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Inspection of Institution.

Saturday, February 17, 1917. Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium. 10 A. M.--Luncheon-12:30.



Wednesday Evening, 8:15, February 14, 1917.
Marshall Field Annex.

to the work of the Corps, and assured that she will be called upon to work only in those times. The variety of work undertaken by the Corps renders this possible. Night Canteen work, Messenger work, Hospital Orderly work, Orderly work in Soldiers' Clubs and War Hospitals' Supply Depots, and Motor Transport work all come within the scope of the Corps, which aims at supplying a trained, uniformed, disciplined, and efficient body of women for use in and in connection with hospitals and all forms of war Dr. Frederic A. Besley activity dictated by the needs of the national Discussion-Dr. Harry M. Richter, crisis.

Pain and Vomiting in Biliary Tract Infections,

Dr. Charles Louis Mix Discussion-Dr. Joseph A. Catts, Dr. L. L. McArthur, and Dr. T. A. Davis.

The Psychoses of Adolescence.. Dr. Harriet C. B. Alexander
Discussion-Dr. Chester H. Keogh.

Tumors of the Breast.

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WOMEN'S RESERVE AMBULANCE. "THE GREEN CROSS SOCIETY" OF LONDON, ENG. The Medical Women's Club of Chicago meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p. m. in the College Club rooms in the Stevens Building. After dining together, an hour is spent in business session and listening to a talk from some invited guest or guests.

At, a recent meeting Sub-Commandant M. Kilroy-Kenyon, of the Women's Reserve Ambulance of London, England, gave a stirring talk on the organization, experiences, and needs of the "Green Cross Society" or the Women's Reserve Ambulance. She said:

"The Women's Reserve Ambulance offers a unique opportunity of usefulness to every woman desirous of helping her country in this hour of need. Many girls and women whose home ties prevent them from giving their entire days to war work have offered their spare time to various organizations only to find that "all or nothing" was the demand. The W. R. A. is specially organized to make full use of all this valuable spare time "that nothing be lost," so that a recruit inquiring at Headquarters, 199 Piccadilly, is asked to state what regular times she can give

'Peel House, the great Club for our Overseas Contingents in Westminster, keeps a large shift of workers busy from 7:00 in the morning until 8:00 at night serving meals, making beds, and attending to the many needs of the inmates of this admirably conducted institution. Several small hospitals prize the aid of W. R. A. workers in their kitchens; the Y. M. C. A. uses the Corps to supply messengers, and the Wembley munition makers refresh themselves at a canteen served by Green Cross women. The Metropolitan Munitions Committee calls on our Corps for voluntary munition markers; and the company in the Dulwich district, besides sharing the general orderly work of the Corps, help with the work done in a Blind Institute, where "finishers" with good sight are required. Several War Hospital Supply Depots look to the W. R. A. to supply all the orderly work-serving meals, washing up dishes, tidying down the workrooms in the evening-which does so much to secure the comfort and adequacy necessary for the production of the hospital requirements made in these depots. All this work is done by carefully arranged shifts of workers in order that all women. from the person of leisure to the daily worker who can only give two evenings a week to her country. may have their opportunity of "doing their bit."

"The Motor Transport work of the Corps is large and important. The Transport Section accomplisshes an average weekly mileage of 2,000 miles, transporting wounded and munitions. This is done both by members driving their own cars (the Corps providing petrol, lubricants, and, in the case of cars used exclusively for Corps work, tires), and by cars which are either the property of the Corps or lent outright by people not using their cars themselves. The need, by the way, for the loan of cars to the Corps is great and increasing. Many people are laving up their cars for private use because of the increased expenses, and they would do well to remember that here is a Corps doing important war work, possessing a staff of skilled drivers and mechanicians, who would run such cars and take good care of them. The Duchess of Rutland and Lord Robert Cecil and others have lent cars in this way.'

Mrs. Kilroy-Kenyon wore a khaki suit with epaulets and silver bands of the most soldierly pattern. Her hat, very like that of our own soldiers, but turned up on one side, was held on by a chin strap. Her stirring appeal and beau tiful face won for her cause almost $200.

Chronic Constipation of

Elderly Persons is particularly

amenable to the lubricating action of INTEROL, because with age, there is apt to be a decrease or cessation of natural lubricant in the gut. The mucus-follicles are often atrophied or even absent, so that they cannot supply the necessary lubrication.

INTEROL, in such cases, serves as the next best lubricant to Nature's own lubricant, -mucus-and supplies, without the irritation of castor oil or cathartics, the lubrication necessary to the easy passage of feces through the bowel. It is just as slippery in the sigmoid and rectum, as in the colon. INTEROL has an all-the-way action.

INTEROL is a particular kind of "mineral oil," and is not "taken from the same barrels as the rest of them": (1) there is no discoloration on the H2SO, test—absolute freedom from "lighter" hydrocarbons, so that there can be no renal disturbance; (2) no dark discoloration on the lead-oxide-sodium-hydroxide test— absolute freedom from sulphur compounds, so that there can be no gastro-intestinal disturbance from this source; (3) no action on litmus-absolute neutrality; (4) no odor, even when heated; (5) no taste, even when warm. The elderly person can "take" INTEROL.

