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sion of Jesus have been resurrected much unfinished work belonging to he not be the first to receive a resalso? the several dispensations preceding | urrection from the grave, and thus this; and while it may be completed be prepared to resurrect his brethduring the period of this dispensa- ren? Elders in Israel and all faithtion, yet that labor will be directed ful Saints are anxiously anticipating by those whose right it is to dictate this glorious time, which we all be by virtue of the authority still held believe is very nigh, though the exby them, although they themselves act period has not been revealed to may have passed away centuries ago. the Church. It is believed by many

We would make especial mention
of the Prophet Nephi who was the
grandson of Helaman; also his son
Amos, who took charge of the
records; and the son of Amos, who
was named after his father, who in
turn received and transferred them
to his brother Ammaron, which Am-Joseph says, Journal of Discourses, that His resurrection will be simul-
Vol. vi, page 238: "All these authori-taneous with the coming of Christ,
tative characters will come down and because of the promises male con-
join hand in hand in bringing about cerning those who had previously
this work. We therefore conclude been sleeping in their graves. But
that an authority once conferred is this need not necessarily be, seeing
always retained until the labor that the keys of the resurrection can
necessary to be performed under that be used at any time to bring from
authority shall have been fully com- their graves all those whose resur-
rection becomes essential for any
purpose whatever; more especially
the head or ruler of the dispensation
of the fulness of times.

maron hid them up in the hill Shim,
they being afterwards obtained by
Mormon according to the directions
of Ammaron, which records were
all finally hidden by Mormon in the
hill Cumorah, except the abridged
records which he delivered to his
son Moroni. We would also include
nine of the twelve disciples whom
Jesus chose, and to whom He gave For instance, Joseph Smith held
a promise that "after they were possession of the plates no longer
seventy and two years old they than was necessary to translate the
should come into His Kingdom and record which they contained. They
find rest." The other three whom were then delivered to their former
Jesus chose obtained a promise that custodian Moroni, who still has them
they should not taste of death, but in his keeping. It appears that the
should be changed to immortality twelve Apostles whom Jesus chose in
when Christ should come in His Palestine have not finished their
glory; consequently, they still re-mission; for in September, 1830, the
main in the flesh as translated be-

Lord said to Joseph the Seer: "And
again, verily, verily, I say unto you,
and it hath gone forth in a firm
decree by the will of the Father,
that mine apostles, the Twelve
which were with me in my ministry
at Jerusalem, shall stand at my
right hand at the day of my coming
in a pillar of fire, being clothed with
robes of righteousness, with crowns
upon their heads, in glory even as I
am, to judge the whole house of
Israel, even as many as have loved
me and kept my commandments,
and none else.”

Whenever it becomes necessary for Joseph to be resurrected-not to minister again to the common multitude, as he did during his mortal life, but to direct his brethren in those labors so needful to be performed for the accomplishment of the great work of the last days-the grave will be powerless to hold him longer, and he will appear in Temples and other places to the great joy of those who are worthy to come into his presence and listen to his voice. Then will be revealed a power as pertaining to the redemption of Zion, that even the Latterday Saints as a whole wot not of; while the revelations concerning the dead will make manifest such a stupendous labor to be performed in their behalf as to demand the erection of many Temples in various parts of the land for the receiving of ordinances for the vast multitude who are awaiting their redemption.

We may also ask why many of the Saints upon the Eastern Continent who did not die until after the resurrection of Jesus should not have their bodies resurrected also, including all the Apostles save John, who, like the three Nephites, will tarry until Jesus comes? Although there is no direct revelation that I am aware of declaring this to be the case, yet I see no reason why it should not be, seeing the keys of the resurrection were revealed in the days of the Savior, and not before This is in accordance with the His time. That dispensation is not promise Jesus made to His diciples completed, neither can it be until previous to His death (Matt. xix, the dead who belong thereto are 28). Elijah still holds the keys of The inspiration which particularly raised from their graves, as well as the sealing power, though he him- rested upon Joseph during the latter those who died before it was ushered self has conferred this authority part of his life was concerning the in; although the work of that dis-upon others, as Moses still holds the dead. After mingling with them so pensation, as far as it pertains to keys of the gathering, although he long in the spirit world, that same mortality, may have ceased long has appeared at two distinct times inspiration will necessarily be into confer the keys of this power--creased among those who still reonce in Jesus' day and afterwards main, when he shall make known upon Joseph in this dispensation. to what extent the Gospel has been Michael, the Ancient of Days, will sit to confirm the acts of the rulers of these several dispensations, and to make the final awards, when the work pertaining to each dispensation shall have been fully completed, and not before.


