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[blocks in formation]


benzoates, 577

antipyrine, 589

ipecac, 606

hydrated chloral, 636

menthol, 636

thymol, 636

capsicum, 641

lithium bromide, 712
colchicum, 670
salicylates, 676
oil of betula, 677
oil of gaultheria, 677
methyl salicylate, 677
phenyl salicylate, 678
bromides, 712
belladonna, 719
alcohol, 741,

Dover's powder, 758

chloroform, 777
iodides, 819


xanthoxylum, 823
mezereum, 824
cod liver oil, 826
petroleum benzin, 829
acetone, 829

Rheumatism, Muscular.

See Myalgia

Rhine wine, 96

[blocks in formation]

Rubber plaster, 217
Rubefacients, 467

Rubijervine, 142

Rubinat Condal water, 384,

Rum, 96

Rush's thunderbolt, 663
Russian baths, 567

flies, 258

licorice, 229

Rutin, 213

Rye, ergot of, 176

spurred, 176

[blocks in formation]

officina'rum, 231

Sacred bark, 163
Saffron, 155

meadow, 170
Saigon cinnamon, 200
Sal ammoniac, 68
diure'ticus, 371

Salicylates, 672

Salicylic acid, 155, 672

aldehyde, 673

Salicylous acid, 673
Salicyluric acid, 673
Salicin, 155, 672
Salici'num, 155
Salicylism, 675
Saligenin, 672

Saline solution, normal, 64
physiological, 64
purgatives, 624

Salivary glands, drugs acting
on, 614

Salivation. See Ptyalism
Salix, 155

Sa'lol, 157

Salt action, 386
common, 64
Epsom, 72
Glauber's, 62
of tartar, 57
Rochelle, 62

Saltpetre, 59
Salvarsan, 423
Sandal wood, 215
Sanguina'ria, 144, 609
canade'nsis, 144

Sanguinarine, 144
Santal, 242

oil of, 215

Santalin, 242

Santalol, 215

Sa'ntalum a'lbum, 215

ru'brum, 242

Santonic acid, 240

Santonin, 240, 340

Santonin, Poisoning by, 342

Santoni'num, 240..

Sa'po, 224

mo'llis, 224

Sapogenin, 143,

Saponin, 136, 143, 235

Sarcolactic acid, 673

Sarsaparilla, 235, 823

Honduras, 235

Jamaica, 035
Mexican, 235'

Sa'ssafras, 237, 824

variifo'lium, 237

Sassafrid, 237


bromides, 711

Saunders, red, 242

Saw palmetto berries, 174

mercurials, 288
sulphur, 328

sulphurated potassa, 329

crude calcium sulphide,


calcium pentasulphide,


balsam of Peru, 337
staphisagria, 345
tar, 484

oil of cajuput, 489
oil of rosemary, 492
betanaphthol 1621
salicylic acid, 676

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

chlo'ridum, 64
ci'tras, 63

cyani'dum, 65
glyceropho'sphas, 44
hydro'xidum, 60
hypopho'sphis, 43

io'didum, 37

ni'tris, 104

perbo'ras, 56

phenolsu'lphonas, 106

pho'sphas, 62

efferve'scens, 62

exsicca'tus, 62

salicylas, 156

su'lphas, 62

su'lphis exsicca'tus, 64
thiosu'lphas, 64

Sodium, 60, 379

acetate, 65, 390

arsenate, exsiccated, 46

benzoate, 176

benzosulphinide, III

bicarbonate, 61, 381
borate, 55, 318
bromide, 35
cacodylate, 147

carbonate, monohy-

drated, 61, 380

chloride, 64, 385

citrate, 63, 390

cyanide, 65

hydrate, 60

glycerinophosphate, 34

glycerophosphate, 34

hydroxide, 60, 379

[blocks in formation]

ing by, 379

Soft soap, 224, 538

liniment, 224

Solenoste'mma A'rgel, 162

Soluble gun cotton, 243
saccharin, III

Solution, 8

of the hypophysis, 252
of the pituitary body,

Solvent, 8

Soporifics, 43, 683

Southern prickly ash bark,

[blocks in formation]

glycery❜lis nitra'tis, 104

compo'situs, 212

lava'ndulæ, 205

meʼnthæ piperi'tæ, 206

vi'ridis, 207

rectifica'tus, 96

te'nuoir, 95

Spleen, Enlarged

iodine, 820
iodides, 820

Splenic Anæmia
arsenic, 424


alcohol, 741
arnica, 492
soap liniment, 537
Sprays, 24, 267
Spurred rye, 176
Squill, 133, 447

Squirting cucumber, 168
Standardizing, 9
Staphisa'gria, 241, 345
Staphisagrine, 241
Starch, 233, 547

-cellulose, 233
-granulose, 233
Stavesacre, 241
Steapsin, 246

Stearic acid, 225, 257. 530
Stearin, 244, 247, 257
Sterculia acumi'nata, 127
Sterilized distilled water, 39
Stilbene, 195

Stilli'ngia, 236, 824

sylva'tica, 236

Stimulants, cerebral, 683
hepatic, 628

Stimulating expectorants,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Styrol, 195, 196

Sublimation, 9

Sublimed sulphur, 40

Subscription, 27

Su'cci, 24

Sucrose, 231

Sudorifics, 549

Suet, 256

mutton, 256
prepared, 256
Sugar, 231, 539

cane, 231

grape, 245

in the urine, drugs caus-
ing it, 629

of milk, 250, 548

of lead, 85

Sulphonal, 101

Sulphonethylmethane, 101,

Sulphonethylmethaʼnum, 101
Sulphonmethane, 101, 767
Sulphonmetha'num, 101
Su'lphur, 40, 327

derivatives, 101
flowers of, 40
lo'tum, 41
milk of, 40

ointment, 40
præcipita'tum, 40
precipitated, 40
sublima'tum, 40
sublimed, 40

vegetable, 244
washed, 41

Sulphurated lime, 41
oils, 4

potassa, 41, 331

Sulphuric acid, so

aromatic, 51
diluted, 51

Sumatra benzoin, 174

camphor, 139

Sumbul, 192, 648

Sumbulic acid, 192

Sunburn. See Dermatitis
and Freckles.

Sunstroke. See Insolation.

Superscription, 27

Supposito'ria, 19

glyceri'ni, 226

Suppositories, 19, 269

of glycerin, 226

Suprarenal glands,

cated, 251


Suprarenals, desiccated, 251
dried, 251

Suprarenaʼlum si'ccum, 251
Surinam quassia, 181

Sus scro'fa, var. dome'sticus,
246, 247

Sweet almond, 148

birch, oil of, 157

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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