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Reports of Committees.

Miscellaneous Business.


"Value of Effort to Enlighten the Public on Homœopathy." By A. C. Pope, M.D., Grantham, England.


"Inaugural Address." By H. F. Ivins, M.D., Phildelphia, Chairman.

Papers in Rhinology and Laryngology.

"Chronic Catarrh as Treated by the Homoeopath." By Chas. E. Leets, M.D., New York.

"Nasal Epithelioma." By W. A. Dunn, M.D., Chicago, Ill. "Cancer of the Throat." By H. F. Fisher, M.D., Nashville, Tenn.

"Nasal Surgery, its Uses and Limitations." By E. L. Mann, M.D., St. Paul, Minn., and D. G. Woodvine, M.D., Boston.


"Inaugural Address." By Emily V. Pardee, M.D., Chairman, South Norwalk, Conn.

Papers in Pædology.

"Pre-Natal Medication." By Millie J. Chapman, M.D., Secretary, Pittsburgh, Pa.

"Rachitis." By Robert N. Tooker, M.D., Chicago.

To be discussed by C. S. Hoag, M.D., Bridgeport, Conn. "The Awkward Gait of Children." By Sidney F. Wilcox, M.D., Buffalo.

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Contagion in our Public Schools and its Prophylaxis." By Lucy C. Hill, M.D., Fall River, Mass.

"Headache in Children." By Gerard C. Aldrich, M.D., M.R.C.

"Albuminuria in Children." By Henry C. Aldrich, M.D.

To be discussed by W. W. Van Baun, M.D., Philadelphia. "Enteric Diseases of Children with Homoeopathic Treatment." By E. Louis Orleman, M.D.

"Neuroses of the Bowels." By E. Lippincott, M.D.

"Rearing of Children."

By Mr. Dudley Wright, L.R.C.P.,

London, England.


was presented by its Chairman, J. S. Mitchell, M.D., of Chicago. It was accepted and referred as follows:

The local committee of the American Institute has acted in connection with the local committee of the World's Congress. It has arranged for the meeting of the American Institute to have its business meetings in this room (29) of the Art Institute. It has arranged also for committee rooms and for general headquarters, but the first meeting of the World's Congress, the inaugural congress, will be held to-night, in the hall of Washington, the south hall of this building, at 8 P.M. The dedication of the Homœopathic hospital and headquarters on the Exposition grounds will take place this afternoon, at 3 o'clock. The sessions of the Congress will commence to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. There will be a general session lasting from 10 to 1 o'clock, during which addresses will be delivered. The Sectional meetings will be held from 3 to 6 P.M. It is desired that we have at these meetings of the Congress the attendance of all our physicians, taking the Exposition at times when the Congress is not in session.


was presented by its Chairman, Dr. C. E. Fisher, of Chicago, as follows:

We have followed the usual order and have prepared the programme for the week and printed it in circular form. It outlines the work of the Institute for the week. The only business session will be held in the morning from 9 to 10. On page 21 will be noted the items of business, and the only change we have from that thus far is in relation to the Memorial Service, which is marked "time to be fixed by the Institute." This has been fixed for Friday morning at 9 o'clock. It seems impossible to set aside an evening of this week for this memorial service. A programme will be arranged for this service, and the addresses will be limited to the

speakers who are appointed by the Memorial Committee, and these will be confined to the immediate friends or relatives of the deceased. The selection of the place for the next Institute session, and New Business, your committee thinks, ought to be arranged just as early in the session as possible. The circular announces that we will have an afternoon session to-day from 3 to 6. Instead of that we will have the dedicatory services of the World's Homœopathic Hospital on the Exposition grounds at 3 o'clock.

The recommendations of the committee were adopted:


was read by the General Secretary, as follows:

CHICAGO, ILL., May 29, 1893.

The By-Laws impose upon the Executive Committee attention to matters of business not otherwise specially provided for," and the performance of "such other duties as may, by vote of the Institute, devolve upon it."

Under this rule of the Institute the Committee is required to report on the following topics-all of which were specially referred to it:

1. Fixing the exact dates for this session. This question was solved so as to accord with the plans and arrangements for the holding of the World's Congress of Homoeopathic Physicians and Surgeons, as heretofore publicly announced.

2. The expense account of Dr. Horace M. Paine as Chairman of the Committee on Medical Legislation for the year 1892. This question was referred to the Committee with authority to act, and after much consideration the claim of Dr. Paine was met and paid.

3. The Resolution for the establishment of a "Reserve Fund " out of the surplus revenues of the Institute. Your Committee reports that in their view it is inadvisable to set apart any portion of the Institute's funds as a reserve.

4. The Resolution that a new portrait of Hahnemann be procured for the Institute Seal. On this subject we have to report that the portrait now in use is unsatisfactory, and that it is desirable to procure one known to be an authentic representation of the illustrious Founder of the Homœopathic School. It has, therefore, been determined to recommend a portrait copy of the bust taken from

life, by the distinguished French artist, P. J. David, in 1837; i.e., when Hahnemann was 82 years old. A copy of this bust in bronze, presented to one of our colleges by Madame Hahnemann in 1876, and certified by her as an accurate likeness, was at our disposal, and three photographs were taken at different points of view. The Committee unanimously decided that the picture representing nearly, but not quite, a profile view, brings out to the best advantage the striking facial characteristics of the subject. Two designs have been prepared; one, circular in form, and the other elliptical, but less so than the old Seal. These designs are herewith submitted and the Committee recommends that the Institute select one of these and order the preparation of a new Seal in accordance therewith. On behalf of the Committee,



The first recommendation, "that it is inadvisable to set apart any portion of the Institute's Funds as a Reserve," was deferred for action to a later period of the session.

The second recommendation, that a new design for an Institute Seal be adopted, and presenting two designs, was, on motion, referred to the Senate of Seniors to make a selection.

The General Secretary also presented the following:


Your Committee of Publication would report that the TRANSACTIONS for 1892 were issued in the usual form and style, making a volume of 1064 pages. An edition of fifteen hundred copies was printed, and of these there have been distributed.

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There have also been distributed the following back volumes:

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Making a grand total of 1131 copies sent out during the past


Respectfully submitted,


General Secretary.

The report was accepted and referred.



was called for, and Dr. Henry M. Smith, of New York City, responded verbally, on behalf of the committee, as follows:

This report of the Hahnemann Memorial Committee will be preliminary. The committee was appointed by the American Institute, at its last session, to take charge of the matter of erecting a Monument to Hahnemann-a bronze statue in the city of Washington, commemorative of the growth and progress of Homoeopathy; commemorative of Hahnemann; and to beautify the city of Washington and to be the first monument or statue erected at our national capital for a medical man and the greatest of medical reformers. There have been statesmen and warriors and discoverers whose busts or monuments have been placed there, but as yet no statue to any physician. The work, as suggested by your president, met with such a hearty recommendation at the meeting that the committee thought it would go right on, and that it would be a matter of but a few months, possibly only a few weeks, before the monument would be ready to erect. But when we had our meeting, as we did in the city of Washington, and appointed sub-committees on ways and means and on other subjects, we found that we had started a larger project than we had anticipated, and that instead of having a monu

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