True, each succeeding dispensation has either resumed or continued much of the labor of the former one; and the same authority which was held by men in previous dispensations has to a greater or lesser extent been by them conferred upon others in the dispensations succeeding, and in this manner are dispensations linked to each other. Yet there is

We are now living in what is

a labor peculiar to each dispensation, termed the last dispensation, at the
and belonging thereto, which will
not be at all interfered with, even
by the heads of other dispensations,
except to assist if needs be.

Unquestionably there remains

head of which the Prophet Joseph
stands. And as Joseph was the first
to receive every manifestation, rev-
elation, key of power, and authority
of the Holy Priesthood, why should

received by them, and their desire to have the ordinances vicariously administered. In view of these things I am led to ask myself, “Are we prepared for Joseph's resurrection so as to be ready to respond to the demands that will be made upon us, both of our time and our means, to carry on the great work of the redemption of the living and the dead, and also the redemption of the land of Zion?”

We wish next to speak upon another great and important event


which Prophets, Apostles and right- really meant, it would certainly be plain. Peter says concerning them, eous men have made their theme presumptuous on my part to con- that they might be judged as if from the earliest periods of this clude that it is sufficiently explicit they were in the flesh, "but live acearth's history, viz., the second com- to base a decision upon. In regard cording to God in the spirit." This ing of Christ, at which time will be to the fifty-six years just alluded expression would seem to infer that developed powers in connection with to might it not be interpreted to their resurrection had not taken the great principle of the resurrec- mean that the fulness of the Gentiles place at least in his days. tion that are altogether beyond our should then come in; or does the The two resurrections spoken of conception. For then not only will expression refer only to the second as distinct from each other the worthy dead be raised, but the coming of Christ? These are ques-named, one as "the resurrection of Saints who are alive will be quick-tions I do not feel myself competent the just ;" the other as "the resurened, so as to enable them to meet to answer. Jesus says: "But of that rection of the unjust." The sealing Him in the air as He shall descend day and hour knoweth no man, no ordinances which we receive relate with an innumerable throng com- not the angels in heaven, but my to our coming forth in the first resposed of those who have been valiant Father only." (Matt. 24: 36.) The urrection, or the resurrection of the for the truth in all the ages past, and new translation says, "Neither the just. At Christ's second coming have already received their resurrec- Son but the Father only." there would seem to be a general tion. The signs of the near approach We come now to the question: resurrection of all Saints; for the of the coming of our Savior are cer- "Is the resurrection that will take Lord revealed to Joseph the followtainly unmistakable; but the exact place at the second coming of Christing: "And the Saints that are upon time we cannot determine. Some anything more than a continuation the earth who are alive shall be Latter-day Saints have expressed of the first resurrection, and not quickened, and be caught up to themselves in a very positive man- separate from that which took place meet Him." "And they who have ner upon this point, and have based when He Himself came forth from slept in their graves shall come their sayings upon statements made the tomb and afterwards?" For all forth; for their graves shall be by Joseph the Prophet, to which we our blessings relate to "the first res-opened, and they also shall be caught will refer. urrection." John says: "Blessed up to meet Him in the pillar of On the fourteenth day of February, and holy is he that hath part in the heaven.” (Doc. and Cov., sec. 88, 1835, the members of Zion's Camp first resurrection." This certainly ver. 93-97.) The others who will assembled in Kirtland by the com- refers to all the faithful, irrespective receive their resurrection at this mandment of God and were then ad- of the time they lived upon the dressed by Joseph Smith, who, earth. Of the wicked it is said: among other things, said it was the "They shall not have part in the will of God that they should be or- first resurrection.” We therefore dained to the ministry, and go forth conclude that the resurrection at the to prune the vineyard for the last second coming of Christ is a contime, or the coming of the Lord, tinuation of the same resurrection which was nigh, even fifty-six years which took place at his first coming, should wind up the scene." At one and relates to all His faithful Saints time, Joseph says, he was praying to as well as those who have died withknow concerning the coming of the out law. Of those who died without Those who have to remain are Son of Man, when he heard a voice law previous to Christ's first coming. thus described (ver. 100-101): "Then repeat the following words: "Joseph, King Mosiah says: "And thus the cometh the spirits of men who are my son, if thou livest until thou art Lord bringeth to pass the redemp-to be judged, and are found under eighty-five years old, thou shalt see tion of those, and they shall have condemnation. And these are the the face of the Son of Man; there-part in the first resurrection, or have rest of the dead, and they live not fore let this suffice, and trouble me eternal life, being redeemed of the again until the thousand years are no more on this matter." Joseph Lord." The Lord, in speaking to ended; neither again until the end say's concerning this: "I was left Joseph in regard to the redemption of the earth.” thus in doubt, without being able to of this class of individuals who have decide whether this coming referred lived and died since the time of our to the beginning of the Millennium, Savior, uses the following language: or to some previous appearing, or "And then shall the heathen nations whether I should die and thus see be redeemed; and they that knew His face. I believe the coming of no law shall have part in the first the Son of Man will not be any sooner than that time." Had Joseph lived until December 23rd, 1890, he would then have been eighty-five years of age. The fifty-six years spoken of that should wind up the scene will terminate February 14th,

