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there such a thing as revelation, as
commonly understood? Are there
any possible or probable channels of
communication between divinity
and humanity other than the senses,
the mind, and the conscience, and
these in their ordinary operation?
Are we justified in believing that
God has ever spoken, or does now
speak, to a few men in a manner
in which He does not towards all
men? If so, why not reveal today
as well as yesterday, or a thousand
years ago? I certainly would not
dare to assert that inspiration is an
impossibility-that if God chooses
He cannot communicate with man
or men as He pleases.
"Mankind was
need of some clear manifestation
from the unseen than now; or, I
may say, so well prepared to under-
stand any message which might be

never in more

prophets, or scientific truth, revealed germs of life were sufficiently plastic
through the astronomer in his mid-as to be easily modified by their en-
night watches, through the chem-vironment or surroundings, i. e.,
ist, in his laboratory, through the water, air, temperature, food, etc.;
geologist, in his patient study of the and that, as the environment was
earth's strata, or the truth arrived at progressively adapted to successive-
by the philosopher in his investiga-ly higher forms of life, those forms
tions of known laws and principles. which failed to keep pace with the
If the conflict between science progressive environment became
and religion could be divested of its extinct, while those more favored
acrimonious personalities, and the survived, and transmitted their im-
love of truth be made superior to the proved structure and function to
love of victory or triumph, science their posterity, until, to-day, the
and religion would join in a peace- various species have become so fixed
ful search for those precious gems of as to permit of no further physical
truth that lie hidden in the great variation.
volume of nature, or that remain The above explained law has been
undiscovered in the vast expanse termed "Natural Selection," or the
where revolve those countless suns "Survival of the Fittest," i. e., na-
and worlds. It is equally an act of ture selected those forms best adapt-
folly to repudiate the existence of ed to existing conditions, and it is
God, or to contemptuously deny the used in contradistinction to artificial
conclusions of science without a fair, selection, which permits of an im-
unbiased investigation of the sub-provement of forms within specific

"Mind was never so developed as now; observation was never so keen; morals never so receptive, so intelligently sensitive. There never has been, in short, a time in all the history of the world, as we are able to spell that history out, when revela-ject.

In order to illustrate the limits.

tion could be so appropriately and "tweedle de and tweedle dum" of The evolutionist also believes that hopefully made as just at this pres- the "conflict," let us take one of all mental, moral and æsthetic proent time." the bones of contention in this re-gress of the human family is proligio-scientific discussion and exam-ceeding in obedience to the same ine it in a spirit of toleration.



The "conflict" between so-called science and so-called religion is a contest which will continue until the former shall become more religious and the latter more scientime. The recent controversy in your city between Mr. Watts and the Rev. Mr. Braden, serves to both illustrate and emphasize the truth of this proposition.

aw of universal progression. It is but justice to add, that many earnest disciples of evolution see no barrier in that doctrine to a belief in God and in Him crucified.

The very mention of the word "evolution, "or its popular synonym, "Darwinism," is sufficient to arouse the ire and contempt of the average orthodox Christian. He seems to To term the evolutionists "fools" forget that there are tens of thou- and their doctrine "bosh" will not sands of intelligent men and women facilitate the search for truth, nor who entertain that most-obnoxious- turn them from the "error of their of-all "scientific heresies" as a car-ways." dinal truth. Nor does the disciple of orthodoxy seem to realize that, it During the last four or five hun- is the inconsistencies of his doctrine dred years science has been slowly of the creation, as drawn from unbut surely pressing its adversary, inspired translations of Holy Writ, otherwise known as "orthodox darkened by the interpretations of Christianity," to the inner wall, the mother church, and insisted and will soon force an unconditional upon by all her daughters, that surrender, unless orthodoxy shall have driven thousands to the supsufficiently purge itself of pagan posed alternative doctrine of evoluerrors and human dogmas as to pre- tion in order to account for the exsent an invulnerable front of relig-istence of mankind. ious truth.

There are, however, many grave difficulties in the path of the student of evolution, but like those in the beaten path of the student of special creation, many jump over them and go on. A few of those difficulties may be profitably pointed out.