Pint bottles, druggists. INTEROL booklet on request; also literature on "Chronic Constipation of Elderly Persons."

VAN HORN and SAWTELL, 15 and 17 East 40th Street, New York City.

In Scarlet Fever and Measles there is no procedure that will contribute so markedly to a patient's comfort and well-being and at the same time prove so serviceable from prophylactic standpoints, as anointing the whole body at frequent intervals with

K-Y Lubricating Jelly

(REG. U. S. PAT. OFF.)

Itching and irritation are relieved at once, and while the activity of the skin is maintained, the dissemination of infectious material is also prevented. So notable are the benefits that result from the use of this non-greasy, water-soluble and delightfully clean product that its use has become a matter of routine in the practise of many physicians.

In addition to being "the perfect lubricant," K-Y has also been found an ideal emollient, and in no way does it demonstrate its great utility more convincingly than in the care of the skin during the exanthematous affections.


"Rheumatic" Pain

Is there anything more satisfyingly warming to a painful rheumatic joint than a liberal application of K-Y ANALGESİC, followed by covering the part to keep in the warmth?







Druggists, collapsible tubes, 50c.

NEW YORK CITY 15-17 East 40th Street

Samples and literature.

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VAN HORN and SAWTELL, 15 and 17 East 40th St., NEW YORK CITY


The Extension Fund Campaign for the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania closed on December 16th, as planned, with more than the desired amount ($200,000) realized in cash and pledges. The success of the campaign has encouraged the formation of a permanent organization for the further promotion of the endowment fund. An important result of the campaign is seen in the increased enthusiasm of the alumnæ for the continuance of the college as a separate institution. The college is the logical center of special medical advantages for women, and its friends hope that all medical women throughout the country may recognize the pressing necessity for at least one such center where women may direct their own professional desti nies, and will, therefore, help in whatever way they can to perpetuate and sustain this pioneer college for the medical education of women.

Book Reviews.

Outlines of Physiology.-By Edward Groves Jones, A.B., M.D., F.A.C.S., Professor of Surgery, Emory University (Atlanta Medical College), and Allen H. Bruce, A.B., M.D., Associate in Medicine, Emory University (Atlanta Medical College). Fourth edition revised; 111 illustrations. Published by P. Blakiston's Sons & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 1916. Price, $1.50 net.

If one is looking for a brief and authoritative manual, or outline of physiology, we commend this little book. The chapters and general arrangement are the same as in the third edition, but the details have been revised and every effort made to bring the subject matter to date and keep the book up to the highest standard in every way.

The Nose, Throat and Ear-Their Functions and Diseases. By Ben Clark Gile, M.D., Instructor in Otology in the University of Pennsylvania, and formerly assistant in the Throat and Nose Dispensary of the University Hospital; Consulting Laryngologist in the Taylor Hospital, etc. With 131 illustrations, 8 of which are printed in colors. P. Blakiston's Sons & Co., 1012 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Price, $2.75. There is no subject with which the general practitioner has less knowledge than the subject of the present treatise, and the books are few whose teachings are more direct and to the point than are those of the present volume.

The author has gone to great pains to put the logical sequence of the anatomical facts, with their diseased conditions and the treatment before his readers. He has gone to considerable expense and the most careful and painstaking labor in order to procure a book which will adequately illustrate his salient points, and at the same time teach as well as illustrate. The volume before us does both, and in an admirable manner. The book covers 445 pages, including an index of 9 pages. The chapters are brief but to the point.

We congratulate the author in giving to the medical profession and to the specialists in the subject such a valuable volume.

American Public Health Protection.-By Henry Bixby Hemenway, A.M., M.D., author of The Legal Principles of Public Health Administration, etc. Published by The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis, Ind., 1916. Price, $1.25 net.

Dr. Hemenway gives us not only a most admirably compact history of the public health movement, but also sets forth the modus operandi of this new pro

fession, whereby it is to become an effective means of advancing efficient living.

Every physician who is interested in public welfareand what woman physician of the day is not?-should not only read, but study and digest and assimilate this splendid treatise on the new science of Public Health Protection.

Sex Education-a Series of Lectures Concerning Knowledge of Sex in its Relation to Human Life.-By Maurice A. Bigelow, Professor of Biology and Director of the School of Practical Arts, Teachers' College, Columbia University, New York. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1916. Price, $1.25.

Professor Bigelow has had a very deep interest in the subject and been in close touch with its promoters since the early days of sex education. His book is the outgrowth of mature thought and practical experience, and is very valuable; its scope is broad, its treatment catholic, and its subject-matter vital.

Civilization and Womanhood. By Harriet B. Bradbury.
Richard G. Badger, Boston, Mass., 1916. $1.00 net.
Dedicated to American womanhood.
Miss Bradbury's book deals with the condition of
women in all the greatest civilizations.

