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they thought it time to send out again lord Dunmore, to chastise, not to govern, Virginia."

No study can be more useful to the ingenuous youth of the United States, than that of their own history, nor any examples more interesting or more safe for their contemplation, than those of the great founders of the republic. Yet it may be feared that this department is too much neglected by them, or only superficially examined. There are certain sentiments indeed, that are learned by rote, while a few prominent names and facts are known and repeated exclusively. When a well known foreign journal* in all the triumph of insolent ignorance, asked, "Who Patrick Henry was ?" we only smiled at its impertinence. But are we entirely exempt from the reproach of neglecting our own annals, for less valuable history?†

Quarterly Review.

+ It may be safely affirmed that no man ean thoroughly understand the origin of the American Revolution, without a critical perusal of the Massachusetts State Papers, that no statesman should be without them, no lawyer who pretends to rise above the lowest classes of the profession, should be destitute of a copy, yet the volume that was published two years since, cost only a dollar, and almost the entire edition remains on the printer's hands. Nearly the same result followed the republication of the celebrated essays of Noranglus and Massachusettensis, they were written during that interesting period, which immediately preceded the battle of Lexington, and which contain the arguments on each side, stated with great learning and consummate ability, forming a masterly commentary on the whole history of American taxation and the rise of the revolution.


The reader will be disappointed, if he expects to find in this volume, more than mere fragments of the life of James Otis. After a diligent and widely extended search, but little comparatively has been recovered of his private life, or of his public services; yet before the year 1770, no American, Dr. Franklin only excepted, was so much known, and so often named in the other colonies, and in England. His papers have all perished, none of his speeches were recorded, and he himself having been cut off before the revolution actually commenced, his name is connected with none of the public documents that are familiar to the nation. It is owing to this combination of circumstances, that the most learned, the most eloquent, the most ardent, the most influential man of his time, is now so little known, that to many persons the following language of President Adams, seemed exaggerated. "I have been young, and now am old, and I solemnly say, I have never known a man whose love of his country was more ardent or sincere; never one who suffered so much; never one, whose services for any ten years of his life, were so important and essential to the cause of his country, as those of Mr. Otis, from 1760 to 1770."* Language equally strong was used by the

*Letters to the late W. Tudor, Esq.

late Chief Justice Dana, when speaking of him, in one of his charges to a grand jury; and similar opinions were held by all those who acted with him, and were witnesses to his talents and influence.

His manuscripts being all lost, a more copious use has been consequently made of some of his printed works and official reports, in order to give a distinct idea of his manner, as well as his ability and services. A more accurate impression will be thus obtained, than could be received of most men from their printed works, because few persons were more frank and fearless in giving their opinions to the public; and they were, besides, thrown off so rapidly, and published with so little revision or correction, that they exhibit a very lively picture of his mind. In seeking for materials, the search has been like attempting to recover the parts of a mutilated antique statue; here and there a fragment might be found, a hand in one place, a foot in another, and though we might confidently exclaim, Ex pede Herculem! still the symmetry of an entire restoration is hopeless.

Some sketches are given of his colleagues, but many who are worthy of commemoration are omitted, because the volume had grown beyond the original design. Many characteristic and interesting

anecdotes of the same period, remain to be collected. Many curious illustrations of individual character and of historical events abound in that era; in which, like all others of high excitement, the lights and shadows are strongly cast, and the actions of men stand forward in bold relief.

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Introductory Remarks-Origin of the Otis Family-Birth and Education of James Otis.

THE memorable contest between Great Britain and her colonies in America, which in its progress involved the chief maritime powers of Europe, and terminated in the independence of the United States, was gradually prepared by events, and by the situation and character of the parties. Circumstances had slowly developed, for a series of years, the discordant interests of the parent country, and the colonies, and convinced thinking men in both, that some change must ensue. Whether there were many

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