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3. PETROLATUM ALBUM.-White Petrolatum. Abv.-Petrolat. Alb. Petrolatum wholly or nearly decolorized.

SOURCE. Obtained by distilling off the lighter and more volatile portions from petroleum, and purifying the residue.

CHARACTERS.—A white or faintly yellowish unctuous mass, transparent in thin layers, even after cooling to 0°C. (32°F.); completely amorphous. In other respects it has the same characteristics of Petrolatum, and it is liable to contain the same impurities.

4. PETROLATUM LIQUIDUM.-Liquid Petrolatum. Abv.-Petrolat. Liq. Synonyms.-Liquid Paraffin. Mineral Oil. A mixture of liquid hydrocarbons, obtained from petroleum. It occurs as either a Heavy or Light Liquid. Petrolatum, depending upon its viscosity.

SOURCE. Obtained by distilling off the lighter and more volatile portions from petroleum, and purifying the residue.

CHARACTERS. A colorless, transparent liquid, free, or nearly free, from fluorescence, odorless and tasteless when cold; when heated, possessing not more than a faint petroleum odor. Sp. gr., about 0.828 to 0.905. Solubility.—Insoluble in water or alcohol; soluble in ether, chloroform, petroleum benzin, and in fixed or volatile oils. Camplor, menthol, thymol and many similar substances are dissolved by Liquid Petrolatum.

For the Therapeutics of Petrolatum see p. 532.

5. BENZINUM PURIFICATUM.-Purified Petroleum Benzin. Abv.Benzin. Purif. Synonym.-Petroleum Ether.

SOURCE. A purified distillate from American petroleum, consisting of hydrocarbons, chiefly of the marsh-gas series.

CHARACTERS.-A clear, colorless non-fluorescent volatile liquid, of an ethereal or faint petroleum-like odor, and having a neutral reaction. It is highly inflammable, and its vapor, when mixed with air and ignited, explodes violently. Sp. gr., 0.638 to 0.660. Solubility.-Practically insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol, and miscible with ether, chloroform, benzene, volatile oils, and fixed oils, with the exception of castor oil.

IMPURITY.-Benzene, pyrogenous products and sulphur compounds. For the Uses of Purified Petroleum Benzin see p. 828.

6. PARAFFINUM.-Paraffin. Abv.-Paraff. A purified mixture of solid hydrocarbons.

SOURCE. Usually obtained by chilling and pressing the distillates from petroleum having high boiling points, and purifying the solid press cake so obtained.

CHARACTERS.-A colorless, or white, more or less translucent mass, crystalline when separating from solution; without odor or taste, and slightly greasy to the touch. Sp. gr., about 0.900. Solubility.-Insoluble in water or alcohol; slightly soluble in dehydrated alcohol; freely soluble in ether, petroleum, benzin, carbon disulphide, volatile oils, and in most warm fixed oils.

IMPURITIES. Various acids.

For the Uses of Paraffin see p. 828.


Si = 28.3

TERRA SILICEA PURIFICATA.-Purified Siliceous Earth. Abv.-Ter. Sil. Purif. Synonyms.-Purified Kieselguhr. Purified Infusorial Earth. A form of silica (SiO2 = 60.30) consisting of the frustules and fragments of diatoms, purified by boiling with diluted Hydrochloric Acid, washing and calcining. CHARACTERS.-A very bulky and very fine powder, white or of a pale light gray or pale buff color; without odor or taste. It readily absorbs moisture, and will retain about four times its weight of water without the mixture becoming fluid. Solubility.—Insoluble in water, acids or dilute alkaline solutions.

IMPURITIES.-Carbonates, sulphates, iron.

For the Uses of Purified Siliceous Earth see p. 829.

Various compounds containing Carbon will be found in Section II, Division I, "The Synthetics and Allied Drugs."


The Acids

Those acids which will be considered here may be divided into two classes. Class I.—Those which are strongly acid, the more powerful being active caustics. They are Sulphuric, Nitric, Hydrochloric, Nitrohydrochloric, Phosphoric, Acetic, Glacial Acetic, Tartaric, Citric and Lactic acids. Hydrobromic, Hydriodic and Hypophosphorous acids have already been considered (see pp. 35, 37, and 43).

Class II. That which, although feebly acid is powerfully antiseptic, Boric acid.

Diluted Hydrocyanic, Benzoic, Gallic, Tannic, Oleic, Phenylcinchoninic, Stearic, Trichloracetic and Salicylic acids and Phenol (Carbolic Acid) are not used as acids, and will be considered under other headings.

What were formerly termed Arsenous Acid and Chromic Acid are not true acids; they are Trioxides, and are considered elsewhere (see pp. 45 and 87).