resurrection; and it shall be toler-
able for them." (Doc. and Cov.,
Sec. xlv, 54.)

time are thus described, (vers. 99); "And after this another angel shall sound, which is the second trump; and then cometh the redemption of those who are Christ's at His coming; who have received their part in that prison which was prepared for them, that they might receive the gospel, and be judged according to men in the flesh."

There still remains another class, who seem to have no part either in the first or last resurrection, at least to inherit any degree of glory. When they are brought up it will only be to receive a greater condemnation. These are also the only ones upon whom the second death shall have any power. For a full description of The spirits to whom Jesus preached this class I will refer you to the after His death are said to have Doc. and Cov., Sec. 76, ver. 31-44, been those who were disobedient in inclusive. In another revelation it the days of Noah; consequently, is said that "they remain filthy they could not have been ignorant still." Joseph said of them: "Those While these are very important of the law while they lived. As to who commit the unpardonable sin sayings, they are to some extent what time subsequent to their re- are doomed to Gnolom, to dwell in ambiguous, and require further ex- ceiving the Gospel and the ordinan- hell, worlds without end. As they planation, if not further revelation, ces vicariously administered they commit scenes of bloodshed in this to make them plain. And when were worthy to be resurrected, the world, so they shall rise to that resthe Prophet himself expresses doubt Scriptures are silent; but late rev-urrection which is as the lake of fire upon one of them, as to what was elations makes the subject very and brimstone. Some shall rise to


the everlasting burning of God, for God dwells in everlasting burnings; and some shall rise to the damnation of their own filthiness, which is as exquisite a torment as the lake of fire and brimstone." But we will leave the consideration of the utter hopelessness of these sons of perdition, and turn our attention to a more pleasing subject.