About 35 miles west of Deseret, in the shale formation of Antelope Springs, are found thousands of fossils of a flat, oblong creature, The man of science in an examin-varying in length from one-eighth of If the writer has correctly inter-ation of the remains of the various an inch to two inches, and which preted the Gospel of Christ, as taught forms of life from the earliest ages resemble "petrified bugs,” and, inby the Prophet Joseph Smith, all down to the present time, thinks he deed, are so named by sheep herdtruth comes from God and should be sees in their successive relationship, ers and others that gather them accepted as such. That the Consti- evidences of a gradual modification through curiosity. These fossils are tution of the United States was given of structure and function, sufficient known in geological works as "triby inspiration, has ever been as- to warrant him in believing that all lobites," and are supposed to be serted by the entire body of Latter-recent forms of life are the result of among the very oldest known day Saints; and further, it is gener- a slow development or unfolding of forms. All of them had perfectly ally believed that our Father has life in obedience to an universal formed eyes, many of the latter revealed, and is continual reveal-law; paralleled by the illustration of having several hundred lenses; and ing, through what are termed secular a seed placed in the soil, that the how, upon the "development hychannels, such truths as are neces- fully developed tree bears no more pothesis" the trilobite became possary to the continued progression of resemblance to the seed than does sessed of such perfect optical organs His children. Hence, all truth the highest mammal-man-bear to in the very dawn of life, while all should be reverently accepted, no the jelly-like protozoan or supposed nature was in a rudimentary conmatter whether it be religious truth, primordia ancestor of the human dition, is a "stump" which evolurevealed through God's chosen family. He believes that the first tionists generally "plow around."

proceeding in

It is a well known physiological know that man exists, and if the fact, that the heart would have no orthodox notion of his creation be power to force the blood throughout wholly at variance with reason, the system were it not for the pres- man must certainly be the product ence of valves so arranged in the of 'evolution.'" chief arteries as to prevent the blood from flowing in the wrong direction; and as it is impossible to conceive of circulation the absence of those valves, SO is equally inconceivable that circulation could continue with the valves in a half-formed or rudimentary condition. Hence it is impossible to conceive of unaided evolution slowly producing a valve which, in any of its modified forms, would fail of its purpose; or that the valve would be perfectly formed at one step, which is in entire opposition to the whole theory of progress by infinitesimal variations.

In order to pursue the argument, let us pass by those physiological difficulties, and allow the correctness of evolution up to the anthropoid age, it (as beyond that the total absence of evidence becomes an insuperable barrier to credulity) the result would apparently be that the existence of man is left as wholly without cause, and this as a substitution, would be a greater absurdity than either of the above. At this stage of the controversy where both sides have the worst of it, and counter charges of inconsistency are frequent and well deserved, the doctrine entertained by nearly the entire body of Latter-day Saints that, as soon as the earth was prepared for man's occupancy, God took Adam and Eve from a glorified planet (where they had existed in a celestial condition, having bodies similar to that of our Savior after His resurrection) and placed them upon the earth to become the progenitors of the human race, comes in and forms a more natural and consistent solution of man's present existence than either evolution or orthodoxy.

Another "hill of difficulty" perhaps the highest, is found in the wide gap that intervenes between the highest type of the monkey family-the authropoid ape- and man. In vain has the evolutionist sought for the "missing link." In vain has been the effort to bridge the chasm that yawns between the 34 cubic inches of brain in the ape and some 70 odd cubic inches of brain in the lowest human type. And if the test of analysis is applied to the subject, the difficulty enlarges.

If we proceed upon the theory of the "survival of the fittest," we find that, as the anthropoid ape survives, he is certainly fitted to survive. That being the case, if the "missing link" ever did exist, he must have been even better fitted to survive than his immediate ancestor, the ape, because his brain power have been


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34. Stentorphon.... 8 feet, metal, 56 pipes.
35. Keraulophon....8"
36. Stpt. Diapason.. 8
37. Harmonic Flute 4
38. Piccolo....

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wood, 56 metal, 56


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56 60

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336 pipes.

39. Tuba Mirabilis.. 8

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

40. Dbl. Op. Diap. 32 feet, wood, 30 pipes.
41. Open Diapson 16
16 66
42. Violone...
43. Bourdon....... 16 64


30 06

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64 30

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metal, 30 wood, 30 metal, 30 30

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240 pipes.