1. ACIDUM SULPHURICUM.-Sulphuric Acid. Abv.-Acid. Sulphuric. Synonym.-Oil of Vitriol. A liquid composed of not less than 93 per cent., nor more than 95 per cent. of Sulphuric Acid [H2SO4 or SO2(OH)2=98.09].

SOURCE.-Produced by the combustion of Sulphur or Iron Pyrites, and the oxidation and hydration of the resulting Sulphur Dioxide gas by means of nitrous and aqueous vapors.

CHARACTERS.—A colorless, odorless, liquid of oily consistence, very caustic and corrosive. Sp. gr., about 1.83. Miscible, in all proportions, with water



or alcohol, with the evolution of much heat; therefore, the acid must be cautiously added to the diluent.

IMPURITIES.-Nitric, nitrous, sulphurous and hydrochloric acids, lead, arsenic, heavy metals.

INCOMPATIBLES.-Alkalies and their carbonates, barium, calcium, lead and silver salts, hypophosphorous acid, vegetable astringent infusions.

Sulphuric Acid is used in Liquor Ferri Subsulphatis, Liquor Ferri Tersulphatis, and Spiritus Ætheris Nitrosi.


1. Acidum Sulphuricum Aromaticum.-Aromatic Sulphuric Acid. Abv.-Acid. Sulph. Arom. Synonym.-Elixir of Vitriol. Sulphuric Acid,109; Oil of Cinnamon, 1; Tincture of Ginger, 50; Alcohol, a sufficient quantity to make 1000. Sp. gr., about 0.933. It should contain not less than 19 per cent. nor more than 21 per cent., of Sulphuric Acid, in the form of Ethyl-Sulphuric Acid and free Sulphuric Acid. Dose, 1 mil (15 m).

2. Acidum Sulphuricum Dilutum.-Diluted Sulphuric Acid. Abv. -Acid. Sulph. Dil. Sulphuric Acid, 50; distilled water, 420. Sp. gr., about 1.067. Contains not less than 9.5 per cent. nor more than 10.5 per cent. of Sulphuric Acid.

Dose, 1 mil (15 m).

Diluted Sulphuric Acid is used to prepare Ferri Sulphas Granulatus.

2. ACIDUM NITRICUM.-Nitric Acid. Abv.-Acid. Nitric. A liquid composed of not less than 67 per cent. nor more than 69 per cent. of Nitric Acid (HNO3 or NO2·OH=63.02).

SOURCE.-Made from Potassium Nitrate by distilling with Sulphuric Acid. KNO3+H2SO4 = KHSO1+HNO3.

CHARACTERS.-A fuming liquid, very caustic and corrosive, and having a peculiar, somewhat suffocating odor. Sp. gr., about 1.403.

IMPURITIES. Sulphuric, hydrochloric, iodic and bromic acids, iodine, bromine, arsenic, heavy metals, nitre, and lower nitrogen oxides, giving ruddy fumes. INCOMPATIBLES.-Alcohol, alkalies, carbonates, oxides, ferrous sulphate, lead


Nitric Acid is contained in Liquor Ferri Subsulphatis, Liquor Zinci Chloridi, and Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitratis.


1. Acidum Nitrohydrochloricum.-Nitrohydrochloric Acid. Abv.— Acid. Nitrohydrochl. Synonyms.-Nitromuriatic Acid. Aqua regia. Nitric Acid, 18; Hydrochloric Acid, 82. A golden-yellow, fuming, and very corrosive liquid, having a strong odor of chlorine.

Dose, 0.2 mil (3 m).

2. Acidum Nitrohydrochloricum Dilutum.-Diluted Nitrohydrochloric Acid. Abv.-Acid. Nitrohydrochl. Dil. Synonym.-Diluted

Nitromuriatic Acid. Nitric Acid, 10; Hydrochloric Acid, 45.5; distilled water, 194.5. It contains free Chlorine, Hydrochloric, Nitric and Nitrous Acids, and other compounds dissolved in water. It is a colorless or pale yellow liquid, having a faint odor of chlorine and should not be dispensed unless recently prepared.

Dose, I mil (15 M).

3. ACIDUM HYDROCHLORICUM.-Hydrochloric Acid. Abv.-Acid. Hydrochl. A liquid compound of not less than 31 per cent., nor more than 33 per cent. of Hydrochloric Acid (HCl=36.47).

SOURCE. The fumes produced by the action of Sulphuric Acid on Sodium Chloride are dissolved in water. 2NaCl+H2SO4 = HCl +NaCl+NaHSO, and NaCl+NaHSO4 = HC1+Na2SO4.

CHARACTER.—A colorless, fuming liquid, having a pungent odor, and an intensely acid taste. Sp. gr., about 1.155. Miscible, in all proportions, with water or alcohol.

IMPURITIES.-Bromine, iodine, free chlorine, heavy metals, sulphates and sulphuric and sulphurous acids.