out of its mother's arms, but pos-
sessing all the intelligence of a God.
Children dwell in the Mansions of
Glory, and exercise power, but ap-
pear in the same form as when on
earth. Eternity is full of thrones,
upon which dwell thousands of
children reigning on thrones of glory
with not one cubit added to their

been one- would certainly have been discovered. The Prophet him. self was not in the habit of allowing false doctrines to remain uncorrected, and the fact of his not having corrected, nor in any way modified any of his utterances upon that particular occasion during the remaining eleven weeks of his life, is another strong evidence to me of its The redemption wrought by the These sentiments have never to genuineness; for upon after reflecSavior extends to those who have my knowledge been flatly contra- tion he certainly would realize the died before reaching the years of ac-dicted; but they have been most importance of this doctrine. Besides countability, and who are termed severely criticised at times in pri- the published report of the discourse children. It is said by King Mosiah vate circles. To all the criticisms mentioned, several persons who concerning them: "If it were possi- that I have heard I have one reply were present on that occasion have ble that little children could sin, to make, which is, that if ever testified to me that Joseph did utter they could not be saved; but I say Joseph was inspired by God, he the sentiment I have quoted upon unto you they are blessed; for behold certainly was at this time. For that particular occasion; and I am as in Adam, or by nature, they fall, nothing short of the inspiration of certainly not in the wrong in endeaveven so the blood of Christ atoneth the Almighty could have called oring to sustain God's prophet. for them." It is an accepted doc-forth such advanced doctrines as We have already said that we cantrine by all Latter-day Saints that were delivered by him upon that not conceive of perfection short of a "little children are redeemed from occasion; and I think that this full development of our physical before the foundation of the world." being; hence our reasonings are all Or, in other words, that their rein support of this idea. We will demption is brought to pass through now consider this important point. the atonement of Christ, which redemption was determined upon before the foundations of this earth were laid. Joseph Smith says: "They shall have eternal life; for their debt is paid." Therefore, children belong to that class who come forth in the first resurrection and inherit the glory of a celestial kingdom.

certainly would be one of those
times when the visions of the eternal
worlds, as seen by him twelve years
previously, as well as at other times, The variety of stature of the spirits
would be most vivid in his mind; before tabernacling in flesh has
and he would speak of things as he not been revealed, so far as I am
had seen them in vision, being in-aware. But as variety is found in
spired by the Holy Ghost to do so
upon that occasion. For all of his
expressions are most emphatic, and
bespeak actual knowledge.

all the works of our Father, we are certainly justified in supposing that a variety, and a pleasing one too, existed in the spirit world. We A few minutes previous to his have supposed that all spirits had But we are met upon the very speaking upon the condition of chil- attained to what we term a full threshold of this subject by the in-dren after their resurrection he said stature before taking earthly taberquiry, "Will children grow after concerning Brother Follett: "I am nacles; but is not this merely suptheir resurrection?" This question authorized to say by the authority position. there being no proof that undoubtedly originated from a feel- of the Holy Ghost that you have no such was the case? We can easily ing that the perfection of glory can occasion to fear, for he is gone to the understand, because we have seen only be obtained in connection with Home of the just, etc." Did Joseph that a man measuring five feet or a fully developed tabernacle. Hence at this particular moment have the thereabouts can and does exhibit as the anxiety of parents to have op- Holy Ghost; and the next moment much, and often more, intelligence portunity given their children to de- lose it, insomuch that his next utter-than one who measures six or seven velop, after the resurrection, to the ance was an error? I dare not feet, though not necessarily so. full stature of men and women. I assume such a position. Again, it Nephi, the son of Lehi, says of have never heard even a suggestion is claimed by some that, there being himself that he was "large in statto the contrary, but that they will no short-hand reporters present, it ure;" but this did not hinder him rise from the dead with the same was impossible to report correctly; from becoming acquainted with the stature as when they were laid down. to which I reply that there certainly mysteries of heaven; while Paul, Therefore, any further development is a most beautiful harmony in the who, as Joseph says, was "about of physical growth must be after the entire sentiment which I have quot- five feet high," was also highly resurrection. The only direct an-ed, as well as in the entire discourse favored of the Lord in this particswer I have met with to this question itself. Each part fully agrees with ular, inasmuch as he was forbidden is that given by Joseph the Seer in a the other. If this sentiment were to utter many things which he both sermon preached by him, in Nauvoo, false, why not have corrected it at saw and heard. But seeing that a at Conference on the sixth day of the time, or why republish it fifteen child in mortality does not naturApril, 1844. The sentiments he then years later by inserting it in the ally exhibit the same intellectual expressed were called forth by the "History of Joseph," or publishing powers as the full grown man—be death of Elder King Follett, who it in the Journal of Discourses, and his stature large or small—we are at had been crushed in a well a short thus perpetuate and extend a serious a loss to consider how a completetime previous. In speaking concern- error, are questions that are certain-ness of intellectual power can be ing children, he said: "As the childly worthy of our attention. exhibited, even in a resurrected dies so shall it rise from the dead and Four brethren reported this ser- state, short of attaining to a full be for ever living in the learning of mon, viz., President W. Woodruff, bodily stature. God. It will never grow. It will Willard Richards, William Clayton, I will now ask, "Where do we get still be the child, in the precise form and Thomas Bullock. In comparing our bodies?" The answer is easily in which it appeared before it died notes so serious, an error-had it given: Upon this earth, which was