45. Flute..........
46. Trombone..... 16
47. Trumpet.....

Thus, where attempted scientific solution fails, absolutely, through total absence of evidence, and that of orthodox religion is negatived by reason, do we find in "Mormonism" one more evidence of the divinity of Joseph Smith's mission where we would least expect it, and which proves in this case, as in many others, that so-called "Mormonism" 44. Violoncello.... 8 considerably is in reality the Science of Theology; greater than that of the ape and by virtue of the "survival of his structure correspond- the fittest," as well as by the decree ingly superior, which being of the Almighty, it will continue to the case, he should still survive and expand in the exact ratio as error not be so vexatiously "missing." shall give way before the irresistible It is also difficult to imagine a catas-march of truth. J. F. GIBBS. trophy that would have utterly an- DESERET, Utah, March 5, 1889. nihilated the species to which the "missing link" may be ascribed, and left intact the species immediately below and above. Besides, it would have taken more than one

[blocks in formation]



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7. Pedal Piano, double acting.
8, Balance Swell Pedale,

The Deseret Weekly. y.



than this is not religion but rhap- fessions. "Handsome is that hand-
some does," and he only is religious
who does religious deeds.

Religion begins with faith in God.

THE DESERET NEWS COMPANY, No faith, no religion. Faith must abide and continue or religion will depart. But faith alone, as a mental or spiritual emotion, is not religion. One must believe in God or he will not worship or pray, or seek for Divine guidance or do anything in


Per Year, of Fifty-two Numbers,
Per Volume, of Twenty-six Numbers,






March 16, 1889.


The spiritual gymnastics performed at "revivals,” and the mental inebriety of so-called conversions, are no more religion than are physical acrobatic exhibitions and material intoxication. Religious thought, religious sentiment, and

a religious spirit. But to be truly religious feeling are only the germs; religious he must be dutiful they are not the flower of religion. to the Being in whom he Noise, shouting, exclamations and believes. Duty to God means obedi- extravagant gestures are but ebullience to His commands, and these tions of excitement that sometimes are all moral in their nature and borders on insanity, and are not to THE Fifty-ninth Annual Con- effects. Thus there is no religion be classed under the name of religference of the Church of Jesus without morality. There is no sys-ion, of the expression of which they Christ of Latter-day Saints will tem, or pretended system, of re- are only grotesque caricatures. commence at 10 o'clock on Satur-ligion in the world that does not in- True religion regulates the whole day morning, April 6th, 1889, include, as a part of itself, moral pre-life of man.

the Tabernacle, in Salt Lake City. The officers and members of the Church are cordially invited to attend.

WILFORD WOODRUFF, In behalf of the Twelve Apostles.


THE terms religion and morality are frequently used by skeptics as different and even opposite terms. They argue that there is "no necessary connection between religion and morals," and point to the supposed fact that there are many very religious persons who are extremely immoral.

It is manifest in his cepts and moral requirements. deeds. It affects him as an indiTherefore if a man is not moral he|vidual, as a son, a husband, a father, is not religious. The more immoral a member of society, a living atom he is, the less religious he is. It in the great body politic. It imbues does not matter how much he may him with the spirit of true morality snuffle prayers, or sing psalms, or and prompts him to acts of moral glow with ecstacy, or beam with excellence. pious unction, he is irreligious to the extent of his immorality.

There are skeptics, no doubt, who regulate their lives by moral prinGod's commandments or, if it will ciples; and they imagine that they please the skeptics better, what pur- do this independent of anything port to be God's commandments, re- that may be called religious. But late not only to the worship of the in this they are mistaken. The very Divine Being but to the acts of His principles they regard as only moral creatures as intelligent and ac- have come to them from some recountable persons. And these com-ligious system, ancient or modern. prehend humanity in the aggregate It does not matter whether they call as well as its individual particles. Therefore, religion includes the duties of man to his fellows, and his acts to his "neighbor" and ine refrence to society.

that religion human superstition or the product of human imagination, whether they deny or admit its purported supernatural origin. The fact remains that the principles which make up what is recognized as morality, and which unbelievers speak of as separate from religion, are and have been elements of religion and have sprung from it, and so they are indebted to religion for all their morality. Take any moral principle which is admired by the cultured mind or practiced by civilized beings, and its introduction to the world and its influence upon conduct may be traced to a religious source.

