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and SIR CHARLES COTTRELL DORMER, KNT. Mafter of the Ceremonies. The Audience over, their ExCELLENCIES were reconducted by the EARL OF SUSSEX and SIR CHARLES COTTRELL DORMER, to their own house in the same state as they came.

THEIR EXCELLENCIES had Audience of Leave of His MAJESTY on the 13th day of May following, in the usual form, and were received in the closet, when the King conferred the Honour of Knighthood on M. QUERINI, and presented him with the rich Sword mentioned in the preceding Memoir.



N° II.

EXTRACT from the LONDON GAZETTE of January 17, 1761.

At the Court at ST. JAMES'S, the 13th day of January, 1761.


The KING's most Excellent MAJESTY in Council.

HEREAS His MAJESTY'S Royal Predeceffors were


pleased, from time to time, by their respective Orders made in Council, to declare and fignify their pleasure, that their Servants fhould have and enjoy all antient Liberties, Rights and Privileges; and that none of their Servants in ordinary, with Fee, fhould be inforced or obliged to bear any Public Office, serve on Furies or Inquefts, or be subjected unto any mulet or fine for not fubmitting thereunto; His MAJESTY this day taking the fame into consideration; and thinking it reasonable that all his Servants in ordinary, with Fee, fhould in regard of their constant attendance upon His MAJESTY'S PERSON, enjoy the like Privileges with those of his Predecessors, doth therefore hereby order, with the advice of his Privy Council, that the LORD CHAMBERLAIN of his MAJESTY'S Houfhold, in relation to fuch of his MAJESTY's fervants, who are under his Grace's * Command

The Duke of Marlborough.

above fairs; and the LORD STEWARD of His MAJESTY'S Houfbold, and in his abfence, His MAJESTY'S Officers of the Green Cloth, as to fuch as are accounted Officers below ftairs; and the MASTER of the HORSE for the Servants belonging to the Stables, do respectively fignify unto the LORD MAYOR of LONDON and to his MAJESTY's Juftices of the Peace within the City of WESTMINSTER, Counties of SURREY and MIDDLESEX, and to the Mayors, Sheriffs and Bailiffs of any Corporation or County, and to all fuch as may be therein concerned, whenfoever there shall be cause for afferting the faid Privilege; that His MAJESTY hath thought proper, conformable to the example of his Predecessors in this behalf, to order and require, that his Servants should have,. hold, and enjoy all the faid Liberties, Rights, and Privileges ; and that henceforward none of his Servants in Ordinary, with Fee, be enforced, or any ways obliged to bear any public Offices, ferve on Juries or Inquefts, Watch or Ward, in any place where they dwell, or elsewhere, nor subject to any mulct or fine for not fubmitting thereunto; and the LORD CHAMBERLAIN of his MAJESTY'S Houfhold, for thofe Servants above flairs; the LORD STEWARD of his MAJESTY's Houfhold, and in his absence His MAJESTY'S Officers of the Greencloth for the Servants below ftairs; and the MASTER of the HORSE for the Servants belonging: to the Stables, are hereby authorized and required to take special care, that this His MAJESTY'S pleasure be duly obferved and put in execution; and that His MAJESTY'S Attorney General, for the time being, be, and he is hereby authorized and required, upon any application made to him by any of His MAJESTY'S Servants in Ordinary, with Fee, to cause a stop to be put to all proceedings already had, or to be commenced against them or any of them, for refufing to watch, or ferve on Juries, or bear or undergo any public Office or Employment above-mentioned: and

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His MAJESTY doth hereby further order, that Copies of this Order be left with the respective Clerks of the Peace of the Cities of LONDON and WESTMINSTER, and Counties of MIDDLESEX and SURREY, to be kept amongst the Records of His MAJESTY'S Seffions, to the intent that due obedience may be given thereunto, and his Servants may not be vexed with unreasonable proceedings.



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Printed by J NICHOLS, Printer to the SOCIETY of ANTIQUARIES; And told by T. PAYNE and Son, Mews Gate; B. WHITE and Son, at Horace's Head, in Fleet-ftreet; J. ROBSON, New Bond-ftreet; and LEIGH and SOTHEBY, York-ftreet, Covent-Garden.


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