especially prepared for that purpose.
And just such a body as earth has
furnished us will rise again. Neither
more nor less. The perfection of the
earthly tabernacle is complete in the
person of eight, seven, six, five,
four, or even two feet-with this
difference, however-one is an in-
fant, another a youth, the other a
The only question then is,
"Can the resurrected child exhibit
intelligence equal to the fully grown
resurrected man?" For herein con-
sists the glory of God. Joseph says
it will possess "all the intelligence
of a Gol," and "be for ever living
in the learning of God." Conse-
quently, its progress as a child must
be similar to those who are of full
stature. It also holds dominion;
for he further says, "Eternity is full
of thrones, upon which dwell thou-
sands of children reigning on
thrones of glory, with not
cubit added to their stature." Mor-
mon, in writing the history of Jesus'
ministry to the people upon this
continent after his resurrection, uses
the following language: "And it
came to pass that he did teach and
minister to the children of the mul-
titude of whom hath been spoken,
and he did loose their tongues, and
they did speak unto their fathers
great and marvelous things-even
greater than he had revealed unto
the people, and loosed their tongues
that they could utter." "Behold it
came to pass on the morrow that the
multitude gathered themselves to-
gether, and they both saw and heard
these children; yea, even babes did
open their mouths and utter mar-
velous things. And the things
which they did utter were forbid-
den, that there should not any man
write them."

power of the resurrection as held by mainder, or fourth class, are "sons
Jesus, to enable them to exhibit of perdition." They are vessels of
these latent powers?" To me the wrath, for whom there is no forgive-
answer is obvious, and I think this is ness in this world nor in the world
the grand key that unlocks the seem- to come, and of whom Jesus says,
ing mystery of the power which "It had been better for them had
children will possess after their res- they never been born;" "The only
urrection, when as children they ones who shall not be redeemed;"
will be found seated upon thrones, "Wherefore He saves all except
reigning in glory; the power of the them."
resurrection having made it pos-
sible for them to exhibit the full
strength of their intellect, or rather,
as Joseph says, "All the intelligence
of a God."

Concerning the beasts of the field, the fowls of the air, and the fishes of the sea, these also are all to be restored, for the revelation declares: "All old things shall pass away, and all things shall become new. Even the heaven and the earth, and all the fulness thereof-both man and beasts, the fowls of the air, and the fish of the sea, and not one hair, neither mote shall be lost; for it is the workmanship of mine hand.”

