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respecting an observance of the Sabbath, it was natural that he should give his remark, a turn to embrace this cognate topic, which he accordingly did.

"Sir, said he, I beg pardon for alluding to a subject not particularly before the meeting the recent effort made to obtain legislative protection for those who are anxious to enjoy without interruption or annoyance the privileges of the Christian Sabbath; but I am so desirous of expressing a peculiar gratitude to the Wesleyan body, for assistance given elsewhere, that I really cannot restrain that desire. Sir, you mentioned, in your excellent opening address, the feelings or the motives which influenced you in taking the chair, being, as you are, a member of the established Church of this country. I am, sir, also a member of that established Church; but the feeling which passed through your mind is not new to me. I went through it last year; and, therefore, this year I had not a shadow of hesitation in coming to this meeting; being well convinced that the established Church of this country, and its sister Church in Scotland, with which I am closely connected, have not any better friends than the friends I now see before me. Sir, I look forward with pleasure to seeing in this room to-morrow another crowded meeting for the Church Missionary Society; but that society cannot find a better coadjutor than the present; and I do trust that, year after year, they will run thus side by side, provoking one another to love and to good works. I may perhaps mention one other inducement which I have to look with peculiar affection upon the Wesleyan missions. The remarks, so frequently made in the course of that report, respecting one, amid the many other beneficial influences produced by this society's missions upon different sorts of men, in various parts of the world, have been such, that I cannot denominate your society otherwise, in my own estimation, than one great universal Lord's-day Society. I feel myself incompetent to pursue the subject farther; but I am quite sure it is not by the competency of the speakers today that this society will prosper, but by the simple statement of facts: however able may be the speakers who plead, they cannot alter the facts. It is for the tokens and proofs of the blessing of God upon your society, that you should this day raise your hearts in gratitude to almighty God. One fact I will notice. I think it is fully admitted; and I believe every-day experience seems to impress men more and more with the truth, dwelt on in the report, that the true way to civilize the world is to evangelize it, and to evangelize the world is to tell the simple story of the cross.'

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JOHN HARDY, Esq., M. P. for Bradford, in Yorkshire, was announced by the secretary as chairman last year. He said,

"Sir, though a member like yourself, of the Church of England, I can sympathize with you in all those feelings for the missionary exertions of a society of fellow Christians so nearly allied to us; a society whose doctrines and whose discipline are separated from us by points so evanescent, that they are below the notice of any real Christian. I, therefore, shall always rejoice with unfeigned joy when I see Christ preached, be it even of envy or of strife; but when I see him preached of good will, along with the missionaries of our own Church, as he is by the members of this society, my joy is unspeakable."

In seconding the resolution previously offered, he proceeded in a speech of considerable length, to express the interest he felt in the missionary cause, and to commend it to the prayers and favorable regards of the Christian public. He supported his remarks by appropriate allusions to Scripture examples, designed to show the importance of having good works accompany good wishes, in order

to the success of any benevolent enterprise. In conclusion he said:

"I can only add that I shall ever witness the prosperity of this society with a feeling tantamount, I will say, to that which I feel for the prosperity of the one that meets to-morrow, because, with my honorable friend, the member for Staffordshire, who is in the chair, I know and feel, that if there be any evangelical spirit, if there be any real religion, (not only reviving, but revived,) in the Church of England, and spreading itself through every part of it, it is owing to the example set by Wesley, and the followers of Wesley. It was from that quarter that the impetus came: I hope it will ever be continued, and that each will act upon the other with reciprocal energy and effect, while we go on increasing the dominion of our God in every part of the world."

EDWARD BAINES, Esq., M. P. for Leeds, said

"I feel highly honored by having been intrusted with a resolution to move in this meeting; the object of which is to diffuse the knowledge of the truth within no boundaries but the boundaries of the world. I cannot, like your very excellent and honorable chairman, say, that I am a member of the esta blished Church. I am not a member of the established Church: I am a member of another Church, but of a Church, I hope, that will always feel the affection toward religion, and toward the friends of religion, that all Churches ought to feel toward each other. I am, and have always been, since I have had the influence of religion upon my mind, fully convinced, as the honorable member who spoke last has said, that if there be any sect or any party in this country to whom the country is deeply indebted for the revival of religion, certainly, (I will not say to that sect alone, but I will say to that sect pre-eminently,) the cause, the great cause of religion in our native country, and in all the countries, almost, in the civilized world, is deeply indebted to Methodists and to Methodism. There is no body of men to whom, with more cordiality, I would hold out the right hand of fellowship; they have entitled themselves to it by every consideration, and especially by kindness toward their brethren of all denominations: I will say, by increas ing kindness; for it is one of the characteristics of this age, that we do not distract ourselves by minor religious disputes; but, instead of that, we labor, each in his vocation, to extend the knowledge of the truth as widely as the waters cover the mighty deep. That I take to be a distinguishing characteristic of the present age; and, I hope, instead of diminishing, that characteristic will go on increasing till we all attain to the temper of heaven, where there is no feeling but the feeling of affection for the Divine Redeemer and for his kingdom."