With a brief résumé of women in prehistoric times, she traces their developments down to the present time. She notes the effect upon woman's character and the home of the religious ideals of Buddhism, Confucianism, Mohammedanism and the various forms of Christianity.

She deals with social evolution and states "Power to rule is not what American women want, but power to help rule-hence their desire for suffrage."

There is an optimistic forward outlook in the book which is pleasant to contemplate.

My Birth-the Autobiography of An Unborn Infant.— By Armenhouie T. Lamson. Illustrated. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1916. Price, $1.25.

This daring little volume has much to be said in its favor in that it is, as the publishers and author profess, based upon the "most up-to-date theory regarding the birth of a human being," and it has, therefore, a direct appeal to the layman who is interested in a simple presentation of this very important subject.

However, if it is the purpose of the author to present this highly technical subject in non-technical language, there appear to be insuperable obstacles, in that the processes of evolution and growth, which are carefully described, are necessarily burdened with highly techni cal names; and it appears to be untranslatable into common every-day language without producing in the mind of the untrained reader a hopeless confusion of scientific names and technical jargon.

To any one acquainted with the processes of evolution and growth from conception-even from the period preceding conception-to birth, this is a highly enter taining presentation, and of decided interest as illustrating what can be done, by sincere effort and honest purpose, to simplify a very complex story and add an element of romance to the presentation of scientific

theories and facts.

To the uninitiated reader the simplification of the story will hardly be appreciable when such statements as these, to give only two samples, meet the bewildered gaze: "Also the oral cavities were one with the primitive mouth. About the sixth week six little buds appear around the first bronchial cleft. They, too, by fusion and rotation, come to form one structure-the external ear. "Therefore, it has been justly said that we little no-ones, during the early months of our physi cal development and coming, recapitulate-repeat-the evolution of the race. According to this law of biogenesis the newly fertilized ovum may be compared to the lowest form of unicellular organism-like the amaba. After segmentation, when the working forces are created and organized and the primitive body cavity is formed, the ovum is said to resemble an organism like the adult volvox."

Truly, this autobiographic fœtus is more precocious in the uses of scientific-especially biologic-terms than the ordinary college graduate!





The H.K. Mulford Company Leads

in the Manufacture of Standardized and Physiologically Tested Pharmaceutical and Biological Products

The U. S. P. IX. requires biological assay for cannabis and its preparations and solution pituitary extract, and recommends biological assay for aconite, digitalis, squill, strophanthus and their preparations.

Years before the U. S. P. recognized physiological standardization biologic assays were carried out in the Mulford Laboratories in the standardization of aconite, apocynum, cannabis, convallaria, digitalis, epinephrine, ergot, gelsemium, lobelia, pituitary extract, squill, strophanthus, veratrum, and others.

In addition to chemical and physiological standardization, Galenical preparations liable to deteriorate, such as ergot, digitalis and strophanthus, are preserved in the Mulford Vacules (vacuum ampuls).

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The H. K. Mulford Company requires the standardization of more than three times as many Galenical preparations as is required by the U. S. P. Your patients' interests and your own are protected when you specify Mulford products.

H. K. MULFORD COMPANY, Philadelphia, U. S. A.

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The Poison War.-By A. A. Roberts, Member of the Chemical Society of France; Member of the Society of Chemical Industry. William Heinemann, 21 Bedford St., Strand, W. C., London. Price, 5 shillings net.

The book contains much valuable information. There is a description of the poisonous gases used by the Germans during the war, their chemical composition, their nature, and the machines by which they are projected; and there is a description of the means taken to neutralize their disastrous results. The various explosives used in modern warfare to combat the enemy are described. The author thinks that the allied troop soldiers have been subjected to systematic poisons, and he sets himself the task to prove his statements.

The book is very interesting reading. There are a series of appendices, dealing with extracts from the Hague Convention, relative to Laws and Customs of War on Land, Automatic Submarine Contact Mines, Asphyxiating Gases, and some letters of importance relating thereto.

Dostoievsky-His Life and Literary Activity.-A biographical sketch by Evgenii Soloviei. Translated from the Russian by C. J. Hogarth. Published by The Macmillan Co., New York, 1916.

The subject of this sketch is ranked with the great writers of Russia, with Turgenev, Tolstoy, and Goncharov. His father served as a surgeon on the staff of St. Mary's Hospital in Moscow, and there the little boy was born, subjected to the sternest repression while a child; his parents spared no money to give their children the best education. During his childhood he suffered from hallucinations, which told upon his later life. He was incarcerated for several years in a prison in Siberia, and when he left the prison he was very iH-he had developed epilepsy.

It was while in this penal servitude that he wrote both the "Uncle's Dream" and "The Village of Stepantchikovo, " and there he thought out one of his finest books, "The House of the Dead," or "Letters from a Dead House."

It is most interesting to trace his life and to see what influences were brought to bear in forming his character, and his literary genius which would not be downed despite the most severe reverses and griefs.

His books are well worth reading, presenting as they do the times in Russia in which he lived, and the hardships encountered in the quest of his profession.

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