We turn next to the classification of all those who will come forth, both in the first and the last resurrection; for it has been revealed that people who have dwelt upon the earth will be classified as follows: First, those who will attain unto a celestial glory are called "the church A very few words upon the seemone of the first-born;" and they are said ing mystery of the same identical to be "Kings and Priests to God." body that has been buried in the Again, they are called Gods,' and earth, being raised from the dead inherit all things. Joseph has made and consumed by fire; or whose orit known that "in the celestial king-ganization has been in any way dom are three heavens or degrees," whatever destroyed. We declare and that the highest can only be most emphatically that if this is not reached by observing the patriarchal the case, there is not a resurrection; order of marriage; or, as he says, neither is there a restoration. "entering into this order of the Think you the mother would be Priesthood." This glory is typified satisfied to press to her bosom eleby the suu. Thus we see that it is ments different from those which in possible for individuals to become mortal life constituted her child; to partakers of celestial glory without whom she gave birth, and to whom receiving a fulness thereof; for those she supplied nourishment from her who would receive a fulness must own breasts, even though the mateobserve all the law. Second in order rial of which its body might be comare those who have died without posed were quickened by the same law; the spirits of men who have spirit which quickened its body in been kept in prison; also honorable mortality? No, she never would. men of the earth who did not accept She would say, and justly too, "Give the testimony of Jesus in the flesh, me my own child;" and unless she is but afterwards received it. These satisfied that the same elements receive of the glory of the Son, but which constituted the tabernacle of I will here ask, by what power not of the fulness of the Father; and her child in mortality were to be did these children on the first day their glory is terrestrial, as typified restored to her in the resurrection, mentioned speak unto their fathers by the moon. The third class, as she would have sorrow instead of such great and marvelous things, defined by the revelations, is a joy; for there would be a constant even greater than Jesus Himself singular admixture, and consists of longing for the lost one. had revealed unto the people? And professing christians, liars, sorcerers, on the second day, by what power whoremongers, adulterers, etc.did not only these children but those who have received neither the babes also utter such marvelous Gospel nor the testimony of Jesus at things, which were to precious to any time. Of these it is said, "They be written? The common answer shall not be redeemed until the last would be, "Because Jesus loosed resurrection," and when redeemed their tongues." But this does not can only enjoy a glory which is tecover the ground. Were these chil-1sstial, which glory is typified by the dren, as well as the babes, merely stars, and varies in degree "as one machines set in motion, and their utterances simply mechanical? Or did the children teach their fathers, and the babes utter marvelous things by virtue of the understanding they themselves possessed; the organs of the body being quickened, for the time, by a portion of the

star differeth from another star in
brightness or glory." These are
called servants of the Most High;
"but where God and Christ are they
cannot come.”

Again: Would the husband be satisfied with anything less than the wife who was given to him by God in mortality, which gift was made eternal not only by promise but also by sacred covenant? We reply, "No, he would not." So likewise will the wife want her own husband, and the child its own parent. While we have no philosophy to fully explain how this shall be brought to pass, yet the promises made are most emphatic; for all will be restored without the loss of a "single hair or mote."

Alma says, "Behold it is requisite These last complete the vast mul- and just, according to the power and titude who will be resurrected to in- resurrection of Christ, that the soul herit a kingdom of glory; the re-l of man should be restored to the

body, and that every part of the body shall be restored to itself." The Prophet Joseph said, "Mothers, you shall have your children again." He also declared, "There is no fundamental principle belonging to a human system that ever goes into another in this world, or in the world to come, I care not what the theories of man are." (History of Joseph Smith, April 7th, 1843.)

except the sons of perdition-shall Hampered by want of means, by
have been brought from their graves failure to obtain the necessary sup-
and placed in that condition of glory plies of material from abroad and
which their own acts have merited. having to resort to the alternative of
Then, and not till then, will be heard making paper occasionally by hand
the proclamation of the seventh in the most primitive manner until
angel, saying, "It is finished, it is paper-making machinery could be
finished! The Lamb of God hath imported and set in operation, the
overcome and trodden the wine-press NEWS struggled on during those
alone, even the wine-press of the early years, and in course of time
fierceness of the wrath of Almighty the original weekly edition was sup-
God. Then shall the angels be plemented by a semi-weekly and
crowned with the glory of His then a daily. These latter during
might-the Saints shall be filled recent years, since the mail facilities
with His glory and receive their have become so greatly improved
inheritance and be made equal with throughout this region of country,
Him." Amen.
have to a great extent supplanted
the WEEKLY NEWS, its circulation
of late being chiefly confined to
those places which are least favored
with frequent mails.