This comes from an improper conception and application of the word religion. The error is not special to All those moral precepts in the skeptics. Professedly pious people Sermon on the Mount are religious are as much addicted to it as they. principles. They are part of the Religion is regarded as something religion of Christ. So were the merely sentimental or emotional. moral restrictions of the Mosaic The practical in life is treated as code part of the religion revealed to belonging to another sphere. Faith, the Hebrews. There is more spiritpraise, adoration, devotion, exalta- uality in the advanced religion of tion of feeling, mental or spiritual Jesus than in the preparatory reecstacy or depression, are deemed ligion of Moses. But they are religions, and acts and doings, ex- equally practical and both are escept as expressions of such sensa-sentially moral. tions, are not classed in the same Religion forbids murder, lust, category. robbery, lying, oppression, cove- And if religion were destroyed, But, properly speaking, religion tousness, inebriety, the violation of how much morality would remain? covers much broader ground. It individual and social rights and Take away from mankind the beenters the domain of human action every species of injustice. And he lief, or supposition, or dread of a and influences every faculty of be- who is bloodthirsty, unchaste, dis- Power which is above all, and to ing. It therefore affects every de- honest, false, tyrannical, brutal or Whom all will be accountable, and partment of present existence. It intemperate is irreligious to the ex- how many people would there be, relates not only to the spiritual tent of his infraction of the religious in this imperfect world, who would world and future life, but to this rules against those evils, no matter live moral lives or rise above the mortal sphere and the things of to- how long or eloquently he may level of sheer selfishness and gross day. It means the duty of man to preach, or how solemn or sweet may individualism? his Maker. It implies a system be his manner or his language. For Religion works in two directions. that regulates conduct. It includes "actions speak louder than words," It encourages and restrains. It faith and works. Anything less and deeds are mightier than pro- prompts and aids elevation of

thought and act, and curbs and earth. Not a system benumbing that block the old adobe tabernacle, checks degrading purposes and his energies or dominating his will, the Third Ward meeting house and deeds. There is no religious system but quickening, inspiring, enlight- the foundation of a new tabernacle, work on which was abandoned, as worthy of the name which does not ening and prompting him as an in- the funds were required for lobbying move in these two ways. Moral dividual and as a member of a fam-in Washington." impulses and moral hindrances in-ily and of society, and leading him To intelligent people the foregoing here in all the religions of heathen- to the perfection of manhood in the will tell its legitimate tale. It exdom and Christendom. Belief in a proper exercise of all his powers, hibits the fact that the Tabernacle Supreme Being who is the Eternal for his own advancement, the bene- Square is one of the finest blocks in Judge of mortals is the central fit of the race and the glory of his Ogden. That it has been devoted principle and force of them all, and Eternal Father. "Mormonism" is to religious purposes by the Latterthis affects the conduct of their such a religion, and it bears in its day Saints is seen by the character devotees. The morals of the world bosom the very life currents essen- of the buildings erected upon it and have been regulated by the re-tial to a sound and practical moral-another in course of construction. ligions of the world, and the deca-ity. dence of morality means the decadence of religion.


lished there.

The excellence of the site has aroused the cupidity of the more "active politicians" of the Liberal It is claimed that all religions are party, who have concluded to make of human manufacture, that they SO FAR as we have been able to an effort to wrest it from the propriare the products of men's super- ascertain, there has been no defense etors. In any part of the civilized stitions and fears and imaginings. of the recent effort on the part of world such an attempt to appropriBut the religions that have swayed the Ogden Municipal Corporation-ate the property of a religious commankind and lifted humanity from through its Liberal City Council-munity, used for religious obserbarbarism were superior to the men to seize certain property in that vances, would be denounced as a who first received and taught them. town belonging to the Latter-day gross, intolerant and inexcusable They presented a higher standard Saints. The nearest approach to it outrage. Those who are not willof morality than anything existing in a public way has appeared in the ing to so characterize it, on the among them, and raised those who Ogden Union, a small paper pub-ground that the Latter-day Saints embraced their principles to a loftier plane than anything merely human It is not a defense, however, being had then devised. There are evi- more in the nature of an attempted dences in them all of something su- apology. It is, in substance, that perior to man and adapted to the the parties whom it is proposed to needs of the age and the people to deprive of their property need not whom they came; and no matter at this stage make an outery and how much they have been talk about robbery and stealing. changed by human additions They should, according to the paper or subtractions, enough remains we have mentioned, merely await, of the original to exhibit traces of quietly and supinely, the action of the Divine mind stooping to mortal the courts. capacity, for the purpose of elevatThis is not defending the position. ing, directing and restraining men It almost amounts to an admission and women and guiding all to a bet- of the fact that the Corporation has ter condition of existence in this no right to or claim upon the propworld, preparatory to further ad-erty in controversy. Indeed, it is vancement in a future state. Their impossible under the circumstances power has been proportionate to that it can have any such claim. their effects upon individuals and Such being the case, the very best society in moral directions, and aspect of this affair places it in the when these have begun to disappear, light of vexatious litigation, which their vitality and force as religions is contrary to the spirit and letter of have commenced to depart.

