Abv.-Colch. Sem. The dried seeds of Colchicum autumnale yielding not less than 0.45 per cent. of Colchicine. CHARACTERS. Ovoid or irregularly globular, more or less pointed at the hilum; from 2 to 3 mm. in diameter; when fresh, several seeds cohering; externally dark brown, finely pitted; tough and of almost bony hardness; internally whitish or light brown; nearly inodorous; taste bitter and somewhat acrid. Resembling Colchicum seed.-Black mustard seed.

COMPOSITION.-The chief constituents are-The same as of the Corm and a fixed oil, 6 to 8 per cent.

Dose, 0.200 gm. = 200 milligm. (3 gr.).


1. Fluidextractum Colchici Seminis.-Fluidextract of Colchicum Seed. Abv.-Fldext. Colch. Sem. It yields not less than 0.36 nor more than 0.44 per cent. of Colchicine. By percolation with Purified Petroleum Benzin, Alcohol and water.

Dose, 0.2 mils (3 m).

2. Tinctura Colchici Seminis.-Tincture of Colchicum Seed. Abv.-Tr. Colch. Sem. It yields not less than 0.036 per cent. nor more than 0.044 per cent. of Colchicine. Colchicum Seed, 100; by maceration and percolation with Alcohol and water to 1000. Dose, 2 mils (30 m).

COLCHICINA.-Colchicine, C22H25O6N=399.21. An alkaloid obtained from


SOURCE. By exhausting with Alcohol, diluting with water, filtering, precipitating coloring-matter with Lead Subacetate, removing the Lead with Sodium Phosphate, precipitating Colchicine with Tannic acid; digest the washed tannate with Lead Oxide, dry, and dissolve out Colchicine with Alcohol. Colchicine

may also be made synthetically from Colchiceine, Sodium Methylate, and Methyl Iodide, which are heated together.

CHARACTERS.-Pale yellow amorphous scales, or as a pale yellow amorphous powder, turning darker on exposure to light; odorless or nearly so. Great caution should be used in tasting it and then only in very dilute solutions. Solubility. -In 22 parts of water, 220 of Ether, and 100 of Benzene; freely soluble in Alcohol and Chloroform; insoluble in Petroleum Benzin.

INCOMPATIBLES.-Those common to all alkaloids, see p. 122.

[blocks in formation]

GROUP VI.-Drugs Having Chiefly a Diuretic Action

Theophylline, Theobromine Sodio-Salicylate, Uva Ursa, Triticum, Sabal, Benzoin


THEOPHYLLINE. Abv.-Theophyll. Synonym.-Dimethylxanthine. An organic base (C7H8O2N1+H2O or 1:3C5H2(CH3)2·O2N4+H2O=198.12) isoImeric with Theobromine. It is found in small amounts in the leaves of Thea sinensis Linné (Fam. Ternstræmiacea) and is also prepared synthetically.

CHARACTERS.—A white, crystalline powder; odorless and having a bitter taste. It is permanent in the air. Solubility.-In 100 parts of water and 80 parts of Alcohol at 25°C. (77°F.). It is more readily soluble in hot water; sparingly soluble in Ether. It is readily soluble in solutions of the alkali hydroxides and in Ammonia water.

IMPURITIES.-Caffeine, theobromine, or paraxanthine, organic impurities. Dose, 0.25 gm. 250 milligm. (4 gr.).


For the Therapeutics of Theophylline see p. 570.


THEOBROMINE SODIO-SALICYLATE. Abv.-Theobrom. Sodio-Sal. Sodium Theobromine (C7H7O2N,Na = 202.10) and Sodium Salicylate (NaCH5O3=160.04) in approximately molecular proportions. It yields, when dried to a constant weight, not less than 46.5 per cent. of Theobromine (C2H7O2N4=180.10).

SOURCE. By interaction between Sodium Theobromine and Sodium Salicylate.

CHARACTERS.-A white, odorless powder, of a sweetish, saline, and somewhat alkaline taste. It gradually absorbs carbon dioxide from the air with the liberation of theobromine, becoming partially insoluble in water. Solubility.In 1 part of water at 25°C. (77°F.); slightly soluble in Alcohol. IMPURITIES.-Caffeine, sodium carbonate, organic impurities. Dose, 1 gm. (15 gr.).

For the Therapeutics of Theobromine Sodio-salicylate see p. 571.


UVA URSI. Synonym.-Bearberry. The dried leaves of Arctostaphylos Uvaursi (Linné) Sprengel (Fam. Ericacea), without the presence or admixture of more than 5 per cent. of stems or other foreign matter. Habitat.-Northern Hemisphere, in dry and sandy or rocky places; in the United States, south to Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and California.

CHARACTERS.-Usually more or less entire, laminæ obovate or oblong-spatulate, from 12 to 30 mm. in length and from 5 to 13 mm. in breadth, summits obtuse or rounded; margins entire, slightly revolute; bases cuneate, tapering into short and stout petioles; upper surfaces dark green, glabrous and shiny, finely reticulate; under surfaces yellowish-green and slightly pubescent, especially under the midribs; coriaceous, fracture short; odor aromatic, tea-like, taste: astringent and somewhat bitter. Resembling Uva Ursi.-Senna and Buchu. COMPOSITION.-The chief constituents are―(1) Arbutin, C12H16O7, a bitter,. crystalline glucoside yielding glucose, hydroquinone and methyl-hydroquinone. (2) Ericolin, C10H16O, a bitter, crystalline glucoside. (3) Ursone, a tasteless: neutral body. (4) Tannic Acid, 6 to 7 per cent. (5) Gallic Acid.

INCOMPATIBLES.-Iron, lead and silver salts, gelatin, opium, infusion of cinchona, spirit of nitrous ether, alkalies, tartar emetic.

Dose, 2 gm. (30 gr.).


Fluidextractum Uva Ursi.-Fluidextract of Uva Ursi.


Uvæ Ursi. By maceration and percolation with Glycerin, Alcohol and

water, and evaporation.

Dose, 2 mils (30 m).

For the Therapeutics of Uva Ursi see p. 572.


TRITICUM. Abv.-Tritic. Synonyms.-Couch Grass. Dog Grass. The dried rhizome and roots of Agropyron repens (Linné) Beauvois (Fam. Gramineœ), gathered in the spring. Habitat.-Europe and North America.

CHARACTERS. Usually in pieces from 4 to 12 mm. in length and from 1 to 2.5 mm. in diameter; externally light yellow or yellowish-brown, longitudinally furrowed, smooth, lustrous nodes with leaf-scars, a few root-scars, and occasional slender roots; fracture tough, fibrous; internally lemon-yellow and with a large, hollow pith; odor slight, aromatic; taste sweetish.

COMPOSITION. (1) Triticin, about 8 per cent., a gummy substance resembling Inulin. (2) Inosite. (3) Malates.

Dose, 8 gm. (120 gr.).


Fluidextractum Tritici.-Fluidextract of Triticum. By percolation with boiling water, evaporation, addition of Alcohol and filtration.

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