He then offered the following resolution, viz:

"That this meeting devoutly acknowledges the goodness and condescension of almighty God, in vouchsafing his sanction and blessing to the several missionary societies, in their endeavors to extend the kingdom of Christ in the world; and that, while it offers more especially its thanksgivings to God for the success which has crowned the plans and operations of this society during the past year, the meeting dwells with peculiar feelings of grateful delight on the beneficial results of the labors of the missionaries in Jamaica, and on the extraordinary work of grace which has been effected in the Friendly Islands, and the adjacent groups."

After taking a survey of the beneficial effects of the missions under the care of the society in different parts of the world, and especially in the West Indies, and a most respectful notice of several other kindred institutions which had co-operated in the great plans in operation for the purpose of rescuing the world from

the thraldom of darkness and error, he proceeded to show the
beneficial effects of these labors of love upon
when contrasted with all their opposers had ever done, or proposed
the poor, especially
to do, in this Godlike work.

"It has been charged upon those who are the advocates for a more strict observance of the Sabbath, that they are hypocrites, and that they are the enemies of the poor. Sir, I disdain to reply to the charge of hypocrisy: it is not for a man, feeling the consciousness of his own integrity, to defend himself against such an imputation. But, sir, talk of being friends to the poor: look at that report. Are not the men who have sent forth missionaries, who have accumulated funds for benevolent exertions, who have spread the knowledge of truth, of Christianity, and of civilization, over the world-are not they the friends of the poor? and yet they are the petitioners for the observance of the Sabbath. I should be glad if any of those gentlemen-those honorable gentlemen,' I believe I ought to call them-I should be glad if any of those gentlemen, honorable or otherwise, would exhibit before me, or exhibit before you, sir, a list such as that which we have had read to us this morning. Has their support of the cause of the poor brought poor benighted heathens from darkness into light? Have they to boast such a phalanx, and such a multitude of persons-formerly cannibals, men-eaters, debasers of themselves by every possible means, and under the influence of every base passion-elevated to the standard of Christian men? Can they exhibit the array you have had exhibited before you this morning? No. They may be, and I do not doubt that many of them are, philanthropic; many of them are well disposed; but it is a philanthropy narrow, almost to a point; while yours is a patriotism wide as the globe, and that will terminate only in heaven. I would not weary your attention, but this really is a subject upon which-perhaps from having been among the hypocrites-I felt a sort of ebullition that almost boiled over; and I did not see a better opportunity of letting it empty itself than in this great assembly. I have only farther to say, because it really is an observation I do not wish to pass over -that civilization is by no means to be accomplished in half so permanent and excellent a way as by evangelizing the heathen. I believe every other civilization, if you do not teach the fundamental doctrines of Christianity, will degenerate again into heathenism. But it is your great province to give instruction that will tend to the happiness of the heathen and of the semibarbarians in this world; and which, under the Divine teaching of the great Master whom we ought to honor, and whose precepts we ought principally to be anxious to obey, while it increases their comforts in this world, also points their way to another and a better state of being. But it is not merely for the present generation that the missionary societies are laboring; they are laboring for generations yet unborn. Take an island or a continent where the Gospel is now preaching, and where the knowledge of Divine truth is disseminating, and follow it in its ramifications through ages yet to come; and see then what will be the benefit of the instruction you are imparting. It will be a benefit that no mind is sufficiently capacious to comprehend; it will be a benefit that no human power, I had almost said that nothing short of Divine power, can adequately appreciate. But it is a benefit that you are spreading widely through the globe; and I hope your exertions will never terminate till it has been spread to every continent and every island of the earth."

COLONEL CONOLLY, M. P. for the county of Donegal, seconded the resolution. He also announced himself a member of another communion, but expressed a friendly regard for all Christians, and the high respect in which he held the Wesleyan Methodists, in terms similar to those employed by previous speakers. His remarks


throughout breathe a spirit of deep and ardent piety. Of his confidence in the society he addressed, as particularly calculated to succeed in the missionary work, he expressed himself thus:

"I confess that I know no body of persons in society more calculated to diffuse the pure principles of the Gospel than the Wesleyan body. Their primitive character, their pure doctrine, the unaffected simplicity of their habits, all afford them a facility in approaching the hearts of men. It is not contention, it is not the support of any miserably limited theory of religion, which they make their object; but it is the sending forth the word of God in all its purity which forms the height of their ambition; it is doing the great business of every man who presumes to call himself a Christian. No man can arrogate to himself that name who is not impressed with the duty of propagating the doctrines he professes; not only on account of the blessings they convey in relation to another state, but as they point out the only certain road to present happiness. In every way of viewing it, I may say, The exertions of the missionaries of England surpass the glories, the triumphs, the victories of England.' However greatly I may value the prowess of England, her sustentation of liberty, and every thing with which the British name is so intimately and honorably connected; yet I honor her over and above all these, ten thousand times, for her diffusion of Christian doctrine, that originates in benevolence, and terminates in charity. There is a great source of exultation in the task which you have so gloriously undertaken, and in which, under the auspices of the Almighty, you have prospered; which is this-that it is his work. This is not a theory of the creature; it is the direction, the mandate, of the Creator. We are but fulfilling his will, we are but extending his glory. We have every assurance in Scripture that God's word shall not be sent forth in vain ;—that has been fully proved to us in the blessings which have accompanied the exertions that have already been made, and in the success of those persons who have gone forth. For, undoubtedly, it requires singular devotion in a person to go out to Cape Coast Castle, for example, with death staring him in the face, to preach Christ to a heathen people, with no other motive than that of propagating Christianity, and no other strength than that derived from the Most High. When an individual faces such perils, we see to what a pitch of energy the Christian doctrine, thoroughly understood, may raise the human mind; how it will exalt a man above every risk; how it will cause him, while looking forward to those blessings which are the result of religion, to prepare to encounter every difficulty, even to the loss of

his life!"

The Rev. THOMAS WAUGH, of Belfast, in supporting the resolution, made a long and soul-stirring speech. He introduced various topics, and made them all subservient to the grand object of moving the feelings of a popular assembly. It was one of those efforts of which no single abstract can give a just idea, while it is altogether too long to be inserted entire. Among other things he brought before the meeting the deeply affecting condition of his own country, poor bleeding Ireland, in a way to tell upon their feelings, and excite their sympathies. In adverting to this subject he said :

"During the middle ages, we had little else in Ireland than scenes of darkness and blood. For generations all was turmoil and confusion. But even then the Church of Ireland was unshackled, and remained so until your second Henry made a bargain for us, and, like chattels, handed us over to the pope of Rome. On that ground, my friends, I now come forward to claim your interference. You shackled us ;-set us free! You contributed

to enslave us ;-contribute to that which is likely to enlighten our land, in the full length and breadth of it; let us have your assistance, in order that the torch of God may illumine our country, and that it may become what God and nature designed it should be. Subsequently, sir, there was very considerable apathy throughout Ireland. During the days of William, there was a strong political effervescence; and the spirit of true religion, to an awful extent, evaporated. This, I trust, has been a lesson to us. When our venerable father, Mr. Wesley, first visited our land, he found all in a state of apathy. There was darkness pervading it from the one extremity to the other. There were few who appeared to care for the souls of their neighbors. There were, indeed, numbers who heard him, received the Gos pel, and became obedient to the faith. But even then, sir, the leopard was not asleep; it only slumbered. Its paws presented the appearance of velvet, and no weapon was apparent. But when Wesley was heard proclaiming the word of life, the animal soon began to open its eyes, and to show that it was only waiting to do that which was instinctive to its nature; and persecution assailed our venerable father in his progress in Ireland. I know it is the practice to charge all the evil of that day on an irreligious clergy. But why should the class of persons who use this language find fault with them? So long as the clergy of the established Church of Ireland were comparatively quiet, and were good fellows with those who were the friends and advocates of a gross and degrading superstition, there was not a tongue moved against them; but when quickened by the growing zeal of the day, when a larger portion of the Spirit of God was transfused into that body, which, thank God, there has been, then there was a hue and cry raised by their enemies, and it was said, 'O, these people cannot attend to their own concerns, but they must disturb the public peace.' It reminds me of a countryman of my own, though I think, from his conduct in respect to a female, he could not have been a true Irishman; who, having taken more whiskey than he ought, when staggering homeward, was overheard to say, 'If my wife be in bed, I'll bate her; and if she be out of bed, I'll bate her; if the supper's ready, I'll bate her; and if it's not ready, I'll bate her.' So that he was determined to bate her under any circumstances. Thus nothing will please these modern purifiers of men and manners. When the clergy were quiet, ruin was brought upon the country through their apathy; and now, when they bestir themselves, they deserve just as much to be flogged as before! But, sir, a holy zeal increases in the clerical bosom of Ireland at this day,-a temperate and well qualified zeal, a Christian zeal; and there are many men of that Church at this moment who would be an honor to the apostolic age. They are found 'instant in season, and out of season,' and God blesses their labors. And shall we look with jealousy upon such as those? No, far be it from us; we wish them prosperity in the name of the Lord. They have been actively engaged in endeavoring to do good; schools have been introduced; and many things have been done by them to ameliorate the sufferings of the people of that country; but then plans have been laid to interrupt their proceedings, and to upset all that was done for the establishment of truth."

The chairman being called by his duties in parliament to leave the chair, it was taken by the Right Honorable Lord MOUNT


ANDREW JOHNSON, Esq., M. P. for St. Andrews, moved the following resolution, viz. :

"That while this meeting rejoices in the growing spirit of liberality in support of the missionary cause, as evidenced in the increased income of the society for the last year, it at the same time expresses its solemn conviction, that a much larger augmentation of funds is necessary, to enable the society to re-establish and extend its interesting missions in Caffraria, to VOL. VII-October, 1836.


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