INCOMPATIBLES.-Lead and silver salts, alkalies and their carbonates, oxidizable substances (with which it forms explosive compounds), alcohols, ethers, carbohydrates, sulphur and sulphides, phosphorus, etc.

Hydrochloric Acid is contained in Liquor Ferri Chloridi and Liquor Zinci Chloridi and is used to prepare Resina Podophylli and Extractum Ergotæ.


1. Acidum Hydrochloricum Dilutum.-Diluted Hydrochloric Acid. Abv.-Acid. Hydrochl. Dil. Synonym.-Diluted Muriatic Acid. Hydrochloric Acid, 100; distilled water, 220. It should contain not less than 9.5 per cent., nor more than 10.5 per cent. of Hydrochloric Acid. Sp. gr., about 1.049.

Dose, 1 mil (15 m).

Diluted Hydrochloric Acid is contained in Liquor Acidi Arsenosi.

2. Acidum Nitrohydrochloricum.-See Nitric Acid, p. 51.

3. Acidum Nitrohydrochloricum Dilutum.-See Nitric Acid, p. 51.

4. ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM.-Phosphoric Acid. Abv.-Acid. Phos. A liquid composed of not less than 85 per cent., nor more than 88 per cent. of Phosphoric Acid [H3PO4=98.06].

SOURCE. When Phosphorus is brought into contact with Nitric Acid, it is slowly oxidized and converted into Phosphoric Acid. P3+5HNO3+2H2O= 3H3PO4+5NO.

CHARACTERS.-A colorless, odorless liquid of a syrupy consistence and having a strongly acid taste. Sp. gr., 1.74. Miscible, in all proportions, with water or alcohol.

IMPURITIES.-Metaphosphoric, pyrophosphoric, phosphorous, sulphuric, nitric, and hydrochloric acids, phosphates, arsenic heavy metals.

Phosphoric Acid is contained in Syrupus Calcii Lactophosphatis.


Acidum Phosphoricum Dilutum.—Diluted Phosphoric Acid. Abv.— Acid. Phos. Dil. Phosphoric Acid, 100; distilled water, 675. Sp. gr., about 1.057. It should contain not less than 9.5 per cent., nor more than 10.5 per cent. of Phosphoric Acid.

Dose, 2 mils (30 m).

5. ACIDUM ACETICUM.-Acetic Acid. Abv.-Acid. Acet. A liquid composed of not less than 36 per cent. nor more than 37 per cent. of Acetic Acid (C2H4O2 or CH ̧·COOH=60.03).


of wood.

By the oxidation of Ethyl Alcohol or by the destructive distillation

CHARACTERS.—A clear, colorless liquid, having a strong, characteristic vinegarlike odor, a sharply acid taste, and a strongly acid reaction. Sp. gr., about 1.045. Miscible, in all proportions, with water or alcohol.

IMPURITIES.-Heavy metals, copper, sulphuric, formic, sulphurous and hydrochloric acids.

Acetic Acid is used to make Syrupus Ipecacuanhæ.


Acidum Aceticum Dilutum.-Diluted Acetic Acid. Abv.-Acid. Acet. Dil. Acetic Acid, 120; distilled water 610. Sp. gr., about 1.008. It should contain not less than 5.7 per cent., nor more than 6.3 per cent. of Acetic Acid.

Dose, 2 mils (30 m).

6. ACIDUM ACETICUM GLACIALE.-Glacial Acetic Acid. Abv.-Acid. Acet. Glac. Aliquid containing not less than 99 per cent. of Acetic Acid (C2H4O2 or CH3COOH = 60.03).

SOURCE.—Distil dry Sodium Acetate with strong Sulphuric Acid. NaC2H ̧O2 +H2SO1 = HC2H3O2+NaHSO4.

CHARACTERS.-A clear, colorless liquid, of a strong, vinegar-like odor, and a very pungent, acid taste. Sp. gr., from 1.047 to 1.050. It has the same impurities as Acetic Acid.


7. ACIDUM CITRICUM.-Citric Acid. Abv.-Acid. Cit. H2O=210.08. A tribasic organic acid [C3H1(OH)(COOH)3+H2O], usually prepared from the juice of limes or lemons. It should contain not less than 99.5 per cent. of Citric Acid.

SOURCE.Found in the fruits of the Lime (Citrus Bergamia) and Lemon (Citrus Medica Limonum). Chalk is added to the boiling juice, usually lemon juice, 2H2C&H2O7+3CaCO3=Ca3(C6H5O7)2+3CO2+3H2O. The precipitated Calcium Citrate is boiled with Sulphuric Acid. After filtration and evaporation, Citric Acid crystallizes out. Ca(C6H5O7)2+3H2SO4 = 2H3C6H5O7+3CaSO4. CHARACTERS.-Colorless, translucent, right-rhombic prisms, or as a white powder; odorless, and having an acid taste; efflorescent in warm air, and deli

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