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they see and appreciate, and pronounce their blessing upon her. Through her influence, in a great measure, they are coming forth upon the theatre of life, a pious, comely, and useful company, fitted to adorn the circles of earth, and promising to be flourishing and happy in the eternal sequel. Her husband, also, and he praiseth her." She has been the greatest and best gift of earth to him-the solace and charm of his mortal existence; soothing his sorrows and enhancing every joy of his life, and essentially aiding, by her excellence of character and manners, his reputation and honor. A woman of another temper might have crushed his prospects and his hopes; but now he "is known in the gates when he sitteth among the elders of the land." He is the husband of "the virtuous woman," and she is honorable abroad-one of the selectest ornaments of her neighborhood-a woman that feareth the Lord, and "she shall be praised," for strength and honor are her clothing.

“A woman that feareth the Lord;" thence her high virtue and excellence. The Divine pen having written this one sentence, no further explanation is necessary. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and a good understanding have all they that do his commandments. The virtuous woman is a God-fearing woman. She sees him ever around her. She hears him in every passing breeze, and in every falling shower. His book lies open upon her table, and the words

on which she ponders there, "they are spirit and they are life" to her soul. Her house-God reared it over her head; and those rooms, and all the beautiful and pleasant things that meet her there, God spread them out before her. Her husband-God placed him at her side, and her sons and daughters were gifts from heaven. Her health-her mind-her comfort--the bright sunshine of her life-God ordered all, and from him came down every good and perfect gift. Her sins-God has hidden them; her brilliant hopes— God has inspired them; her eternal mansionGod has erected it, somewhere in heaven. God, with her, is all, and in all. Toward him her spirit leans with unutterable longing-to him she is wedded in ineffable union-to please and glorify him is the burning passion of her soul-to offend him is the bitterness of death and woe to her heart-to be like him is the strong and incessant endeavor of her being-to participate in his eternal kingdom and praises, is her absorbing expectation and hope. To shut God from her mind and heart, would be like the setting of the sun behind the shadows of eternity, and the sickening eclipse of everlasting night. "Whom have I in heaven but thee, and there is none upon the earth that I desire besides thee," is poetry with which her soul knows infinite sympathy. She "feareth the Lord;" and it is a fear deep, inwrought, sanctifying, vivifying, abiding, saving. Here discern the virtue of the virtuous woman. Here mark

the fountain whence issues every sweet and refreshing and gladdening stream.

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No wonder, then, that we read of this woman, that "she shall rejoice in time to come." The virtuous woman, steadfast in her eminent virtue -what harm can befall her? She will pass on to age; but they will be years of honor-years of accumulated wisdom, love, happiness. As when one ascends far up some mountain-height, her prospect of beauty will be reaching wide and still wider into the distance. Lying down to die, the blessings of multitudes shall encircle her death-bed, and a voice from Eternity shall whisper, “Well done, good and faithful!" Retiring from earth, she will live on high, conspicuous and renowned among the many daughters that "have done virtuously."


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