MORE than thirty-eight years ago

The Book of Mormon contains a great many other sayings that are most definite upon this subject, as also the Book of Doctrine and Covenants. Job understood this principle when he exclaimed, "In my flesh shall I see God, and my eyes shall behold and not another." Ezekiel saw in a vision the literalTHE DESERET WEEKLY. resurrection of the whole house of Israel. Jesus appeared in the same The time seems now to be ripe for identical body that was laid in the -on the fifteenth day of June, 1850 a change to be made in the weekly grave. Paul declared, "He that the publication of the DESERET edition, to extend its sphere of useNEWS was commenced. Its appear-fulness and render it more acceptable raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies."ance at first was very modest and to its readers. The NEWS was not John the revelator saw, among other unpretentious, being but a small started in the early day to which things, an innumerable throng of eight-page sheet and issued only allusion has been made as a speculathose who had been redeemed out of once a week. Such a publication tion, nor has it been carried on since would appear insignificant now in for such a purpose. It was designed every nation, who were brought forth from their graves, and were comparison with the far more elabor- as a means of supplying the people ate and artistic periodicals of the of this country with the news of the dwelling upon a redeemed earth. All this sustains the doctrine of a present day, but it must be remem- day. defending their rights and bered that the newspaper business in liberties, advocating the principles literal resurrection from the deadthe West was then in its infancy and of the Gospel and laboring in the the NEWS enjoyed the distinction of spiritual and temporal interests of being the only publication issued the Latter-day Saints, whose official

of man, beast, bird and fowl, as well

as the earth itself-a restoration full

and complete of every thing that

has possessed organic life.
Again, we might say if the iden-
tical body is not resurrected, where-
in would be the justice of God in
consigning to happiness or misery
some other element made to repre-
sent that body? We see at once
that this is impossible. In short,
every doubt cast upon a literal res-
urrection tends to becloud the mind,
and must, if indulged in, result in a
total denial of the possibility of any

resurrection whatever.

To deny a literal resurrection is to throw away the only key that unlocks the mystery of the future, makes possible the glory which is beyond the grave, and which never can be obtained unless the identical body is again united with the identical spirit, and quickened with the power of an endless life.

west of the Missouri River. The

organ it is and has been since its press, type, paper, etc., for use in the inception. How well it has succeedbusiness had to be transported in ed in filling its mission the public wagons at least a thousand miles, must judge. It is contrary to the the mails, conveyed by the fastest indulge in self-praise. It is perhaps and at very great expense. Even custom and policy of the NEWS to means of transit then in use, were safe to presume, however, that every weeks and sometimes months travers- intelligent, thoughtful patron of the ing the waste which intervened be- NEWS has wished on reading many tween civilization here and else- of the articles which have appeared where. The population of the Terri- in its columns that he could have necessarily dependent for its circula- for binding and preserving for future tory, upon which the paper was them compiled in a suitable shape tion because of the isolated condition | reference and perusal. of the settlements, was very meagre and the people so extremely poor that they could scarcely indulge in the luxury of a newspaper at any the publication of the paper in that price. Considering all these facts, early day was quite a venture and its continued existence during the vicissitudes which beset it was little less the marvelous.

Neither edi

tion of the NEWS has been in suitable form for such a purpose. If a and have a volume bound it would person were to preserve the papers devoid of an index, and hence it not only be cumbersome in size, but would be difficult to find in it what might be wanted.

If the grave yields not up its dead, It is now proposed to select such then is the grave victorious; but if, articles from the daily and semiWhen in 1858 this Territory was weekly editions of the NEWS as will on the other hand, it is forced to invaded by an army and the set- be suitable to preserve in bound form yield them up, as Paul saw it would tlers abandoned their homes and re- and compile therefrom, and from be, then with him we may exclaim, moved southward, its publication in such other original and selected "O grave, where is thy victory?" Salt Lake City was necessarily sus-articles as The triumph of the Savior of the pended, but soon afterwards resumed magazine which will take the place may be necessary, world will not be complete until in Fillmore, Millard Co., where it of the weekly News with a change every soul that has taberhacled in continued to issue until peace was in the title to that of the DESERET the flesh, from the days of Adam restored, when the press and fix- WEEKLY, of which the present is until the last born in mortality-tures were returned to this city. the initial number,


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