The modern attempts to separate religion altogether from practical, every-day affairs, to shut it out of education, business, society and politics, to make it a dreamy, airy, Sunday sentiment, are atheistical in their origin and detrimental to morality in their tendencies.

The world needs today a live, robust, energetic and potent religion that will permeate the whole nature of man and influence his every action. It must be for this life first, to prepare him for another by present conformation to the rules of right. Not something relating only to realms beyond the stars, but directing him in all that he does on this

all constitutional law.

An effort is being made to exten

are the intended victims, show the illiberality and contracted character of their souls; there is neither magnanimity nor justice in them. This effort on the part of the corporation through its Liberal Council not only contemplates the seizure of land many years since set apart for the erection of religious edifices, but would include as well the seizure and desecration of the buildings of that nature already on the ground. Villainy in that direction and a disregard of the rights of others could scarcely go further.

The concluding portion of the dispatch was intended, by creating prejudice, to take the curse off the proposed transaction in the minds of people outside of this Territory. We unhesitatingly characterize the statement it embodies regarding the use of the funds subscribed for the building of the new Tabernacle to be an unmitigated falsehood. Strucuate this high-handed outrage tures of this kind are erected by among the people abroad, or, rather, donations made by those belonging to create a prejudice that will cause to the community which assembles folks at a distance to view it leni- within them for worship. This being ently. As evidence of this we here the case, their construction is gradintroduce a dispatch sent over the ual, according to the ability of the wires from Ogden after the action of donors who supply the requisite the city council of that place, in means. That any of the funds which Mayor Keisel took the initia- bestowed by the people for the erection of that building have been devoted to a purpose other than that


"The Mormons are somewhat ex

cited over a movement inaugurated which was contemplated is utterly in our new Liberal City Council without foundation. The statement tending to wrest the so-called Taber- was a contemptible untruth offered nacle Square, one of the finest with the intention of palliating a of the Church, which has been piece of unadulterated villainy. holding it. At present there are on It is a somewhat healthy sign that

blocks in the town, from the grasp

there is no conspicuous endeavor from any quarter to defend what we designate a shameful act. It is not, however, as sound as it should be. There ought to be a universal, unqualified denunciation of this scheme, without reference to sect or party, religious, political or otherwise.



WE are indebted to Hon. Frank

lin S. Richards for a copy of the argument of Hon. James O. Broad

once, was never witnessed; at least locked and unfruitful enclosure is profane history fails to record any likely to become a glowing chapter such. Napoleon III overthrew a in the history of the world's prorepublic in a day and clambered gress. over its ruins to one of the most luxurious thrones that ever existed; but this was a change of form. The Japanese case is different, because it involves a change of heart, a change of purpose, in this egress, almost at a bound, from the caves of prehis-head before the Supreme Court in toric darkness into the broad light of the case of "The late Corporation of OF ALL the dusky-hued races, the the day of civilization. the Church of Jesus Christ of LatJapanese are undoubtedly the most It invests the change with all the ter-day Saints et al, appellants, vs. susceptible to modern influences more importance when we reflect the United States." The concluding and most disposed to make them- that Russia, which makes greater declarations of this eminent lawyer, selves homogeneous with the culti-pretensions to being among the upon the exercise of arbitrary vated peoples of the earth. Of late sisterhood of great and growing na-power, are so forceful, clear and years, and particularly during the tions, whose people are white-logical, that we reproduce them: present generation, this has been skinned, intelligent and Christian, "It will be observed that, so far most noticeable; so rapid has been is still fettered by the will of a des- as the personal property is conthe advancement made that it seems pot, who stubbornly refuses to give cerned, there is nothing in the act now as if Japan were as nearly his people a definite code and whose of 1887 which assigns any reason or abreast of the times in which we method of rule is to adapt circum-dissolved, or for directing the Sucause for declaring the corporation live as she can be with the primitive stances to cases as they arise, he be-preme Court of the Territory of and oriental basis upon which every ing the judge in every instance of Utah to wind up its affairs and set thing rests. Of course none of the what is proper. Attempted and ac-aside a portion of the real estate for languages with which it is possible complished assassinations and other tion of the act. Congress assumes the purposos named in the 26th secto achieve intellectual greatness-crimes of high and low degree with- that the act of 1862 has been vioEnglish, French, German, Italian out number have taken place, as the lated, and authorizes the Attorneyand Spanish—are spoken by the Jap-result of this stated determination to General to institute proceedings to anese, and perhaps never will be; prevent political conditions from be- States property acquired in violation forfeit and escheat to the United but they make the most of their coming classified, and yet, unless of the act of 1862, the proceeds to be comparatively meagre vocabulary, the feeling which has been growing disposed of by the Secretary of the and come as near to the customs of and ripening during the present Interior for the use of the common the Caucasian in all things as cir-century becomes strong enough to schools are open to the children of schools of the Territory. These cumstances will permit. set the authority of the Czar aside, people of all classes and denominathere is no more promise of a poputions. Therefore this property, lar constitution for Russia now than donated by members of a religious there was in the days of Vladimir. body for certain specific purposes, is to be seized and diverted to other and different uses, and for the benefit of persons who never contributed anything to it.

The greatest as well as most recent stride taken by the Mikado in behalf of his subjects is the promulgation of a new and modern

tion of the act the court is required By the provisions of the 17th secto effectuate the transfer of the title to real property "now held and used by the corporation for places of worwith and burial-grounds," to trusship and parsonages connected theretees for the purposes mentioned in the law.

The Japanese constitution was constitution. There is something formally promulgated on the 1st of to think of in this more than ap- February last. By its terms the pears at the bare mention of it. It Emperor is shorn of absolute power should be remembered that Japan while retaining his sovereignty has all along been an absolute des- and the perpetuity of the throne. potism; the people have been born A legislative body consisting of two and bred into the doctrine that their branches called the Diet is created. ruler has no earthly equal in any This is patterned somewhat after sense and to respect his lightest the British Parliament, the upper word as the most ponderous wis- house being only partly hereditary, The first clause of this section dedom and most sacred law. All their the other parts being nominative clares the corporation to be dissolveducation has been circumscribed and elective. ed, and requires the Attorney-GenAll of the lower eral to institute such proceedings bewithin a narrow sphere, and who house members are elective. Instead fore the Supreme Court of the Terwould suppose that systems which of laws originating in the legislative ritory of Utah as shall be proper to are the outgrowth of such food could assembly, as in most other countries, the section and to wind up the execute the foregoing provisions of all at once receive and digest a na- they are formulated by the sover-affairs of the corporation conformational bill of rights-a charter of eign as before and passed to the bly to law. To execute the foreliberty hitherto the especial prerog- Diet for approval, without which going provision of the section is to ative of enlightened joying complete or a large Truly, Japan is coming to the measure of independent freedom? front. Its population, which has Of course, the Japanese constitution all along been a vague conjecture is the handiwork of imported talent, but that matters not; it is theirs, although made to order; and henceforth Japan must be classed among the constitutional monarchies of the earth.

races en- they fail.

even by the best informed, cannot much longer be concealed; and under the new order of things there will not long be wanting the impetus of foreign investments among the immense resources of the inA greater stride than this, all at terior, so that what is presently a

decree that the corporation is dissolved; this the act of Congress requires the court to do, and then to wind up its affairs conformably to law.

ions of this section 17, the Supreme In pursuance of the broad provisCourt of the Territory, at the instance of the Attorney-General, seized upon all the property of the decreed a dissolution of the corporacorporation, real and personal, and tion, thus executing in the language of the act the provisions of this sec

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